< Tensou Sentai Goseiger
Tensou Sentai Goseiger/Characters
Tensou Sentai Goseiger Character sheet.
The Goseigers
Alata | Actor: Yudai Chiba
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstorm Expand Card.
- Determinator: No doubt the biggest one on the team.
- Catch Phrase: "For now, let's just try." [1]
- Childhood Friends: Eri and him.
- Cool Sword: Skick Sword
- Dub Name Change: "Miru" in the Korean dub
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: His primary element.
- Playing with Fire: The Kaentornado Explosion Card, during the events of Goseiger vs Shinkenger.
- Shock and Awe: The Comprethunder Spark Card.
- Finishing Move: Super Sky Dynamic
- The Hero
- Heroic Resolve
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness
- Invisibility: The Invisibreeze Outbreak Card.
- Kid Appeal Character: One of two.
- The Kirk: Shares this with Eri.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Memoryfly Expand Card.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Epic 16 in spades.
- He also shows it when fighting dark Gosei Knight in Epic 48.
- Not Quite Flight: The Windrive Splash Card.
- The Pollyanna
- Signature Move: Red Break
- Super Gosei Red: Super Red Break
- Skilled but Naive
Eri | Actor: Rika Satoh
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstorm Expand Card.
- BFG: Skick Shot
- Big Eater
- Catch Phrase: "It'll work out somehow~!" [2]
- Childhood Friends: Alata and her.
- Elemental Powers
- Blow You Away: Her primary element.
- Shock and Awe: The Comprethunder Spark Card.
- Finishing Move: Super Sky Dynamic
- The Heart: She's always the one to quickly quell any arguments between her friends.
- The Kirk: Shares this with Alata.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Memoryfly Expand Card.
- Lethal Feminine Women Can Cook: In Epic 21 Eri works in a cake shop where she soon discovers she is less than skilled at baking, but with hard work and determination manages to make a pretty spectacular birthday cake.
- Magic Music: Her singing heals injuries and makes flowers bloom all over the world.
- Not Quite Flight: The Windrive Splash Card.
- The Pollyanna
- Rapunzel Hair
- Signature Move: Pink Trick
- Super Gosei Pink: Super Pink Trick
- Team Mom
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Moune's Tomboy.
- Trash of the Titans
- Compressed Vice: But only for one episode.
Agri | Actor: Kyosuke Hamao
- The Atoner: In Epic 19.
- An Axe to Grind: Landick Axe
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstone Expand Card.
- The Big Guy: The strongman of the team.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Moune.
- Dawson Casting: Subverted - Hamao was 18 years old during filming, while according to a tie-in booklet published with Shinkenger vs Go-onger, Agri is 21
- Dub Name Change: "Kane" in the Korean dub
- Elemental Powers
- Dishing Out Dirt: His primary element.
- Green Thumb: The Roplant Outbreak Card.
- Shock and Awe: The Sparquake Spark Card.
- Finishing Move: Super Land Dynamic
- Heroic Resolve: In Epic 27.
- Hot-Blooded
- Knight Templar Big Brother: He did not react well to the idea that Moune had a boyfriend.
- The Lancer
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Memorybury Expand Card.
- The McCoy: Shares this with Moune.
- Out of Focus: Had only a few episodes focusing on him. Some of those he had to share with his sister.
- Signature Move: Black Attack
- Super Gosei Black: Super Black Attack
Moune | Actor: Mikiho Niwa
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstone Expand Card.
- The Big Girl: Always quick to rush into battle.
- Bob Haircut: After her Expository Hairstyle Change in episode 17.
- Brother-Sister Team: With Agri.
- The Cast Showoff: Epic 11 gave the actress a chance to show off her cheerleading skills - she is part of the idol group Canary Club, whose repertoire includes cheerleading.
- The Chick
- Chickification
- Cute Bruiser
- Dawson Casting: 20-year-old Mikiho Niwa plays 17-year-old Moune.
- Elemental Powers
- Dishing Out Dirt: Her primary element.
- Green Thumb: The Roplant Outbreak Card.
- Shock and Awe: The Sparquake Spark Card.
- Fan Service: Her cheerleader's uniform in Epic 11.
- She also generally wears short shorts and she has very sexy legs.
- Finishing Move: Super Land Dynamic
- Hot-Blooded
- Improbable Weapon User: Landick Claw
- Kid Appeal Character: One of two.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Memorybury Expand Card.
- The McCoy: Shares this with Agri.
- Neat Freak
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Moune's dream is to surpass her brother's fighting ability.
- Signature Move: Yellow Shock
- Super Gosei Yellow: Super Yellow Shock [3]
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Eri's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere
Hyde | Actor: Kento Ono
- Automatic Crossbow: Seaick Bowgun
- Badass: Look at the beating he gave by himself to the Big Bad near the ending and you'll agree.
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstream Expand Card.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Had one with Gosei Knight.
