< Teen Titans (Comic Book)

Teen Titans (Comic Book)/Characters

The members of the comic book version of the Titans, past and present, and their worst enemies. See here for the characters in the animated version.

Silver Age (1964-1969)

Aqualad / Tempest

AKA: Garth
Abilities: Aquatic adaptation, super-strength, telepathy, super-senses, sorcery, water manipulation

See the Aquaman character sheet for more info

Kid Flash I / The Flash III

AKA: Wally West
Abilities: Super-speed

Robin I / Nightwing

AKA: Dick Grayson
Abilities: Martial arts master, detective skills, acrobatics

Speedy / Arsenal / Red Arrow

AKA: Roy Harper
Abilities: Master archer and gunslinger

  • Artificial Limb: After Prometheus hacked his right arm off, Cyborg designed him a new one. However, this prosthetic isn't permanent, as Roy's right arm is still infected with the flesh-eating bacteria Prometheus laced his blade with. It's designed to "work around the nerve endings". It also causes him great pain to use it, impairs his ability as an archer drastically, and he can't wear anything over it unless it's his costume. It's also a total eyesore.
  • The Casanova
  • The Complainer Is Always Wrong: At Lian's funeral, Roy practically strangled Mia and blamed her for Lian's death. The majority of Rise of Arsenal seemed to be everyone coddling Mia Deardren and blaming Roy for Lian's death, even though A. Mia was supposed to be watching Lian and left her alone to fight the Electrocutioner, and B. Star City's destruction was a freak accident.
  • Doting Parent: He may have hired nannies from time to time, but he was REALLY good at being a single parent.
  • Heroic BSOD: Following his arm being hacked off and Lian getting killed.
  • Hot Dad
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Never Live It Down: His heroin abuse, which was only present for one issue and then followed by him going cold turkey. It doesn't help that following Lian's death he's gone back to using it.
  • Papa Wolf: To Lian, obviously, one of the most adorable and well-adjusted kids in comic book history. Despite requiring nannies from time to time, he never deprived her of love and attention and the two have had an amazingly adorable and loving relationship. What makes this so amazing is that Roy didn't have to sacrifice his brash personality, and just goes to show that he was a better father than his mentor Green Arrow could have ever hoped to be.
    • Big Brother Mentor: Also showed this to younger teammate Damage. He nominated Grant for membership during Titans to make it up to him for how things went when Roy led the Titans. He acted as a big brother figure to the younger Titan, and thanks to Roy (and Lian), Grant was able to admit his foster father had abused him so badly when he was younger. Roy was willing to help Grant because he remembered what his teenage years were like and how often he was left to his own devices, and wasn't about to do the same.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He's every bit the lady's man his former mentor is, if not more so, and he can be brash and a bit of a jerk. That doesn't stop him from having scenes with his daughter that manage to redefine the word "adorable".
  • Wound That Will Not Heal: His right arm is said to be infected with dormant flesh-eating bacteria called "nanomites" which were laced in Prometheus' blade. It's for this reason that he was given a removable prosthetic meant to work "around" his nerve endings.

Wonder Girl / Troia

AKA: Donna Troy
Abilities: Super-strength, flight, heightened reflexes

See the Wonder Woman character sheet for more.

Bronze Age (1970-1979)


AKA: Tula
Abilities: Aquatic adaptation, super-strength, super-senses


AKA: Karen Beecher-Duncan
Abilities: Insect-like size, flight, sonic blasts, electric "stings"


