< Ryu ga Gotoku

Ryu ga Gotoku/Characters

A list of characters from the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series of games and the tropes they embody.

Kazuma Kiryu

The Dragon of Dojima, fourth Chairman of the Tojo Clan and our hero. Big and scary, but very kind and gentle as long as you don't get on his bad side.

  • Alliterative Name
  • A Protagonist Is Ryu: It's part of his name. The dragon tattoo on his back is also an allusion to this.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: When the moment Kazuma declared himself the fourth Chairman of the Tojo Clan during it's darkest hour, it's quite honestly the most badass thing he has ever done. Of course, the actual ceremony was never held as Kazuma quickly resigns, making this a slight subversion
  • Badass: Oh, hell yeah.
  • Berserk Button: hurt a kid or a woman in front of Kazuma. Hope you didn't mean to use those teeth.
  • Cool Old Guy: By the time of the third game he's forty.
  • Does Not Like Guns: To the point that he outright brawls with zombies in Dead Souls. He manages to live with them, though.
    • He can use them as weapons in the main games, and the conflict in Dead Souls practically required usage of these to some extent, but he will default to melee combat when at all possible.
  • Doting Parent: Although he's not very outspoken about it(he's not very outspoken about anything), Kazuma is very, VERY proud of his kids, and does all he can to give them a happy, wholesome life. He also doesn't take it overboard: he'll teach his kids a lesson, but he won't enforce it too much, letting his kids learn it on their own.
  • The Dragon: To Dojima before the events of the first game.
  • Fallen Hero: In the first game, as the Tojo Clan used to hold him in high regard until Dojima is killed, in which a majority of the clan holds a grudge against him upon his return. Subverted as Kazuma never committed the murder and took the blame for Nishiki willingly, thus he had never earned this trope.
  • Friend to All Children: He's very good with kids, and actually runs an orphanage in the third game.
  • The Hero
  • Knight Errant: Very much so, though he often tries to settle down. It never works.
  • Neighborhood Friendly Gangsters: To the point he's probably the most decent character in the series. He even does a better job cleaning up crime than most cops. He's still affiliated with the yakuza by default, even if he's not serving them officially, if only because he's been with them for so long he's regarded as one by default.
  • Nice Guy: Kazuma missed his calling in life as the Patron Saint of Niceness. He helps any innocent bystander no matter how big or small the problem, rescues young girls, pets, old women crossing the street, and forgives men who try to kill him on several occasions at the slightest hint of their redemption. This makes his status as the entire underworld's Butt Monkey so far as picking fights go all the more hilarious.
  • One-Man Army: Over the course of the series, Kazuma has shown that yes, he is most definitely this.
  • Papa Wolf: Mess with his kids and you die, especially his adopted daughter Haruka.
  • Pet the Dog: Kazuma is pretty much made of this trope. If you don't know who he is, you'd swear he's the nicest guy around. If you DO know him, he's still the nicest guy around, but you know what to do for him to STAY that way.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: His shirt. Real Life yakuza commented rather derisively on it, amusingly enough.
  • Red Baron: "The Dragon Of Dojima".
  • Shirtless Scene: A lot of them.
  • Smoking Is Cool
  • The Stoic
  • Tattooed Crook: An appropriate silver dragon on his back.
  • Warrior Poet: Kazuma is very much the Samurai, and frequently displays a very sensitive, cultured side. He even starts a photography blog in the third game!
  • Wife-Basher Basher: Yeaaaaah, be nice to your girl in front of Kazuma.
  • Would Not Hit a Girl: Together with children, Kazuma has a huge soft spot for women, and will never hit a girl, no matter what.
    • Well, almost. He got into a fight with one disguised as aguy and learned they were female later, but consider how much of a POS she turned out to be, she was added as a very rare exception to this trope for him.
  • Younger Than They Look: The PS2 games didn't really change his appearance much between his twenties and thirties. He finally started resembling his age from the PS3 era onwards.

