< Sonic the Hedgehog < Characters

Sonic the Hedgehog/Characters/Neutral Characters

These characters have some level of antagonism to both the Good characters and Evil characters.

Team Dark

Shadow, Rouge, and E-123 Omega form a Power Trio known as "Team Dark", with its current and most common lineup first appearing in Sonic Heroes. They can be considered an Evil Counterpart to Team Sonic. They do help save the world, but they each have their own reasons for doing so. They all currently work as G.U.N. agents.

Shadow the Hedgehog

"If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have."

Voiced by Koji Yusa (Japanese), David Humphrey (English, 2001-2004), Jason Griffith (English, Sonic X, 2005-2010), Kirk Thornton (English, 2010-present)[when?]

An ultimate life-form who looks a lot like Sonic through sheer coincidence. He's the current primary rival to Sonic. Uses hover skates to move at extremely fast speeds, just like his rival.

Rouge the Bat

"I despise anyone who takes jewels from me... all the world's gems are mine to keep!"

Voiced by Rumi Ochiai (Japanese), Lani Minella (English, 2001-2004), Caren Manuel (English, Sonic X, 2005-2010), Karen Strassman (English, 2010-present)[when?]

A treasure-hunting bat in search of gemstones, including the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald. She also works as a freelance government agent—paid in jewels, of course.

E-123 Omega


Voiced by Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Jon St. John (English, 2004), Andrew Rannells (English, 2005), Maddie Blaustein (English, 2006-2008), Vic Mignogna (English, 2010-present)[when?]

Robot originally created by Dr. Robotnik, who swore revenge for being shut down.


E-102 Gamma

"Doctor Robotnik... Enemy. Master Registration... Deleted. E-Series... Friends. Must save..."

Voiced by Joji Nakata (Japanese, games), Naoki Imamura (Japanese, Sonic X), Steve Broadie (English, 1998), Jon St. John (English, 2004), Andrew Rannells (English, Sonic X)

An intelligent creation of Dr. Robotnik's who is convinced by Amy to rebel against his creator thanks to the memories of the bird trapped inside, and who goes on to liberate those trapped in the other E-Series robots.

"This is the wrong room."

  • Death Equals Redemption: Though, he never did anything truly evil while working for Eggman, he still decided to make everything right by destroying/freeing his brothers, before his final death. Of course, this overlaps with Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Duel to the Death: He had one with Sonic, until Amy intervened. The winner of the battle is unclear, however.
  • Green Eyes
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Self destructs at the end of Sonic Adventure, to free the last trapped bird.
    • Many fans think that Beta Mk. II's final attack simply proved fatal (with enough of a delay for Gamma to look at the released Flicky meaningfully), but given that he listed himself on the list of remaining E-Series units (read: targets), he probably would have done this even if he had survived the fight.

Gamma: Units remaining... *gazes at hand* ...Gamma...

Gamma: This presents a problem...

  • Minion with an F In Evil: Ultimately turns out to be one after gaining self awareness.
  • Noble Demon: For most of the early half of his story, due to his limited sentience and over-logical programming, his "evil-doing" is never personal.
  • Power Floats: He can hover above the ground, and also fly with the help of a built-in Helicopter Pack.
  • Token Good Teammate: He's the only one of the E-series robots who isn't blindly loyal to Dr. Eggman.

Shade the Echidna

"Please, I wish for a chance to prove myself, my new friend."

Debut: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Introduced in Sonic Chronicles as the commander of a mysterious group of warriors called the Marauders. Turns out the "Marauders" are actually a long-lost echidna clan called the Nocturnus. Shade wants to help the Nocturnus return to their homeworld, but when her boss explains that he intends to conquer the world, she objects and joins Sonic's side.

  • Action Girl
  • Anti-Villain: At first...
  • The Atoner: One half of the reason for her Heel Face Turn—see below for the other.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Easily Forgiven: Arguable example; she is made a trusted ally rather quickly, Knuckles even scolds you if you don't follow this trope with the branched dialogue options.
  • Expy: Julie-Su: A member of a lost tribe of Echidnas known as the Dark Legion from the Archie Comics shares a lot of similarities with Shade. And the entire Nocturnus share similarities with the Dark Legion from the same comics. The most obvious example, in the comics the Dark Legion was sealed away in the Twilight Zone, while the Nocturnus were sealed away in the Twilight Cage. Both were alternate dimensions that seem like pretty terrible places to be. Word of God says this is intentional.
  • Hot Amazon
  • Laser Blade: One of her attacks.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Found out in a conversation branch in the start of Chapter 6 that she's really 4000 years old. Due to the Year Inside, Hour Outside physics of the Twilight Cage, however, she is likely not much older than the others physically.
  • Teleporters and Transporters
  • The Stoic: Somewhat; she engages in friendly conversation with her comrades, but isn't exactly much for emotions.
  • There Is Another
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She merely wants her people to return to Earth, though she abides by Ix's rather ruthless measures for doing so, going through with his invasion plans and brutal attempted execution of Sonic and Knuckles directly before he reveals his not-so well intentioned afterplans.


A water being that acts as guardian of the Chao. Went on a rampage when the Chao were attacked and was sealed inside the Master Emerald. Robotnik eventually set him free, but Sonic was able to purify him. Was the Bigger Bad of Sonic Adventure, and makes occasional other cameos.

The Babylon Rogues

Jet: "No way I'm gonna lose!"
Wave: "Unless I take charge, nothing ever gets done here!"
Storm: "I'll make sure to pay you back for this!"

Jet: Voiced by Daisuke Kishio (Japanese), Jason Griffith (English, 2005-2010), Michael Yurchak (English, 2010–present)
Wave: Voiced by Chie Nakamura (Japanese), Bella Hudson (English, 2005-2010), Kate Higgins (English, 2010–present)
Storm: Voiced by Kenji Nomura (Japanese), Dan Green (English, 2005-2010), Travis Willingham (English, 2010–present)

A group of extreme gear riding birds from the Sonic Riders series of games. Each member functions as The Rival to a member of "Team Sonic". The Bablylon rogues are descended by the ancient Babylonian civilization. Consists of Jet the Hawk, who is obsessed with being the best at extreme gear riding; Wave the Swallow, a Wrench Wench that maintains their extreme gears; and Storm the Albatross, who acts as the Dumb Muscle.

  1. As seen in Sonic Battle, Shadow the Hedgehog, |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, Sonic Chronicles and Sonic and The Black Knight
  2. as seen in Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles
  3. His actual running speed doesn't increase at all in the game, but his homing attack automatically flashes him to the nearest enemy, and in Sonic Generations, a similar technique actually does make him faster.
  4. treasure hunter.
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