< Spliced


Smarty Smarts: RAZZMATAZZ!

    • In "Stomach On Strike":

Peri: (thinking) Come on brain, don't fail me now... (speaking) Because we haven't done anything yet?
Joe: Oh yeah. AND YOU? *puts foot over Entree*
Entree: (thinking) Come on brain, don't fail me now... That number has been disconnected. beep. (speaking) Because that number has been disconnected? Beep?

  • cut to Entree with a flattened head*
  • Ear Worm: The theme song.
    • Arguably the show's entire soundtrack could fit into this trope.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Because it's not Screwed by the Network there, it's quite popular in Latin America and possibly Australia.
  • Grotesque Cute
  • Ho Yay Shipping: In the episode "Poosh And The Quest For The Blargy Parble", Entrée kisses Mister Smarty Smarts after "losing" a bet with Peri in a game of Bucket-Stick Fruitball. The dude uses his tongue.
    • Mister Smarty Smarts also kissed Peri in Outsmartered and pursues him for partnership in Come to the Dork Side, complete with face caressing. He seems to actually like Peri and wishes he would just notice him already. Or that he could be forced to be more compatible.

Smarty(desperate): "But-but-but...we were going to be a team! I even made t-shirts!"
Octocat: "Meow."
Smarty(mournful): "I know, the shirts were too much; they freaked him out...to think, Peri could have had all this..!"

    • Joe also agreed to marry some aardvark guy when he got arms.
    • Same Difference was very fluffy for Mr. Smarty and Joe. And at the end, they still sit in their special place and have a picnic. Aww...
    • One Joe Wingus played very sweetly for Wingus and Joe. Wingus chooses Joe over his own people twice, and the both of them bond immensely throughout the storyline.
    • Apparently Joe thinks Peri is deliciously cute, enough to gush over him and lick him throughout an episode because he "tastes like hugs". Peri does not mind at all.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Mister Smarty Smarts and Entrèe
  • Nausea Fuel: The Super Lick Challenge.
    • Also the episode "Stomach on Strike" and "Bite, Shuffle and Moan"
  • Needs More Love
  • Shipping: Despite having a pretty reduced Internet fandom (probably as a result of all the screwing), fans have already begun to search for their OTPs. If their work is any indication, besides for the apparent Official Couple of Mister Smarty Smarts and Octocat, there seems to be a preference for Peri/Patricia, for one reason or another. Luckily, there seems to be no Jerkass attitudes about this at all. Yeah, you read right. This small fandom doesn't make a big deal outta shipping, they just go ahead and have fun.
    • Lets not forget the legions of Peri/Entrèe yaoi fangirls.
  • Ugly Cute
  • The Woobie: Fuzzy Snuggums
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