Haruka Sawamura

Kazama's adopted daughter, whose job is to be cute and get kidnapped once a game.

  • Moe
  • Parental Abandonment - Her quest to find her mother Yumi is what brings Kazuma deeper into all the intrigue during the first game after he gets out of jail.
  • Plot Coupon: She has one in the first game, which is why everyone's trying to grab her.
  • She's All Grown Up: Puberty has made her almost unrecognizable by the third game, and she's become much more independent and confident in her role as big sister over the orphanage. By the fourth game, she is a high schooler.
  • Tagalong Kid
  • The Woobie: Oh yes. Her dad's evil, her mom's missing (then dead), people are constantly trying to kidnap her...

Yumi Sawamura

Kazuma's true love, who along with Nishiki was one of his closest friends as a child. Kick starts all of the events of the first game by stealing the laundered 10 billion yen from the Tojo Clan.

The Tojo Clan

The main clan of the games, Kazuma's former employer and the most unhealthy place to work in the universe (over 8 onscreen lieutenant deaths and counting...). A large organization, with over 2000 employees and several families.

Masaru Sera

Third Chairman of the Tojo Clan. We don't know much about him as his death sets off the plot of the game, but he seems like a nice enough guy for a Yakuza.

Yukio Terada

Fifth Chairman of the Tojo Clan, and former Omi Clan member. A nice, friendly guy, he was friends with many people in the Tojo Clan and worked hard to avert a war between the two. As a result Kazama convinces him to leave the Omi Clan and succeed him as Chairman. He continues this role briefly in the second game, before... things get complicated.

Dojima Family

A very important family, counting Kazuma and Shintaro Kazama/Fuma as members. It didn't survive his death however, and breaks up shortly afterwards.

Sohei Dojima

  • The Strategist: How he's normally described.
  • Demoted to Extra: We still know almost nothing about him, despite being awesome enough to have both his wife and son be accepted almost automatically as Chairmen of the Tojo Clan.
    • He's actually implied to be quite the bastard. For one thing, he cheats on his wife with multiple women (including Yumi, which sets off his own murder at the hands of Nishiki).
  • Power Trio: With both Fuma/Kazama and Shimano in regards of the Jingweon incident flashback in the second game.

Yayoi Dojima

Dojima's widow, who nurses a grudge towards Kazama for killing her husband. Later becomes acting head of the Tojo Clan for the second game.

  • Action Girl: All the more notable for being one of the few examples in the Yakuza world. Don't underestimate her skill with that sword she carries, and she's the only Tojo chairman who manages to last an entire game without being killed or injured.
  • Quickly-Demoted Woman: She's not counted among the chairmen of the Tojo Clan, despite having guided it through possibly its darkest hour. Still it's impressive that she managed to attain leadership at all.
  • Hot Mom: Unfortunately one of the villains agrees.
  • Katanas Are Just Better

Daigo Dojima

Dojima's son, when first encountered he's pretty much just another street punk. He is eventually convinced to aid Kazuma against the Omi clan and becomes the sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Just compare Daigo's fighting abilities from his days as a street punk and The Lancer to his run as the sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan. Even more impressive as his opponent is Kazuma of all people
  • Despair Event Horizon: In the fourth game.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: While emptying a pistol into and killing Koji Shindo was very shocking (especially when Kazuma actually spares the latter after a usual beat down), the fact that Koji betrayed the Tojo Clan and caused the deaths of Tojo Clan Officers is simply just too much to let him get off that easy
  • Manipulative Bastard: In the fourth game.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the fourth game
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He wants to do what's best for the Clan, but won't betray his friends to do so. Until the fourth game, that is...
  • The Lancer: In the second game.
  • The Captain: In the third game.
  • Tattooed Crook: Has a tattoo of a either a deity or warrior of sorts, perhaps reflecting on his abilities of being a natural leader.
  • The Woobie: His father was murdered, the man he looked up to (Kazuma) went to jail for it, and he went through a brief stint in jail thanks to Ryuji Goda. It's no wonder he decided to back off from the Tojo Clan's affairs before Kazuma convinces him by Warrior Therapist methods.
  • Young Gun: In the second game as The Lancer. While he is skilled as a fighter, he isn't quite there compare to those like Kazuma or Majima, both who Daigo looks up to.

