< Super Mario RPG

Super Mario RPG/Characters

A list of character that appear in Super Mario RPG.

Main Party


The Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom leaps into action once again to save the world. He's, unsurprisingly, the Jack of All Stats of the game and he specializes in jump and fire magic.

  • Badass Mustache: Mario's mustache earns admiration from his fans and scorn from his enemies at various points in the game.
  • Drop the Hammer
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Generally averted. Almost everyone you meet knows who Mario is, and they treat him with the respect deserved by one who saves the world for a day job. He's so famous in fact, a Snifit in Seaside Town considers a jump from him as accurate identification.
  • Evolving Attack: Though he learns six magic attacks, they're basically just powered up versions of the two base attacks: Jump, Super Jump, Ultra Jump, and Fire Orb, Super Flame, Ultra Flame.
    • His basic jump attack also gets more powerful as you use it more.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: His base unarmed attack and a few of his weapons are punch combos.
  • The Hero
  • Heroic Mime: He pantomimes, even to the point of shapeshifting into other characters to act out what he would otherwise be saying.
    • Lampshaded at the beginning by Toad asking Mario "what's with the silent treatment".
  • Infinity+1 Sword: The secret Lazy Shell weapon.
  • Jack of All Stats
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: You can get called out on it - after assisting a man to his house in Rose Town, he asks if the treasure chests in his house are safe. If you tell them someone took them he's Genre Savvy enough to realize only Mario could jump high enough to get them, and you have the option to come clean about it.
  • Megaton Punch: Mega Glove.
  • Narrative Shapeshifting: He can even walk on air while doing it. He's a talented storyteller!
  • Playing with Fire: Those of his magic attacks that aren't Jump attacks.


"I’m Mallow from Tadpole Pond. I’m a frog, but can you believe it? I can’t jump. Embarrassing huh?"

A "tadpole" from Tadpole Pond who came to the Mushroom Kingdom on an errand, to his utter shock and horror he's told he isn't a tadpole, and joins Mario to find his real family. He's the resident Squishy Wizard who has lots of magical abilities deriving from the weather.

  • An Ice Person: Snowy
  • Badass Adorable: He looks like a walking marshmallow with a cheery smile and a childlike disposition. He's also a magic slinging badass whose weakest attack is summoning lighting storms from cloudless skies!
  • Boring but Practical: Thunderbolt is the only Herd-Hitting Attack you have access to until around Land's End when other people begin to learn them, and with a timed hit and good training to Mallow's magic it's pretty effective. The only other attack up to then that can hit all enemies is Bowser's Terrorize, but his magic attacks are nowhere near as strong as Mallow's.
  • Elemental Powers
  • Empathic Environment: The source of his magic is his power to control the weather.
  • Enemy Scan: Psychopath
  • Informed Flaw: Everyone, including Mallow himself, says he's sort of a crybaby, but he only cries three times in the entire game, and all for pretty understandable reasons. Granted, that's three more times than any other character, so he may have a point.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Mallow was adopted by Frogfucious, and grew up believing he was a "Frog that can't jump".
    • Oblivious Adoption: He doesn't realize he's not a frog. No one else in his hometown seems to notice either.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Granted, he doesn't realize he's royalty for most of the game. But he does continue on with the quest after learning it.
  • Shock and Awe: Thunderbolt and Shocker.
  • Simple Staff
  • The Smart Guy: He's the primary elemental magic user of the group.
  • Squishy Wizard
  • Tender Tears: Which create pouring rain.
  • Weather Control Machine


"I serve... a higher authority..."

A representative spirit from Star Road sent to find the Star Pieces, he takes up residence in the body of a doll and makes it grow to life size to use as a body. He's quite a Glass Cannon and Fragile Speedster.


"I'm gonna do something I may regret later...! But I'm gonna let you join the Koopa Troop. You can thank me later..."

The leader of the Koopa Troop and Mario's archnemesis got booted out of his home when Exor crashed into it. Now he's decided to let Mario join the Koopa Troop to work together to smash Smithy. He's primarily a physical attacker and Mighty Glacier. His magic is weak compared to Mallow's or Geno's, but it can cause Standard Status Effects.

