< Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/Funny

  • I personally love the scene in Sonic Universe Issue 18 where Antoine - while trying to escape from the Battle Bird Armada's island fortress - opens an escape hatch, only to find it opens up onto the edge of a cliff.


    • In the same issue, just to prove that no one will EVER forget the margarine scene from Sonic Sat AM - just as Tails is starting to get his rescue plan into action, unaware that Antoine and Bunnie are forging their own plans, we suddenly cut to this:

Random Bird Mook: And then, I dunno, I guess I'd use a bit of margarine!
Antoine: Ah, well, you see, zat is ze problem right there! Eet must be butter!
Random Bird Mook: Really? That makes a difference?
Antoine: A difference? Ha! Zat is like asking if there is a difference between ze water in your glass and zat which is in ze commode!
Random Bird Mook: Really? Listen, I've got a friend who's really into cooking! He'd love some pointers. I'll be right back!

Tails: You can't stop us, Doctor foo... foo-foo...
Antoine: Coo-foo-craw?
Bunnie: Foo-coo-clock?

  • And there's Shadow's reaction when Marine tells him that she doesn't know as much about ship building as she let on previously. For several panels, Shadow's expression locks up in one of the most amusing reactions given from a character in the comic
  • Snoo- PINGAS usual?!".
    • Also from issue #205: when Tails disables the still-quite-mad Eggman's tortoise-bot, Sonic tries to convince him to come back with them. Eggman then proceeds to spontaneously punch him in the face.
  • Sonic's reaction when Ixis Naugus goes flying through the air while cackling to attack the new Death Egg in issue 225:

"It's got to be an act. Nobody can be that creepy."

  • In 220, after Feist explains that he didn't stop Geoffrey from double-crossing Sonic because he found it amusing. Sonic replies that it wasn't a problem, then adds under his breath "You creepy, overbearing, ill-tempered, bad-humored, egotistical, badger-panda-giant thing!"
  • In 225, Sonic's reaction to Silver Sonic V3.
  • From SU # 16: Recently exposed as a spy, Espio reveals dirt on Sonic ("The Sneak."), Tails ("Captain Super Fox-Man."), and Sally. ("The location of your royal birthmark.")
  • From the Knuckles the Echidna mini-series: A starving Knuckles attempts to eat Archimedes [dead link] .
  • Sonic Universe #22. Between Omega, Cream, and Bean, the whole issue is hilarious. The crowner, however, has to be Omega experiencing Love At First Punch...with Blaze.

"I like you. Let us burn things together!"

    • And later in the same arc, Blaze defuses one of Bean's bombs, leading him to a long, mournful eulogy about how it "died", and naming it. Then Blaze reignites it.

Bean: J.K., you came back! *explodes* (happily) I can't feel my hands!

Mephiles: (to Void) Dude, that guy really needs to lighten up.

    • Don't forget the following issue, with creepy Flying Frog, leaving Scourge to comment that he makes Rosy look cuddly.
  • As Silver tries to fight Enerjak in an alternate past in SU 27 he tries think about what kind of advice his mentors would give him. Cue visions of his mentor and Edmund.

Vision of Edmund: Get up you lazy cuss! Kid's today, honestly...
Vision of Silver's Mentor: Your power is your spirit, and thus the power lives in you.
Silver: Great. Either cranky or cryptic.

  • The framing device in one Sonic Kids story is present-Sonic telling a bunch of kids how Tails got his sneakers. After the story, which involved stopping Robotnik from using a time-stopping device on the forest, Sonic discovers that kids fell asleep!
  • Nagus' face after he sees using the Chaos Emerald caused Bunnie to lose her robotic limbs. Yeah, that was totally unintentional.
  • After Sonic argues with Knuckles:

Tails: Sonic! Glad I found you. Where were you?
Sonic: Oh, just watching Knuckles be useless.

  • Geoffrey's description of Naugus in 233:

"My master has all the subtlety of a flying brick."

  • Sonic Universe issue 37 has a few gems, including Lien-Da complaining about being teleported along with the other Grandmasters, despite being right down the hall from the conference room, and Eggman realizing that Orbot and Cubot have been serving tea and snacks while he's been monologuing.
  • Some of the Off Panel comics. For example, Mecha Sonic marrying Mecha Sally, with Sonic schreaming for another universe reboot. Even funnier when, in a later issue, a fan-submitted comic follows the same events, but with Sonic roboticising himself for Sally.
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