Voiced by Rob Stefaniuk
An overly-optimistic mutant who has no actual knowledge of his purpose in life or what he's spliced from, yet yearns to find out.
- Cartoon Creature: As mentioned above, his species is unknown. He looks very similar to Octocat however.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life: The pilot had Peri finding the Doctor's notebook after completely trashing his abandoned laboratory, which contained a diagram of Peri along with specifications below, possibly explaining his true intent in life. Peri and Entrée were both illiterate, and Entrée ended up using it as toilet paper when they did find someone who could read by the end of the episode.
- Fat and Skinny: The skinny to Entrée's fat.
- Funny Animal
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Entrée.
- Lethal Chef: In the first episode, he tried to make Entrée a sandwich. It ended up as some kind of sandwich-spider hybrid thing. With tentacles. That could fly.
- The Pollyana
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
Voiced by Joe Pingue
Peri's best friend; a combination of a chicken, cow, shrimp, and a pig who's basically a bottomless pit with an attitude problem.
- Animal Gender Bender: He has an udder which produces milk. Apparently he also lays eggs.
- Big Eater: Entrée is one of the better examples, where even his own stomach got tired of his obsessive habits of literally eating everything he sees. He actually tried to eat own goddamn house once.
- The Ditz
- Fat Bastard
- Funny Animal
- I Call Him "Mister Happy": Entrée has named the teats on his udder. Except for one...
Peri: But what about that one?
Entrée: I dare not speak his name. It gives him power.
*cue ominous thunder*
- Jerkass
- Let's Meet the Meat: Invoked repeatedly with Entrée, who seems to be aware that he was made to be food.
Peri: Stop! Entrée's not for eating!
Entrée: Well, actually...
- Poisonous Friend: Towards Peri.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mayonnaise.
Two-Legs Joe and Lord Wingus Eternum
Voiced by Patrick McKenna and Tom McCamus, respectively A short-tempered two-legged rhinoceros with a small bird attached to his rear end. (Until it was revealed that the bird's name (well, his nickname that is) was Lord Wingus Eternum; a Zen master who was once banished by his peers for never removing the growth on his foot that has always interrupted his studies, which grew into Joe).
- Authority Equals Asskicking: As the mayor, Joe's only effective act of discipline is stomping until the victim changes to another state of matter.
- Awesome McCoolname: Lord Wingus Eternum.
Wingus: Lord Wingus Eternum IS the short name. My true name begins with the dawn, ends with the moon, and would ravage your mind like a nightmare.
- Badass: Two-legs Joe and Lord Wingus Eternum are an amalgam of powers: The former has many varied kinds of Stomp powers that can affect the elements, reality, and even time and space, while the latter has psychic abilities from his species that allows him to fire eye-lasers, create energy shields that can protect the both of them, and can 'borrow minds'. He also creates ALL the flashbacks on the island. Since most problems are solved with Joe's stomping, Wingus stays quiet unless he's REALLY needed. Also, his desk/podium can turn into a hot rod-like vehicle in emergencies.
- Civilized Animal: Joe.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Joe.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Two-Legs is the red, Wingus the blue.
- Team Dad: Two-Legs.
- Toothy Bird: Wingus.
- Ultimate Authority Mayor: Guess who.
Voiced by Katie Crown An intelligent non-mutated platypus who usually feels out of place from all the other inhabitants due to her being the only non-mutant character on the island. Could be quite violent when provoked.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Closer to Earth
- Cute Bruiser: She can kick your ass.
- Everythings Better With Platypus
- Fish Out of Water: Due to be the only non-hybrid.
- Funny Animal
- Only Sane Platypus
- Put a Bow On Her Head
- Team Mom
- Wrench Wench
Princess Pony Apehands
Voiced by Kedar Brown A gorilla-pony with the uncanny personality of a six-year-old girl. She does demostrate her ungodly size and incomprehensible strength quite well,like walking through solid structures like it was made out of toilet paper.
- And Call Him George
- Expy: She shares some traits with Elmyra Duff.
- Hulk Speak
- Larynx Dissonance: She has a deep, obviously masculine voice.
Voiced by Patrick McKenna A horse cyborg who, once a normal horse, was involuntarily merged with computer parts from a freak hardware factory explosion. Thanks to his new-found intelligence and ability to speak via voice programming, he can explain the wild phenomena the other characters somehow crossed paths with.
Fuzzy Snuggums
Voiced by Julie Lemieux A cute and lovable critter who lives and breathes the urge to explore the island and the outside world, but could never do it right due to Karma having him blacklisted on Facebook.
- Cartoon Creature: His species has never been verified either.
- The Chew Toy: He is constantly crushed or beaten up by the other characters.
- Expy: To Excludy.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Whenever Fuzzy Snuggums tries to get off the island to explore the rest of the world.
- Funny Animal
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
Mister Smarty Smarts
Voiced by Mike Kiss An antagonistic, somewhat "knowledgeable", larger-than-life dolphin-chimpanzee who constantly attempts to subdue the townsfolk into doing his bidding and changing the island into an imperialistic "him-topia". Too bad his plans always backfire from either being thwarted by the protagonists, or that it's anything except being fool-proof.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Mister Smarty Smarts.
- Funny Animal
- Insufferable Genius
- Large Ham
- Never Learned to Read
- Sapient Cetaceans
- Villainous Crossdresser: He often uses disguises in his schemes, will wear women's clothing.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Apparently Mister Smarty Smarts is one, secretly. Peri even compliments him on one of his dresses that were "completely necessary".
Octocat: Meow.
Smarty: No, this is not just another excuse for me to wear a dress..!
Voiced by Katie Crown A (you guessed it) cat-octopus who accompanies Mister Smarty Smarts with his plans to dominate and take over the island. Always speaks in meows.
- Closer to Earth: Compared to Mister Smarty Smarts.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Octocat reveals this in the episode "Octocataclysm".
- Intelligible Unintelligible
- Nearly-Normal Animal: Type 1.
- Perky Female Minion