Sonic the Hedgehog/Characters/Neutral Characters
These characters have some level of antagonism to both the Good characters and Evil characters.
Team Dark
Shadow, Rouge, and E-123 Omega form a Power Trio known as "Team Dark", with its current and most common lineup first appearing in Sonic Heroes. They can be considered an Evil Counterpart to Team Sonic. They do help save the world, but they each have their own reasons for doing so. They all currently work as G.U.N. agents.
- Anti-Heroes: Type depends on the character.
- Cast Herd: As of Sonic Heroes, they are rarely seen apart.
- Evil Counterpart/Psycho Rangers: To the Main Trio.
- Dark Is Not Evil: They aren't completely good, but they aren't truly evil, either.
- Freudian Trio
- Freudian Trio
- Id: Shadow
- Superego: Omega (Possibly justified in that he's a robot)
- Ego (with Id traits): Rouge
- Freudian Trio
- Image Song: "This Machine"
- Limit Break: Their Team Blast "Chaos Inferno" in Sonic Heroes.
- Terrible Trio: Rouge is the leader (though in Sonic Heroes it says it's Shadow), Shadow and Omega are the henchmen.
- Three-Man Band
- The Leader + The Smart Girl + The Chick: Rouge, she, not Shadow, actually made the group after they had a rough start
- The Lancer: Shadow, the guy most people mistake for the leader due to having higher prominence than the other two
- The Big Guy: Omega, he's the most powerful of the trio (at least when Shadow doesn't go Super Shadow or takes off his inhibitors, considering he's meant to deal with Shadow)
- True Companions: They're a surprisingly tight group. They provide both combat and moral support for each other.
Shadow the Hedgehog
"If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have."
Debut: Sonic Adventure 2
Voiced by Koji Yusa (Japanese), David Humphrey (English, 2001-2004), Jason Griffith (English, Sonic X, 2005-2010), Kirk Thornton (English, 2010-present)[when?]
An ultimate life-form who looks a lot like Sonic through sheer coincidence. He's the current primary rival to Sonic. Uses hover skates to move at extremely fast speeds, just like his rival.
- The Ageless: Most likely due to the genetic material contributed to Project Shadow by his biological "father," Black Doom. The reason behind this was that Shadow's creator, Professor Gerald Robotnik, wanted to study immortality and use the fruits of his research to find a cure for his granddaughter (and Shadow's surrogate sister) Maria, as she was terminally ill and suffering from a fatal disease known as NIDS (Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome).
- Aloof Ally
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Shadow was created by Black Doom so as to aid him in conquering Earth. However, Shadow eventually went against said destiny and destroyed Black Doom.
- Anti-Hero: A Type IV or III example. Though it depends on the game and overall media. His levels vary in Sonic X and Archie.
- Anti-Villain: A Type II-III example in his debut appearance.
- Artificial Human: He's a genetically-engineered hedgehog.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Don't harm his friends, whether it be Maria or any of his teammates.
- Blood Knight: Mostly centered around Sonic, but as shown with his quip about Solaris in |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, he loves a good fight if he considers it as strong or stronger as he is.
- Breakout Character: Got a Story Arc centered around him even though he was originally meant to appear only in his debut.
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Before she died, Shadow and Maria were a non-romantic version of this.
- Carpet of Virility: Type 1.
- The Chessmaster: Was clearly making use of Eggman's world-dominating ambition throughout Sonic Adventure 2 in order to further his own goal (and Gerald's) in wiping out humanity in revenge for the murder of Maria Robotnik.
- Combat Pragmatist: Despite having all his natural power, his own game shows that he'll use guns, swords, or pretty much ANYTHING as a weapon if the situation calls for it.
- The Comically Serious: His Archie comics interpretation is shown to lose his mystique a few odd times. The game's version also has a couple of... less than dignified moments, albeit much more toned down.
- Contrived Coincidence: His very similar appearance to Sonic is only a coincidence, seeing as he was created many years before Sonic was born.
- Darker and Edgier: Designed as such from the start, invoked in his own game.
