Sonic the Hedgehog/Characters/Comics And Cartoons
A list of characters that haven't appeared in game-canonical material (bar noncanon games). Well, the particularly notable ones, anyways.
For the Sonic Sat AM cast, check here. For Archie's cast, check here.
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog
Scratch and Grounder
Voiced by Phillip Hayes (Scratch) & Gary Chalk (Grounder)
Dr. Robotnik's two dim-witted henchbots in The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. In the Archie comics they were later joined by Coconuts, a Mook who was also utterly useless.
- Affably Evil
- Butt Monkey
- Evil Laugh: Ba-HA ha-HAAA!!
- Expy: While Grounder is a badnik taken straight from Sonic 2, Scratch is an Expy of the Cluck badnicks from the Wing Fortress Zone.
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Hammerspace: How Grounder carries all those arm gadgets.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Grounder is voiced by Gary Chalk, who went on to voice Robotnik in Sonic Underground and was also the voice of Optimus Prime.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: While even the show's incarnation of Robotnik could strive to be fearsome at times, Scratch and Grounder were for the most part completely hopeless against Sonic, sometimes even destroying their own schemes for him.
- Non-Identical Twins
- The Renfields
- Simpleton Voice: Grounder
- This Is a Drill: Grounder has three of them. One for nose and one per each arm.
- Those Two Bad Guys
Voiced by Ian James Corlett
Robot Monkey in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Later in the Archie Comics he teamed up with Scratch and Grounder.
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- The Renfield: Is obsessed with gaining Robotnik's approval and respect, even more so than Scratch and Grounder.
- Sixth Ranger: Of the Super Special Sonic Search & Smash Squad.
- The Unfavorite: Gets it much worse than Scratch and Grounder, which is saying a lot.
Voiced by Venus Terzo
Ensemble Darkhorse of AOSTH
- Expy: Probably one to Jessica Rabbit
- Interspecies Romance: With Robotnik Jr.
- Lady in Red
- The Mole: Designed to seduce Sonic and lead him into a trap set by Robotnik, before gaining genuine affections for the hedgehog and intervening.
- The Vamp
Voiced by Mika Kanai (Japanese), Sascha Biesi (English)
A character created for the OVA.
- Accidental Pervert: Almost every male character is this around her. Both Tails and Knuckles end up accidentally groping her, Metal Sonic gets a view up her skirt after Sonic kicked him through the floor beneath Sara, and due to a telepathic link between Sonic and Metal Sonic, Sonic managed to see everything Metal did leading to an amusing reaction.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Catgirl
- Damsel in Distress: Played with. She implies that she could stop being a hostage at any time
- Genki Girl
- Hot-Blooded
- Interspecies Romance: Implied
- She Cleans Up Nicely
- The President's Daughter
- Tsundere
Sonic Underground
Sonia The Hedgehog
Voiced by Jaleel White
Sonic's Twin sister from Sonic Underground
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Voiced by Jaleel White.
- Eighties Hair
- Everything's Better with Spinning
- Photographic Memory
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy
- Super Strength
- Talking to Himself: Shared a voice actor with both her brothers.
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!
Manic The Hedgehog
Voiced by Jaleel White
Sonic's Twin Brother from Sonic Underground
- Anime Hair
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Hover Board
- Loveable Rogue
- Mr. Vice Guy
- Sticky Fingers
- Surfer Dude
- Talking to Himself: Shared a voice actor with his brother and sister.
- The Power of Rock
Sonic X
Chris Thorndyke
Voiced by Sanae Kobayashi (Japanese), Suzanne Goldish (English)
A Lonely Rich Kid who serves as the main human ally to Sonic and co. when are stranded on Earth after Dr. Eggman's botched Chaos Control. Spoiled Sweet by his often absent parents, Chris becomes quite clingy to Sonic and his friends, making him a bit of a Scrappy to western audiences. In the second season, his 18-year old self travels to Sonic's world but is transformed into his younger self, yet still maintains his adult mind.
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Brainy Brunette: When he's older.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku".
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Mr. Vice Guy: Although he is a kind and helpful boy, he can also be incredibly selfish and clingy, such as preventing Sonic from returning to his home planet. He admitted his flaws in one episode.
- Secret Keeper: Until Sonic and co. became well-known to the public.
- Shonen Hair: Looks a lot like Sora's.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Took a Level in Badass: He trained with Mr. Tanaka so that he could help Sonic and his friends in battle. Subverted in that his body shrinks upon going to Sonic's world, making him a lot weaker physically.
- Unfazed Everyman: Although it was Sonic and co. who were the fish out of water on Earth, Chris was the main human to get involved, and in some ways acted like an audience surrogate.
