Rhapsody of Fire/Characters
A list of characters from the Emerald Sword and Dark Secret Saga.
Emerald Sword Saga
The Warrior of Ice
Also called the Man from Loregard and the Hero of the Northic Lands, he's out to search for the Emerald Sword so that he can defeat Akron and save Airin.
- An Ice Person: He's the Son of Holy Ice.
- Badass: The guy can fight dragons to submission without much trouble, and manages to best Dargor in duel twice.
- Barbarian Hero
- The Chosen One
- Cool Sword: The Emerald Sword.
- Defiant to the End: If Agony Is My Name is anything to go by....
- Heroic BSOD: When he believes that Airin has died. Also when Airin and Arwald are killed under his nose.
- Heroic Sacrifice: After being tortured and beaten, he still manages to catch the Emerald Sword, use it to pin King Akron to the platform he's tied to, so that both of them are lowered into the serpent-infested waters of Halgor.
- Large Ham: Just listen at the first lines of Warrior of Ice.
- The Messiah: Spares Tharos the dragon after defeating him, and even saves Dargor's life after besting him in battle, leading the shadowlord towards the light.
- Unstoppable Rage: After witnessing Airin's brutal death and rape and Arwald's gruesome end.
Prince Arwald
The noble and wise prince of Ancelot, he's Airin's fiance. Aid the Hero from Loregard in his quest and eventually comes with him in Halgor. There he's captured, tortured and thrown into a pit of acid, but he uses his lasts moments to toss some acid at the warrior, melting his chains.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: How about being tortured to death by demons and then having your bleeding carcass lowered into a pool full of acid?
- The Lancer: To the Warrior.
- Together in Death: With Airin.
- The Wise Prince
Princess Airin
The princess of Ancelot, she was kidnapped by Akron who's now holding her hostage along with many other nobles. She meets a horrible doom at the hands of Akron's demons.
- Damsel in Distress
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Just like Arwald above, just add in being raped to death.
- Rape as Drama
- Together in Death: With Arwald.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
Wise and powerful sorcerer who was waiting for the Warrior of Ice.
- Mr. Exposition
- The Smart Guy
- What Happened to the Mouse?: What happened to him after the Emerald Sword saga is unclear.
A large dragon, and part of the challenge to reach the Emerald Sword. Joins the Warrior in his quest after being defeated and spared, but eventually dies after battling the guardians of the Sword.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves our hero from the guardian of the sword.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Was put under a spell, which was broken after his defeat.
- Breath Weapon: The Dragon Flame.
- Defeat Means Friendship: It was actually part of the spell put on him.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Sort of: he fights the monster and demons guarding the sword instead of the Warrior, but the wounds from those fights lead to his death.
- Our Dragons Are Different
The Shadowlord of the Black Mountain, an half demon adopted by Vankar, old wizard of Helm. He serves as Akron's trusted general, but dislike his master. Eventually he makes an Heel Face Turn and saves the day. He reappears in the following saga as one of the good guys, and eventually becomes a God.
- A God Am I: He's the son of Gaia and later becomes the new God of Light of Algalord.
- The Atoner: In the Dark Secret Saga.
- Badass: The mistress of Satan himself? He killed her. Evil Overlord Akron with the Emeral Sword? Sent flying. Yup, Dargor isn't someone to be messed with.
- Dark Is Not Evil: In the Dark Secret Saga
- The Dragon: To Akron.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He's extremely puzzled and tormented when the Warrior bothers to risk his own life to save him after he fell in a ravine.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Destroying cities and killing people? Acceptable. Torturing and raping a woman to death in front of the two people who really loved her? Sorry, that's too much even for him.
- Heel Face Turn: In the most awesome, possible way, involving summoning an army of gargoyles, killing the Dark Chick in one blow and defeating Akron.
- Noble Demon
- Only a Flesh Wound: Averted, he's incapacitated by a spear in his shoulder.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To his father Vankar in the Dark Secret Saga.
- Unstoppable Rage: During his Heel Face Turn.
King Akron
The Big Bad of the Emerald Sword Saga. He's a dreaded warlord served by demons and monsters who wants to take over Algalord. He's successful at the 99% after getting his hands on the Emerald Sword, but is eventually defeated by Dargor and met his doom at the maws of Halgor's water serpents.
