< The Law of Ueki
The Law of Ueki/Characters
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. |
Ueki Team
Kousuke Ueki
Voiced by Romi Paku
- The Ace: Before he loses his talents. Before he lost his talents though, he was one of the most athletic members on the track team.
- Awesome By Analysis: So much that once he's figured out your powers and how they work, it is pretty much an Instant Win Condition of Ueki; from that point in the fight onwards its only a matter of time before he beats your face in.
- Brilliant but Lazy: His initial characterization.
- The Chew Toy: By Ai
- Chick Magnet: Before he loses this talent. When he was this, Mori commented that every day, a girl would confess her feelings for him and he'd reject them.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Even the author states that he's unpredictable.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The morn part comes into full-throttle once the Robert's Ten arc begins.
- Determinator: Nothing can make him his spirit if he's fighting to protect his friends.
- Fearless Fool: Oh so much.
- The Fool : Initially Brilliant but Lazy, but eventually settles on this.
- Foe Yay: With Robert. Hey, if you say you'll do anything to gain his trust which includes licking his shoe...
- Green Thumb: His power which is environmentally friendly, turning trash into trees.
- It turns out to be a real Game Breaker because it can negate any ability.
- Heavy Sleeper: Initially which led to the belief that he was Brilliant but Lazy
- The Hero[context?]
- Honor Before Reason: Ever since the Robert's Ten arc
- Ho Yay: With Sano. He'll go to extreme lengths to protect him.
- Idiot Hero: Becomes this by Volume 5.
- Made of Iron: Which causes Robert to undergo a Villainous Breakdown.
- Missing Mom: It turns out that she's dead. That's his human adopted mom.
- Played straight with his real Celestial mom who's implied to have left his real dad after he was dropped off in the real world.
- The Messiah: He spares even Robert on instinct during their fight.
- Won't Work On Me: His Level 2 ability reverses the process of any ability.
- No Sense of Direction: In the fight against Marilyn's team, he couldn't figure out where his teammates were and ended up in other places in that area until he backtracked to where he beat one of his opponents, took the scanner from him and used it to find his friends.
- Power Gives You Wings: His second to last God power.
- Talk to the Fist: What Kosuke tends to do to his opponents since he doesn't want to listen to them rant.
- Teen Genius: Before he lost his intelligence. He was so smart before he lost his powers that he could take tests and get 100 percent on them while he was asleep!
- This Loser Is You: Justified in that he actually is one of the smarter and athletic characters in the series as well as a Chick Magnet. However, his sense of justice is so high, he uses his powers on thugs often and as a result, loses all the above and becomes this. Mori and everyone around him lampshades this.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Your Days Are Numbered: He has the fewest talents in the series for some odd reason and as a result, the more he hurts outsiders, the more talents he loses. Once his talents reaches, zero, he'll die. Mori has to keep reminding him not to use his powers but he doesn't listen.
Ai Mori
- Badass Normal: For half of the series before she got her powers, she was able to hold her own in battle by outsmarting many of the villains. Even with her useless power, she managed to trick them and still come off on top.
- The Chick[context?]
- Fetish: Her power forces the person to have a glasses fetish.
- The Generic Girl: Until she gets her powers.
- Genki Girl
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Game Breaker: Her power. The only thing that prevents it from being one is the "Goodie Two-Shoes Pose" requirement.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Her parents never appear in the anime but they make at a few cameos in the manga as they often worry about their daughter.
- Lethal Chef: Subverted. Her food looks bad but tastes great.
- The Load: A more straight example than Hideyoshi. She has useless powers that can't help her friends out. Becomes more evident in the final battle in which all she can do is stand there and watch Anom kicked the crap out of Sano and Rinko.
- Protectorate: To Kosuke.
- The Scrappy: Your Mileage May Vary, but it has to do with constantly complaining, her annoying voice and the fact she doesn't do much even when she has her powers.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Rinko's girly girl.
- Tomoko Kawakami[context?]
- Tsundere: Type A.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- You Gotta Have Aquamarine Hair
Seiichiro Sano
- Awesome By Analysis: He can figure out a person's power very quickly. On the down side, he's knocked out before he can do anything.
- Black Comedy Rape: He thinks this when he yells at Mori in one of her matches that her opponent is going to rape her. She doesn't take it well.
- Break the Cutie: Capucho tried this on Sano by threatening to kill his God Candidate Inugami that he probably saw as more than a friend by planting a bomb on his neck and if he didn't join his team, he would set it off. He then forces Sano to fight against his friends. While Sano was trying to go around the deal by pretending to lose to Kosuke, Capucho wouldn't fall for it and then puts Mori and Rinko's life on the name as well as Inugami. It's when Inugami sacrifices himself to give Mori her powers and goes to Hell as a result is when he finally breaks down. Capucho then pushes his buttons by calling his friend a loser for forfeiting his chance to become God for someone like him. And while Kosuke stands up for him and demands to fight Capucho to take back what he said, Capucho declares that Sano won the match because Kosuke finish him off and then forces Sano to watch from the audience stand as he beats up Kosuke quite a bit. At this point, it becomes obvious that this tactic worked but Sano quickly grows out of it.
