< Redwall
Species General Traits
- Underestimating Badassery: All woodlanders get this treatement, but mice get the worst of it.
- Playful Otter: The Redwall wiki describes them as playful.
- Suffer the Slings: Their primary weapons, aside from javelins.
- Mama Bear / Papa Wolf: Even the old ones are dangerous if you mess with their kids.
- Our Giants Are Bigger: They seem to fill the role of benevolent giants.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: Especially Boar and Urthwyte, who made the Sword of Martin and the High Rhulain's Armor respectively.
- Large and In Charge: They're usually three times the size of other characters.
- The Berserker: They tend to fly into an Unstoppable Rage called the Bloodwrath.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels: Duh.
- The Archer: Almost all squirrels use bows as their primary weapon, unless they're Champions, Songbreeze Swifteye or the Gawtrybe.
- Chekhovs Gunmen
- Dirty Communists: They even have Russian accents in the TV show.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Spiky Hair: As pointed out in every book.
- Hachimaki: Well, kinda.
- Funetik Aksent: Oi do deerly lurv talkin' loik a moler, burr aye.
- Book Dumb: With the notable exception of Egbert the Scholar, they seem to be simple folk with lots of good sense.
- The Owl-Knowing One: Either this is played straight (Boldred, Udara) or subverted; see below.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Owls that don't fit the above fall into this (Sir Harry, Asio, Stonehead, Gerul)
- Big Eater: UP TO ELEVEN. We've seen a hare get full exactly ONCE. And even then, the hare in question had been taking part in a day-long feast, and had lasted from sunup to late afternoon. In fact, the one thing a hare is certain to do if bored is chatter about food.
- Large Ham: If there are quiet hares, I've yet to see one.
- Ted Baxter: A partial subversion, in that their bragging can actually be backed up.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: It's been observed repeatedly that the more friendly a hare is outside of combat, the more dangerous and lethal they are in it.
- Always Lawful Good: Subverted, as hedgehogs can be evil, as shown in Martin the Warrior and Doomwyte and implied in Eulalia!
Other Birds of Prey
- Awesome McCoolname: Almost ALL of them; We have the Mighty Megraw, Pandion Piketalon, Rocangus Mac Talon, Bluddbeak, Krar Woodwatcher and, last but not least, the WILD KING MACPHEARSOME.
- Exclusively Evil: The only species besides voles to subvert this and Always Lawful Good: There have been three (possibly four, since we don't know if Jeefra was evil) good cats... and quite a few evil ones.
- Ax Crazy
- Catch Phrase: "KILLEE! KILLEE! KILLEE!"
- Motor Mouth
Rats/Searats/Water Rats
- Rodents of Unusual Size: Greatrats and Searats tend to be bigger than normal; Cluny and Damug are particularly large.
- Roma: Some of them, particularly Sela.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Quite a few foxes have this trait, from Sela, to Slagar, to the entire Marlfox brood.
- Ravens and Crows: And Jackdaws, and rooks, and magpies...
- Exclusively Evil: They have this even worse than mammalian vermin. We've NEVER seen a helpful corvid. To his credit, Ironbeak seems to be lawful instead.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Bleck. Almost all toads are described as hideous.
- Our Dragons Are Different: They seem to fill the role of dragons in the Redwall series.
Multiple Books
Martin the Warrior, and his sword
- The Ace
- Badass
- Badass Preacher: What he seemed to be in Redwall due to Early Installment Weirdness.
- Memetic Badass: Both he and his sword are in-universe examples. Redwallers acknowledge his bravery and skill, and villains universally believe his sword to have magical powers.
- Clingy MacGuffin: A benevolent version. If stolen, the sword always returns to Redwall. If anything evil touches it, they're doomed to a messy end. Even the Deepcoiler, who ate the sword by accident, was killed by it.
- Cool Sword: A partial subversion, as the sword's appearance is rather plain. However, it was forged from a falling star by one of the most skilled metalworkers in Salamandastron's history, and will never wear, rust, dull or bend. Its perfection is remarked upon Once A Book, and even the Champion that doesn't like swords says it feels good in his paws. It is noted in Salamandastron that the sword is too large for shrews and — ironically, considering its maker — too small for badgers.
- Dead Guy, Junior: It's offhand, but Luke named him after his own father.
- Posthumous Character: All but three of the books that involve him take place after his death.
