TRON: Legacy/Fridge

Fridge Horror

  • How are they going to get all the wonderful secrets that Flynn said the ISO programs represented out of Quorra in the real world?
    • Genetic analysis. Remember, Sam is rich and smart enough to do it himself. Let's see if Tron: Upgrade or whatever has Quorra with special powers. And it's not like he wouldn't fight tooth and nail to keep the woman he loves safe. Also, destroying rare creatures, in real life, tends to be a very bad idea, since they're rare creatures.
      • If it absolutely cannot be done in the real world, then she'll take a sabbatical, go live life in the analogue world, then get herself and Sam digitized into a computer program of a laboratory, where she can be studied for a while.
    • If ENCOM is supposed to be the Tron world's answer to Microsoft, Sam isn't just rich, he's so mind-blowingly, incomprehensibly rich that he can set up an entire new science department and fund it himself just for the purpose of studying Quorra without harming her. His wealth, and status as head of the company, also puts him at the kind of social level where if he objects to the Government's proposed treatment of her (if they want to run things), they'll damn well back down and follow his suggestions for a better path. Theyd Cut You Up is all about heroes being threatened by huge government forces that stop for no-one, but Flynn is lucky enough to be one of the few people who can actually interact with the Feds on something approaching equal terms.
    • Plus, you never know - part of the way they were supposed to change humanity might come from her (ahem) relationship with Sam, in the form of a human-ISO hybrid.
  • And yet more Fridge Horror: Yori doesn't show up because she probably tried to take on Clu after he repurposed Tron, and got rectified herself or derezzed.
    • Nope. The Grid is on a different server entirely from the Encom one. Which means that she's been without Tron for over 1,000 years.
      • But Tron's a digital program. It would have been a simple matter for Kevin Flynn to copy Tron so that one copy gets to stay on the original server with Yori.
      • That's assuming Flynn had the foresight to do it, but he probably expected for the original Tron to come back home eventually.
      • Good End. Of course, since Sam copies The Grid onto the chip at the end, what's that like, existentially? Is it actually frozen and moved, with no one really noticing, or does everyone just see pieces of the Grid vanishing in beams of light?
      • More horrible than that. When you move files from one computer to another, you're not actually moving anything. What happens is that the computer creates a duplicate of the file and erases the original. So basically, insta-Apocalypse combined with insta-Big Bang.
      • Nope. Good End. He copied the file, not moved it. So nothing changed at all except that now there was a new version that he could study in any computer.
    • Actually, it would make sense for Yori to be de-rezzed. Lora was one of the people controlling the laser, and Yori was a navigation program that got Flynn back to the portal out of Encom's system. This means Yori was likely one of the Programs controlling the laser, and therefore Flynn's ability to get in and out of the system. Also, like Tron, she knew too much about the Users (Flynn) and had a rebellious streak (as shown in her actions against the MCP in the first film). Clu would have to destroy her if he wanted to trap Flynn. Yori's compassion and rebellion would also make her very likely to side with the Isos against Clu...and Clu would be just the type of bastard to send "Rinzler" to kill her, because if Yori was de-rezzed, then Tron would be under his complete control.
    • Good news: Word of God says she's still alive, and judging from the publicity stuff they're doing for the sequel, Cindy Morgan's aboard.
  • And now for something completely different... Whenever a human went into the Grid, his or her matter was stored away in the machine. Since Kevin Flynn sacrificed himself in the end, the machine recycled his matter to make a physical version of Quorra. So, if Sam and Quorra "did it," Sam's technically doing the matter that used to be his father.
    • Nope. The digitiser doesn't somehow "store" the matter, it converts it into two things: energy and data. The energy is constantly being replaced, since the computer is on a mains line. And the data is her's (obviously) since his father's data (right up to the point of him removing his own disc) is stored on the "master-key identity disc program".
    • Even if it is a bit more line-of-sight, logic and common sense would lead to the conclusion that a portion of the matter most people are made of, at some point, was crapped out by an animal. The matter is organized in such a radically different fashion that it is no longer his father.
