The Annoying Orange
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The Annoying Orange is a series of videos hosted on YouTube and, involving a talking orange who is annoying.
It was created by Dane Boedigheimer, who had, along with his company Gagfilms, previously made several videos about talking food, including some for JibJab.
The show had an immense and unexpected popularity, with his first video reaching several million views. After noticing what a hit his creation turned to be, Daneboe started posting new videos more regularly, and at present a new episode is out every Friday. There's also a Spin-Off starring the Transplanted character Liam the Leprechaun. Cartoon Network has picked up an Annoying Orange TV series, The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, which aired the episode "Marshmalia" as a sneak peek on May 28, 2012 and will officially premiere with the episode "Captain Blood Orange" on June 11, 2012. There's even an Annoying Orange chatbot [dead link] . Lastly, there's a Licensed iOS Game, The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD. However, public reception is mixed. While most commenters on the channel seem to love the character, others consider him to be just annoying or simply unfunny. Which is, y'know, why it exists.
- Actor Allusion: Three in a row at the beginning of The Onion Ring:
Kevin Brueck: You guys hear about this video? It's, uh, pretty scary stuff.
Bobjenz: Wait, is that the one where the guy sniffs Gorilla Glue?
Theresa Barket: No-no-no, it's the one where the girl kills all those eggs.
Dan Heinan: No-no-no, it's the one where the guy does taxes with his cat, right?
- Anvil on Head: In Fortune Cookie and Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, the radish from the Misfortune Gang gets crushed by an anvil, as predicted by Miss Fortune Cookie.
- April Fool's Plot: Annoying Orange 2.0!!! turns out to be one of these.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "No. No, none of this is good. I'm stuck with an orange that runs his mouth like a weed-eater on rocket-fuel, a crab that thinks he's a cowboy, and a freaking midget apple!"
- Art Shift:
- Charlie the Unicorn Gets Annoyed features a cartoon version of Orange.
- Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF) features sprite versions of Orange, Marshmallow, and Princess Butterfly Kiss.
- Annoying Orange Presents - Grapefruit's Totally True Tales: Bigfoot features a cartoon version of Grapefruit.
- Laser Pointer Hack! features a cartoon version of Orange (and of Daneboe).
- Auto-Tune: In Orange gets Autotuned, Kitchen Intruder (Bed Intruder Spoof) with AutoTune remix!, Full Kitchen Intruder Song (free MP3 download!), and The Digitour Livestream April 8th.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever:
- One of the clips from Mystery Guest shows a nearly skyscraper-sized Orange with Eye Beams destroying a city.
- The "Previously On..." clips from Previously On have Marshmallow grow giant (several times larger than Orange's example above) and crash through a city while eating clouds like cotton candy.
- The Toast Busters clip from Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters! has Marshmallow be giant again--not as big as the previous instance, but still big enough to eat small skyscrapers.
- Big No:
- Orange at the end of More Annoying Orange.
- Orange and Pear at the end of Annoying Orange vs. FRED!!!
- Big Damn Heroes: In Kitchen Intruder (Bed Intruder Spoof) with AutoTune remix!, Orange is stated to have rescued Nancy Nectarine from Knife by spitting seeds at him until he left.
- Big OMG: Lemon does this in Wasssabi.
- Biting the Hand Humor: YouTube from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange! being a ditz.
- Bland-Name Product: Carco from Annoying Orange vs. Gecko (Geico Spoof).
- Breaking the Fourth Wall:
- In Hey YOUTUBE!!!, Orange seems to recognize the viewer and claims he/she "looks like an apple".
- In Liam The Leprechaun - Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! [Interactive] and its three Multiple Endings Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Bows To The Monster Rainbow [Interactive], Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive] and Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive], Liam talks directly to the viewer.
- Viztone2 and the Missing Episode AO_viztone [dead link] consist entirely of Orange talking at the viewer.
- Breathe on the Fan: Orange does this to imitate Darth Vader in Viral Vote and Rolling in the Dough.
- Brick Joke
- Bring My Brown Pants: In YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!, YouTube sees Daneboe playing The Scary Maze Game and tries to get him to stop playing, claiming that Daneboe will "poop [his] pants." When Daneboe shows up again at the end of the video...