- Cry Cute[context?]
- The Cutie: Your Mileage May Vary greatly since he's far from Bishounen standards.
- Exactly What I Aimed At[context?]
- Extra Ore Dinary: Can turn towels into steel by holding his breath.
- Selective Magnetism: His Level 2 ability.
- Ho Yay: With Kosuke. The majority of the time, when Sano is in danger, it's always Kosuke that has to go save him and Kosuke literally snaps at the person who hurt him.
- Semi final match is the best example. Sano was knocked out of the battle in 2 minutes time and Kosuke snapped at his opponent. Funny how you don't see Kosuke yelling at the opponent Mori was fighting in the previous match despite the fact she was at a disadvantage.
- Kansai Regional Accent[context?]
- The Lancer[context?]
- Nice Guy[context?]
- Noodle Incident: How he got the burn on his face. All the character manual says is that he got into an accident at the hot springs.
- Only Sane Man[context?]
- Parental Abandonment/Parental Neglect: Your Mileage May Vary if this is the case for Sano's family since Sano never mentions his parents nor do they get screen time. The way he treats Wanko is more like a father than a friend and then there's the fact that Sano actually doesn't live where the series take place and in the sequel, he seems to be out of the country BY HIMSELF.
- Plucky Guy: See Break the Cutie.
- Protectorate: To Kosuke.
- Scars Are Forever: The burn on his face.
- Ship Tease: With Rinko.
- Soichiro Hoshi[context?]
- Wimpification: He suffers from this in fanfiction.
- Weak but Skilled: He is very creative with his attacks.
- The Worf Effect: He usually has to lose or get beaten up badly so Kosuke can jump in and finish the battle.
Rinko Jerrad
- Bare Your Midriff[context?]
- Berserk Button: DO NOT. INSULT. HER. Doing so will unleash her Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Overlaps with being Cute and Psycho in Sano's eyes.
- But Not Too Foreign[context?]
- Cute and Psycho: Sano thinks she's this.
- Cute Bruiser[context?]
- Cuteness Overload/Cuteness Proximity: This is her major weakness. When she sees something cute, she can't attack it. However, if you set her off, then it doesn't matter if the thing is cute. She will beat you up.
- Happiness in Slavery[context?]
- High Heel Face Turn: She wasn't evil but she was planning to finish Kosuke off until he won her over to his side.
- Important Haircut[context?]
- Lonely Rich Kid: Before she met Robert.
- Love Martyr[context?]
- Mamiko Noto[context?]
- Meganekko[context?]
- The Ojou[context?]
- Rose-Haired Girl[context?]
- Ship Tease: With Sano.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Can turn beads into bombs.
- The Smart Girl[context?]
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Mori's tomboy.
- The Woobie[context?]
- Yamato Nadeshiko[context?]
Hideyoshi Soya
- Animal Stereotypes: He is commonly referred to a monkey by his friends and enemies. He even acts like a monkey and looks like one.
- Art Imitates Life[context?]
- Butt Monkey[context?]
- Confusion Fu: His favored tactic in conjunction with his ability to turn voices into portraits.
- Cowardly Lion[context?]
- Expy: Of Jack from Marchen Awakens Romance.
- Kappei Yamaguchi[context?]
- The Load: Hideyoshi knows he's this and prays that he never has to fight in the tournament. Luck is usually on his side.
- Lovable Coward[context?]
- Make Me Wanna Shout[context?]
- Plucky Comic Relief[context?]
- Promotion to Parent: Or at least an older brother figure to the orphans.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: During the last battle, he abandons his friends because he knows he can't beat Anon. He comes back near the end because he realized he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if his friends died. This causes him to get knocked out by one of Kosuke's attacks and sure enough, saves his life.
- The Trickster[context?]
- Weak but Skilled[context?]
- Batman Gambit[context?]
- Cool Shades[context?]
- Dirty Old Man[context?]
- King of All Cosmos - He's a Dirty Old Man... And he's essentially god.
- Reasonable Authority Figure[context?]
- Actual Pacifist - Though he will act occasionally in defense of his students.
- Badass Teacher - The page image!
- Perma-Stubble[context?]
- Portmanteau - Usually referred to as "Kobasen," a Portmanteau of "Kobayashi" and "sensei." In the official translations, this gets changed to "Mr. K."
- Scary Shiny Glasses - Frequently overlaps with Opaque Lenses.
- Sink or Swim Mentor[context?]
- Trickster Mentor[context?]
- Butt Monkey - Word of God actually confirmed that pretty much his main purpose in life is to be picked on by Kobayashi.
- King of All Cosmos - And your new god is a Butt Monkey!
- Nice Hat[context?]
- Reasonable Authority Figure - Quite possibly the only sane adult in the series.
- Scarf of Asskicking[context?]
- Throw the Dog a Bone - He's a huge Butt Monkey... And then the kids pick him as King's replacement.
- Wingding Eyes - He doesn't have pupils, just spirals in his irises. (Then again, he's not exactly human, either.)
Capucho Team
- An Ice Person[context?]
- Breath Weapon[context?]