      • Heck, (almost) all matter was crapped out by dying stars. There's lame puns abounding.
    • For that matter, does the digitizer distinguish between the molecules that make up you, and the molecules that make up your clothes? Does it even store multiple people as individual collections of molecules? Sam and Quorra may be made up of a perfect blend of Sam's molecules, Kevin's molecules, and the molecules of their clothes.
  • This crosses over into Poison Oak Epileptic Trees because I'd really like to think better of the fellow, but was Flynn Sr. trying to set his son and apprentice up for an Interspecies Romance with the intent of mixing the species, so to speak? And even if it was just a happy accident that Sam and Quorra took a shine to each other, then we still have the question of potential grandkids...
    • If you look at the little smirk on his face when he sees Sam and Quorra talking, I'd say that yes, he was.
  • The explosion at the end seemed to destroy the Rectifier... and all the thousands of rectified programs onboard.
    • Admittedly, there wasn't much else that Flynn could have done about that. Rectified programs are implied to be beyond saving (or at least, beyond saving quickly) and rezzing them may be a Mercy Kill. Tron seems to be the only exception.
  • Speaking of "rectifying," Clu cannot create his own programs. He can only destroy and re-purpose them from programs that already exist. Now, children, how do you think that feels?
  • You should really think twice before you click that Delete button.
  • Though a lot of flak has been given for Clu's not-so-well-thought-out plan, consider he is the spitting image of the long-disappeared Kevin Flynn, aka the guy who could take back Encom in the time it takes to BS his non-aging. With Clu in charge of Encom, and the possibilities opened up by the internet, suddenly that plan becomes a lot more threatening.
  • The digitiser copies people by scanning them at high speed with a laser. The shots of the laser show that the lens is very dusty with disuse... how long will it take before Sam starts suffering from multiple cancers from all of the little translation errors when being digitised and restored?
    • Luckily the Grid can cure cancer by simply correcting the programming, though.
  • ISO and Programs don't age, but now Quorra is living in the Real World with Sam. Will she stay static in her age while Sam and any new friends she makes slowly grow older and die around her? Or will she now be subjected to the process of aging, and how will she react? Bearing in mind that up until now, she's never had to deal with any types of major long lasting changes to her body.
    • Her youth can be restored by simply digitizing her and altering the code that dictates her physical appearance. As can anybody's youth. That's one aspect of the revolution Kevin Flynn was talking about.
  • When a disc hits a program clean, he derezzes by basically exploding into a mass of voxels. During his fight with Rinzler, Sam gets cut by one of his discs and bleeds like a normal human, not getting program-like voxel damage, so it means humans get hurt in the Grid the same way they do in real life. Now imagine a human getting hit square in the chest by a disc... Eek.

Fridge Brilliance

  • As an ISO, Quorra can revolutionize science and medicine. And considering that Flynn's disk is the one that got Sam and Quorra out, Sam has the data available to possibly reconstitute his own father in the digital world if he did actually die from merging with Clu.
  • Also, regarding the arcade:
    • FLYNN's probably remained profitable until home video consoles killed arcades.
    • Alan probably paid the electric bill on it (relatively small with everything shut down) in hopes that if Kevin turned up anywhere it'd be here, which is why Sam was able to turn everything on.
    • Or Flynn himself setup the payments from his personal fortune. After all if you're going to spend time inside a computer, you're gonna want to make damned sure that your power bill is paid. There's even some evidence that it may have been Clu. After all if you can reactivate a phone line that's been disconnected for twenty years, keeping the power on should be doable.
  • When Kevin says Sam's "really messing with [his] Zen thing, man!", the sputtering he does isn't a grown man talking to his adult progeny, it's an angry dad trying not to swear at his 7-year old(?) son.
    • That he'd only just been reunited with. He was obviously about to have a longer, more heartfelt conversation with Sam after flatly ruling out any kind of action, but Sam had already taken off. It was nice to see a father acting like a real father. He doesn't appear to have any remonstrations with Quorra for setting Sam on that path, but by the time she wakes up he's gotten over it and has better things to do.