- Dark and Troubled Past: In Sonic Adventure 2. Blames himself for what happened to the Robotnik family and other citizens of Space Colony ARK and swears brutal justice for them. However, later on his story becomes so convoluted that it pretty much overshadows this piece of his past.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- A Day in the Limelight: At the height of his popularity, he got his own game.
- Dead Little Sister: Maria Robotnik, though he has gotten over his past after going through the phases of My Greatest Failure in Sonic Adventure 2 to My Greatest Second Chance in both the ending of Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life: In Sonic Battle and Shadow the Hedgehog, due to his amnesia.
- Determinator: He will always fight on even if it's the world against him, also in any goal he wants to carry out, he is near unstoppable.
- Energy Ball: He uses these in Sonic Battle and Sonic Riders.
- Expy: Several fans have noted that a lot of Shadow's personality traits, including his conception, are similar to that of the Pokemon Anime's depiction of Mewtwo.
- Flight: When using Chaos Control or if he's Super Shadow.
- Glass Cannon
- Good Is Not Nice: Has no compunctions against lethal force in the games and the anime when against an evil foe. The Black Arms learned the hard way that this also means no compunctions against genocide when dealing with exceptional evil. He also can be kind of a dick at times.
- Heroic Sacrifice: At the end of Sonic Adventure 2, he helps save the world from the Final Hazard, but uses up all of his power before he falls from space towards the Earth.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: His initial attitude. He gets better after he remembers Maria's true wish.
- Irony: Shadow hated GUN for killing Maria Robotnik; he now works for them.
- Informed Ability: He tends to be fragile, despite his Immortality.
- Image Song: Throw It All Away, |All Hail Shadow, Rhythm and Balance, The Supernatural, Supporting Me, I Am (All of Me), Almost Dead, Waking Up, Chosen One, Never Turn Back, Who I Am.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku".
- Ki Attacks: His ability to manipulate Chaos energy allows him to do these. His Chaos Spear is a dual example of this and Shock and Awe. There's also his Chaos Blast, in which he either makes an explosion of Chaos Energy from his body,[1] or shoots out a concentrated version through his hands.[2]
- Knight of Cerebus: Was never a villain (even at his debut) but he is most certainly this for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Almost anything concerning Shadow is grimly serious and a harsh turn away from the jovial attitude the main protagonist embodies.
- The Lancer: Even though he's the most recognizable of Team Dark, he functions as this to Rouge, at least in Sonic Heroes and in the Archie comics, according to Word of God.
- Large Ham: Mostly in Shadow the Hedgehog and |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. He engages in some Ham-to-Ham Combat with Mephiles in the latter.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Some of his stronger attacks, such as Chaos Blast, are colored red, red stripes surround his body, and Chaos Boost also gives him a red-tint aura.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's nearly as strong and durable as Knuckles, and, with his skates, is able to be just as fast as Sonic. He has to be. He was created as the Ultimate Lifeform after all. Goes Up To Eleven as Super Shadow, or by taking off his Inhibitor rings.
- Multicolored Hair: He has black fur with red stripes.
- Nineties Anti-Hero: He's always sort of leaned on it (his name and color scheme being pretty harsh and a vengeful personality) but he dives in full-on for his own game (guns, swearing, and motorcycle riding galore).
- Not So Stoic: Less of this in Sonic X, but mostly this in the video games and Archie comics where wangst and compassion can be frequent.
- One-Man Army
- Perpetual Frowner: You'll only see him either frowning, indifferent, or smirking. That is, until Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, where you can catch him smiling if he does well at an event.
- Person of Mass Destruction: He's a walking mini nuke with the power (depending on the number of chaos emeralds he has) to devastate cities and most fortresses. In Sonic X, this is played off better than the games, where he destroys entire fleets of space ships in one shot.
- Power Limiter: His Inhibitor Rings.
- The Quiet One: Particularly in Heroes.
- Really 700 Years Old: Despite appearing to be the same age as Sonic, he's over fifty years old.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the red to Sonic's blue.
- The Rival
- Rollerblade Good: He moves using rocket skates.
