Pushing Up Roses
Pushing Up Roses (Sarah Wilson) is a writer/artist/humorist/video producer. Her Website, PushingUpRoses.com was launched during the summer of 2009. She is known for her show, "Let's Play Shortys", which goes up on That Guy With the Glasses and youtube. The show features her playing games that have been either lost into obscurity or mediocrity, and often has a co-host. Co-hosts include Paw Dugan, Pat the NES Punk, Obscurus Lupa, Oancitizen, Peanut Butter Gamer, Todd in the Shadows, and The Cinema Snob. Since December 2010, she's started her own review series on TGWTG relating to music, called Vinyl Destination.
With Angry Joe's departure from Transmission Awesome (the official podcast of TGWTG), Roses has joined the cast along with Y: Ruler of Time.
You can find some her material here.
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Viewers shouldn't be fooled by her childlike/innocent persona in her videos. Besides loving video games, Roses is a drummer, a previous body piercer, and cheesecake (pinup) artist. Her "adult" side comes out every now and then in a video or stream.
- Commonly seen in the Pac-Man 2 LP, where Roses antagonizes her guest star, Peanut Butter Gamer. "I like your suffering. It warms me."
- Adult Child: Sarah calls Roses much more childlike and bubbly than herself.
- The Cast Showoff: Damn, she can sing.
- Crossover: Besides Paw Dugan, she also played with Todd in the Shadows, Lord Kat, Obscurus Lupa and Oancitizen.
- Daddy's Girl: On her website, she often writes about her relationship with her deceased father. The articles detail her admiration for her father, and has been quoted saying "He is my hero."
- Fan Girl: Of both The Monkees and Hall & Oates.
- Fetish Retardant: Roses and Oancitizen's reaction to F$#% Quest.
- Flat What: In her Let's Play of Hugo 2 when she realizes the other side of the frustratingly difficult path through the garden of Venus' flytraps leads right back to the gate.
- Also spoken in her Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures LP, in response to Peanut Butter Gamer's banter.
- Friendship Moment: During her Let's Plays, she will mention or give shout outs to her friends. During their collaboration of The Oregon Trail, Paw Dugan and Roses named the members of their party after their fellow video producer friends.
- "Make friends!" is pretty much a Catch Phrase for her.
- Geek: In real life, she tutors computer applications and web coding. "I like Robots more than people."
- Genki Girl: She's nearly always smiling.
- The Gimmick: She has two robot bird tattoos on her chest. Which is awesome.
- Lame Excuse: Todd in the Shadows and Paw Dugan get out of participating in her 33 1/3 Revolutions per Monkee review by claiming to be 'on fire' and 'drowning' respectively.
- Love It or Hate It: Goes back and forth from loving, to hating, to loving the games she touches on in her videos.
- Nerd Glasses: Though they're more of a necessity than a fashion statement, due to intense astigmatism.
- One of Us: Beyond just being a nerd, she was very pleased when she learned TV Tropes had a page for her. She is one of the few internet personalities who interacts frequently with her fanbase.
- In her Barbie LP Shorty, she directly mentions reading this wiki. And knowing that what is written here is truth.
- Opposites Attract: While Roses is usually very quirky/borderline morbidly cute ("Corn cob death is my favorite"), her partner, Paw Dugan, is often more laid back and the voice of reason.
- Miss Exposition: Explains the backstory behind certain scenes in The Monkees' film Head to Paw Dugan and Todd in the Shadows.
- Platonic Life Partners: With Paw. Not that this trope stops the shippers.
- Promoted Fangirl: She was a longtime fan of TGWTG before joining.
- Rapid-Fire Comedy
- Running Gag: In her videos, she references other adventure games: "THROW CHOP!! THROW CHOP!!" "PUT GEM IN MOUTH!!" She also has a penchant to try to make friends with everyone and anything.
- Todd in the Shadows becoming less and less of a special guest in every appearance.
- "It's a bone! It's a bone! It's a bone!"
- Everything is named Tad. Everything. Even the raptors.
- Ship Tease: Commonly with The Spoony One.
- Sequel Hook: At the end of her 33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee review, Paw appears to seal her into a Myst trap book...
- That's What She Said: She'll insert these (that's what she said) into her videos every so often. Usually because it IS something that she said.
- Take That: Mocks a character's blue eyeshadow, then shows a picture of Ke$ha also wearing blue eyeshadow.
- This Trope Is Bleep: Throughout the F$#% Quest review (and not only bleeps, but sound effects which turn the review even funnier!).
- Wild Mass Guessing: She thinks Todd in the Shadows is a 13-year-old girl, in part because this site said he likes iCarly.
- Written in Infirmity: The Mystery Science Theater 3000-like view of Roses, Todd and Paw in the Head review only happened because Roses didn't sleep the night before, and thus didn't want her eye-bag heavy face to be shot.
- Younger Than They Look: Looks and acts VERY young at heart, as demonstrated in many videos.