- Dawson Casting: Subverted - 20-year-old Kento Ono plays 24-year-old Hyde
- Dead Sidekick: His former partner was killed by Warstar on the Goseigers' first day on earth, which is why Hyde is the team's sole representative of the Seaick Tribe.
- Elemental Powers
- An Ice Person: The Istop Splash Card.
- Making a Splash: His primary element.
- Finishing Move: Super Sea Dynamic [4]
- It's Personal: In Epic 10, when he faces off against the Monster of the Week that caused Magis's death
- Kuudere
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: The Memorywash Expand Card.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Notably in Epics 5 and 16.
- Genius Bruiser
- Serious Business: Whether it's grocery shopping, weapons maintenance or finding a cure for The Virus, Hyde will treat it as deadly serious.
- Signature Move: Blue Check
- Super Gosei Blue: Super Blue Check [5]
- The Smart Guy
- The Spock
- The Stoic
- Straw Vulcan: Tends to alternate between this and Kuudere depending on the writer
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Team Dad
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Camoumirage Focus Card.
Magis (deceased) | Actor: Yousuke Ito
- Dead Sidekick: To Hyde
- Death by Origin Story
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Portrayed by Yousuke Ito, familiar to Sentai viewers as Sen-chan in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
- Long-Lost Uncle Aesop
- Making a Splash
- Posthumous Character
- Shout-Out: To Dekaranger, by having the actor return as a Green Ranger
- Sixth Ranger: Or at least, he would have been
Gosei Knight | Voice actor: Katsuyuki Konishi
- All Your Powers Combined: His 'Knightick Power' lets him use Skick, Landick, and Seaick powers.
- His mecha reflect this, as well: Groundion is an enormous dump truck, Sealeon is formed from a cruise liner, and Skyon is based on a blimp.
- There's also the Trianglobal Focus Card.
- Animal Motif: Lion
- Badass
- Barrier Warrior: The Defenstorm and Defenstream Expand Cards.
- Blue and Orange Morality: When he says he wants to protect the earth, he literally means protecting the earth itself; he can't understand why the Goseigers are so hung up on protecting humans.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Had one with Hyde.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: In Episode 47.
- Catch Phrase: "From now on, it's my turn." [6]
- Elemental Powers: Other then using the elements of the 3 Gosei Angel tribes, Gosei Knight has also used the following:
- An Ice Person: The Istop and Freezedrive Splash Cards.
- Green Thumb: The Roplant Outbreak Card.
- Shock and Awe: The Comprethunder Spark Card.
- Finishing Move: Knight Dynamic
- Gaia's Vengeance: Made a pact with the earth that granted him his humanoid form. At first, his only purpose was to destroy those who posed a threat to the earth, whether or not that was their intention.
- Gatling Good: The Vulcan Headder
- Headder Popsicle: Was frozen in a glacier 10,000 years before the main plot began
- Japanese Pronouns: He tends to use the formal 'watashi'.
- Just in Time: Often arrived later to battle than the others.
- Knight Templar
- Knight in Shining Armor: At least appearance-wise.
- Signature Move: Knight Metallic
- Sixth Ranger
- Swiss Army Weapon: Leon Laser
- Ray Gun: Standard mode.
- Cool Sword: Leon Laser Sword
- Transforming Mecha: He's actually the sentient, hyper-evolved Groundion Headder itself.
- Taken to its logical extreme with Gosei Ground. It's still the exact same mind and personality, only about 100 times bigger.
- What Is This Thing You Call Friendship?
Nozomu Amachi | Actor: Sakuya Nakamura
- Deadpan Snarker
- Meaningful Name: Nozomu's family name, "Amachi", is written with the Kanji "Sky/Heaven" and "Know/Notice", a nod to his status as the Secret Keeper. Also applies to Professor Amachi through a different take due to being an astronomer.
- Only Sane Man
- Secret Keeper
- The Watson
Professor Shuichiro Amachi | Actor: Louis Yamada LIII
- Absent-Minded Professor
- Big Eater
- Bumbling Dad
- Butt Monkey
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Played by Louis Yamada LIII, best known as the voice of General Vamp.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Subverted. He's known about the Goseigers all along
- Actually he only found out in Epic 43 When Master Head asked him permission to use his body.He was oblivious before then
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Secret Secret Keeper
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Alata and Eri comment on this after looking at a picture of him with his wife (the viewers do not see this.)
Datas | Voice actor: Kouki Miyata
- Mecha Expansion Pack: Compatible with the Hyper Change Headder.
- Can also combine with Gosei Great to form Hyper Gosei Great, or with the Mystic Runner (as another head) for Mystic Datas Hyper, a helicoptor-like flight mode.
- Multiform Balance: In his first giant battle, Hyper form was used for it's raw power, while his normal robot form was used for speed.
- Power Fist: Hyper fights with his boxing gloves, and combining with the Mystic Runner gives him Eggshell-Headder fists.
- Robot Buddy
- Super Mode: Datas Hyper
- Team Pet
- Transforming Mecha
- Verbal Tic: ~desu!