Nishiki Family

One of the youngest Families, and unfortunately one of the most ambitious and traitorous. Their Patriarchs try to kill Kazuma at least once a game, which never ends well (for them). Disbanded as of the fourth game.

Akira Nishiki

Kazama's best friend, and far more idealistic and ambitious than his friend. Eventually the second trait leads him to his downfall.

Koji Shindo

The second patriarch of the Nishiki Family, and living up to the family's growing reputation by being an overly ambitious jerk.

  • Ascended Extra: In the first game he was Nishiki's lieutenant, in fact the one who lead the ambush against Kazuma in Serena's back alley.
  • Jerkass
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His comeuppance comes quite as fast the moment he reveals his betrayal.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • Moral Event Horizon: While already shown to be a jerk for not supporting Kazuma and the Tojo's efforts against the Omi Alliance, Koji fully cemented into the point of no return by selling out the Tojo and causing the deaths of several officers and gleefully having no regrets in his actions.
  • Smug Snake

Tsuyoshi Kanda

The third patriarch of the Nishki family, he's... well, read above.

Kazama/Fuma Family

The 'nice' family, which spawned from the remnants of the Dojima family. Kazuma's main allies through the games, though they are thought of as somewhat ineffectual due to their focus on the needs of the Clan over their own.

Shintaro Fuma (Shintaro Kazama in the original Japanese)

Kazuma's father figure, and premier hitman for the Tojo Clan.

  • The Atoner - He killed Kazuma's biological parents in a hit. Given that he places all the children of his targets in Sunshine Orphanage, it can be reasoned he killed Nishiki's and Yumi's parents as well. Kazuma forgives him as he always considered Fuma to be his real father.
  • Badass: He got a reputation one for being really good at killing people.
  • Dirty Business
  • Dub Name Change: Called Fuma in the English versions. While a tad confusing to follow if you played the Japanese versions first, it does serve to give him a slightly different name from another guy named Kazama later in the English versions.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Appears to do this early in the game, taking a bullet that almost got Kazuma too, but he survives that. He does later die for real.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Despite his prowess at killing, it's pretty clear he's not proud of it, and as his life has worn on, he's built up enough guilt over it to start his own religion. When you find out his darkest reason why, it's really sad: He was the one who killed Kazuma, Nishiki, and Yumi's parents, and he felt so guilty for the kids of the parents he killed he tried his best to get them into a good orphanage and later helped raise them, Kazuma especially, if only to atone for taking their real parents away.
  • The Obi-Wan

Osamu Kashiwagi

Shintaro's loyal assistant, and a very calm, controlled individual.

Shimano Family

A big, powerful family, they are one of the backbones of the Tojo clan under their ruthless Patriarch.

Futo Shimano

The Patriarch of the Shimano family, Futo is big, nasty and shamelessly using greater events to grab himself greater power.

The Majima Family

Another family that emerged from the Dojima break up, and as loose in their allegiances as their unpredictable Patriarch. In the second game Majima turns them into a (mostly) legitimate construction company, though they are no less dangerous because of it.

Goro Majima

Head of the Majima family, and all round crazy dude. Known to be completely unpredictable, he is none the less highly respected for his skill and deceptive intelligence.

