< Tales of Legendia

Tales of Legendia/Characters

Senel Coolidge

A former Alliance Marine and adopted brother to Shirley. He is hell-bent on protecting her from anything and everything. At first he is only concerned with matters that directly affect either himself or Shirley, but slowly begins to open up as he becomes friends with the inhabitants of the Legacy. He uses his fists in battle, the first Tales (series) main character to not use swords, and uses some traditional Tales (series) hero artes mixed with his own.

  • The Atoner
  • Badass
  • Becoming the Mask: He was originally a soldier from Crusand sent to plan an attack on the Ferines settlement so Shirley could be captured and used as a weapon. He eventually assimilated into the Ferines village, to the point where he and Stella were talking about getting married. Then bad things happened.
  • Berserk Button: Anything having to do with Stella.
  • Chaste Hero: Shirley and Chloe both have crushes on him, though the only girl he was ever romantically interested in was Stella, who is dead. Stealthily subverted at the beginning of Will's quest, which contains an oblique reference that maybe he's not so chaste after all.
  • Chewing the Scenery: "STELLA, NOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • Determinator: He's the only one who doesn't lapse into a Heroic BSOD after Maurits's Hannibal Lecture.
  • Facial Markings: In Radiant Mythology, Annie starts talking about his "scar" and how it must've hurt. Senel admits that it's a tattoo and he just got it because he thought it'd look cool. It's the symbol of the marine troopers.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs
  • Heavy Sleeper: A running gag in the Character Quests features each character trying to wake him up. Will, at one point, resorts to kicking him in the head (he was asleep on the floor) and that still didn't wake him up.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: As noted above, the first main character to avert this in the Tales (series)
  • Is That Cute Kid Yours: At the start of Will's quest, when he, Shirley, and Harriet are trying to get everyone together to find the abandoned baby's parents. When he first sees Shirley with the baby, though, his reaction is more along the lines of Is That Cute Kid Ours.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He starts out a Jerkass, but he genuinely does care about Shirley's well-being. Eventually, he loses the "Jerk" part.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: Very briefly in the Character Quests, during the scene where Grune tries to wake him up, fails, and decides to take a nap in his bed instead (Senel is on the floor). Shirley is not pleased for all of half a minute until the situation clarifies itself.
  • Not Blood Siblings: He and Shirley claim to be brother and sister, but they're not actually related.
  • Oblivious to Love: Except STELLLLLA'S!
  • Pandaing to the Audience: If you buy the mascot costume set for a New Game+, Senel will fight in a panda suit.
  • Power Fist: Interestingly, it is very similar to that of his mentor, Vaclav.
  • Somebody Else's Problem: Early-on, if it doesn't involve himself or Shirley, he doesn't care. He gets heavily called out on this, and eventually gets better.
  • Unreliable Narrator: He basically views Stella as a Purity Sue, overlooking a good deal of her negative traits. To be fair, he was madly in love with her.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Chloe essentially yells this at him, coupled slightly with Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! after he dumps Shirley, causing her to go crazy and try to destroy the world, because Senel wants to stay loyal to Stella, even though she's dead. He got better.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy

Shirley Fennes

An innocent young girl who travels alongside Senel, her adopted brother. She suffers from a rare condition that leaves her severely weakened if she becomes submerged in sea water. Though she harbors romantic feelings for Senel, she does not say anything because he is in love with her sister, Stella Telmes.

She is actually a Ferines, a Precursor race of highly-advanced, water-dwelling humanoids. Not only that, she is a candidate to become the Merines, the Chosen One of the Ferines race who has the ability to control the Legacy and all of its Ferines-built technology at will. However, the true purpose of the Merines is to activate the Wings of Light, a cataclysmic superweapon aboard the Legacy that would flood the planet and allow the Ferines to prosper once more.

