< Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/WMG

Finitevus represents/sympathises with the Unpleasable Fanbase, and those who have given up on the Sonic franchise.

They're always saying that the franchise "needs to die".

Scourge is a parody of fan-created original characters.

He's literally a recolor of Sonic with a bad boy attitude. However, his obsession with proving himself superior to Sonic show that really, he's just a self-centered brat who wants all the attention for himself. When Sonic finally defeats him, he even tells Scourge that he's a pale imitation of the real Sonic and will never be superior as long as he stays selfish.

  • Possible, but not as a parody; current head writer Ian Flynn's old Other M comic contained an uber-powerful green hedgehog named Ashrah (from the fan character of the same name), and it's speculated that Scourge is a version of that fan character.

Geoffrey killed Hershey himself.

This is actually suggested within the comic itself (Issue 224) by Sally. Geoffrey vehemently denies it, of course, and blames the Eggman Empire. Time will tell if he's being truthful or not.

  • As an add-on to this, it's possible there's still a part of him that wanted Sally and, depending on how Ixis taught him magic, a subconscious order could've used that to take Hershey out.

Rotor is a Schizoid Autistic.

As one himself, this troper has noticed quite a few symptoms in Rotor associated with a schizoid autistic; he's socially crippled, has a near-savantish interest in mechanics, has a very flat affect in his voice, has a hard time displaying strong emotions, and most noticeably, prefers to work alone and be left behind than be on the front lines with his friends--even going so far as to be quoted "if I work on this device, I won't have to deal with anyone". Even with his supposed boyfriend Cobar in the "Mobius: X Years Later" storyline, their relationship seems to be based more on shared professional interest than actual emotional attachment, a clear sign of a schizoid personality (using shared interests or fetishes as substitutes for emotional ties in a relationship). Since autism is thought to be caused more by genetics and schizoid personality more by rearing, it's likely that Rotor was born autistic, and gained his schizoid personality due to the hell of the Great War and the separation of him from his family and herd.

Rotor and Tommy Turtle were an item/could've been an item.

Going from the above, look at Rotor's relationship with Tommy Turtle; brought into his care, shares his love of robotics and engineering, apprenticed him in exchange for helping out around the house, and the most damning evidence of all, they were shown naked together sleeping in the same bedroom. Knowing that Rotor is gay, and basing his personality off of a Schizoid Autistic as above, it's possible Tommy was his first crush, and if they didn't hit it off and consummate their relationship before Tommy's death, they likely were heading down that road, and Rotor likely has regrets for not sharing his feelings with the guy before his passing (explaining why he withdrew further into the background in-story; he was too afraid to help or be close to anyone after that, lest he lose them like he did Tommy).

Rutan's father is Dr. Finitevus.

Finitevus has white fur (and is the only echidna known to have such). Rutan's dreadlocks have white tips. Do the math.

Antoine is now speaking in Cajun/Creole French.

In Real Life, both Cajun French and Creole French dialects sound like some hybrid of French and U.S. Southern accents with French words mixed in. Hanging around Bunnie all the time, Antoine could have picked up some of her Southern tone. And going by Belle's and Jacques' dialogue, they likely have that same hybrid accent.

Future Mogul's Heel Face Turn is due to And Then What?

Okay, let me explain myself. For 10,000 years, Mammoth Mogul has been an Affably Evil would-be conqueror of Mobius. Yet, 200 years later, he's a mentor for Silver. The reason? He managed to take over the world. After a few decades, however, being ruler of the world got boring. So, he decided to abdicate and find a new purpose. Edmund doesn't trust him because Heel Face Turns are rare.

  • Alternately, Mogul was somehow involved in whatever disaster led to the world's destruction, and is now attempting to atone for it by preventing it from happening; Silver is being kept in the dark to prevent him from blaming Mogul and turning on him before this can be done. Edmund, meanwhile, knows the truth (due to being a Guardian), which is why he doesn't trust him, and he hasn't told Silver the truth either because he's hoping Silver will fix Mogul's mess (and then they can get rid of him).

Future Mogul hasn't really changed sides, he's just manipulating Silver

Whatever disaster destroyed the world somehow DePowered Mogul, which is why he appears to have aged despite being immortal. He doesn't give a damn about saving the world, he just wants his power back, so he's doing what he does best and is getting Silver to do the hard work for him.

ALL the Archie originals will die sometime after Genesis

After Sally, God knows who will end up in the morgue next.
  • Though it should be noted that we haven't confirmed Sally's death yet. Who knows, once Eggman's Cosmic Retcon gets undone, she'll probably turn out to be fine (well, in need of immediate and extreme medical attention, but they're not killing such a major character off like that.
    • Though I agree with the above post, I do think killing Sally now is more likely than it was back in Endgame. The one thing that spared her was that at the time, Sega was still fumbling around with ideas for Sonic X-Treme, namely the one involving the Archie characters - which explains their claim that they "had plans for her". With that in mind, none of the SatAM/Archie-created characters are completely safe, so to speak, but to oust them sounds like a REALLY bad move, marketing and sales-wise. After all, they did make this comic what it is, and I'm sure killing them off would NOT please the fans. That, and the only plausible reason for something like that to happen was if Ken Penders won his case against Archie, which could force Ian Flynn to reboot the comic with a Crisis on Infinite Earths-type scenario (thus stripping it of any Penders-created character). Still, I don't find it very likely, on the grounds that Ian Flynn is not an idiot and knows WHY people keep coming back to this comic when they could be just sticking to the games.
      • Well, Sally's future is certainly more murky after issue 230. Eggman's attempted Cosmic Retcon ends with everyone as they were about 15 seconds before the brilliant flash of light. Sally runs towards her doom but Sonic somehow has a Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory, he was Super Sonic at the time the Cosmic Retcon was undone, of what happened in issue 225 and breaks away from his fight to grab her and dodge the laser cannon. She doesn't even get a scratch and while I could understand 'alive yet wounded', this felt a bit like an Ass Pull.[1] Of course, the issue ends with her becoming roboticized into Mecha Sally, so it's unclear what her ultimate fate will be.