  • Badass: Even Kazuma admitsMajima is the one opponent he can't read at all.
    • Bash Brothers: He and Kazuma might be rivals, but they will team up if need be, with Project X Zone making them an explicit pair unit.
    • Beware the Silly Ones: He can be a little spastic and bizarre at times, but make no mistake when things he get serious, he can wipe out everyone who looks at him funny.
    • Eyepatch of Power: Has only one eye, but he no less a badass for this.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Yeah, he might seem like a Psycho for Hire, but this guy runs a legitimate construction company, has won incredible loyalty from his employees and has become one of the most senior Yakuza Lieutenants. He's no uncontrolled fool, just a little... eccentric.
  • Confusion Fu: This is arguably Majima's style of fighting.
  • Crazy Awesome
  • Crowning Music of Awesome / Leitmotif: "Receive You" and all it's remixes, including "Receive You The Prototype", "Receive And Stab You", and "Receive And Bite You".
  • The Dragon: To Kazuma from 2 onwards, making him one of the incredibly rare and incredibly awesome HEROIC examples: he's less The Lancer, and more just a force of nature that Kazuma unleashes on the underworld when needed.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: Majima in the first game is almost a different person from all later appearances, or so it seems, as he seems far more villainous and a Bad Boss than in all later appearances. Turns out this isn't quite the whole story, as part of this was a survival tactic, given how the Tojo were fracturing into a civil war at the time, and the other part was to make sure Kazuma still was able to fight like he used to after his stint in prison.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Easily the most long lived character in the series, bar Kazuma himself.
  • Foe Yay: He is very attached to Kazuma, and tends to take a rather flirtatious tone with him.
  • Knife Nut: In SPADES. His signature weapon seems to be a tanto, which he handles with... rather disturbing fondness.
    • Even more disturbingly, the fourth game reveals it's the same weapon he lost his left eye to.
  • Historical In-Joke: He implied to be responsible for the Japanese stock market tanking and the subsequent "Lost Decade", as that period was referred to.
  • Pet the Dog: Goro Majima can be unpredictable at times, showing that he's not a Complete Monster despite being a Psycho For Hire.
  • Tattooed Crook: His tattoo is a very appropriate Oni figure.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Makes it clear to anyone Kazuma Kiryu can only be taken down by him alone. Kazuma himself is actually pretty cool with this.

Daisaku Minami

Appears in the fourth game as Lieutenant of the Majima family. Like his patriarch, he is both tough and crazy, but has been influenced by Western culture as well. Is also bad at karaoke.

The Hakuho Clan

A family that emerged during the time gap between the second and third games.

Yoshitaka Mine

An extremely rich young man who was brought into the Tojo Clan by bribing Kanda. Since then, he's come into his own under Daigo's wing and suffers an erractic breakdown when Daigo is shot, which sets the events of the third game into motion.

The Hamazaki Clan

An family working on the fringes of the Tojo, they are vital but mistrusted for their close links to the chinese Triads.

Goh Hamazaki

Big, ugly and nasty, he's an opportunistic thug who will do whatever it takes to succeed.

  • Bonus Boss: He can be fought in the arena after the main game.
  • The Unfought: Though he's a major bad guy in the third game, you never actually fight him. It's even more odd since - as stated above - he is a non-canon bonus fight in the arena, which shows that he's certainly got the skills.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: He vanishes off screen once his plans have been screwed up and his family destroyed. He comes back right at the end, accuses Kazuma of ruining his life and (near fatally) stabs him in the gut.
  • Fighting for Survival: His jailbreak with Saejima in the forth game actually has him act admirably, despite still being an asshole. Unfortunately for him, Redemption Equals Death.

The Omi Alliance

Toranosuke Sengoku

The man behind most of the wealth of the Omi Alliance, he's a smug, smirking jerk whose only redeeming attribute is his skill with money.

Ryuji Goda

The adopted son of Omi Alliance Chairman Jin Goda and the Patriarch of the Go-Ryu Clan, Ryuji Goda engineers a war between the Omi and the Tojo Clan while seeking out Kazuma in order to defeat him and claim the title of The One True Dragon.