      • I meant that he still, on some level, thought of Sam as a kid. Not sure if that was clear.
  • Maybe Clu couldn't have taken over the real world, and his entire scheme is a delusion of grandeur and overwhelming pride. It would in fact have been a fittingly karmic punishment for him if he actually succeeded in getting himself and his army to the real world only to find that all his digital war-making technology doesn't work, and that he and his army of programs all as helpless and newborn babies completely unable to physically cope with the real world laws of physics, and have the whole lot of them taken out by the local police.
    • Now imagine if the Grid was connected to the Internet, and it's like the Grid's anthropomorphic construction, the damage that army could have done if they could conquer military program regions could have been horrific.
    • The MCP in the original movie outright stated it was going to take over military computer systems.
      • Of course, the MCP was also a contemporary of those military systems. Now imagine Clu and his circa-turn-of-The Nineties programs taking on military systems and military programs from... 2011. Programs that are already experienced in cyberwarfare [1].Talk about a Curb Stomp Battle.

"So what happened this morning?"
"Really weird. It was like someone hooked up a botnet from twenty years ago. Exploits and attack vectors I haven't seen since my college courses... if anyone out there's still running EN DOS or Windows 3.1 with no firewall or anything, they might have a problem. Anyway, a little after ten I noticed most of the traffic was coming from one group of IPs and just cut it out of the net."
"Maybe somebody's virus archive got loose somehow."
"Maybe. What's really got me worried is this new worm from Singapore..."

      • Maybe not quite a curb stomp battle as one might think: Clu's army is trained in VR combat based on Tron's experiences in Sark's game grid. The modern security programs might just be assuming functions like factory workers, and may not even have identity disks.
        • Re: that last point, it's reasonable to assume that they don't have identity discs. In the original, Sark had to make a speech to inform the new video game warriors (and the audience) what these new shiny Frisbees on their backs were. Programs that didn't play in the Games didn't have the discs (Yori, the random townspeople). Legacy programs have them because they were iconic, and, in-universe, it was what Flynn saw as normal and thus incorporated into his designs. It's likely that the discs were unique to the conscripts - perhaps even a dehumanizing gesture on the part of the MCP - and programs from other systems wouldn't have them. Other weapons, sure, but if you think about it, a disc isn't the greatest thing to fight with.
      • Depends on whether Clu's forces are attacking the military computers on the Grid or in the Real World... because I'd wager good money that Clu's programs don't even know how to write JavaScript, much less a worm/virus/trojan.
      • Maybe not. Flynn was like his world's equivilent to Nikola Tesla; utterly brilliant, completely off his gourd, and not really good with thinking through little things like "consequences" (Clu is ample proof). That little experiment of his has been left to grow for twenty years on its own evolutionary path, run from the inside by the aformentioned crazy genius and his equally crazy A.I. dark side. If his Grid could create Quorra's people, Ghu knows what else it was capable of!
      • If the Grid had been connected to the net, Clu would have had decades of experience with incoming worms/trojans/viruses. Recall that initially TRON was basically a firewall, so the Grid already has its own security systems, probably more than capable of handling those first simple attacks. One can imagine Clu spending time inspecting and integrating those first viruses and worms until he has enough personal experience to get bored with the sheer number of half-assed script-kiddie attacks and is able to handle anything thrown at him. Then consider that since we've been told Clu can't create, just repurpose, what better use for these thousands and thousands of daily incoming programs than to continue to expand his army until his "Rectify" button has worn out. Only this time his soldiers would be made of highly advanced attack vectors combining the best skills Clu has learned from everything before, along with the abilities of the Grid. It would probably be a matter of minutes from the point at which Clu unleashed his digital army until he completely owned the Internet. Curb Stomp Battle, indeed.
      • If you pay any mind to Legacy's tie-in game, Evolution, the Grid has already had issues with viruses.