YouTube: Did you, uh...did you poop your pants?
Daneboe: Yeah.
- Caffeine Bullet Time: Happens to Orange in ZOOM!!! after he inadvertently drinks some ZOOM Energy Drink.
- Call Back: Quite a few of them.
- Daneboe Exposed #6: HACKED!!! has one to VCR Hack!
- The Cameo: Orange has appeared in several videos by Daneboe and others. See the trivia sheet for a full list.
- Celebrity Paradox: Daneboe and several other actors have appeared both as themselves and as different characters.
- Celebrity Star: Nearly every episode puts the spotlight on a new character, and most of them are voiced by Special Guests (usually fellow YouTubers).
- Censorship by Spelling: Microwave Effect:
Pear: Don't mention the K-N-I-F-E.
Orange: The Kanifee? What's a Kanifee?
Apple: That's knife you idiot. He's not supposed to mention the... wait a second, I'm gonna get knifed!?
- Chainsaw Good: Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig wields a chainsaw in in Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap.
- Character as Himself: Some characters are listed as such at the ends of The Sitcom, Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap, Charlie the Unicorn Gets Annoyed, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION, and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION.
- Cheek Copy: Done by Midget Apple in Wishful Thinking. It just looks like a circle though.
- Chekhov MIA: Pumpkin appears for the first time since Plumpkin at the end of Crabapple.
- Chekhov's Gun: The whistling pinwheel from Luck o' the Irish shows up again in Back to the Fruiture. Oh, and it's the most powerful weapon known to mankind. Or fruitkind.
- Choose Your Own Adventure: Liam The Leprechaun - Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! [Interactive] and its three Multiple Endings Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Bows To The Monster Rainbow [Interactive], Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive] and Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive].
- Christmas Episode: There's at least one Christmas video every year.
- 2009: Sandy Claus
- 2010: Nokia wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Flamin' Good New Year! [dead link] and Wishful Thinking
- 2011: Annoying Orange - Xmas Card Xplosion!!, Annoying Orange - Orange vs. Frosty, Annoying Orange - Marshmallow's Christmas Sock, Annoying Orange - Nutcracker, Annoying Orange - Dizzy Hanukkah, Annoying Orange - Ding-A-Ling, Annoying Orange - Ginger Man, and Annoying Orange - Midget Rudolph
- Chroma Key
- Circling Birdies:
- In The Amnesiac Orange, Orange gets circling stars after getting Easy Amnesia. Immediately afterward, two cartoon birds show up and complain that the stars are stealing their jobs. At the end of the episode, Midget Apple also gets Easy Amnesia, complete with circling stars. The birds then show up again and start beating up the stars.
- In Kung Fruit, Midget Apple, Grapefruit and Pear get circling stars after Coconut uses Kung Fruit on them.
- In Bacon Invaders (ft. Harley from EpicMealTime), Midget Apple gets circling stars again.
- Clip Show: Annoying Orange Marketing Promo Reel, which features clips from The Annoying Orange, A Cheesy Episode, Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple, The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage & Jalapeño, plus Orange's theme song from Theme Song Attack! & The Digitour Livestream April 8th.
- Comically Missing the Point:
Liam the Leprechaun: Today's fight is a one-round no-holds-barred fight to the finish between the two most annoying entities in the world!
Orange: Yay! Go Pear!
Pear: Dude, he's not talking about me.
- Orange seems to be prone to this. In Rap-berry:
Red Raspberry: There's this orange, and he's totally annoying...
Orange: Hmm... I wonder who he's talking about!
- Who says it's only Orange? Annoying Orange Comedy Roast! gives us this gem:
Marshmallow: Yay! I think Orange is great!
Pear: Marshmallow, you're doing it wrong.
Marshmallow: Yay! *is pulled away by a candy cane*
- Contest Winner Cameo:
- Picture Contest announced a contest for fans to make their own Annoying Orange pictures and upload them to Orange's Facebook page. The contest ran from 5/21/2010 to 5/29/2010. The top 19 pictures were featured in Picture Contest Winners!, and six of the top 19 were also featured in Back to the Fruiture. The creators of the top 19 pictures each recieved an Annoying Orange T-shirt, and the creator of the best picture also recieved $100.
