TRON: Legacy/Characters
Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund)
- Action Survivor: When he first enters The Grid.
- Anti-Hero: Type II, also known as the "Disney Anti-Hero". It makes sense, since Tron: Legacy is a Disney film.
- Badass Biker
- Bloodless Carnage: Averted. When Rinzler hits him with a disc, Sam bleeds, and Rinzler recognizes him as a User.
- Changing of the Guard
- Chick Magnet
- Collapsible Helmet
- Deadly Disc
- Heroes Love Dogs
- Indy Ploy
- In the Hood: Wears a cloak to disguise himself on the streets of TRON City as he goes to the End of Line club.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Parental Abandonment
- Playful Hacker
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job: Sam might have the most shares of Encom, but he's a college dropout with no job and no social connections outside Alan Bradley and his rescue dog Marv.
- Shirtless Scene: The entirely necessary stripping off of his old clothes by Gem and her colleagues.
- Mr. Fanservice: Not that we mind.
- Spin Offspring
- Wrong Genre Savvy: He mistakes a Lightcycle baton for a lightsaber.
"In there is our destiny!"
Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges)
The father of Sam, and the creator of another Grid.
- The Atoner
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Robe
- Badass Pacifist: Kevin is so powerful that he usually wins without having to raise a hand against anyone.
- Big Good
- Chekhov MIA
- Cool Old Guy
- Disappeared Dad
- God Is Flawed: See below.
- God Is Good: But not perfect.
- Grandpa God
- Grandpa, What Massive Hottness You Have: Just look at his picture.
- Hermit Guru
- Hot Dad
- Look on My Works Ye Mighty and Despair
- My Greatest Failure: CLU. "He's ME. I screwed it up!"
- The Obi-Wan: Even looks like him now, with the beard and robe.
- Older Than They Look: Mentally, not physically.
- Physical God: He created The Grid.
- Pure Awesomeness: Capable of turning the tide in a battle by simply showing up and touching the floor.
- Shout-Out: To Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars with the beard, cloak, hideout, hermit nature, and regret.
- The Worf Effect: In the first movie, he was a brilliant hacker, master at the games, able to kill enemy programs with one hit and take their Tron Lines for disguise, divert energy with his bare hands and was a key component in defeating the MCP. Here, he's old, depressed, barely fights, but is nevertheless still considered a god among programs.
Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner)
Coming back from the original Tron, Alan Bradley is revealed to be one of Kevin Flynn's closest friends and still in the employ of ENCOM. According to the ENCOM website, Alan holds the position of Executive Consultant, and later promoted to Chairman of the Board by Sam. He was the man who sent Sam to Flynn's Arcade to investigate a message, starting the search again...
- Cool Old Guy
- The Mentor: Arguably, since he became Sam's surrogate father during Kevin's disappearance.
- Papa Wolf: When he was trying to get Sam out of the Encom building and into the limo, after Kevin was declared Missing, he shoves a hounding Papparazzi away from Sam. The camera freezes briefly on his pissed off face. After seeing that, the viewers no longer have to wonder whether or not Alan is as badass as the program he's famous for.
- The Peter Principle: According to supporting materials including the Alternate Reality Game, he was made CEO of Encom after Kevin's disappearance, and was later forced to resign as a result of the company's decline in the late 80's. Consider that he's a computer programmer, not necessarily a businessman by trade.
- Promotion to Parent: Acted as a father figure to Sam Flynn after Kevin's disappearance.
- Specs of Awesome: Still has the glasses.
Ed Dillinger, Jr. (Cillian Murphy)
Richard Mackey (Jeffrey Nordling)
"You could say I was a rescue."
Quorra (Olivia Wilde)
- Ace Pilot
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable: Although she knows how to kick ass, she is naive and innocent, much like a little girl.
- Badass Bookworm: This Badass sure loves her Jules Verne novels, as well as Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Buddhist scriptures.
- Bob Haircut
- Collapsible Helmet
- Deadly Disc: In conjunction below, if you notice, she uses hers more defensively and doesn't hurl it around like everyone else.