- Big Bad
- Dirty Coward: Never seen on the frontline, he also panics and shield himself with subordinates when Dargor attacks him. And at that time he was wielding the Emerald Sword.
- Evil Overlord: And a Complete Monster one.
- Genre Savvy: As soon as the hero defeat his army with the Emerald Sword he demands to hand it over in exchange for Airin's life.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He's defeated by his own Dragon, impaled by his stolen Emerald Sword and fed to the water serpents of his own swamp.
- Moral Event Horizon: What he did to Airin and Arwald.
- Playing with Fire: One of the first thing he does with the Emerald Sword? Call forth the Rain of a Thousand Flames to wipe out a city and its army.
- Unholy Holy Sword: The Emeral Sword was forged with hatred and wrath, so even demonic beings like himself can use it.
The Queen of the Dark Horizons
The mistress of Kron, the Hellking, she's the mistress of an endless horde of ghouls and living deads. She's resurrected by Akron using the Emerald Sword to wreak havoc on Algalord. She's eventually killed by Dargor.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Suverted when Dargor deals with her in one blow.
- The Dark Chick
- Dark Mistress: The lover of Kron.
- The Hedonist: The darkest version. Even stated to have the "heart of a whore".
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Until she was fred.
- The Unpronounceable: Her true name.
- Zombie Apocalypse
The Dark Secret Saga
The White Dragon Order
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Khaas. Later he dies and pass the role to Dargor.
- The Lancer: Dargor.
- The Big Guy: Tarish. Also a Sixth Ranger Traitor.
- The Smart Guy: Iras Algor.
- The Chick: Lothen.
Hero of the Middle lands, join the quest to recover the Seventh Black book from Dar Kunor and stop Nekron's return. Dies in an avalanche near the end of the saga.
- Anti-Magic: He manages to see through the illusion covering the access to Dar-Kunor's caves.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- The Hero
Iras Algor
The wise wizard who founded the White Dragon Order to stop the evil Dark Order.
- Badass Grandpa
- Dude in Distress: When Tarish takes him hostage.
- The Smart Guy: Manages to solve the dark riddle in Dar Kunor and helps the group with his wisdom and knowledge.
Prince Tarish
The Elven Prince of the Cave Kingdom. Betray the group when they find the MacGuffin, but is killed.
- Face Heel Turn: Unclear if he was a member of the Black order from the beginning or if he was corrupted by the Black Book.
- Oh My Gods: After seeing the material of Dar-Kunor's inner gates. Namely, human and elven limbs.
- Our Elves Are Better: His people apparently live in caverns.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- The Worf Effect: quickly proved to be no match for Dargor.
Princess Lothen
A princess form the Waterfall Kingdom. Not much is told about her.
- Action Girl
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Flat Character
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- What the Hell, Hero?: Calls out Tarish for his treason.
The Demon Knight and son of the Hellgod Kron. Was killed long ago in the primordial wars, but has left a legacy in the form of the Seven Black Books, which contains the secret to resurrect him.
- Big Bad
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: While Akron was a mere Evil Overlord, he's a true devil.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "The Demon Knight Nekron".
- Religion of Evil: Founded one.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
Dargor's adoptive father and one of the most notable members of the Black Order.
- Dragon-in-Chief
- Evil Old Folks
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He and Dargor engages into one halfway through the saga.
- Voice of the Legion: In Sacred Power of the Raging W Inds.
The legendary Black Dragon who served and betrayed Nekron, he's now a lifeless statue. However it's said that by putting back his eyes (two gems) he'll return to life. He does in order to defeat the seven evil demons of Nekron.
- Eye Scream: Kron had his eyes ripped out of his sockets. The Angels turned them in priceless gemstones.
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Heel Face Turn: Reveal to the Angels the location of Nekron's hideout to atone for his actions.
- One-Man Army: The Seven demons of Apocalypse? He killed six of them without help.
- Our Dragons Are Different: A Black one.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Kron didn't took the death of his son well, so he tortured Thanor to death and beyond.
- Sealed Good in a Can
- Taken for Granite
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