- Be a star! announced a contest for fans to record videos of themselves saying "I’m a star! A great big shining star! Yaaaay!" and upload them to YouTube as video responses to the episode. The contest ran from 6/3/2011 to 6/10/2011. The winner got to be the Star saying the line in Meteortron (Transformers Spoof), and the top 34 audition videos were featured in Viewer Auditions For Meteortron.
- Continuity Nod: Quite a few of them.
- Courtroom Episode: Food Court.
- Crossover: Plenty of them, both official and unofficial.
- The official ones:
- With Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig in Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap.
- With Corey and Lucas for the Win in Prom: One Perfect Moment w/ LisaNova, ShayCarl & more! (Corey & Lucas For The Win Finale).
- With Dr. Interwebz in YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- With Fred in Fred: Goes Grocery Shopping Feat. Annoying Orange and Annoying Orange vs. FRED!!!
- With Glitter Groin in WTF is that?!
- With Gypsy in Liam The Leprechaun - Misfortune Teller.
- With Kool Killer in Previously On.
- With Madagascar in Annoying Orange - Big Top Orange.
- With Monster in Daneboe Exposed #6: HACKED!!!
- With Robot and Me in Blast The Annoying Orange! Liam The Leprechaun Gets His Own YouTube Channel!
- With Tom Cruise in Annoying Orange Meets Tom Cruise, Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind, and Annoying Orange 2.0!!!
- With YouTube in YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- With Zombie George Washington in ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!!, possibly Orange Through Time #3: EXTENDED EDITION!, ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains, Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!, and WazZOOM.
- The unofficial ones:
- With Angry Birds in Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds and its eight Multiple Endings Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: PASSION FRUIT, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: GRANDPA LEMON, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: PEAR, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: GRAPEFRUIT, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: MIDGET APPLE, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: ZOOM, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: ORANGE and Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: MARSHMALLOW.
- With Charlie the Unicorn in Charlie the Unicorn Gets Annoyed and Annoying Orange meets Charlie the Unicorn (Spoof).
- With Frosty the Snowman in Annoying Orange - Orange vs. Frosty.
- With Godzilla in Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters!
- With Halo in Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!
- With Happy Wheels in Daneboe's user submitted level Annoying Orange v. 1 [dead link] .
- With Harry Potter in Smosh: HARRY POTTER DELETED SCENES!
- With The Lord of the Rings in Annoying Orange 2.0!!!
- With Mortal Kombat in YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange! and Annoying Orange vs. Mortal Kombat.
- With My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic in ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains.
- With Nyan Cat in Epic Rap Battles Of Kitchenry (ft. NicePeter) and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- With Pac-Man in Pacmania.
- With Pokémon in Annoying Orange - Marshmallow's Christmas Sock and The Fruitbowl.
- With Plants vs. Zombies in Daneboe Exposed #7: THUMBS! and Ask Orange #3: A-TOY-ING ORANGE!
- With Saw in Annoying Orange Saw and Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap.
- With Star Wars in Smosh: I LOST MY HAIR!/I LOST MY HAIR! (EN ESPAÑOL).
- With Super Mario Bros. in Super Mario and In the Dark.
- The official ones:
- A Day in the Limelight: Annoying Pear, which focuses on Pear taking over the annoying duties while Orange is sick.
- Dead Person Conversation: Between Orange Potter and Grandpa Lemondore in Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple.
- Death by Cameo: Minor characters are routinely killed, whether they're voiced by Daneboe himself or a Special Guest.
- Death Montage: 1 BILLION KILLS!, a Fully-Automatic Clip Show.
- Deface of the Moon: At the end of Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind, the Moon is given Orange's face (and it stays that way, as seen in Frankenfruit and Pear's theme song from Theme Song Attack! & The Digitour Livestream April 8th). Strangely, Orange Through Time #3: EXTENDED EDITION! shows that the Moon had its own face in 1969.