  • Apocalypse Maiden: The Merines' actual duty is to activate the Wings of Light, a cataclysmic superweapon that will flood the planet and kill all the humans so that the Ferines can prosper again.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Her reaction to Norma trying to sleep over at Senel's place is to smile sweetly and start charging her Eres.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: By the entire ocean.
  • Break the Cutie: Stupid Vaclav... Although it's Maurits and the Gadoria Knight Captain who push her over the edge.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: When she finally joins and becomes playable, her spells that are shared with everyone else have a pink variant to their animations. Her Orerines clothing, that she wears for most of the main quest and the entirety of the character quests, is mostly white. Her Merines dress, on the other hand, is black and dark blue.
  • Crucified Hero Shot: Briefly, when Maurits attacks the party after failing to completely absorb Nerifes' power.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus
  • Damsel in Distress: Until she unlocks her Merines powers, at least. Before that, she spends the vast majority of the time being kidnapped.
  • Despair Event Horizon: When Fenimore dies.
  • Evil Costume Switch
  • Evil Sounds Deep: After she completes the Rite of Accession and awakens as the Merines, her voice is noticeably deeper and no longer squeaky.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Chloe and then Jay in the character quests.
  • Honorifics: Once the Character Quests roll around, Shirley is the only member of the main party who still uses them. At the end of Chloe's quest, it's Chloe herself who convinces Shirley not to be so formal with everyone else (though she's still embarrassed when Shirley drops the suffixes completely). Norma has a similar scene with her near the end of Moses' quest.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Though she specializes in magic, her weapon itself is a pen.
  • Is That Cute Kid Yours: In Will's quest; see Senel's profile for details.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Shirley loves Senel, but Senel loves her older sister Stella... Shirley puts up with it for a long time because she wants Senel to be happy, but eventually she loses it... Later in the character quests, she's on the verge of stepping aside again--for Chloe this time--despite being engaged to Senel. At least before she and Chloe air out their feelings and Chloe admits that she's never going to get anywhere with him and knows it.
  • The Load: During the first act of the game, she alternates between being a Damsel in Distress and The Load. This is actually a source of angst for her. She is supposed to be the savior of her entire race, but instead she is only a burden for everyone, can't even save Fenimore, and her sister dies stopping the cannon, which Shirley could have prevented if she still had her powers. She gets better in the character quests.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Senel and Stella tried to keep Senel's past as a child soldier from her. When she learns the truth, she's much more upset about not being trusted and included than she is about what she's being told.
  • Love Martyr
  • The Messiah: And The Antichrist. And The Anti-Anti-Christ.
  • More Hero Than Thou: During the whole Waterways incident. Shirley was rescuing herself quite capably in all the confusion up until Fenimore and Walter caught the Distress Ball; Shirley, not seeing herself as more important than them, lets herself get captured again in order to distract Vaclav from the two of them.
  • Not Blood Siblings: Senel isn't really her brother.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: After she awakens her Merines powers, she's capable of wiping out the planet in a gigantic flood if she wants to. At the cost of her life, but still. She can also cause lots of other lesser chaos and destruction with no risk to herself. Damn.
  • Plucky Girl
  • The Pollyanna
  • Romantic Runner-Up: Lost to Stella initially but she wins in the end.
  • Taking the Bullet: Shirley steps in front of a Ferines woman who was about to be stabbed by the captain of the Gadorian Knights. Fenimore then steps in front of Shirley, Taking the Bullet for the one who was going to Take The Bullet.
  • Winged Humanoid: Ferines can produce a "teriques", that typically manifests as a pair of wings, either back-mounted or free and butterfly sized. After Shirley unlocks her Merines powers, her teriques becomes permanently active, as back-mounted wings.
  • Yandere: Played with. Her Merines powers are activated because of Fenimore's death, but she doesn't give in to Nerifes completely until she gets hit in the face with the degree to which Senel and Stella kept her in the dark, reminding her of how badly Senel has always rejected her.
  • Younger Than They Look: Her in-game mugshot does not look fifteen. Her battle model, now that's a different story.

Will Raynard

The sheriff of Werites Beacon, although he would rather be a natural historian. He is very knowledgeable about the monsters inhabiting the Legacy, and has a tendency to give lectures on monsters whether people want to hear it or not. Although he is huge and wields a gigantic hammer, he is a Crystal Eren. He has a daughter named Harriet.

Chloe Valens

A knight from Gadoria who joins the party. She came to the Legacy to find a swordsman with with a snake tattoo on his arm in order to kill him to avenge the death of her parents and regain the honor of the Valens family name. She fights using a sword, and plays a little more like the classic Tales (series) Hero, even using many of their artes combined with some of her own.

Norma Beatty

An eccentric archeologist/treasure hunter who came to the Legacy to find the a mythical stone called Everlight that can supposedly grant any wish. She uses Crystal Eres, and knows more than anybody else about various locations around the Legacy. She wields a straw, and attacks by blowing bubbles out of it.

Moses Sandor

A bandit who kidnaps Shirley early in the game only to join the party later on. He has a large Galf, a wolf-like monster, named Giet that he keeps as a pet. He's very outgoing and friendly, and treats the other party members like siblings. He fights by throwing javelins at his opponents.


A reclusive information broker. He is a young ninja who lives with the Oresoren, a tribe of anthropomorphic otters. He's a snide and snarky Iron Eren who fights using knives, combined with kicks and headbutts.

  • Abusive Parents
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Chloe notes that Jay has trouble expressing his feelings. Additionally, even though he is told several times during his Character Quest to let the others know if something is bothering him, he keeps shrugging it off by saying "There really isn't anything", a variation of the typical Tales (series) quote of "It's nothing". Not very believable after what the gamers just saw last dungeon. He is also often seen denying his worry or positive emotions for others, most notably Moses.

Jay: He's so easy to read. He can't conceal his irritation at all.
Senel: And that's why you can't help worrying about him, right?
Jay: I'm not... worried...