  • Based on how she was passed on from one Flynn to another, Quorra represents the new meaning of Shareware.
    • I like how the Apprentice has spent more time with the Master than the Son, instead of the usual "Master's male apprentice falls in love with the Master's daughter" story.
  • Quorra's endearingly innocent question of what Jules Verne is like makes even more sense when you realize that programs don't age, and Quorra herself has probably experienced hundreds of human years' worth of time. Even if she realized that Verne existed long before Sam did, she doesn't actually understand that a "user" who came into existence more than a hundred years before Sam would be long-since dead due to old age.
    • Well assuming Kevin's disappearance was when she was created (or soon there after), she'd have been alive for 20 real-world years or 1,000 Grid years. So she's that old. She probably does understand certain things like aging; she probably just has a lack of any real experience with out as, as far as programs go, it's either live or derez. Though this is assuming non-real world computing issues.
    • She has Kevin right in front of her, getting gray and wrinkled. She knows what aging is.
    • She probably doesn't know the difference between years and 'cycles', and assumes that everybody in our world has 1000+ year lifespan.
  • A lot of complaints center around CGI-Flynn/Clu not looking quite real. CGI-Flynn is one thing, but Clu is a program based on Flynn. Though the other programs are portrayed by real people, consider that they don't have Users around to compare to. The not-quite-perfect CGI is a useful, if unintentional, way of saying he's a Program.
  • Kevin hugging Clu as they reintegrated hit me extra hard when I realized that he was doing the same thing he'd done with Sam when they first met. In a way, Clu is Kevin's child as well, so the parallels made that final moment between father and digital son extra-powerful on subsequent viewings.
  • The more you think about the updated games, the more they make sense. Let's take the light disc one, for example. in the original film, it was between two people... most consoles and arcade machines of that era had two controllers. Fast forward to legacy, and the updated version resembles tournament-level multiplayer for any given beat-em-up.
  • Why was Sam able to fit the entire grid onto his phone's memory? Because, no matter how much it has advanced, it's still effectively built on an advanced system from the 1980s, which is easily emulatable on modern hardware... such as a phone.
    • In 1989, a minicomputer workstation with a limited number of users would have been lucky to get 1GB of disk space. Nowadays that's a drop in the bucket for modern memory cards.
  • Clu's army doesn't seem terribly impressive....until one realizes every single one of them can summon a fighter plane, light cycle, or possibly even a tank at will with the handlebar-like devices. Still not enough to Take Over the World, but they're a lot more powerful than just infantry with sticks.
    • In the physical world, where would the matter come from to create the vehicles?
    • The same place it came from on the Grid? Given that Sam was made of flesh and blood while he was in there, it only goes to follow that the programs would be made of voxels while in meatspace. The problem is that cyberspace vehicles need to be modified to function off the Grid, which means that until and unless Clu sets up one hell of a supply line, those things will quickly turn into fancy lawn ornaments.
  • Anyone who has seen the soundtrack will likely know that there is a track called "Disc Wars". This ends up being played while the Flynns and Quorra infiltrate Clu's Rectifier, not during the actual Disc Wars games. A bit confusing, until you realize that's almost literally what the scene in the Rectifier is; a war over a disc.
    • Another soundtrack example. When Flynn reintegrated with Clu, this troper was disappointed because it looked like Flynn was dead. But if you listen to the soundtrack, what's the name of the song that plays during that scene? "FLYNN LIVES."
      • Of course... Sam Flynn lives. On a more serious note, it may be alluding to the "Flynn Lives" ARG.
      • Another possible explanation is that it's sort of a roundabout reference to two sayings: "Every man dies, not every man truly lives" and "Brave men taste of death but once, but cowards taste of it daily". While he hadn't truly become a coward, Flynn was existing in fear, letting himself do nothing but sit and dream of "someday" being able to do something, fearing that actually take action would just backfire... too, he was likely afraid of his own death by destroying Clu, because that's just a natural feeling. When he finally makes that decision, to do what is necessary, he wakes up from his long years of "death" and truly lives. In the process he ceases to exist, but in doing so he was truly alive for the first time in twenty years.