- Sealed Evil -> Anti-Hero in a Can: He was held in suspended animation in Prison Island after GUN raided the ARK. True to form, Eggman releases him.
- Happens again in after Sonic Adventure 2, but in Sonic Heroes, Rouge releases him.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: He pulled this on Black Doom and Mephiles, when they tried to get him to join their causes.
- Signature Move: Chaos Control, also Chaos Spear to a lessor extent, since it is the most associated basic move to him, aside from the homing attack.
- Sir Swearsalot: Only in his own game.
- The Stoic
- Sugar and Ice Personality: A bit of this in Sonic X if you consider Molly and Maria, but is mostly this in the video games and Archie comics.
- Super Mode: Super Shadow.
- Golden Super Mode: A different, lighter shade of gold than Sonic's, but still gold of some description.
- Sonic 06 also gives him a unique booster mode called "Chaos Boost", where his attack power and speed[3] are increased drastically, he has access to a stronger set of Chaos Spears, and gains Chaos Blast.
- Super Speed: Although unlike Sonic, he relies on his Hover Shoes to propel himself at fast speeds.
- Super Strength: He can overturn buses and giant slabs of concrete that fell off highways with one hand, as well as punch through solid steel and concrete.
- Superpower Lottery: He has super strength, energy blasts, teleportation, time manipulation, healing factor and agelessness.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Chaos Control.
- Teleport Spam
- Talking to Himself: Between Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic and The Black Knight, he was voiced by the same guy who voiced Sonic.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Seemingly pulls this off by intervening in a fight between |Sonic and Silver saving Sonic from a potentially fatal blow, offhandedly making sure he's ok, then fighting Silver in his place. That time, he had a very good reason besides this trope to save Sonic, as he deduced that Mephiles is intending to eliminate the past. Later on in the same game, he expresses silent remorse at Sonic's death, but once he finds out that the Chaos Emeralds can undo this, immediately takes on the toughest challenges in order to retrieve the gems.
- He also does this in the Archie comics, by literally throwing Sonic out of a hazardous area to safety, when Sonic was injured and cannot run.
- Time Stands Still: Chaos Control.
- Troubled but Cute
- Tsurime Eyes
- Ultimate Lifeform: Trope Namer.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: He's this to Rouge.
- Worthy Opponent: He's this to Sonic.
Rouge the Bat
"I despise anyone who takes jewels from me... all the world's gems are mine to keep!"
Debut: Sonic Adventure 2
Voiced by Rumi Ochiai (Japanese), Lani Minella (English, 2001-2004), Caren Manuel (English, Sonic X, 2005-2010), Karen Strassman (English, 2010-present)[when?]
A treasure-hunting bat in search of gemstones, including the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald. She also works as a freelance government agent—paid in jewels, of course.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Almost Kiss: Shares one with Knuckles after he saves her from falling into the lava pit in Sonic Adventure 2. Also shares one with Shadow in Sonic Battle after letting him pass the night in her house so he could recover from a fight.
- Anti-Heroine: Type IV or Type V.
- Anti-Heroines Want Redheads: Her (apparent) crush on Knuckles proves this.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Shadow too, apparently.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her outfit in Sonic Riders.
- Berserk Button: Don't get in the way of her and jewelry if you know what's good for you.
- Teal Eyes
- Boobs of Steel: Has the largest breasts out of the Sonic girls due to her age and image. She literally kicks people asses with kickboxing, making her one of the stronger female characters.
- Casting a Shadow: Her "Black Wave" Limit Break from Sonic Adventure 2 as a boss and 2P Battle Mode character.
- The Chick: She's a lot less serious on missions than her teammates.
- Classy Bat Burglar:[4]
- Combat Stilettos
- Cute Little Fangs: You don't see them that often, but they're there.
- (Dark) Action Girl: Consider that before her, Amy was the only major female character, and this stands out a lot more.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite using attacks of darkness like "Black Wave", she's definitely not evil.
- Dating Batman: Her relationship with Knuckles and Shadow (due to the latter's "dark knight" personality - pun not intended) can be described as this.