- Drives Like Crazy: Sam is terrified by Quorra's reckless off-road driving during their escape.
- Dual-Wielding: With her Identity Disc and a Laser Blade, in a sword and shield like form.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Perhaps it has something to do with her being an ISO...
- Grappling Hook Pistol
- Instant Expert: On her first try, she basically becomes an Ace Pilot, complete with kills and complex maneuvers.
- Jeanne D'Archetype: She's an Action Girl guided by a sort of "higher power." Her somewhat androgynous appearance reinforces this comparison.
- Laser Blade
- Last of Her Kind: Quorra's the last ISO after the Great Purge.
- Living MacGuffin
- My Nayme Is: Her name is pronounced exactly like "Cora".
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Shallow Love Interest: Averted. Olivia Wilde much preferred creating a more subtle and realistic romantic relationship between Sam and Quorra over being Strangled by the Red String, à la Neo and Trinity.
- She's Got Legs: To reiterate, there's the scene midway through during the explanation of how Kevin got stuck on the Grid...whenever it cuts to Quorra we inexplicably get a full shot that does nothing but emphasize this.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Skilled but Naive: She knows her combat skills, but she knows almost nothing about the real world.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?
Clu (Jeff Bridges)
- Affably Evil: Villainous Breakdown aside, he shows a polite and charismatic behavior.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Ascended Extra: From the minor character Clu in Tron.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Big Bad: Even more so than the MCP.
- Blofeld Ploy
- Blue and Orange Morality: He acts the way he does because he believes it is how he should fulfill his programs.
- Bonus points for living in a world where the morality of one is determined by being blue or orange.
- Chronic Villainy: He is a program, so he's basically obliged to pursue his quest for perfection, even if it implies genocide.
- Collapsible Helmet
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard
- Contemplative Boss
- The Corrupter: Since he can't create programs, he gets new recruits for his armies by "rectifying" them and removing their free will. He even manages to corrupt Tron, now known as Rinzler.
- Creative Sterility: Cannot make new programs, so he must enslave them instead.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy:
Zuse: I presume, your Excellency, that they perished in the elevator.
Clu: You presume?... (turns to Rinzler) Find them.
- Deadly Disc
- Disc Drag
- Dramatic Unmask
- Enemy Without
- Evil Me Scares Me: Kevin Flynn created Clu in his own image.
- The Evils of Free Will: Specifically, free will runs counter to maintaining order in a perfect system.
- Face Heel Turn
- Fantastic Racism: If there's one thing Clu hates, it's imperfection. And boy are ISOs and Users anything BUT perfect.
- Freudian Excuse: His relationship with his creator is... complex.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: In the 1982 installment, the first version of Clu was best known for shrieking upon crashing his tank. 28 years later, this new, upgraded Program betrays Kevin Flynn and becomes one of the most despicable villains in Disney history.
- Hitler Cam: For his Triumph of the Will-esque speech.
- Ink Suit Actor: Jeff Bridges.
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham: As Clu said to his soldiers, he will make our world open and available to all of them. Yes! TO ALL OF THEM!!!!!
- Legacy Character: The original Clu was destroyed by the MCP in the original film. This Clu is an upgraded version that Flynn created to help him supervise the Grid.
- I Am Not Your Father: But he's very happy to see Sam.
- Moral Sociopathy
- A Nazi by Any Other Name
- Neat Freak: He was upset by the slightest lack of order in Flynn's apartment.
- Won't Work On Me: Clu shrugs off a direct hit from a disc.
- The Perfectionist
- Pet the Dog: Although Clu despises users, he did sound genuine when he said he was very happy to see Sam. His entire tone before he reveals his identity sounds no different than two brothers meeting for the first time after hearing so much about each other.
- Perma-Stubble
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil
- Putting on the Reich: Seriously, his speech was one hell of a terrifying tribute to Leni Riefenstahl's movies.
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Slouch of Villainy
- Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter!: Clu's defiant call out to Kevin during his speech is this trope.
Clu: Kevin Flynn!!! WHERE ARE YOU NOW!?