  • Initially, it becomes confusing when there's programs that speak with digitized voices, whereas other programs speak perfectly clearly. However, when Sam meets Zuse, he dismisses the resistance agents (who have digitized voices) as "primitive functions." Paying close attention to which programs are speaking what kinds of voices is actually an indicator of their hierarchy. Ones that speak clearly are higher-end processes, whereas ones with the more digitized voices are either subordinate programs or lower-end programs. Gem and the Armory Sirens, all of Clu's rectified troops, and even Rinzler all speak with these digitzed voices, indicating that they are subordinates or less advanced or complex programs compared to Clu, Tron, Zuse, etc.
  • At first it seems like an Ass Pull that Flynn could help Tron overcome Clu's brainwashing just by looking at him. Until one realizes that Tron did the exact same thing to Yori in the first movie! She was brainwashed by the MCP when he first found her, but when he looked into her eyes, she remembered her love for him and broke free of her conditioning. It looks like the powers of love and friendship are consistently stronger than the bad guys in the digital world.
  • Rinzler having two Identity discs makes more sense when you think about it. It's because he has two identities.
  • "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" in the soundtrack is a cleverly obscure throwback to the credits of the original movie, but even a cursory glance at the lyrics shows that it's more than a little bit of foreshadowing too ("Worlds apart, hearts broken in two/Sleepless nights/Losing ground/I'm reaching for you", right at the beginning, for example), chock full of oblique references to the separation that the Flynns experienced, as well as perhaps Kevin and Clu's uneasy relationship.

'arachknight1979: Was I the only one who was miffed when Sam turned on the power to Flynn's Arcade and "Separate Ways, Worlds Apart" was playing on the jukebox? I mean, it's a great song, but THIS song was in the first movie. THIS song should have been playing. lol I know it's a total nerd nitpick, but still...
Grayarcadian: I was thinking about that. While Only Solutions would work, it wouldn't have had the same impact or meaning.  Flynn's "only solutions" approach worked with MCP, but he then met a puzzle he could never solve. A part of himself creates a system purge because it just couldn't take not having a solution. Now in the present day he's literally World's Apart, both he and Sam's hearts are "trapped between confusion and pain," there definitely were "promises made in vain" (seeing the grid) and at the end he really must go and be "wished love," but its clear that he's "never walked alone." Yeah, the context of a Journey love ballad [is] turned on [its] ear, but I appreciated all of the thoughtful details in the movie, and this song qualifies... What can I say? After leaving the theater I encountered rush hour downtown holiday gridlock. I had a car stereo, a Journey CD and serious time to kill. So I played the songs back to back a few dozen times and puzzled why I wasn't hearing "Only Solutions," because I had missed it, same as you.

    • And after the song "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" ends, the song that plays right after is "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" by Eurythmics, which, according to band member and writer Annie Lennox said in an interview was about the search for fulfillment.
  • At first, I was mildly annoyed that there wasn't a huge final battle between Clu and the Flynns and Quorra and possibly Tron at the gateway. Then, I put some thought on the nature of the movie and how it was made clear that fighting Clu is a losing proposition at best, as well as the running theme of the movie that God Is Flawed. Then I got it: the final confrontation at the gateway between Kevin and Clu was the thematic climax of the entire movie, where God stands before his creation and effectively says "I was wrong. I failed you. This was all my fault." Kevin's humility and admission of his flaws before Clu, then his sacrifice to allow Sam and Quorra to escape, serve as a far more powerful and fitting climax to the movie than any fight scene.
    • It's not just the second movie. The first has a heavy dose of it, too. Programs look at Users the same way we humans see Gods. They make multiple references to belief in the Users, and the dying Ram even whispers "Oh, my User..." when he's in incredible pain. Tron, during the I/O Tower scene, is practically in religious ecstasy when he contacts Alan. When Flynn makes his reveal, Tron's awed, but Flynn splashes cold water on the notion.