- Deadpan Snarker: In the Japanese version of Sonic X and in Sonic Chronicles.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Femme Fatale
- Flight or Not Quite Flight: Depending on the game, her wings allow her to either fly or glide like Knuckles.
- Foil: To Shadow (revealed in Sonic Battle) and Knuckles; but her cool, sarcastic personality contrasts with Knuckles' straightforward, Hot-Blooded personality.
- Greed
- Guile Anti-Heroine
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Hot Amazon
- Lovable Rogue: She's a government agent, but she's still a thief, too.
- Image Song: "Fly in the Freedom"
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi".
- Kick Chick: In contrast to Knuckles' punches.
- The Leader: Even though Shadow is the "face" of the team, she's really the leader of the three, at least in Sonic Heroes and in the Archie comics, according to Word of God.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Uses one of these attacks in Sonic Chronicles, and it's the basis of her "Shot" attack in Sonic Battle, complete with a soundclip of a vaguely bat-like screech that plays whenever she fires it.
- Miss Vice Girl: Despite being heroic: No matter what side of the line she is on at the time, she wants "all the world's jewels".
- Ms. Fanservice
- Punny Name: Rouge the Bat --> Baton Rouge.
- Reverse Mole: In Adventure 2.
- The Rival: Primarily to Knuckles. Occasionally to Tails.
- Sexophone: Her appearances in Sonic X (in both English and Japanese) are usually accompanied by this... unfortunately.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Also with a pair of wings, no less.
- She's Got Legs
- The Smart Girl: She's easily the most cunning and clever of Team Dark.
- Smarter Than You Look: Said to be mistaken for a ditz due to her frivolous and flighty nature, but she's very sharp and cunning.
- Spy Catsuit: Her standard outfit, complete with Impossibly Low Neckline.
- Her Sonic Heroes outfit has a Cleavage Window instead.
- The Tease: She sarcastically flirts with the following characters - Knuckles, Shadow, Dr. Eggman, Tails, and Sonic (though |Sonic 2006's "official" Prima Game Guide states that she has feelings for Shadow and Knuckles)
- The Vamp-ire Bat
- Vitriolic Best Buds: To Shadow and Knuckles.
- White Furred Pretty Girl
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child: In Sonic X, during her fight with Tails, she never injures him directly and defeats him with a kiss.
E-123 Omega
Debut: Sonic Heroes
Voiced by Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Jon St. John (English, 2004), Andrew Rannells (English, 2005), Maddie Blaustein (English, 2006-2008), Vic Mignogna (English, 2010-present)[when?]
Robot originally created by Dr. Robotnik, who swore revenge for being shut down.
- Absentee Actor: Was strangely absent from Sonic Free Riders as Team Dark's "Power", instead being replaced with an egg-shaped robot known as E-10000B who is actually Metal Sonic in disguise.
- Anti-Hero: Type V. Possibly Type IV in |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, seeing how he also expresses regret when it was revealed that he was the one who sealed Shadow away, and it was implied to be against his will.
- Arm Cannon: One that has many weapons in it.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Automaton
- Berserk Button: Anything relating to Dr. Eggman. Also, in Sonic 2006, Mephiles referencing his (presumably unwilling) participation in sealing Shadow in the future.
- The Big Guy: He's considered the "Power" of Team Dark.
- Beta Test Baddie
- Card-Carrying Villain: He seems to consider himself an evil force, since he taunts Eggman by claiming that Team Dark will "show him what true evil is".
- Crush! Kill! Destroy!: Particularly in Sonic Heroes. He spouts off the below lines when delivering his basic three-attack combo:
- Do-Anything Robot: He has a weapon built in for any situation.
- Expy: In Sonic Chronicles, Bioware patterned Omega after another of their Robotic Psychopaths, HK-47.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi".
- Killer Robot
- Last of His Kind: He's the final model of the E-100 line of robots.
- Meaningful Name: Omega is also the last letter in the Greek alphabet.
- Mighty Glacier: He's very powerful, but a lot slower than most other Sonic characters. That being said, he can at least keep up with his faster teammates. He was designed to keep Shadow contained after all.