AKA: John Gnaark
Abilities: Super-strength, agility, and intelligence

The Guardian / Herald / Vox

AKA: Mal Duncan
Abilities: Generates multi-dimensional portals; sonic blasts

Hawk and Dove

AKA: Hank and Don Hall
Abilities: Heightened strength and agility

The Joker's Daughter / Harlequin

AKA: Duela Dent
Abilities: Acrobatics, clown-themed gadgets

  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Duela claimed she was the daughter of multiple super-villains. Pre-Crisis it was believed she was Two-Face's daughter, until it was revealed that she was too old to be his child. Following Infinite Crisis, it was revealed that Duela comes from Earth-3, and is the daughter of the Jokester (a heroic version of the Joker), Three-Face ( a heroic, female version of Two-Face) and the stepdaughter of a heroic Riddler.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: A subversion. When she returned during Donna Troy's wedding, she was significantly older (and heavier), to further support that she wasn't Two-Face's daughter. Following Crisis on Infinite Earths, her next appearance was in a mental institution, where her memories as a Titan were met with skepticism because of how old she was. During her next few appearances she was much younger. See What Could Have Been below.
  • Redheaded Hero: Originally, her hair was green when in costume, and brown when in her civilian identity. A few years ago she began sporting red hair.
  • Sexy Jester
  • Stuffed Into the Fridge: Her death was what started Countdown to Final Crisis.
  • What Could Have Been: Her reappearance in Team Titans was meant to reveal that she was a member of the team who'd been driven insane by time travel. In the back of one of the final issues during Zero Hour there was a mock preview for a story involving Duela getting her hands on a reality warping device and using it to turn New York into what it had been during the 1970s.

Lilith / Omen

AKA: Lilith Clay
Abilities: Precognition, telepathy, teleportation

  • C-List Fodder
  • Darker and Edgier: Her transition to Omen. However, this was to play up the mystery of her character and the evolution of her psychic abilities to mystical powers. She never once turned into an anti-hero.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Pre-Crisis, her birth mother turned out to be Thia of the Titans of Myth. Post-Crisis, the identity of Lilith's father turned out to be Loren Jupiter, the man who financed the Titans. Her mother has not yet been revealed. Lilith's stated that her psychic abilities were inherited from her mother, and that she's very secretive. Word of God from Dan Jurgens has it that Lilith's mom is a preexisting DC character.
  • Redheaded Hero
  • Stuffed in The Fridge: Graduation Day. The characters in story made a bigger deal of Donna Troy's death then her's. It can be argued that her death was what began the thread of mutilation and death being more closely associated with the Teen Titans.

The New Teen Titans (1980-1994)

Baby Wildebeest

Abilities: Super-strength

  • C-List Fodder
  • Stuffed in The Fridge: Died alongside his adopted mother Pantha to serve as character development for his father-figure Red Star. Character development that never happened beyond a single issue of Teen Titans.

Beast Boy / Changeling

AKA: Garfield Logan
Abilities: Animal shapeshifting

Cyborg / Cyberion

AKA: Victor Stone
Abilities: Super-strength, invulnerability, technopathy, advanced weaponry, engineering skills


AKA: Joseph Wilson
Abilities: Possession of others


AKA: Kole Weathers
Abilities: Flight, can "spin" crystals


AKA: Rosabelle Mendez
Abilities: Super-strength, agility, and senses; claws


AKA: Danny Chase
Abilities: Telekinesis, photographic memory


AKA: Rachel Roth
Abilities: Empathy, flight, telepathy, sorcery

Red Star

AKA: Leonid Kovar
Abilities: Super-strength, speed, and stamina; pyrokinesis

Robin / Red Hood

AKA: Jason Todd
Abilities: Martial arts master, detective skills, acrobatics


AKA: Koriand'r / Kory Anders
Abilities: Flight, super-strength, invulnerability, energy projection


AKA: Tara Markov
Abilities: Manipulates earth and stone

Arsenal's Titans (1994-1996)


AKA: Grant Emerson
Abilities: Channel energy to physically enhance himself or fire energy blasts.

  • Dark and Troubled Past: Beyond the few years he spent trying to figure out just who his actual birth parents were, the readers discovered that his foster father physically and sexually abused him.

Green Lantern

AKA: Kyle Rayner
Abilities: Green Lantern power ring

Impulse / Kid Flash

AKA: Bart Allen
Abilities: Super-speed

See the Flash character sheet for more.


AKA: Jarras Minion
Abilities: Power Armor.