Tron: If you are a User, then everything you've done so far has been according to a plan, right?
Kevin Flynn: [laughs] Hah, you wish. Ah, you guys know what it's like, you just keep doing what it looks like you're supposed to be doing, no matter how crazy it seems.
Tron: That's the way it is for Programs, yes.
Kevin Flynn: I hate to disappoint you, pal, but most of the time, that's the way it is for us Users too.
Tron: Stranger and stranger.

    • This would be another reason why Clu would have had to not just re-purpose Tron, but destroy Tron's very identity. Tron knows too much about the Users!
  • There's a question of Fridge Logic that someone posed (and now seems to be gone) about why the Grid would need a nightclub. It threw me as well, until I realized the answer is two-fold. First, after the events of Tron, Kevin realised that even the most basic programs were sentient within the Grid -- they live, make friends, fall in love, have entire lives -- so why shouldn't they have a place to kick back and relax? Second, Kevin intended for the Grid to be something that hundreds, thousands of people would use, so it makes sense to create some places where they'd be able to interact with programs and each other in a social setting.
    • It also seems to be a neutral ground, in effect: a place where negotiations could be made, and programs of all colors (which sounds a bit worse than I'd intended... ah well) could hang out without being at each others' throats. Kevin may not have intended it that way (since when he was building, everyone was on the same side), but Zuse or perhaps even Clu helped repurpose it for their own gain.
  • The first time I watched the movie, I wondered why Clu saw the ISOs as an imperfection, given that they could benefit both the Grid and the World alike. Then when I watched the movie again, I noticed Kevin and Clu's reactions: Kevin looked happy, while Clu looked dejected. At that moment, I realized that he didn't see them as an imperfection, but he was using it to cover up his true reason for bumping them off: he felt that they were stealing his ability to create a perfect system, which is exactly what he was made to do!
    • Which also explains why Clu attacked Kevin after he revealed that there's no such thing as perfection; He believes that Kevin is saying that he no longer has a purpose, and everything he's done up to that point is a lie.
    • There's also an "What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic" Shout-Out to the Bible, if one's inclined to go there. God created his best and brightest creation, humanity, in the final days of Creation. He was so delighted by His creation that He asked His angels to bow before Mankind. Most of them did so, but the best and brightest angel, the Morning Star himself, did not see Mankind as higher than angels, and refused to bow. Instead, he started a War against God and God's creations that continues to this day...If that's the case, than Sam's really in a position on the Grid he doesn't want...
    • His stated position works perfectly as his motivation. Programs are predictable and understandable. While they can apparently improvise and innovate within the boundaries of their function (as shown by how they can learn to fight on the Gaming Grid, or how Tron can go from being a firewall to a revolutionary), they'll still be generally predictable, even moreso the less you force them to step outside those boundaries. An ISO, on the other hand, has every indication of acting like a human... unpredictable, changing, learning, taking random chances. Unknowable. They couldn't be channeled and set in nice little repetitive grooves like programs could. Clu wanted the purity of an ant colony, and ISOs would never have submitted to being drones.
    • Alternatively, he was just following his programming. When he was created, presumably his 'code' would have had a set of defined parameters for what made a perfect system. ISOs did not exist at that time, so these parameters would not have allowed for their existence. Anything outside of the set parameters that defined a perfect system would be seen by Clu as an imperfection. This also explains why he turned on Kevin and Tron. By favoring an element of the system that violated the parameters, they were, in Clu's mind, the equivalent of Dillinger and the MCP.
    • Humans are fascinated by the idea of life arising from nothing, order from chaos, since that's how we think we began, but can only guess at exactly how. So a human is going to see ISOs as a miracle and/or a fascinating puzzle, the answers to which might help us understand our own origins better. Programs know their origin, and that they were created for a purpose; they wouldn't have curiosity or awe about what seem to be just random glitches that serve no function and only consume resources... grid bugs that talk and look like them, basically.