A ditzy woman with amnesia. She's a Crystal Eren who fights using urns. She is actually a goddess who incarnated to stop Schwartz. However, the world was not old enough to support her power, so she lost her memories. She enjoys... pretty much everything, and is always calm and relaxed, even in the middle of a battle.

Curtis and Isabella

The law-enforcement duo of Werites Beacon, Curtis and Isabella call themselves the Bantam Bouncers. They almost always appear together, and do far more singing and showing off than actual fighting, even though they're actually both highly competent soldiers.

  • Bare Your Midriff: Isabella.
  • Brick Joke: Early in the game, they sing twice about how fighting is not allowed in Werites Beacon. Much much later in the game...they show up and arrest someone else for attempting to arrest Chloe and Senel in Werites Beacon.
    • Hilariously, Curtis does so by appearing and doing his usual singing gig without Isabella. And then decks the confused man in the face mid-sentence, triggering a cartoony curbstomp.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The two look like something that came out of The Seventies. Senel beats the living crap out of them (off-screen) and doesn't take them seriously. Then they lead an army against Vaclav's. Nobody was laughing at them then.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: Though you never actually fight them...at least you aren't required to.
  • Leitmotif: "Iron Hammer Time." The musical accompaniment seems to actually be in the scene.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: They're wacky pacifists who sing about how violence isn't allowed in the city. Then, when the war starts, they take up the reins and lead the citizens of the Legacy into battle against Vaclav's forces.
  • Nice Hat: Isabella is never seen without her stylized cowgirl hat.
    • ...which she can weaponize in battle with her "Boomerang Hat" arte.
  • The Quiet One: Isabella doesn't speak much aside from the occasional "Yes, Curtis." She does get a solo number introducing the arena, though.
  • Stripperific: Isabella.
  • Thigh-High Boots: Isabella.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Curtis's shirt shows off his chest.
  • You Gotta Have Purple Hair

Vaclav Bolud

The third prince of the Crusand Empire. He came to the Legacy seeking an ancient superweapon to use to wage war against the other nations and rule the world with an iron fist.


One of Vaclav's Terrors. She specializes in fire eres.


One of Vaclav's Terrors. A masked swordsman. Chloe came to the Legacy to find and kill him. His real name is Arnold Alcott. He is a doctor who joined Vaclav's army to use the medical knowledge from his Mengele-esque experiments to save his sick daughter.


One of Vaclav's Terrors. He is a Master of Illusion.

Walter Delques

A young man who kidnaps Shirley. He is one of the Ferines and kidnapped Shirley to protect her from Vaclav, and so she could awaken as the Merines.

Maurits Welnes

The leader of the Ferines.

Maurits: Grant me your POWER! THE POWER TO TRANSCEND!!!

Fenimore Xelnes

A Ferines who befriends Shirley.

  • Died in Your Arms Tonight
  • Fantastic Racism: She hates the Orerienes because she was tortured by Vaclav, though she seems to get over a lot of it after Senel and the rest of the party rescue her and help defeat Vaclav.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: See Taking the Bullet below
  • Les Yay: With Shirley
  • Meaningful Name: Her last name means blessing in Relares.
  • Taking the Bullet: The captain of the Gadorian Knights is about to stab Shirley for "conspiring with the Crusand Empire against Gadoria" for being used to power the Nerifes Cannon. Shirley is prepared to take the stab that was intended to kill a Ferines woman who was protecting her, but Fenimore jumped in front of Shirley at the last minute. Then Maurits lets Fenimore die, hoping that her death at the hands of Orerines will be the final push Shirley needs to complete the Rite of Accession. It is.
  • Tsundere: Toward Senel and the group for a while, claiming she's only helping them for Shirley's sake while blushing and generally showing signs of liking them more than she'd like to admit.

Thyra Welzes

Fenimore's twin sister. She arrives on the Legacy after Shirley fails to avenge Fenimore by killing all of the Orerines.

Stella Telmes

Shirley's older sister, and Senel's former girlfriend. Presumed dead after the attack that cost them their home, though she is eventually revealed to be alive (though comatose) on the Legacy, as one of Vaclav's captives. Her consciousness is linked to the Legacy, and she rescues Senel a number of times over the game, though she endangers Shirley badly in the process. About a third of the way through the game, Stella sacrifices herself to stop the Nerifes Cannon, and dies despite Senel and Shirley's efforts to save her.


The incarnation of the ocean who is worshiped by the Ferines. It seeks to flood the world, both to reverse the damage caused by the Orerines' terraforming and to avenge the fallen Ferines.


A sadistic ninja master. He comes to the Legacy in the Character Quests with an evil purpose. Solon is also Jay's surrogate father and teacher.


A mysterious woman who is related to the black mist that appears during the Character Quests. She is one half the Goddess that created the world. She has decided that her creation is flawed and that the only way that people will ever be happy is if she destroys the universe and recreates it.

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