  • Badass
  • Benevolent Boss: Yes, Bowser of all people is shown as this. The handful of his former henchmen you meet up with over the course of the game apologize for abandoning him, but Bowser is universally forgiving of them, wishes them well in their new lives, and they're very willing to help him out.
  • The Big Guy
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Book Dumb: In the Japanese his speech is always in hiragana and katakana. By contrast, Geno seems to use the most kanji.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Crusher, the only spell of his that isn't Summon Magic, and the only Earth attack learned by any of the party members.
  • Enemy Mine
  • Epic Flail
  • Fastball Special: The Hurly Gloves involves chucking Mario at an enemy. Judging from the way Mario is flailing his arms around when Bowser throws him, he's never expecting it either.
  • Foe Yay: Play your cards right in Marrymore and you can get him to kiss Mario!
    • In the same scene he asks Toadstool for a kiss when she promises one to Mario for rescuing her.
  • Pet the Dog: When he frees a Chain Chomp in Booster's Tower that Booster had locked up because she bit him. Gets more moments as he meets back some of his former troops across the game.
  • Slave to PR: Though he's been ousted from power, he still goes through great lengths to put on an air of power and intimidation. Several points in the game we see his inner musings on how to go about helping Mario and/or asking Mario for help while still saving face as a villain.

"I'm the biggest, baddest brute around, and don't you forget it. But if Mario hears that I've been kicked out of my own castle... My reputation will be ruined! Even I have an image to keep up you know!"

  • Standard Status Effects: He can cause Fear and Poison.
  • Still the Leader: Inverted. He is the fourth to join your group... and the only things he can influence are combat and the mooks inside his own castle.
  • Summon Magic: Though his magic attacks are the worst in the game, they fall into this category with him calling Boo, Mokura and Mecha-Koopas to attack opponents.
  • Token Evil Teammate


The Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has been kidnapped again, but this time she isn't content to sit back and let Mario do the heroism once he rescues her. She's the White Mage of the group, thus, your primary healer.

Minor Villains


"Har, har! Youse mugs'll NEVER catch me! A snail could outrun YOU morons! Later!"

A crocodile thief who pops up routinely to swipe stuff from the party before fleeing.


"Ooh! Room service has been kind to me! Where's my bib?"

Another monster of ambiguous design who guards the Kero Sewers, he has a huge tongue and an appetite to match.


A bomb-happy...thing lurking in the Moleville mines, he attacks Mario to try and get some recognition.


"Please, enjoy yourself! At your own risk, that is!"

A bizarre man living in a tower to the south, he lives a secluded life in a world of Snifits, trains, and many a minigame.

Snifit 1: Booster really, really, REALLY likes beetles! Be he can't catch his own.
Snifit 2: That's right, he's busy keeping the princess from the sky entertained.
Snifit 3: So we're catching beetles for him.

  • Big Eater: he eats an entire cake in a single bite!
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He lives in a giant tower full of toys, rides around on an electric train set, believes that Toadstool's tears are signs she's "sprung a leak", and he has to have his Snifits explain to him what a party is (and judging from their description, they're not entirely sure themselves).

"My bride-to-be is chanting 'MARIOHELPMEMARIOHELPME'. Is she showing her happiness?"
"I wonder when my next bride will fall from the sky?" This happens. When Valentina flies off, she has to land somewhere eventually...

  • Cool Train: Consider the unseen rail system he must have to be able to ride it up and down the tower.
    • Train Fu: If you mess up the final minigame in his tower you face him and all his Snifits together, and his strongest attack is to jump on his train and ram it into a party member.
  • Curtain Camouflage: One of the minigames in his tower.
  • Expy: Of Wario, possibly. He looks very similar to him, anyway.
  • Gonk
  • Man Child: He's selfish, spoiled, and cries/goes into a rage at the drop of a hat.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: A comedic and relatively friendly version.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: His Snifits
  • Unholy Matrimony: Done VERY comedically at the end of the game. With Valentina, of all people!

Johnathan "Johnny" Jones

"You spineless dogs have no code of honor! We'll make ya walk the plank!"

A Shark Man pirate living in a sunken ship off the coast of Seaside Town, the fifth Star Piece fell into his realm.

  • Alliteration
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Though he doesn't join the party.
  • Duel Boss: Optional. He challenges Mario to a one-on-one fight, but only if the player kills off all his Mook henchmen.
  • Honor Before Reason: Althougth it works heavily in your favor. He'll give up the Star he has if you win, and because he acknowledges you're the rightful owner after you beat him, and he later decides to cut off the retreat of Yardovich later because he considers Mario that much of a Worthy Opponent, even though he had no real reason to get involved.
  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Subverted. He isn't a bad guy at all really—he hands you the Star Piece after defeat and helps prevent Yaridovich's escape so that the party can fight him and get the Star Piece back. Also, Mario invaded his ship to find the Star, so when you think about it he was just defending himself and his prize rather than being openly hostile.
  • Irony: The whole point of a human pirate making someone walk the plank is to make them fall to their doom where the sharks are.
  • Prongs of Poseidon
  • Sequence Breaking: You can avoid having to duel him with Mario alone halfway through the fight if you leave at least one of his fellow pirates around. The game proceeds on like you did the usual way afterward.
  • Shark Man
  • Turns Red: Literally.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Currant Juice.
  • Worthy Opponent

Queen Valentina and Dodo

"My beauty simply shines forth like the sun!"

