< Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/Heartwarming

  • Several, but some of the best happen during issue #130, when Sonic returns after having seemingly died. He bursts into tears upon seeing his uncle, of all people. This immediately lead to his reunion with Sally, in quite possibly one of the most climactic moments in the comic.
  • Half Heartwarming, half Tearjerker, but when Antione's father on his deathbed and Antione is apologising for not being good enough as a soldier, his father just flat out tells Antione that he's been a braver and better soldier then he ever was, encourages Bunnie and Antione to stay together and marry at some point. His last words seal this.

Armand: I will tell your mother about your deeds, she will be as proud of you as I am. (Paraphrased)

  • Issue #221. The people of Mobotropolis are now completely against Nicole, sending her off crying. However, she's quickly comforted by Dimitri and Espio, who assure her that she has the support of others and encourage her to be brave. The three begin hoping that they can all be redeemed.
  • Half this, half Crowning Moment of Funny: Omega bidding goodbye to Blaze in Sonic Universe 24.
  • A minor moment of Heartwarming. In SU#15, the Destructix, who up to this point were more or less empty slates since being introduced, revealed that despite everything that's happened in the comic, the original Fearsome Foursome (Sgt Simian, Predator Hawk, Flying Frog and Lightning Lynx) are True Companions and that no matter what happens in their lives, they have each other's back and went to all the trouble of getting him back from his clan, who would have eventually ditched him, whilst promising Lightning Lynx that they would never do so.
  • Sonic Universe #17 has a really touching scene where Antoine asks Bunnie if she sometimes wonders whether they got married too early. They come to the conclusion that if it was before the war, then they'd probably be seen as having rushed things...but as Bunnie puts it, they had to grow up fast, and she couldn't be happier being married to him. Aww.
  • The five pager for #232 has Bunnie worrying herself ragged over not being half roboticised anymore and trying to decide what to do with herself to Antoine, who just listens and comforts her, showing us why they got married in the first place.
  • From SU#38, after the events of the issue, involving Snively trying to get Hope to join him in conquering the world with the Iron Queen after breaking her out of jail, Hope was crying due to guilt over thinking that Snively had a shred of decency and Omega of all people tried comforting her, despite not being good at it.
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