- Deliberately Monochrome: The silent, subtitled portion of Liam The Leprechaun - Passionfruit's World Peace (Starring iJustine & Daneboe!)
- Detonation Moon: At the end of FPS Orange.
- Divide by Zero: Daneboe divides five by zero on a calculator in a Flash Back from Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse. It causes an Earthshattering Kaboom.
- Double Entendre: Tomatoes stating that they're fruits.
- Dynamic Entry: Knife and Squash's usual method of entry, though neither of them mean any harm. In Knife's case it's because of humans wielding him, but Squash just drops out of nowhere.
- Earthshattering Kaboom: Happens in a Flash Back from Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse. It was caused by Daneboe dividing five by zero on a calculator.
- Easy Amnesia: Orange gets it in The Amnesiac Orange. After Orange recovers, Midget Apple gets it.
- Enforced Method Acting: Prank Call #1: Tanning Salon is a real prank call.
- Entendre Failure: Happens in Smosh: HARRY POTTER DELETED SCENES! See Smosh's page for details.
- Even the Subtitler Is Stumped:
- If you turn on the Closed Captions on No More Mr. Knife Guy, at around 1:45 they read "This one time, I [?] a tuna can in three seconds flat." (The missing word is "julienned.")
- If you turn on the Closed Captions on Dr. Bananas, at around 0:18 they read "Hey, something [indistinct] is going on here." (The missing word is "shady.")
- Every Episode Ending: Almost every episode ends with the fruit/thing he is annoying being cut or destroyed in some way.
- Part of the time, three seconds later he sees them as whatever new food they've been made into (Tomato into ketchup, Apples into apple pie, etc.)
- Also occasionally inverted, with things ending badly for Orange (though he never gets Knifed). The most egregious instance of this is YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!, which ends with YouTube injecting Orange with swine flu.
- Evil Gloating: Big Rock Candy Monster from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Eye Scream:
- Happens to poor Mango from It Takes Two to Mango.
- Happens to one of the Flowers from Flower Power!
- Happens to the Moon in Orange Through Time #3: EXTENDED EDITION!
- Face Ship: Grapefruit has one in the "Previously On..." clips from Previously On.
- A Fate Worse Than Death: Cheese from A Cheesy Episode is grateful for being shredded as he won't have to hear the Orange's sour puns.
- Fauxshadow: The ending of Going Walnuts. Genre Savvy viewers will expect the previously mentioned nutcracker to be used on Walnut, but instead a squirrel shows up out of nowhere to eat him.
- Flash Back
- Foreshadowing:
- The bit of dramatic music that indicates that whatever Orange is talking to is going to get...well, you know.
- In The Exploding Orange, Kiwi is reading a newspaper with the headline Gorilla Escapes From Local Zoo. The gorilla shows up near the end of the episode to eat two bananas that had been hanging around for most of the episode as the characters of the day.
- For the Funnyz: No matter how tragic it gets, Orange will try to lighten the mood with a joke.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: Daneboe Exposed #1: Nipple4Nipple, SHOUT OUT SUNDAY: Episode 14, Daneboe Exposed #5: Annoying Orange Exposed, Daneboe Exposed #6: HACKED!!!, Daneboe Exposed #7: THUMBS!, ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!!, Ask Orange #1, Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters!, Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse, Ask Orange #3: A-TOY-ING ORANGE!, ASK AARON ANYTHING #1, ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains, and Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!
- Fractured Fairy Tale: In "Once Upon an Orange", Orange interferes with the endings of "Three Little Pigs", "Jack and the Beanstalk", and "Hansel and Gretel".
- Freeze-Frame Bonus:
- Orange's appearances in some of Daneboe's other videos.
- All of the Mustachios' appearances (except in Mystery of the Mustachios).
- The "If you saw this, type ______ in the comments!" annotations.
- Fully-Automatic Clip Show: 1 BILLION KILLS!, a Death Montage.
- Fun with Acronyms: At the end of SHOUT OUT SUNDAY: Episode 14, Orange points out that Brittani Louise Taylor's initials are "BLT! Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato!"
- Furry Confusion:
- iPhones are sentient in Orange gets Autotuned and YouTubers but appear to be non-sentient in Back to the Fruiture and iPhone App makes popcorn!