Voiced by Etsuko Kozakura (Japanese), Amy Birnbaum (English)
A plant-like alien and allegedly the last of her kind, Cosmo joins the core cast in the second season, striving to defeat the Metarex responsible for destroying her homeworld. She forms a romantic bond with Tails.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: She starts out pretty fractured. The rest of the series finishes her off.
- The Cameo: A possibly unconfirmed one in Sonic Chronicles as the potted plant by the window on the top screen in Tails' workshop.
- Chosen One: Sorta, though we don't know about it until near the end.
- Damsel in Distress
- Emo Kid
- Cool Big Sis: What she thinks of Galaxina
- Dead older sister: Galaxina
- Floral Theme Naming: Her entire race has this.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic Sacrifice: Tails actually had to be the one to finish her off - and he was not happy about it.
- Heartwarming Orphan
- Interspecies Romance: With Tails.
- Kawaiiko: Though less so than Cream.
- Killed Off for Real
- Last of His Kind: or so we think until we learn who the Metarex are, then we realise it's more like...
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Yellw Zelkova at least thinks she's Dark Oak's daughter.
- Morality Pet: Dub Chris says that she reminds him of himself when he was younger, and Chris did some damn dumb things which his older self attempts to make up for a bit, so...
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Her amulet.
- Parachute Petticoat
- Plant Aliens
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up
- Shrinking Violet
- Someone Has to Die: Again, and how! That final episode made Tails into a Woobie all by itself.
- Stoic Woobie: Averted
- Sorting Algorithm of Deadness: Could very well have turned out to be on the low end if Sonic X hadn't ended right after she died - that plant she left behind could be a means for her to regenerate.
- Survivor Guilt
- What Have I Become?
Dark Oak
Voiced by Joji Nakata (Japanese), Matt Hoverman (English)
The Big Bad of Season 2, Dark Oak leads the Metarex to obtain the universe's planet eggs, hidden within the cores of every planet in existence. They were responsible for destroying Cosmo's world, actually being the male members of her species who strived to gain power but corrupted themselves in the process.
- Big Bad
- Cyber Cyclops
- Drunk with Power
- The End of the World as We Know It: The Metarex extract the planet eggs from planets and leave the worlds to slowly die.
- For the Evulz: Seemingly at first until his true origins are revealed.
- He-Man Woman Hater
Decoe and Bocoe
Decoe: Voiced by Ken Yamaguchi (Japanese), Andrew Rannells (English) Bocoe: Voiced by Bin Shimada (Japanese), Darren Dunstan (English)
- Blue Eyes: Bocoe.
- Expy: Personality-wise, to Scratch and Grounder. Appearance-wise, to Omega and Epsilon from Rescue Kids.
- Fat and Skinny
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Decoe.
- Those Two Bad Guys
Voiced by Yumiko Kobayashi (Japanese), Andrew Rannells (English)
Eggman's childlike Messenger Robo in Sonic X.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Butt Monkey
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In Japanese.
- Dark Secret: His crush on Cream, which Rouge uses to blackmail him at some point.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Expy: of Coconuts.
- Eyes of Gold
- Keet: Programmed with the personality of a rambunctious child.
- Mad Bomber: Often sends explosive video messages from Eggman to the heroes.
- The Renfield
- Sweet Tooth
Professor Chuck Thorndyke
Voiced by Bin Shimada (Japanese), Jerry Lobozzo (English)
- Cool Old Guy
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Parental Substitute: To Chris.
- Purple Eyes
- Secret Keeper: The first of Chris' household to find out about Sonic aside from Chris himself.
Ella and Mr. Tanaka
Ella: Voiced by Kujira (Japanese), Mike Pollock (English) Tanaka: Voiced by Naoki Imamura (Japanese), Darren Dunstan (English)
- Battle Butler: Mr. Tanaka isn't always effective at it, but he certainly tries.
- Black Bead Eyes: Mr. Tanaka.
- Blue Eyes: Ella.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Ella in the English dub.
- Fat and Skinny
- Sassy Black Woman: Ella, at times.
- Secret Keepers
- Supreme Chef: Ella.
- Why Did It Have To Be Frogs?: Ella.
Sam Speed
Voiced by Souichirou Tanaka (Japanese), Greg Abbey (English)
- Fiery Redhead
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Meaningful Name: He loves speed.
- The Rival: Tries to rival Sonic's speed multiple times, but always fails.
Mr. Stewart
Voiced by Michio Nakao (Japanese), Andrew Rannells (English)
- Badass Teacher
- Becoming the Mask: He really grows to care about his students.
- Bishounen
- Purple Eyes
- AntiHeroine: Type III How some people might interpret her, she sacrificed her own daughter for one