- Complete Monster: His level of evilness makes Robert look sane.
- Gonk[context?]
- Mind Rape: His strategy he used to break Sano. It works to an extent.
- Nice Cap[context?]
- Smug Snake[context?]
- Yuu Asakawa[context?]
Grano Team
- Barrier Warrior: Can turn his clothing into a barrier.
- Full-Contact Magic: His Level 2 ability enables him to attack his opponent from within his barrier.
- Catch Phrase: "Baby"
- Kentaro Ito[context?]
Team Marilyn
Marilyn Carrey
- Blood Knight: She was raised as one. She doesn't like fighting though.
- Bullet Time: Her ability turns one second into ten seconds for herself, giving her Super Speed.
- Super Strength: His level 2 ability doubles her attack power for 10 minutes, after which she undergoes a Superpower Meltdown.
- Knife Nut[context?]
- Teleport Spam: His ability enables him to move to wherever he throws his knife at. Gee, why does it sound familiar?
- Shadow Pin: His level 2 ability.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: His ability triples his pair of arms.
- More Dakka: His preferred application of his power.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Gal
- Art Imitates Life: Her ability allows her to create Portal Doors to deal Death From Above with Putting's Hyperspace Arsenal.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Never underestimate the power of Glasses Fetish!
- Hyperspace Arsenal: His ability turns his mouth into one.
Barrow Team
Barrow Eschalot
- Time Master: His ability is to turn past visions into reality.
- Spam Attack: He uses this to fire ranged weapons such as Kurogane, Mash, and Gulliver from multiple places at once.
- Required Secondary Powers: If he uses melee weapons such as Ranma, Namihana, and Pick however, he also creates a past vision of himself, leaving him vulnerable as he will take any damage taken by his clones.
Van Decout
- Eiji Takemoto[context?]
- Face of a Thug[context?]
- Large Ham[context?]
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Calling Rinko a small fry DOES NOT end up well for him.
- Marionette Master: His ability turns his Sacred Treasures into Badass Adorables.
- Verbal Tic: TO THE MAX!
- Invisibility: His ability renders his Sacred Treasures invisible.
- Rated "M" for Manly[context?]
- Tohru Ookawa[context?]
- Younger Than He Looks[context?]
Kill Norton
Robert's Team
Robert Haydn
- All of the Other Reindeer[context?]
- Anti-Villain[context?]
- Break the Cutie: His childhood.
- Creepy Child[context?]
- Creepy Monotone[context?]
- Dark and Troubled Past[context?]
- Foe Yay: With Kosuke and Sano (behind the scenes apparently). Concerning Kosuke, he wasn't pleased that Kosuke saved his life during battle and when the match was put on a halt, he started considering to join forces with him. Too bad Margaret wouldn't let him.
- Freudian Excuse: Let's just say his childhood wasn't pretty.
- Gravity Master: His Level 2 ability, usually manifested in the form of bubbles.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart -> Heel Face Turn: He was considering joining up with Kosuke and the group because they showed him the wonders of The Power of Friendship. Then his God candidite appears with Anom and Anom easily defeats and swallows. Thankfully, he's saved by Kosuke by the last episode and does a complete Heel Face Turn.
- Mitsuki Saiga[context?]
- Nietzsche Wannabe[context?]
- Omnicidal Maniac[context?]
- Teens Are Monsters: Like the majority of the villains in the series.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds[context?]
- Your Mind Makes It Real: His ability is to turn an ideal into reality at the cost of a year of his life per use, though he can use the ideals once he makes it real without any repurcussions.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: His Ranma.
- Always Accurate Attack[context?]
- Nigh Invulnerable: His Fuudou.
- Spam Attack: His Kurogane
- This Is a Drill: His Pick.
Carl P. 'Carpaccio' Accio
- The Dragon: To Robert.
- Hawaiian-Shirted Tourist: Dresses like one.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: This is how Ueki defeated him with Tenko's help.
- Mega Manning: His Level 1 ability enables him to absorb the abilities of Robert's Ten members for as long as he's within 10 meters of them for at least 24 hours.
- Teleport Spam: His Level 2 ability enables him to switch places with anything he touches.
- Wataru Takagi[context?]
Alessio Iuliano
Kamui Rosso
- The Brute[context?]
- Kouji Ishii[context?]
- Power Fist: What his ring-turned-rocket is usually for.
Becky Wolf
- The Gunslinger[context?]
- Verbal Tic: Tends to end her sentences with "desu".
- Yumiko Kobayashi
Marco Maldini
- Evil Chef[context?]
- Magma Man: Can turn tomatoes into magma.
- Show Hayami[context?]
Taro Myojin
- Confusion Fu[context?]
- Mayumi Yamaguchi[context?]
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Can turn whistles into lasers.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Can turn CDs into buzzsaws.
- Verbal Tic: Ends his sentences with "~su".
- Feather Flechettes[context?]
- Noriaki Sugiyama[context?]
- Power Gives You Wings: Can turn capes into wings.
- Shock and Awe: Can turn electricity into sugar. The Shock and Awe comes in when he reverts sugar back to electricity.
- Back to The Law of Ueki
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