- Gummy worms are sentient in Gumbrawl - Extended Version, but Orange had previously been shown eating one in a clip from Mystery Guest.
- One of Orange's best friends is a marshmallow, but the early episode Luck o' the Irish has Orange mention that marshmallows make him gassy.
- YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange! has the eponymous YouTube eating a non-sentient (or possibly just dead) banana before and during his encounter with Orange.
- All over the place in Epic Peel Time.
- Got Me Doing It:
- In Plants vs Zombies: Mini Game #10, Midget Apple accidentally calls himself Midget Apple instead of Little Apple.
Midget Apple: AAUGH! I called myself a midget! Oh, no...oh, I'm a victim of my own crimes...
- In Annoying Orange 2.0!!!, Midget Apple almost calls himself Midget Apple instead of Little Apple again.
- Groin Attack:
- In The Viral Video Kit, the eponymous kit includes an entire collection of groin shots.
Announcer: See guys get hit in the nuts with baseballs, footballs, garbage cans, toilets, manhole covers, and the Annoying Orange!
Orange: Whoa! That was nuts!
- In The Leprechaun Trap, the "shoehorn" does this to Liam the Leprechaun.
- Guns Akimbo: One of the "Previously On..." clips from Previously On (glimpsed in Spudow Rocket! - DANEBOEVLOG) has Orange firing a pair of machine guns at a robot.
- Halloween Episode: There's at least one Halloween video every year.
- 2009: Plumpkin
- 2010: Frankenfruit and Annoying Orange: Frankenfruit OUTTAKES
- 2011: Chiller (with free MP3!!!)
- Helium Speech: Pear in Happy Birthday! after a balloon flies in his face.
- Here We Go Again
- Hiccup Hijinks: The Exploding Orange reveals that if a fruit has the hiccups for too long, they explode. Then Orange gets the hiccups...
- Hilarious Outtakes: A few outtake videos are set "behind the scenes", but most actually are set behind the scenes.
- Hollywood Voodoo: In The Voodoo You Do! and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION.
- Human Cannonball: Well, not human, but Midget Apple gets shot out of a cannon in Naval Orange.
- Humans Are Cthulhu: Almost every episode ends with the orange's victim being cut up and served--or otherwise being horrifically and uncontrollably removed--by a human (Daneboe, possibly playing himself)
- Hurricane of Puns:
- A Cheesy Episode.
- Orange's scene in Annoying Orange Meets Tom Cruise.
- Hyperventilation Bag: Referenced by the bananas in The Exploding Orange.
- I Can See My House From Here: Said by Marshmallow when he lands on Lime's head in Happy Birthday!
- Insistent Terminology:
- It's Little Apple, not Midget Apple!
- The Mustachios from Mystery of the Mustachios are Mustachios, not Pistachios!
- Interquel: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!) is set immediately after Luck o' the Irish.
- Interspecies Romance:
- Between Cantaloupe and Balloon from The Amnesiac Orange...until Balloon pops.
- Marshmallow's parents are a unicorn and a marshmallow, respectively revealed in Mommy and Me and the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- It's a Wonderful Plot: Wishful Thinking.
- Jet Pack: One of the clips from Mystery Guest shows Orange using one.
- The Jimmy Hart Version: The music from Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF) is based on Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! (heard in Nyan Boe).
- Kill'Em All: Happens in almost EVERY. EPISODE.
- Lampshade Hanging: Everyone who's not Orange does this at some point.
- Late Arrival Spoiler
- Laugh Track: The Sitcom, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION, and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION all have one, supposedly a Studio Audience.
- Leitmotif: There are two--Marshmallow's, which is a cheerful piano tune (sometimes used without him, especially in Flashbacks), and the dramatic music that plays when someone is being chopped up by Knife.
- Let's Play:
- Kitchen Carnage: Annoying Orange video game! and Kitchen Carnage 1.1: Annoying Update! are LPs of the Licensed iOS Game The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage by Daneboe himself.
- Plants vs Zombies: Mini Game #10 is Midget Apple's LP of the Plants vs. Zombies mini-game "Big Trouble Little Zombie."