  • Dillinger Jr. uses Emacs. Kevin Flynn uses vi. If editor preference is hereditary, it would explain a thing or two about some of the conflict from the first movie, and possibly conflicts that might come up in the next.
  • Clu's goal is to make the world free for the programs. In the beginning, Sam accomplished his goal to make a program free for the world.
  • The first movie ended with a night-time cityscape, lit up with neon and Tron Lines, indicating that we were Not So Different from the Programs. Legacy ends with Sam and Quorra turning off the computer, getting outside, and into the natural world to see a sunrise... reversing the message and reminding us Users that we really are quite different.
    • Also, the way the first movie ends and the way Legacy begins are Book Ends.
  • Speaking of Tron Lines, here's one - why, out of all the brightly lit-up programs on the Grid, are Tron's lines so tiny? It's because he's from a previous system, and therefore is more utilitarian/has a smaller data file than the more advanced programs.
    • Not just that; in the original, the lines were thinner and more detailed, compared to the redesign in the new one. His lines are smaller because he comes from a system with smaller lines.
  • When Sam goes down to the basement, there's a thick layer of dust over everything... except the bright, shiny key in the door. Someone else has been there.
  • In the new movie, Tron: Legacy, the CGI on the redone Kevin Flynn appeared to bug a lot of people, and then me. It's a bit dodgy. And then I realized. They're in a computer! Of course it's not supposed to look perfectly real! The slightly-off CGI may not be on purpose, but it makes sense!
    • Even better - The deaged Flynn is Clu, so of course he's not going to look perfectly natural: He's a computer program!
  • Every scene from the fight on the Rectifier until Clu confronts the trio at the portal is a Call Back to the games sequences. Sam taking Kevin's disc from its cradle mirrors the scene in the armory with the Sirens. After a fight with Rinzler, the group is tailed by Clu and his mooks in light vehicles. They manage to kill the mooks, but Clu gets the upper hand. Seconds away from shooting the heroes down, he's taken out by an unexpected attack from the side, but survives.
  • The ENCOM guard isn't incompetent at all. He notices, apparently, the instant something goes wrong twice. Then he chases and confronts the thief with nothing more than a flashlight and a stun gun. Then he chases him all the way to the roof. This is a big guy who's presumably had to climb a lot of stairs, and he's still only a few steps behind Sam after Sam passes the conference room. Then he follows him onto the crane while his colleagues are just standing on the ground with flashlights, and when Sam makes a point, he actually listens to him and tries to understand what's going wrong. Either he's really dedicated, or he has a heck of a job description.
  • If you look at the screen of Kevin's IRL workstation when Sam wipes the dust off it, you'll see that the computer had an uptime of only two days, implying that the system had been rebooted two days ago. Seeing at no one is there to reboot the system The Grid is on, this implies that the Grid crashes quite regularly. If it does crash regularly, that means Kevin must have installed some way to backup the Grid and restore it every time it crashes. This in turn means while Kevin Flynn died at the end of Legacy, a copy of him exists on a backup server.
    • Or, the Grid and that terminal interact but don't share an uptime display. It had an uptime of two days because two days ago of our time, Clu finally managed to activate it so that he could send that page to Alan.
    • Actually... I don't have the DVD handy, but the second trailer (on YouTube) seems to show a much larger number: the "screen saver" (for just a moment, before it cuts to the desktop) reads 20:11:20:16:22:16:(rapidly-changing number), which would come out to 20 years, 11 months, 20 days, 16 hours, 22 minutes, 16 seconds, and X milliseconds. That sounds about right.
  • Quorra and Sam are the opposite of Gem and Zuse, even down to their character designs. The best example is when Gem and Quorra are sitting on a couch, in the ENDL club and Flynn's place, respectively. Quorra is just lounging casually, and Gem is poised carefully. Also, Sam is loyal to his dad and Quorra, while Zuse isn't loyal to anything or anyone except his own skin.
  1. one of the Real Life missions of the United States Air Force is in fact protecting America's interests in Cyber Space
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