< Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (comics)/Awesome

  • During the Endgame arc, a Knothole traitor shows just how cruel a double-agent to Robotnik can be by arranging a vicious assassination of Princess Sally Acorn, which also frames Sonic for the deed.
    • Also during that arc, Snively showing his true colors by reprogramming his uncle's ultimate weapon to backfire on him...and only him, leaving everyone else unharmed for him to torture.
    • That's to say nothing of Sonic and Robotnik's final battle before all is said and done, with both of them discarding any words or taunts, and just focusing on beating the crap out of one another. What follows is one of the series' most brutal battles, rendered by one of the series' most popular artists, Patrick Spaziante.
  • The entire Mecha Madness arc. Sonic is finally captured and roboticized by Robotnik and sent to destroy his friends, who clamor to find a way to stop him. Choosing an incredibly risky plan, Bunnie stalls Mecha-Sonic while Knuckles is roboticized with a neural implant to keep his mind free, climaxing in several pages of Mecha-Sonic vs Mecha-Knuckles that ends with both of them caught in (and surviving) a massive explosion.
    • Made even more awesome with the realization that it was written by Mike Gallagher, who is far more well known for the pun-laden early issues.
  • Coinciding with a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, Sonic and Sally's reunion in issue #130. !! [dead link] helped win this comic an award of recognition.
  • Fiona Fox revealing just how much she manipulated Sonic's and Tails' Love Dodecahedron before performing a Face Heel Turn to join with Sonic's Evil Counterpart.
    • Sally slugging her for it, which was agreed upon in-universe:

Sonic: Actually, I thought it was kind of hot!
Monkey Khan: Totally in agreement there!
Tails: Yeah! Next time you should hit her again!