A vain woman who locks up the King and Queen of Nimbus land and has her pet Dodo pose as Prince Mallow so she can rule.


"Will you accept my challenge? You will enter combat against me?"

A knight from another dimension, he planned to conquer Mario's world but found it isn't suitable to his kind, so he departs, but first asks Mario for a battle. He attacks with four elemental Crystals.

  • Art Shift: A big clue that he's not of this world is that he uses a flat 2-D sprite that never moves (it just floats around), while all other enemies in the game use 2.5-D isometric sprites that walk in place.
  • Badass Boast: With a bit of Ice Cream Koan for good measure:

I am matter. I am antimatter. I can see your past. I can see your future. I consume time...and I will consume YOU!

"Perhaps in another time, another game, we may have been mortal enemies..."

The Smithy Gang


"Listen up, gang! These guys are gonna put a stop to OUR party! Are we happy about this?!"

The first member of Smithy's Gang, he and an army of Shypers invade the Mushroom Kingdom and turn the castle into their base while Mario is off tracking down Croco in Bandit's Way.


"For cover they run, nya! FUN this is, yes. Nya!"

An animated giant bow who set up base in the Forest Maze, he terrorizes Rose Town by firing paralyzing arrows at the helpless citizens.

  • The Archer
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Unlike most of his cohorts, Bowyer doesn't find it fair that the party gangs up on him three-on-one. He fixes the problem by randomly locking one of the player's button commands, often preventing them from using healing items or attacking, depending on which command he uses.
  • Evil Redhead
  • For the Evulz: Unlike Mack and Yaridovich, Bowyer had no real reason for attacking Rose Town except for the fun of target practice.
  • Interface Screw: Whichever button you use most gets locked down for two or three turns at a time.
  • Lean and Mean
  • Meaningful Name: "Bowyer" is the term for a person who makes, maintains and repairs bows and arrows.
  • Puzzle Boss: A subtle variation, he locks whatever button command the player uses most, so the trick is to confuse him and mix up your attack patterns.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Shock and Awe: Static E, Bolt, and Lightning Orb.
  • Strange Syntax Speaker: "Fix it I will, nya! Shoot an arrow I shall! When target it hits, that button locked!"
    • Weirdly, Mallow's Psychopath reveals he at least thinks normally.
  • Verbal Tic: He has one, nya!


"I'm such a genius, it scares me sometimes. No wonder I'm so important!"

A creature wielding a spear, he splits into copies of Mushroom kingdom citizens and collectively poses as the citizens of Seaside Town to trick Mario into retrieving the next Star Piece for him.

The Axem Rangers

"We struggle for chaos!"

Commanding Smithy's airship Blade, they attack Mario in Barrel Volcano to steal the sixth Star Piece from him.


"HALT! Who goes there!? A Tresspasser!"

A giant sword that crashed into Bowser's castle and shattered the Star Road, it's mouth acts as a gateway between the Mushroom Kingdom and Smithy's world.

  • BFS: It is one!
  • Climax Boss: Though all the gang members are fought at the end of the respective worlds, Exor is notable for being the final boss of the Mushroom Kingdom before The Reveal that he's just a gateway to Smithy's world and the game continues on there.
  • Cognizant Limbs: "Exor" is actually the tip of the sword's handle, the other targets in the battle are the two eyes and mouth, the latter of which is named "Neosquid" for some reason.
  • Fascinating Eyebrow: A rather odd instance, this is the animation used for the eyes when they attack.
  • Fireball Eyeballs: Exor's "face" on the hilt, not the two larger ones.
  • The Dragon
  • Go for the Eye: Exor is immune to damage until one of the two eyes is incapacitated, so guess who dies first.
  • Jaw Drop: The mouth when you KO it.
  • Non-Lethal KO: Its eyes and mouth can't be permanently killed, they sit out a few turns then regenerate.
  • One Hit KO: A perfectly timed Geno Whirl can kill Exor in one hit, the only boss vulnerable to this.
  • The Walrus Was Paul: Exor's mouth is named "Neosquid". No explanation for this is provided.


"Why don't you give me YOUR stars. Why, then I could easily conquer this world! Then we could get rid of all wishes, and create a world filled with...WEAPONS!!!"

The Big Bad who wants to Take Over the World with an army of anthropomorphized weapons, he works from a dark factory in another world using Exor as a gateway into the Mushroom Kingdom.

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