Belle and Jacques weren't born cyborgs--their limbs were removed to combat their NIDS.

So if Buns Rabbot's NIDS (Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) began at the base of her spine, then it's entirely possible that Bunnie had contracted it, but her roboticization kept it from spreading. Continuing the AIDS/cancer metaphor, maybe Bunnie passed NIDS on to her children...resulting in the kids (a) having to have parts roboticized/amputated, or (b) being born without those limbs.

Some part of Geoffrey wants to fail, but he's stuck keeping his word to Ixis Naugus.

Geoffrey... has always been a skunk of good intentions with questionable methods, as well as a man of his word. Throughout the comics, he's had a good life, even got married. However, even he knew it couldn't last. As a skunk of his word, he chronologically swore allegiance to Naugus first. In truth, he could have betrayed them at ANY time, but tried putting it off as long as possible, until it appeared there would be no more threats to the Kingdom aside from Naugus himself.

Sonic is going to abandon the people of New Mobotropolis.

Given that recent turn of events, with so many of the city's population turning against Nicole and siding with Naugus, he's not in a good mood right now. At some point he's going to realize that Mina, unintentionally mind you, set a lot of this in motion. The last straw will be the public being dismissive of the roboticization of Sally, who they'll think caused the problems involving Nicole out of ignorance.

Despite what we may think, the Genesis Version of Sally...

Became a separate person from the normal Sally. They were the same person until the Cosmic Retcon was undone, when Sally started to remember the normal reality. But while Sonic was changed back, none the worse for wear, Sally was divided into the normal version, and the "Genesis" version which has whatever memories she had in the altered reality as well partial memories of the normal version.

At some point, Sonic will get the 7 Super Emeralds.

The emeralds have been referenced in the comic in the past, and the alternate color schemes seen in Hyper Sonic were given names, and given how the comics are going as of the 230s, Sonic might get desperate enough to try it. And if he does get them, and the new form, things will not go well for any faction in the comic.

Sally's roboticization isn't as thorough as we think.

According to this article the Death Egg Mk. 2's Chaos Emerald vanished when Sally inverted the roboticizer on herself. Given the equipment on that thing, a reality warper for example, that Emerald was likely fused into her body before she was changed. Also, her eyes are still blue, not red like every other roboticized character. The best case scenario is that she's playing along until the right moment.

  • Another possibility is that if she did somehow absorb the emerald, and starts collecting the rest to change back, she may change from robot to cyborg, maybe even turning into some kind of technorganic being.

Hershey isn't actually dead.

Geoffrey never found her body. In a comic, that speaks volumes in and of itself.

  • In Sonic Universe 37 we see Drago antagonizing a female Felidae. Her face is obscured, but the exposed feet and hands suggest Hershey is undercover, something Geoffrey might not have thought of.

Lien-Da will help restore Sally's free will.

In Sonic Universe 37 Lien-Da looks at Mecha Sally with shock. Seeing a parallel between her situation and Sally's, and wanting to stick it to Eggman, she may help Sally back to herself and escape back to Sonic.

  • Alternatively, the Power Ring Eggman installed to power her up, while not restoring her normal free will, will instead create a new free will and she'll rebel and take over the Eggman Empire.

Geoffrey's going to have a massive Heroic BSOD following 235.

Given what's happened in 234, once Geoffrey finds out, he's going to realize that he set it in motion when he brought Naugus back. He caused the FF, especially Bunnie, the same pain he felt when he lost his dad and wife. And since he distracted the Freedom Fighters who could've helped save Sally, all the grief he's caused them is going to make question if he did the right thing.

  • Semi-jossed. He feels bad about what happened in 234, and sympathizes with Sonic about Sally, but that's it.

The Council will be disbanded after this arc.

At some point, it will be revealed that Naugus was still royal wizard when he first trapped into Zone of Silence. Meaning that his earliest interaction with Geoffrey was treason. That means the whole council is guilty of treason by working with him. With all the resentment most of the Council has towards the royal family, and the manipulations between Naugus and Eggman, there will be concerns about a conspiracy against the royal family. This will force the council to disband or be arrested for treason.

  • Another possibility is that somehow it will be pointed out that the council made the same mistake that King Max made: giving a position of power to an enemy who's specific knowledge could resolve a crisis. Except with the council it's even worse because despite having three people advise against it, no real reason to believe Naugus's claim to the throne, the fact the kingdom wasn't engaged in a war, and Robotnik as an example of why they shouldn't just give an unknown so much power unchecked, they still made Naugus king. The council may well resign out of guilt.
  1. Sonic later did a "hidden cannon inspection" on an elevator that he and Sally had to use before letting her enter it. She stared at him like he was crazy implying she had no memory of when she almost went KABOOM. Even Eggman didn't remember what happened in his alternate retcon, since he was wondering why the universe "wasn't rewriting itself," while the first time around I'm pretty sure he manually triggered that cannon because Sally tried to run ahead while Sonic fought the mecha. That Sonic seems to be the only one who remembers is what makes this feel like an Ass Pull to me.
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