AKA: Miriam Delgado
Abilities: Illusions


AKA: Rose Wilson


AKA: Matrix / Linda Danvers

  • Put on a Bus: In the cases of both Matrix AND Linda. The former merged with a New God named Twilight and focus on Peter David's run on Supergirl shifted solely to the latter. Linda was last seen in hell during the Reign of Hell mini-series, and hasn't been seen since.


AKA: Unknown (impersonated Tara Markov)
Abilities: Earth Manipulation

Atom's Teen Titans and The Titans (1996-2003)


AKA: Toni Monetti
Abilities: creates constructs of silver plasma.

The Atom

AKA: Ray Palmer
Abilities: Able to shrink to microscopic size

Captain Marvel, Jr.

AKA: Freddy Freeman

Jesse Quick

AKA: Jesse Chambers
Abilities: Super-speed and strength, flight

Joto / Hotspot

AKA: Isiah Crockett
Abilities: Flight, Generating and sensing heat.


AKA: Audrey Spears
Abilities: Made of living crystal, Flight, refracts light as a crystal.


AKA: Cody Driscoll
Abilities: Super Senses, enhanced reflexes, strength and durability

  • C-List Fodder: Got one arm torn off by Superboy prime during Infinite Crisis. Got the other torn off again by Superboy Prime in another event.

Post-Graduation Day (2003-2011)


AKA: Lorena Marquez
Abilities: Aquatic adaptation, enhanced strength and durability

Blue Beetle

AKA: Jaime Reyes


AKA: Amy Adams
Abilities: Flight, Super Strength, Invulnerability, energy blasts

Hawk and Dove

AKA: Holly and Dawn Granger

Kid Devil / Red Devil

AKA: Eddie Bloomberg
Abilities: Fire Breath, enhanced strength and reflexes, healing factor, burning hot skin, limited flight, teleportation

Kid Eternity

AKA: Christopher Freeman
Abilities: Ability to call back the deceased and transform into them.

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Was last seen in Titans getting snatched by Calculator. Some time later, in the pages of Batgirl, Calculator gives an off-hand reference to his death, having been forced to constantly summon the spirit of Calculator's son, Marvin.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Vanished without a trace from Teen Titans, his own team wouldn't express any interest in his whereabouts or fate until a much later arc.

Impulse/Kid Flash

AKA: Bart Allen

See the Flash character sheet for more.

Miss Martian

AKA: Megan Morse / M'gann M'orzz
Abilities: Flight, super strength, shape shifting, invisibility, telekinesis, intangibility, optic force blasts, telepathy.


AKA: Amon Tomaz

  • Did Not Do the Research: Eric Wallace wrote The Power of Shazam issue for Blackest Night, detailing Amon rising as a Black Lantern, yet somehow in control and managing to not kill anyone. The problem is that, in Blackest Night #3, a video screen in JLA headquarters featured Amon killing people, their torn hearts in their hands. Could be seen as a case of Canon Discontinuity, depending on whether or not Wallace actually read, or paid attention, to the issues of Blackest Night.
  • Ignored Epiphany: In a sense. After being revived as a Black Lantern, Amon was somehow in control of his mind and body, and managed to pull a heroic sacrifice stopping Black Lantern Sobek. Then he came back from the dead and helped killed Ryan Choi.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Killing the Persuader was an accident. He tried justifying the death of Ryan Choi and everyone else he's killed as trying to bring his sister and Black Adam back. But now he freely admits that he enjoys violence and is just as bad as everyone accused him of being.

Robin / Red Robin

AKA: Tim Drake


AKA: Kiran
Abilities: Light Manipulation, Flight

  • Broken Bird: Kiran mentions that while she was N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s prisoner she was forced to do horrible things in order to survive.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: In the reboot continuity, Kiran's powers have somehow shifted and caused her to look as if she's made up of smoke and charcoal. Fans referred to her as "Charcoal Girl" and assumed she was a completely different character until they found out she was Solstice.


AKA: Mia Dearden


AKA: Virgil Hawkins


AKA: Conner Kent / Kon-El

See his own page for more.