  • Arm Cannon: One of the things he returned to the series with, and that is only the beginning of his awesome
  • Back from the Dead: In Of The End.
  • Berserk Button: Never refer to him as "The Dragon of Kansai". There is only one True Dragon, and he aims to be the one.
  • Character Development: His arc in Of The End/Dead Souls is full of it. Explaining how he lost his original right hand by performing a quitting ceremony, left his own Family and the entire Kansai Omi Alliance, came to realize how futile it was to seek the position of the Only Dragon, and then earning his stay as a takoyaki cooker's apprentice.... Let's just say he came a long way
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Ryuji's sense of openness in battle meant he didn't care at all for Sengoku kidnapping Haruka to set Kazuma up for an ambush at the Golden Palace and sliced open Sengoku's torso to accent the point. Of course Sengoku had the brilliance to accuse Ryuji of rising on nepotism, which only set Ryuji off and earned him a katana through the chest and a boot off the Golden Palace's balcony. After taking care of that interruption, Ryuji then lets Kazuma and Haruka leave undisturbed- although he made it clear that the Omi and Tojo were going to go head-on in exactly a day.
  • Evil Counterpart: Like Kazuma he's known as The Dragon and has a tattoo of one on his back, along with a certain sense of honour and a similar fighting style. He however lacks both Kazuma's loyalty and kind spirit, and so frequently misuses all of those virtues.
  • Honour Before Reason: He openly dislikes trickery and manipulation, preferring to strike head on.
  • Insistent Terminology: In Of The End/Dead Souls, he hates it or scowls whenever someone refers to him as Dragon of Kansai, and reminds them that he is no longer yakuza
  • Spanner in the Works: His sense of honour and fairplay are why the various Chessmasters consider him a predictable pawn in their plans, yet by the end his simple brute strength has derailed all of their manipulations.
  • Tattooed Crook: Like Kazuma, his is a Dragon.
  • There Can Only Be One: Goda's adversarial role with fellow Dragon Kazuma boils down to a belief that there can only be One True Dragon in the underworld, and he tries to face down Kazuma to that end.
  • Unknown Rival: Daigo has a good reason to dislike Ryuji, who the latter actually send the former to prison due to a set-up prior to the main story. However, Ryuji quite honestly doesn't remember or care about the incident when they meet again.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: With a chaingun attached to his hand if necessary.
  • Worthy Opponent: He considers Kazuma one, and Kazuma is nice enough to return the favour.


As always, heavily tied up in the Yakuza and normally evil.

Kyohei Jingu

A wealthy businessman and politician, Jingu is very tied up in the Yakuza and seeks to use their wealth to gain greater political power for himself.

  • Big Bad: Of the first game.
  • Flunky Boss: By himself he is quite wimpy but he has a couple of SWATs to back him up.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: He used to be a nice guy, but making deals with Yakuza eventually led to greed and ambition consuming him.

Ryuzo Tamiya

The Defence Minster, Ryuzo appears in the third game as one of the two politicians vying for the Prime Minister job. His big plan for winning the position revolves around a new missile defence system for Japan, built in co-operation with the Americans.

The Police

Makoto Date

A scruffy, rather down on his luck detective, Date is one of Kazuma's closest allies.

  • Papa Wolf: While his relationship with his daughter, Saya, is not exactly stellar, he will kick the ass of anyone who harasses her.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: He was originally a detective in the Homicide division who interrogated Kazuma following his arrest in the Dojima shooting, and came to suspect that Kazuma was taking the fall for someone else. Despite it being deemed an open-and-shut case, his persistence in investigating the matter didn't sit well with his superiors and they transferred him to the Organized Crime unit as punishment.
  • The Lancer: One of the most frequent and obvious.

Junichi Sudo

A police detective, Sudo is very cool and collected and very much the professional. His sense of justice is shown however when he defies his bosses at the end of the first game, and since then has becoming a staunch ally of Kazuma.

Jiro Kawara

Or 'Killer Kawara', so named for the amount of suspects who die resisting arrest. A cop in the second game, he's viewed with suspicion by the other characters for his obvious keeping of secrets and lack of morals.

Kaoru Sayama

A Osakan cop famed for her spirit and determination, she's earned the title of 'Yakuza Eater' for her work in dealing with the clans.