- Noisy Robots: Definitely. Especially noticeable in Sonic '06.
- The Other Darrin: Played straight, although Andrew Rannells (who voiced Gamma in Sonic X) used a voice so close to that of Jon St. John's from Heroes that many fans had no clue that it was a new VA.
- Power Floats: As with Gamma, he too can hover, though he doesn't seem to use this ability as often.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Robot Buddy: To Shadow and Rouge. Those two are the only people that Omega would consider to be his "friends".
- Robo Speak: "Affirmative." Sonic Heroes played this mildly, with a cold monotone befitting an unfeeling sociopath but fairly smooth speech , '06 plays this painfully straight, with noticeable pauses between every syllable.
- Robotic Psychopath
- Sociopathic Hero
- Splash Damage: One of the big reasons to try and unlock Omega in Chronicles. His normal attack is a missile, which not only damages the main target, but does damage to enemies adjacent to the target as well.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Omega has been on both sides of this trope. He replaced E-102 Gamma from Sonic Adventure (although Gamma was nowhere near as much of a Killer Robot), and he was replaced by E-10000 B in Sonic Free Riders.
- Wave Motion Gun: Combines this with Everything's Better with Spinning during the Team Blast in Heroes.
E-102 Gamma
"Doctor Robotnik... Enemy. Master Registration... Deleted. E-Series... Friends. Must save..."
Debut: Sonic Adventure
Voiced by Joji Nakata (Japanese, games), Naoki Imamura (Japanese, Sonic X), Steve Broadie (English, 1998), Jon St. John (English, 2004), Andrew Rannells (English, Sonic X)
An intelligent creation of Dr. Robotnik's who is convinced by Amy to rebel against his creator thanks to the memories of the bird trapped inside, and who goes on to liberate those trapped in the other E-Series robots.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Inverted; he was intended to be a Killer Robot, but ended up turning good.
- Anti-Villain: Started out as a Type I Anti Villain before his Heel Face Turn.
- Arm Cannon
- Came Back Wrong: Eggman rebuilt Gamma to be more loyal to him in Sonic Battle. He pulls another Heel Face Turn after Cream reasons with him.
- Captain Obvious: After being told to head to a (for him) unassuming destination, he stumbles upon his older brother being modified in a manner that is implied to be painful. His response upon slowly walking out and shutting the door behind him?
"This is the wrong room."
- Death Equals Redemption: Though, he never did anything truly evil while working for Eggman, he still decided to make everything right by destroying/freeing his brothers, before his final death. Of course, this overlaps with Heroic Sacrifice.
- Duel to the Death: He had one with Sonic, until Amy intervened. The winner of the battle is unclear, however.
- Later he has one with an upgraded E-101 Beta. Neither of them survive.
- Green Eyes
- Heroic Sacrifice: Self destructs at the end of Sonic Adventure, to free the last trapped bird.
- Many fans think that Beta Mk. II's final attack simply proved fatal (with enough of a delay for Gamma to look at the released Flicky meaningfully), but given that he listed himself on the list of remaining E-Series units (read: targets), he probably would have done this even if he had survived the fight.
Gamma: Units remaining... *gazes at hand* ...Gamma...
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi", but before his 'death', he used "Boku".
- Killed Off for Real: There were a couple of half-hearted attempts to revive Gamma in spinoffs, but these stopped once Omega was introduced.
- Machine Monotone: Speaks in a deep, perpetually mellow voice. In both versions of Sonic X, he talks in Robo Speak instead.
Gamma: This presents a problem...
- Minion with an F In Evil: Ultimately turns out to be one after gaining self awareness.
- Noble Demon: For most of the early half of his story, due to his limited sentience and over-logical programming, his "evil-doing" is never personal.
- Power Floats: He can hover above the ground, and also fly with the help of a built-in Helicopter Pack.
- Token Good Teammate: He's the only one of the E-series robots who isn't blindly loyal to Dr. Eggman.
Shade the Echidna
"Please, I wish for a chance to prove myself, my new friend."