  • Dr Eggman gets a true CmoA in #175 by facing Sonic single-handedly in his new Battle Armor, which was powerful enough to resist a full-speed charge from Sonic (which didn't do more then dent his shield). Dr Eggman didn't just beat Sonic, he also deals out a massive Hannibal Lecture as he does, before finally leaving him to wallow in his defeat. This, of course, proves to be a big mistake later.
    • Of course, the events of #175 just make the Sonic and Eggman rematch confrontation in #200 even better.
    • A rather understated one follows in subsequent issues, when Sonic and team manage to regroup in a new city, and subsequently work together to dismantle the very armor Eggman beat Sonic in, with Sally then telling him that they can take him on at any time or any place once he's fallen at their feet.
  • Mad Scientist (In every sense of the word) echidna Dr Finitevus effortlessly manipulating damn near everyone, turning Knuckles into a super weapon and then calmly letting himself plummet off the island into a warp ring with a smile and a wave.
  • Enerjak facing off against Eggman's entire fleet. Hundreds of ships, a city full of killer robots, missiles, death rays the whole thing. Enerjak proceeds to destroy EVERY SINGLE ONE. And for good measure he turns Eggman's city into a wasteland, with only one small part of it even being halfway habitable now. All Eggman can do is stammer in agreement to Dimitri's suggestion that it's time to get to his fall out bunker.
  • Jules gets one in issue #192, where he talks down Scourge, a guy who had previously conquered a whole planet, never flinching despite the repeated threats, and sending the thug away in tears.
  • The entirety of Issue 200 counts as this, from Sonic giving Eggman "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Eggman's Villainous Breakdown, to Snively's ascension from The Dragon to the man behind the woman - a woman who was, before said issue, a one-shot villain in a rarely remembered sidestory in the comic's Dork Age.
    • Even more amazing is that after Sonic defeats Robotnik and drives him into his Villainous Breakdown, Snively comes along and explains Robotnik's deteriorating mental health. He subtly calls Sonic out for constantly winning over the years despite Robotnik's intellect and resources, the main reason Robotnik snapped. When he asks Sonic to just leave him alone so he can take care of his uncle, Sonic is left in a funk as he realizes what he had done in order to win, his joy turned into emptiness all because on Snively's speech.
    • Which may be a covert CMoA for Snively, allowing him to set up the Iron Queen's ascent.
  • E-102 gets some in Sonic Universe #3, overall surviving as long as he did counting as one. Later, Gamma manages to knock Omega on his ass with a few well placed shots, while delivering a speech in his cold monotone. He then lets Omega blow him up after copying his own data into the walking arsenal's mind and fusing with him, effectively giving Omega a true soul.
  • Silver manages to pull one off when he paralyzes a room full of combatants, including Sonic, Scourge, and Metal Sonic, with his telekinetic powers.
  • Issue #210. Robotnik managed to reason himself out of insanity.
  • Bunnie destroying Eggman's battleship.
  • Issue #204: After spending over 150 issues taking several hundred levels in badass, Antoine vents his anger on Monkey Khan for not telling the Freedom Fighters about the Iron Queen and her powers, which he was powerless against, and which almost got Antoine's wife, Bunnie, killed.
  • Sonic Universe #25 - Enerjak - and by extension Knuckles, given that he is Enerjak! - shows that he can be just as - if not more - menacing than the original Robotnik. When Silver arrives in his world, he at first views Silver, before returning to his prisoner, Constable Remington. As Remington gives a typical heroic speech about Enerjak being stopped, Enerjak holds out his hand and rips out Remington's soul, before the comic pans to a shot of Enerjak holding the latest soul, and revealing every hero and villain in the world is also on his wall, having likewise had their souls taken. This is emphasised by Enerjak saying that nothing can stop him.
    • References to Enerjak's power are made throughout the arc, including that He sank Mobius' version of Australia, hitting Silver with Angel Island, and his ability to summon all the souls he's taken at once to form a massive army. It is even implied that only Enerjak can defeat Enerjak, something Silver uses to his advantage.
  • Issue #223, when Eggman Takes a Third Option on Feist's Sadistic Choice. "And that is why I conquer worlds and you lose (whatever you are)."
  • Issue #224, when the Death Egg Mark 2 launches into the air and causes the entire planet to shake.
  • Sonic Universe #28 - Silver defeats Enerjak. During Enerjak's rant on how superior he is, Silver realizes that Enerjak is correct; he can't match Enerjak's power. As such, he begins to use his ESP powers to instead capture Enerjak's energy and send it back at him, bringing the demigod to his knees with each shot the arrogant overlord throws at him.
  • Issue #225, the whole thing, for Eggman. Silver Sonic V3 is one by itself.
    • Even Sonic admits that last bit is awesome.
    • Dr. Eggman has one when he seemingly actually kills Sally. Ladies and gentlemens, the Man Child Villain Decay-suffering nutcase is now officially gone and the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik we all once loved to hate has returned to stay.
      • Made even more awesome by the fact that he's savoring his victory by holding a glass of wine while firing his superweapon.
    • And even though the original plan was reversed and Sally revived, issue #230 gives Eggman an awesome Consolation Prize - the re-roboticized Princess Sally: Metal Sally!
  • The Batman Gambit Ixis Naugus carries out from Issues #221 - #224. He casts a spell on the citizens of New Mobotropolis that magnifies their mistrust and fear of NICOLE (following her temporary corruption by the Iron Dominion) into full-blown paranoia and hate. This is so that he can show up and claim to "save" them from the "threat" that the Freedom Fighters have left running around, if they just make him king. And he's only stopped at the last minute by the arrival of the Death Egg presenting a bigger threat.
    • And then Issue #230 rolled around...
  • In light of the criticisms in the recent DC reboot and Marvel's less than stellar approach to ending relationships in comics, the current writer deserves some praise for handling both ideas with much better results than the big two comic publishers.[1].
  • The hits keep coming for Dr. Eggman! In issue 234, Dr. Eggman detonates Metal Sonic, almost murdering Antoine D'Coolette. That's right - in the span of four issues, Eggman has crippled, if not destroyed, the Freedom Fighters.
  • Issue 235, Silver returns once more and tells Sonic he has determined that Antoine is the traitor he's looking for. Sonic, for reasons that's mentioned in the spoiler above, puts Silver through a wall, then drags him to Antoine's bed and shows him that he is not the traitor he's looking for.
  • SU 37, Eggman puts all the Grandmasters into their place, reminding them who's boss despite his previous Villain Decay.

"I'm winning this war."

    • SU 40 knocks it up even more: Thanks to Snivley's attempt at The Dog Bites Back, G.U.N. is weakened, Eggman knows where his niece Hope is, the hold of the Dark Egg Legion is even tighter than before and he now has the Iron Queen at his side. And he does this as he gloats to a defeated and broken Snively, trapped in his own prison.
  1. The reboot has been criticized for some rather sexist depictions of women and Marvel's had a tendency to end marriages in stupid ways, such as One More Day. By comparison, the Genesis arc has caused some big changes in the status quo and Sally sacrificed herself to save the planet
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