- Licensed Game: The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD.
- Love Triangle: Between Orange, Passion Fruit and Grapefruit. Initially subverted when Grapefruit died, but he later came Back from the Dead.
- Magic Wand: Used in Smosh: HARRY POTTER DELETED SCENES! and Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple.
- Me's a Crowd: Happens to Orange in Million Clones. Groups of Annoying Oranges also appear in The Cursed Onion Ring Tape, Annoying Valentines Surprise, and Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters!.
- Medium Awareness: During the silent, subtitled portion of Liam The Leprechaun - Passionfruit's World Peace (Starring iJustine & Daneboe!), Liam points out that "everything we say gets translated into these giant letters down here!"
- The Merch: There are official Annoying Orange toys [dead link] , Annoying Orange shirts, Annoying Orange stickers, Liam the Leprechaun shirts, and Gagfilms shirts.
- Missing Episode: AO_viztone [dead link] .
- Most Annoying Sound: In-universe, Orange explicitly calls his scream this in Sandy Claus.
- MST: In AO Riffs: Mission Impossible 4, of a trailer for |Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.
- Multiple Endings:
- Liam The Leprechaun - Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! [Interactive] has three: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Bows To The Monster Rainbow [Interactive], Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive], and Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive].
- Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds has eight: Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: PASSION FRUIT, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: GRANDPA LEMON, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: PEAR, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: GRAPEFRUIT, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: MIDGET APPLE, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: ZOOM, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: ORANGE, and Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: MARSHMALLOW.
- "On the Next...": Previously On ends with one of these.
- Once an Episode:
Orange: Hey! Hey X!
X: What?
Orange: Y.
- One Steve Limit:
- Averted due to the characters' Species Names.
- Also averted in the crossovers, which have involved two different Charlies--Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig and Charlie the Unicorn.
- Or Was It a Dream?: Chiller (with free MP3!!!)
- Out-of-Genre Experience: The Sitcom, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION, and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION are Annoying Orange AS A Sitcom!
- Parody Commercial: The Viral Video Kit and Annoying Orange vs. Gecko (Geico Spoof).
- Pokémon-Speak: In Annoying Orange - Easter Island, the language spoken by Peep and Marshmallow.
- Pepper Sneeze: Happens to Marshmallow in The Amnesiac Orange.
- Photo Comic: The official site's AOComix are made using screenshots from Annoying Orange videos.
- POV Cam: From Papaya's point of view in First Person Fruiter.
- "Previously On...":
- Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!) (the first episode of Liam's Spin-Off) opens with a clip from Luck o' the Irish (Liam's first Annoying Orange appearance).
- Previously On opens with a series of clips supposedly from previous Annoying Orange episodes.
- Product Placement:
- In Fruit For All, the eponymous game show is presented by Dole.
- Annoying Orange toys [dead link] appear in Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse, Epic Rap Battles Of Kitchenry (ft. NicePeter), Ask Orange #3: A-TOY-ING ORANGE!, and Annoying Orange Presents - Grapefruit's Totally True Tales: Bigfoot.
- Production Foreshadowing: A few episodes of Daneboe's Angry Birds Let's Play provide possibly-unintentional examples, as some of them open with a (most likely unintentional) Freeze-Frame Bonus showing Daneboe's computer screen.
- In Angry Birds 33: Snorkle Burps, Angry Birds #34: EWWW GROSS!!!, Angry Birds 35: I'm better now, and Angry Birds #37: GIANT BIRDS!!!, one of the files on Dane's desktop is "AO Party"--Party Rock (ft. DeStorm) wouldn't be released until 26 to 18 days later.
- In Angry Birds #41: Glitch in the Matrix!!!, one of the files on Dane's desktop is "Epic Rap Battle Guide Track.mp4"--Epic Rap Battles Of Kitchenry (ft. NicePeter) wouldn't be released until 6 days later.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!:
- "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!" (Grapefruit's sister, in Grapefruit's Revenge)
- "ZOOM! Can't! Hold it! Any! Longer!" (ZOOM Energy Drink, in ZOOM!!!)