Debut: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Introduced in Sonic Chronicles as the commander of a mysterious group of warriors called the Marauders. Turns out the "Marauders" are actually a long-lost echidna clan called the Nocturnus. Shade wants to help the Nocturnus return to their homeworld, but when her boss explains that he intends to conquer the world, she objects and joins Sonic's side.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Villain: At first...
- The Atoner: One half of the reason for her Heel Face Turn—see below for the other.
- Dark Action Girl
- Easily Forgiven: Arguable example; she is made a trusted ally rather quickly, Knuckles even scolds you if you don't follow this trope with the branched dialogue options.
- Expy: Julie-Su: A member of a lost tribe of Echidnas known as the Dark Legion from the Archie Comics shares a lot of similarities with Shade. And the entire Nocturnus share similarities with the Dark Legion from the same comics. The most obvious example, in the comics the Dark Legion was sealed away in the Twilight Zone, while the Nocturnus were sealed away in the Twilight Cage. Both were alternate dimensions that seem like pretty terrible places to be. Word of God says this is intentional.
- Hot Amazon
- Laser Blade: One of her attacks.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Found out in a conversation branch in the start of Chapter 6 that she's really 4000 years old. Due to the Year Inside, Hour Outside physics of the Twilight Cage, however, she is likely not much older than the others physically.
- Teleporters and Transporters
- The Stoic: Somewhat; she engages in friendly conversation with her comrades, but isn't exactly much for emotions.
- There Is Another
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: She merely wants her people to return to Earth, though she abides by Ix's rather ruthless measures for doing so, going through with his invasion plans and brutal attempted execution of Sonic and Knuckles directly before he reveals his not-so well intentioned afterplans.
Debut: Sonic Adventure
A water being that acts as guardian of the Chao. Went on a rampage when the Chao were attacked and was sealed inside the Master Emerald. Robotnik eventually set him free, but Sonic was able to purify him. Was the Bigger Bad of Sonic Adventure, and makes occasional other cameos.
- All There in the Manual: Sonic Channel says he's a Chao mutated by Chaos Energy.
- Most likely a neutral Chaos Chao, as they resemble a Ridiculously Cute Critter version of his base form.
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Implied in the final ending.
- Berserk Button: Don't threaten the Chao. Ever. Just don't. You've been warned.
- The Dragon: To Eggman in Sonic Adventure. Elevates to Dragon-in-Chief after Eggman loses his grip on Chaos' reins and Perfect Chaos is realized.
- Dragon with an Agenda: He was in league with Eggman the whole time just to get a hold of the Chaos Emeralds.
- Demoted to Extra: He has no real role in Sonic Battle's plot; his appearance is just for the sake of having Emerl copy skills from him.
- Doing In the Wizard: The games seem to portray him as an actual deity that the Echidnas worshipped, even though Sonic Channel confirmed he is just a mutated Chao.
- Eldritch Abomination: His true form. It look almost exactly like Biollante but fewer tentacles, and being made of water instead of plant-materia.
- Chaos is supposedly a Chao that was mutated eons ago. If that is the case, it has always been an Eldritch Abomination.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Green Eyes
- Mad God: In Sonic Adventure. Of course, the "mad" in this case refers more to unquelled rage than actual insanity.
- Making a Splash
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Especially Perfect Chaos.
- One-Winged Angel: Has seven of these, each one stronger than the last, the transformations for which occur every time he absorbs a Chaos Emerald.
- The Unfought: Chaos 1.
- The Unseen: Chaos 3 and 5, due to him absorbing two emeralds at once.
- Papa Wolf: To the Chao, especially in his Sonic X incarnation.
- Physical God: Known as the God of Destruction.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: He was sealed in the Master Emerald by Tikal for thousands of years due to him going berserk, only to be freed by Dr. Eggman when he shatters the Master Emerald. It should be noted however that he isn't actually evil—just angry and vengeful.
- Shape Shifter: By virtue of his water-based form.
- Shout-Out: Perfect Chaos to Biollante, as noted above, his redesign in Sonic Generations further adds to this.
- The Speechless: Though he never talks, he is able to communicate with Tikal through ripples in the water.