Buredoran of the Comet/Chupacabra/Cyborg/Chimatsuri/Brajira of the Messiah | Voice actor: Nobuo Tobita
The show's longest-lasting villain and provider of the Bibi Bugs.
- A God Am I
- All Your Powers Combined: Much like Gosei Knight, he can access all three Gosei tribe powers.
- Back From the Dead: Three times, in fact! Or four.
- Big Bad
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: In spades. So far he has betrayed everyone he's worked for, be they the Warstar, Yuumaju, or Matlintis.
- Dark Messiah
- Evil Genius: Is this in all three villain groups he's been in.
- Genre Busting: He's named after the movie Brazil, which fits this trope.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kamille Bidan has managed to prove in just a span of an entire series turn Honoka and Love into kaijin and shows just how evilly awesome he is.
- Fallen Hero: Used to be a Gosei Angel before he turned evil. Hell, he even has his own Headders!
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: His Cyborg persona, courtesy Robogog removing his memories. Of course, he never deleted the file, so Metal-Alice was able to put them right back with a flash-drive, and BuredoRUN finished Robogog not too long after.
- Not Quite Dead: Three times. Four times if you count the Shinkenger crossover. Five if you count The Gokaiger Goseiger 199 hero movie and six if you count his reappearance in the upcoming Super Hero Taisen movie.
- Spell My Name with an "S": It is unclear whether his name is meant to be spelt Buredoran or Bladerun. His rebuilt form only reduces the conflict area: it's either BladeRUN or BuredoRUN.
- The Starscream
- Thanatos Gambit: How his Earth Salvation Plan enters its final stages.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Shows this off to the Goseigers when he finally reveals his true form, cycling through his three previous in order of appearance. He even used a Camoumirage technique!
- We Can Rebuild Him
- Weapon of Choice
- Buredoran of the Comet
- Blade on a Stick: Buredolancer
- Buredoran of the Chupacabra
- Wolverine Claws: Buredolicer
- Buredo-RUN of the Cyborg
- Dual-Wielding Precision Guided Boomerangs: Buremerang
- More Dakka: BuredoLaunchers
- Buredoran of the Chimatsuri
- BFS: Shoryu Bakuzanto
- Brajira of the Messiah
- Cool Sword: Dark Sword
- Power Fist: Can wear his Headders as a pair of these.
- Buredoran of the Comet
- We Can Rebuild Him
Warstar (Epics 1-16)
Mons Drake | Voice actor: Shozo Iizuka
Dereputa of the Meteor | Voice actor: Rikiya Koyama
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Two of them.
- The Dragon
- Not Quite Dead
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: It appeared this was being set up between him and Alata, but didn't really go anywhere.
Yuumaju (Epics 17-32)
Makuin of the Blob | Voice actor: Chafurin
- Disc Two Final Boss
- Silly Walk: A rare live-action example. He just seems to shuffle around whenever is lower half isn't on-screen, and tends to spin in a circle as he walks around someone else.
Kingugon of the Bigfoot | Voice actor: Kousuke Takaguchi
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute
- Dumb Muscle: Subverted, as Buredoran found out the hard way.
- Rule of Three: He will say a word three times in a row for emphasis. Emphasis! Emphasis!
Matlintis (Epics 33-44)
Robogog of the Genius | Voice actor: Jurota Kosugi
- Disc Three Final Boss
- Punny Name: His title 'Tensai/Genius' is written as '10sai' to highlight his mastery over 10 special skills.
- BFS: Lumbering [7] Saber
- Blow You Away: Dictatorship [8] Hurricane
- Corporal Punishment: Punishment [9] Bomb, attached to every henchman and remote controlled by Robogog so he can electrify or even make them explode at will.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Fortress [10] Armor
- Macross Missile Massacre: Blasting [11] Missile
- Mook Maker: Genius [12] Brain
- More Dakka: Devastation [13] Vulcan
- Not Quite Dead: Salvation [14] Cell
- Self-Destruct Mechanism: Suicide [15] Crusher
- Wave Motion Gun: Calamity [16] Destruction, though It Only Works Once
- Unwitting Pawn: He ruined everything by resurrecting Buredoran.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Metal Alice of the Agent | Voice actor: Marina Inoue
- Alice Allusion
- Dark Chick
- Evil Robots Cannot Comprehend Good Humans
- The Smurfette Principle
- Torpedo Tits
- ↑ "Tonikaku yatte miru."
- ↑ "Nanto ka naru naru~!"
- ↑ Not shown, but it is assumed that she knows this attack.
- ↑ Not shown, but it is assumed that he knows this finisher.
- ↑ Not shown, but it is assumed that he knows this attack.
- ↑ " Koko kara wa,Watashi no Taan da."; cue double-takes from passing Yu-Gi-Oh! fans
- ↑ Bassai
- ↑ Dokusai
- ↑ Seisai
- ↑ Yosai
- ↑ Bakusai
- ↑ Kisai
- ↑ Gekisai
- ↑ Kyusai
- ↑ Gyokusai
- ↑ Yakusai
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