- Rapid-Fire Comedy
- Reality Is Unrealistic: According to Orange, anyway; in the episode Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples, Orange doesn't believe in green apples, much to the Green Apple's chagrin.
- Recap Episode: Equals Annoying Orange (Equals Three Spoof) has Orange review Sneezing Marshmallow (Sneezing Baby Panda Spoof), Orange After Dentist (David After Dentist Spoof), Kitchen Intruder (Bed Intruder Spoof) with AutoTune remix! and Annoying Orange meets Charlie the Unicorn (Spoof) (the past four Orange viral video spoofs) in the style of Equals Three.
- Record Needle Scratch
- Revenge of the Sequel: Grapefruit's Revenge (not featuring Grapefruit, as this was before he came Back from the Dead).
- Rimshot: Happens a lot in the Stand Up Comedy episode Comedy Clubbing.
- Running Gag:
- Midget Apple insisting his name is Little Apple.
- Grandpa Lemon falling asleep at random times.
- A sort of out-of-universe example: the "If you saw this, type ______ in the comments!" annotations.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: In Annoying Orange - Ding-A-Ling.
- Shout-Out
- Stock Shout Out: In April Fruits Day, after it's revealed that Orange is really Midget Apple after his costume gets deflated by Knife:
Midget Apple: And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Knife!
- Sick Episode: Annoying Pear, which focuses on Pear taking over the annoying duties while Orange is sick.
- Something Completely Different: Orange occasionally annoys things besides food. He's even prank called a tanning salon.
- Sound Effect Bleep: In Liam The Leprechaun in a Tree!, Passion of the Fruit, Daneboe Exposed #1: Nipple4Nipple, Smosh: HARRY POTTER DELETED SCENES!, The Digitour Livestream April 8th, Fruit For All, Daneboe Exposed #7: THUMBS!, Viewer Auditions For Meteortron, Liam The Leprechaun - Misfortune Teller Bloopers & Out-Takes, Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse, and Epic Peel Time.
- Special Guest: Even excluding the frequent appearances by other YouTubers, we still have the members of Weezer as the Bonsai Tree & Party Platter from Wazzup 3: Bonsai Tree, James Caan as Jalapeño from Jalapeño, and John Leguizamo as Jumping Bean from Jumping Bean (ft. John Leguizamo) and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- Spin-Off:
- The Annoying Orange could be considered a spinoff of Gagfilms.
- Liam the Leprechaun, sort of--the character predates Annoying Orange, but the series is considered an AO spinoff.
- Grapefruit has his own channel too, though no videos have been uploaded to it yet.
- Spiritual Successor: To Daneboe's earlier Anthropomorphic Food videos.
- Stand Up Comedy: Comedy Clubbing.
- The Stinger: At the ends of Daneboe Exposed #1: Nipple4Nipple, Happy Birthday!, Frankenfruit, Theme Song Attack!, Food Court, Annoying Valentines, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), It Takes Two to Mango, ZOOM!!!, Rolling in the Dough, Comedy Clubbing, Ultimate Marshmallow Tease, and Annoying Orange - Easter Island.
- Stopped Numbering Sequels:
- At first, the regular episodes were numbered, with specials being unnumbered. After Passion of the Fruit, the regular episodes dropped the numbering, blurring the line between regular episodes and specials.
- After Wazzup 3: Bonsai Tree, the Wazzup sub-series dropped its numbering as well.
- Studio Audience: What the Laugh Track in The Sitcom, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION, and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION is supposed to be.
- Syncro-Vox
- Talking to Himself: Most of the main characters and many of the minor characters are played by Daneboe, Bobjenz, or Kevin Brueck.
- That's What She Said: Mentioned by Glitter Groin at the end of WTF is that?!
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: When a character is being chopped by Knife, dramatic music plays, Knife cuts the fruit in a way of slaughtering, and fruit juice representing blood sprays out of the cut fruit.
- This Explains So Much: In Introduction To "Ultimate Dog Tease" (when Marshmallow and Midget Apple have just watched Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog):
Marshmallow: Yay! I love Bizkit!
Midget Apple: You think Bizkit's gonna be okay after bashing his head against the wall?
Marshmallow: Ooh! I love bashing my head against the wall!