- Totalitarian Utilitarian
- Turned Against Their Masters
- Uncanny Valley: Invoked Trope.
- Utopia Justifies the Means
- Villainous Breakdown: Experiences this twice; first when he's searching Flynn's house, and the second when his creator tells him that perfection is impossible.
- Visionary Villain: Wants to create the perfect system... because that was the first order Kevin Flynn gave him upon his creation.
Rinzler/Tron (Anis Cheurfa, voiced by Bruce Boxleitner)
- Badass: This should be empasized, short of Clu; Rinzler is the most fearsome thing on the Grid bar none.
- Note that during the flashback as Tron, he was able to take out four of Clu's elite Black Guards in roughly the span of 2 minutes without breaking a sweat or even remotely having to strain himself. Compare anyone else who has to tangle with the guards or even some of the higher level sentries, which usually results in a quick derezzing.
- Bifurcated Weapon: complete with a hilarious jab from Sam, "oh come on is that even legal?"
- Black Knight
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Was once Tron until Clu corrupted him.
- Catch Phrase: Subverted. Being Tron, his Catch Phrase is "I fight for the Users!" However, being Brainwashed and Crazy for almost the entire movie, he only says it once.
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Actually, Clu is, but his tactics during the fight with Sam mirrors video game Fake Difficulty (changing the rules to Rinzler's advantage).
- Deadly Discs
- Death Equals Redemption: Unless he was just rebooting at the end.
- The Dragon
- The Dreaded: As Tron he was already this to enemy programs. However he's a lot more ruthless and brutal as Rinzler.
- Dual-Wielding
- Dying as Yourself: As he sinks into the sea, his Tron Lines go from red to blue.
- Evil Costume Switch / Paint It Black
- The Faceless
- Heel Face Turn: "I fight for the users!"
- Lightning Bruiser: Unlike Clu, who just simply shrugs off hits, Rinzler artfully dodges out of the way. And then is on you a heartbeat later, going ginsu on you with his dual discs.
- Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome
- Three-Point Landing
- The Voiceless: Says very little, and only makes a quiet growling sound otherwise.
- You Shall Not Pass
Castor/Zuse (Michael Sheen)
- Actually, I Am Him
- Ambiguously Gay
- Blaster Cane
- Camp Straight
- Evil Albino
- Evil All Along
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evilly Affable
- Expy: To David Bowie in the "Ziggy Stardust" persona. He even talks about having had to "reinvent himself".
- Large Ham: A fitting tribute to David Bowie, don't you think?
- Light Is Not Good
- Man in White
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: It was not the run-of-the-mill poisoned drink that killed him however...
- Sissy Villain: Up there with Jim Carrey's Riddler.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
"Proceed to games."
Gem (Beau Garrett)
- Creepy Monotone
- Dark Chick
- Evil Albino
- Evil All Along: There's a reason why her program is called a Siren.
- Femme Fatale
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe
- Light Is Not Good
- Ms. Fanservice
- Sexy Walk
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
The Sirens (Yaya DaCosta, Serinda Swan, Elizabeth Mathis)
Jarvis (James Frain)
- Bald of Evil
- Derezzed Mid-Sentence
- Dirty Coward
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Sort of, as he is the intelligence officer and chief administrator in Clu's regime.
- Large Ham: His delivery of Clu's entrance doesn't just chew the scenery, it devours it.
- Like a Weasel: "Long live the Users!" And later, when Clu searches for Sam and Quorra: "Death to the Use--"
- You Have Failed Me...
Masked DJs (Daft Punk)
- As Themselves: Daft Punk playing DJs. Besides the addition of Tron Lines, they didn't have to change a thing about their costumes for their role.
- The Cameo
- Cool Helmet
- Cyberpunk Is Techno
- Dissonant Serenity: A fight starts in the End of Line club, and what do they do? Change the music!
- Left the Background Music On
- Musical Assassins
- One-Scene Wonder
The Grid Announcer (Edie Mirman)
The Black Guards
- Elite Mooks
- Faceless Goons
- Laser Blade
- Not Quite Flight: Their backpacks contain glider wings.
- State Sec
The Sentries
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