  • Action Girl: She can certainly handle herself just as well as any of the men.
  • Break the Cutie: The second game is most definitely this to Kaoru once she finds out who her true family members are and what became of them shortly after the reveal.
  • Fair Cop
  • Parental Abandonment: She grew up in the care of a woman who explicitly wasn't her mother, but would never tell her who was.


Jouji Fuma / Kazama in the original Japanese

An agent of the CIA who seeks to ensure the Okinawa resort deal goes through by any means necessary. Is also the younger brother of Shintarou Fuma.

  • Badass Grandpa: While not technically a grandpa, he's sixty years old and still thoroughly kicks some ass.
  • Duel Boss: The inevitable confrontation with him is quite hyped, and he is one of the few bosses in the third game that fights fair and square, no weapons, no cheating, just straight up honorable beatdown.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship

The Unidentified Agent / Andre Richardson

A mysterious individual who's only known motive is that he wants Kazuma dead. Is in fact the leader of a terrorist group known as Black Monday, and has conspired with Mine to bring about the events of the third game.

Ryu Ga Gotoku 4

Shun Akiyama

The first of the three new playable characters. A moneylender known as "The Lifeline of Kamurocho." He's famous for helping those nobody else will, and uses strange tests for applicants in lieu of charging interest or collateral. Once an up-and-coming financier, he was betrayed by his bank and left homeless, until he got caught in a literal rain of money. After some clever investing, he opened Sky Finance and became the man he is today. He's also friendly with the Tojo family and generally just a nice guy.

  • Arbitrarily-Large Bank Account: It's not said exactly how much Akiyama made of his initial million, but it's enough for him to casually loan out tens of millions of yen to perfect strangers without charging interest or even usually bothering to collect.
    • Later in the game, it's shown he has 100 BILLION YEN!
  • Badass in a Nice Suit
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's probably the nicest guy in Kamurocho, but he won't hesitate to break some teeth if he needs to.
  • The Charmer
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He owns and frequents the most popular hostess club in Kamurocho, and his tests for his female clients always seem to include becoming a hostess for a period of time and/or going on a date with him. He can also romance the most hostesses of the four protagonists.
  • Extremity Extremist: He fights almost exclusively with kicks, though he's not entirely averse to using his hands.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Despite being loaded and throwing around millions of yen at the drop of a hat, Akiyama apparently only limits his expendable income to what he gets from sidequests and thugs.
  • Loan Shark: A weird subversion: he loans out money with no interest and no collateral on the condition that people pass a Secret Test of Character. However, like regular loan sharks, he is very, very good at beating the crap out of people; in his case, though, it's usually either rival loan sharks or muggers looking to fleece him.
  • Magnificent Bastard: A staunchly heroic example.
  • Nice Guy: With a little shopping, his niceness can get to the point where half of Kamurocho's vendors and homeless guys will glady help him out in a fight.
  • Secret Test of Character: How he decides if his clients are deserving of a loan or not.

Taiga Saejima

New playable character number two. An ex-yakuza who infamously gunned down 18 yakuza in a noodle shop, and has spent 25 years in death row. After breaking out of prison, he returns to Kamurocho to find out what happened to his old family and why he was abandoned on that fateful night before the police catch up to him again. He was set up to take the fall by Kasturagi of the Ueno Seiwa clan, who was the real killer. He is the oldest and strongest of the four protagonists.

Masayoshi Tanimura

The last of the new playable characters. A corrupt cop called "The Parasite of Kamurocho." He takes bribes, tickets anyone who looks at him funny, and ignores his beat to go gambling, drinking, and visiting hostesses. The death of his father at the hands of the Tojo family has left him with a venomous hatred of yakuza. Despite his flaws, he does genuinely care about the people of Kamurocho.