The Babylon Rogues
Jet: "No way I'm gonna lose!"
Wave: "Unless I take charge, nothing ever gets done here!"
Storm: "I'll make sure to pay you back for this!"
Debut: Sonic Riders
Jet: Voiced by Daisuke Kishio (Japanese), Jason Griffith (English, 2005-2010), Michael Yurchak (English, 2010–present)
Wave: Voiced by Chie Nakamura (Japanese), Bella Hudson (English, 2005-2010), Kate Higgins (English, 2010–present)
Storm: Voiced by Kenji Nomura (Japanese), Dan Green (English, 2005-2010), Travis Willingham (English, 2010–present)
A group of extreme gear riding birds from the Sonic Riders series of games. Each member functions as The Rival to a member of "Team Sonic". The Bablylon rogues are descended by the ancient Babylonian civilization. Consists of Jet the Hawk, who is obsessed with being the best at extreme gear riding; Wave the Swallow, a Wrench Wench that maintains their extreme gears; and Storm the Albatross, who acts as the Dumb Muscle.
- Arrogant Extreme Gear Guy: Jet.
- Bare Your Midriff: Wave.
- Blue Eyes
- The Brute: Storm.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center: Granted, his tough guy image fades rather quickly under the right circumstances. He acts flustered around girls and is shown to feel bad whenever he hurts someone he wasn't aiming for.
- Cast Herd: Like the Chaotix, they are rarely seen apart.
- The Dark Chick: Wave.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Jet hates being pitied.
- Dumb Muscle: Storm, again.
- Dual-Wielding: Jet's Paper Fans Of Doom when fully powered up.
- Fat Bastard: Storm.
- Feathered Fiends
- Gadgeteer Genius: Wave.
- Gravity Master: Jet's gravity control in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Jet is voiced by Tobi, of all people.
- The Leader: Jet
- Informed Ability: Whether or not the Rogues can fly withour their extreme Gear is... unclear.
- Insufferable Genius: Wave.
- Japanese Pronouns "Ore" and "Oresama" for Jet, "Atashi" for Wave and "Ora" for Storm.
- Mighty Glacier: Storm.
- Motor Mouth: Wave
- Multicolored Feathers
- The Napoleon: Jet.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Take a good look at Wave's victory animation when you finish a race on a standard board in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.
- Paper Fan of Doom: Jet uses these to attack other riders.
- Power Crutch: Jet can only be considered Sonic's rival because of Extreme Gear. Without it, he's probably nowhere near as fast.
- The Psycho Rangers: They are counterparts to the Main Trio; they have even more parallels to them than Team Dark.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- The Rival: Jet to Sonic, Wave to Tails, and Storm to Knuckles. Jet definitely takes it the farthest, though.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: A common victim.
- Ryu and Ken: Each Rogue has the exact same stats as their Sonic trio counterpart.
- The Smart Girl: Wave.
- Smug Snake: Jet (and to some extent the other Rogues) in their more antagonistic bouts, are very overconfident jerks, despite their occasionally blundering nature.
- Speech Impediment: Storm s-stutters when he's f-f-flustered.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Wave has this perception sometimes.
- Talking to Himself: Jason Griffith as Jet with Sonic and Dan Green as Storm with Knuckles up to Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. Kate Higgins as Wave with Tails and Travis Willingham as Storm with Knuckles as of Sonic Free Riders.
- Teen Genius: Wave.
- Terrible Trio: At first.
- Three Amigos
- Two Guys and a Girl
- Verbal Tic: Storm's "-waina" in the Japanese version.
- Vocal Evolution: Jason Griffith's Jet in Zero Gravity is a lot deeper than in the first game.
- Wrench Wench: Wave (she even uses a giant wrench to attack).
- ↑ As seen in Sonic Battle, Shadow the Hedgehog, |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, Sonic Chronicles and Sonic and The Black Knight
- ↑ as seen in Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles
- ↑ His actual running speed doesn't increase at all in the game, but his homing attack automatically flashes him to the nearest enemy, and in Sonic Generations, a similar technique actually does make him faster.
- ↑ treasure hunter.