Midget Apple: That explains a lot, actually.
- Time Machine: In Microwave Effect.
- Time Travel: In Back to the Fruiture, Annoying Orange Through Time, Annoying Orange Through Time #2, Orange Through Time #3: EXTENDED EDITION!, Annoying Orange Through Time #4, Microwave Effect, Annoying Orange 2.0!!!, and The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange.
- Title Drop: Many episodes are named after the featured character(s), so this happens pretty often.
- Top Ten List:
- The video Liam's Top Ten Most Annoying Annoying Orange Videos, counting down In the Dark, Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF), Luck o' the Irish, Back to the Fruiture, Food Court, ZOOM!!!, Fry-day (Rebecca Black Friday Parody), Annoying Orange Through Time, Annoying Orange Wazzup, and Annoying Orange vs. FRED!!!
- The playlist Marshmallow's Favorites: Doggy Videos!
- Training Montage: Kung Fruit has one.
- Universal Adaptor Cast: In Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple, Buddy Cops, and The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange.
- Unreadably Fast Text: The "If you saw this, type ______ in the comments!" annotations.
- The Un-Reveal: Marshmallow's Ambiguous Gender in Daneboe Exposed #5: Annoying Orange Exposed, Ask Orange #1, Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters!, Ask Orange #3: A-TOY-ING ORANGE!, and Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!
- Unusual Euphemism: Orange says "apple" instead of... well, an insult that starts and ends with the same letters.
- Valentine's Day Episodes: 2011's Annoying Valentines, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), and Annoying Valentines Surprise, and 2012's The Dating Game. 2010's Crazy USA laws: Love edition and Passion of the Fruit are love-themed and were released around Valentine's Day, but aren't actually Valentine's-related.
- Visual Pun: Several of them.
Grapefruit's sister: Are you kidding me? I heard it through the grapevine!
- Whip Pan to a group of grapes on a vine*
Grape 1: Don't look at me.
Grape 2: I didn't tell anyone.
Grape 3: Me neither. How 'bout you, Janey?
Grape 4: Uhhh...
- In Grandpa Lemon:
Grandpa Lemon: I think there's a barking spider in here.
Barking Spider: What? Screw you guys. You're always blaming me for everything.
- In Kung Fruit:
Coconut: My opponents lie vanquished, their kingdom mine to rule with an iron fist!
Iron Fist: Sorry I'm late, traffic was killer.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: In Pacmania, Annoying Pear, and Annoying Orange - Dizzy Hanukkah.
- We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties: In Laser Pointer Hack!
- What Could Have Been: A teaser for Liam the Leprechaun's Spin-Off advertises three new characters: Robot from Bobjenz's earlier Robot and Me series, some sort of laptop-using buddha, and the Terror-Dactyl. While the Terror-Dactyl did show up (in the first episode), the other two characters have yet to appear alongside Liam.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: It isn't shown if Celery survived the explosion at the end of Best Fiends Forever.
- What The Hell, Pear?: Everyone's reaction after Pear accidentally insults Turnip in Annoying Pear.
- Whip Pan
- Who Would Want to Watch Us?: This line from YouTubers:
Tater of DC: A talking orange? Who'd want to watch that?
- Who Writes This Crap?: In Trollin'.
- Whoopee Cushion: Used in April Fruits Day.
- The Wiki Rule: Hoo boy. There's Annoying Orange Wiki, Liam the Leprechaun Wiki, Grapefruit Wiki, Gagfilms Wiki, Annoying Orange Fanon Wiki, Liam the Leprechaun Fanon Wiki, Grapefruit Fanon Wiki, and even Annoying Orange Answers.
- Wire Dilemma: The "On the Next..." clip from Previously On. Orange turns out to be colorblind and cuts the Wrong Wire.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: Almost every episode has Orange annoying somebody with one of these, especially in A Cheesy Episode.
- Your Mom:
- In The Viral Video Kit, the demonstration of the Exciting Video Title Generator uses a (nonexistent) YouTube account by the name of "Your Mom."
- In Trollin', Troll 3 delivers a Your Mom line.
Hey! Hey Troper!