AKA: Kara Zor-El / Linda Lang

Wonder Girl

AKA: Cassandra Sandsmark

See the Wonder Woman character sheet for more.

Post-Flashpoint (2011-Present)


AKA: Miguel Jose Barragan

  • Barrier Warrior
  • The Big Guy
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Camp Gay: Only slightly.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: In the most recent issue, a villain named Grymm tries to take control of one of the Titans. He tries to take hold of Miguel's mind, but he can't because he says Miguel is "too happy and centered."
  • Nice Guy
  • Positive Discrimination: Miguel is an openly homosexual Mexican Catholic who comes from a family and a village that was nothing but supportive of both him and his powers. He's the happiest and most competently functioning of the current Titans team.


AKA: Celine

Danny the Street


  • Genius Loci: He ain't called Danny the Street for nothin'.

Ancillary Teams (Titans West and Titans L.A.)


AKA: Ryuku Orsono


AKA: Bette Kane

  • Ascended Fangirl: Started out as a Robin fangirl.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the Beast Boy miniseries, Nightwing trying to convince her to stop being a hero motivated Bette to clean up her act and get more serious.

Golden Eagle

AKA: Charlie Parker

Hero Cruz



AKA: Komand'r

Brother Blood II

AKA: Sebastian Blood IX


AKA: Jade Nguyen

  • Asian Baby Mama: So nice she did it twice: once with Arsenal, and once with Catman.
  • Foe Yay: With both Roy Harper, the first Speedy, and Thomas Blake, aka Catman. She once propositioned Catman during a battle, not long after having hired two hit squads after him.
  • Mama Bear: And not just to people trying to hurt her kids. She once staged an elaborate plot to ruin and murder Black Canary because Canary had developed into a psuedo-surrogate mother figure for her daughter.
    • Well, at least until their safety proves more of a burden and a liability. At which point she'll go out of her way to conceive a replacement kid, and use that pregnancy as a shield.
    • Evil Matriarch: To be fair, staging an elaborate plot to murder the women whom is her daughter's surrogate mother-figure doesn't necessarily make her a Mama Bear. Cheshire was espousing that she had plans to retire, and getting Black Canary out of the way would've made things less complicated for her.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In Villains United, she was blackmailed into compliance by threats against Lian's safety. Over the course of the miniseries she successfully seduced Catman and managed to conceive a replacement baby in order to betray and leave the Secret Six with Lian's welfare no longer being an issue (that she cared about). It turned out the threat was false, but she didn't know that.

Clock King

AKA: Temple Fugate

Deathstroke the Terminator

AKA: Slade Wilson

The Fearsome Five


Introduced in the Nu52 series. Leader of the organization NOWHERE, which kidnaps metahuman teens to build an army of said teens, have a few half trained ones escape and spark a panic regarding them, so they can come in and save the day.

  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Why? to SAVE THE FUTURE!
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Dresses up all the teens he captures in suits right out of Tron.
  • Gambit Roulette: He claims it was his plan when the heroes thwarted his kidnapping and make an army plans, but given his intitial plan's intelligence, it comes off as more of an Ass Pull. But no one calls him on it.
  • Hero Syndrome: His plan, or so he claims.
  • Hype Aversion: It's hard to take a "Darkseid level threat" seriously when his plans are transparently idiotic.
  • Gladiator Games: His scheme to make an army of meta humans he could control.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: With round about murder and fear domination.
  • Show, Don't Tell: His main problem. He is said to be an expert schemer and manipulator, but his core plan for recruitment (kidnapping metahumans, forcing them into a Deadly Games battle royal to determine the 'best', which he then makes his private army) is, well--look at it! And no one notices how bad this plan is.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: He wants his organization to be this. he himself looks like the Grim Reaper if he appeared in Tron.


Mad Mod

AKA: Neil Richards

Mister Twister / Gargoyle

AKA: Bromwell Stikk

The Terror Titans


Trigon the Terrible

The Wildebeest Society

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