  • Counter Attack: The meat of Tanimura's fighting style involves parries and counters.
  • Cowboy Cop
  • Dirty Cop
  • Fair Cop: Several characters remark on how pretty he is. A couple guys even capitalize on it to pick up some girls.
  • The Gambling Addict
  • Guns Are Worthless: Tanimura carries a revolver, apparently for no other reason than to shoot it into the air every now and then.
    • Justified in that the police aren't supposed to use deadly force unless absolutely necessary. And he does use the gun when chasing down Sugiuchi.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He gladly takes bribes and is a vicious gambler, but almost all of his dirty money goes on to support immigrant orphans.
  • Older Than They Look: He's around 30, but looks 18.
  • Omniglot: Tanimura knows just about every language you'd hear in Southeast Asia.
  • Weak but Skilled: Has the lowest health of all four characters, but can counter any strike thrown at him and has powerful grappling moves.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He's the only protagonist that can fight a woman. Granted, it's a friendly sparring match, but neither one pulls any punches.


Akiyama's secretary at Sky Finance. She is very organized and tries to be Akiyama's voice of reason. She starts out as little more than a comic foil, but she eventually shows some very cool Hidden Depths.

  • Beautiful All Along: She comes back in the finale, minus a couple hundred pounds.
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Big Eater: She loves kalbi, and can eat at least two deluxe plates of it per meal. Usually she just goes for the all-you-can-eat deal.
  • Brawn Hilda: Hana is a big girl, but she's also a martial arts expert that surpasses Akiyama. In contrast to the usual type, she's cute as a button.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: She's clearly carrying a torch for Akiyama. Even he realizes it, but she just isn't his type, which makes it all the more painful when every other girl in Kamurocho apparently is.
  • Hidden Depths: She's a martial arts expert with the singing voice of an angel.
  • Tsundere: Type B. She's a sweet girl, but all sorts of things can set her off.

Yasuko Saejima

First introduced as "Lily" in Akiyama's chapter, asking to borrow an astronomical amount of money. A mysterious and beautiful woman. She's Saejima's younger adopted sister, going through hell as Katsuragi's pet assassin to see her brother one last time.

  • Break the Cutie: Happened long before the game ever started. She takes it better than most, but there's still something a little off about her.
  • Christmas Cake: She's well into her thirties, but has never married.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Her time as a hostess for Akiyama. She looks genuinely happy.
  • Femme Fatale: She plays up this angle to murder Katsuragi's targets.
  • Woman in White: Her outfit for most of her appearances is a white trenchcoat.
  • The Woobie: She lost the only important person in her life 25 years ago, and has spent the time in between as a Chew Toy. It Gets Worse. Not only does she end up with blood on her hands, but just when she finally reunites with her brother, she gets shot. At least she gets her revenge.

Hiroaki Arai

A close friend of Akiyama and a high-ranking member of the Shibata family. Akiyama has him pegged as the next successor to the Tojo clan. He's really an undercover cop.

Takeshi Kido

Arai's underling and a sort of little brother to Akiyama. He seems like a non-threatening punk. "Seems" is the key word.

  • The Dragon: To Arai.
  • Killer Rabbit: Kido seems like kind of a wimp at first, but there are constant teases of his fighting ability throughout. Then he goes toe-to-toe with Saejima for the finale...
  • Undying Loyalty: Again, to Arai.

Isao Katsuragi

The lieutenant of the Ueno Seiwa clan, and its acting leader. He is a bad, bad man.

  • Big Bad: Or so you think.
  • Magnificent Bastard
  • Not Quite Dead: It's easy to lose track of how many times he gets shot, to no effect. He's either wearing bulletproof armor or the bullets are fake. That last one is real, though.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Unfought: Despite being the major bad guy for the first three quarters of the game, you never get to fight him. Justified, as he's more of a thinker.

Junji Sugiuchi

A veteran detective, and something like a (very harsh) father figure to Tanimura. Turns out he's been a yakuza spy on the force for his entire 30-year tenure.

Seishiro Munakata

The assistant commissioner of the police force. He has big plans for cracking down on crime. And is the true Big Bad behind everything.

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