- Spirit Advisor: To all inhabitants of Redwall Abbey, as well as those destined to protect it.
- Soul Jar: Possibly, since Martin's spirit seems to hang around the sword.
- Walk the Earth: How he spent his time between Martin the Warrior and Mossflower.
Lady Cregga Rose Eyes
- The Berserker
- Go Out with a Smile
- Handicapped Badass: With a little assistance, even the blind old nanny can still fire a powerful longbow.
- Methuselah Syndrome: When you remember the (relatively) enormous span of time between books, you have to realize just how OLD she is.
- Never Mess with Granny: Even when blind and extremely old, she can still scare vermin into submission.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Until the end of The Long Patrol.
Redwall & Mattimeo
- Badass
- Beware the Nice Ones
- The Chosen One: Chosen by Martin the Warrior to take up his sword.
- Combat Pragmatist: As evidenced by his defeat of Cluny.
- The Hero
- Martial Pacifist
- Papa Wolf: In Mattimeo.
- The Protagonist: In Redwall. In Mattimeo he's the Deuteragonist.
- Take Up My Sword
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- Action Girl
- Damsel in Distress
- Happily Married: To Matthias.
Abbot Mortimer
- Actual Pacifist
- Big Good
- Horrible Judge of Character: He seems to think there's good in everyone, even Cluny.
- Killed Off for Real
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Cool Old Guy
- Killed Off for Real
- The Obi-Wan: To Matthias.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Action Girl: Quite!
- Badass
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Hot-Blooded
- Mama Bear: Mess with the abbey or anyone in it, and she will kick your ass.
- Number Two: To the Abbot.
Basil Stag Hare
- Action Girl
- Ax Crazy
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Motor Mouth
King Bull Sparra
Cluny the Scourge
- Ax Crazy
- Badass
- Bad Boss
- The Berserker
- Beware My Stinger Tail: Cluny has a barbed spike attached to the end of his massive, whiplike tail.
- Big Bad: Of Redwall
- The Chessmaster
- Cool Helmet
- The Dreaded: Feared in Mossflower country long before he ever appears at the Abbey.
- Eyepatch of Power: Lost his eye in a battle with a pike. The pike is no longer with us.
- Large Ham
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- The Neidermeyer: Most of his subordinates hate and fear him.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Sanity Slippage
- Villainous Breakdown: Has these quite frequently.
- You Dirty Rat
- You Have Failed Me...: Does this almost as often as the Trope Namer.
- Would Hurt a Child
Asmodeus Poisonteeth
- Anti-Villain: He's arguably not evil, just a natural carnivore like any other snake.
- Badass
- Big Eater: When it comes to rodents.
- The Dreaded: Everyone is scared of that snake.
- Evil Eye
- Faux Affably Evil
- Hero-Killer
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Named for a demon lord. This is acknowledged in-story.
- Off with His Head
- Red Baron: Giant Ice Eyes.
- Snakes Are Evil: The first example in the series.
- Sssssnaketalk
- Smug Snake: Literally.
- Super-Persistent Predator
- Asshole Victim
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: To both the abbey residents and Cluny.
- Cunning Like a Fox
- Dirty Coward
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Smug Snake
- The Hero
- The Protagonist
- Spoiled Brat: Initially
- Took a Level in Badass: Becomes a strong leader, and the same kind of asskicking badass as his father.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Has aspects of this.
Slagar the Cruel/Chickenhound
- Ax Crazy: Slagar has lost his mind, to the point where he actually believes that the Redwallers ruined his face.
- Badass Cape
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: Of Mattimeo, though Malkariss is technically a greater threat.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Betrays his crew, Malkariss, and anybody else who trusts him.
- Cool Mask
- Evil Sounds Deep
- From Nobody to Nightmare: He was originally Chickenhound, a minor antagonist from Redwall. After losing half of his face and all of his sanity, he's become a roaming slavetrader, hated by all those who encounter him, and feared by his own crew.
- The Heavy
- Manipulative Bastard
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Revenge by Proxy: Kidnaps Mattimeo and the other children to hurt their parents.
- Sanity Slippage
- Took a Level in Badass/Took a Level in Jerkass: Chickenhound was a cowardly sneak thief and accidental murderer. Slagar the Cruel is a slaver, a mass murderer, and one of the series better Manipulative Bastards.
- Two-Faced: Under his mask, half of his face is dead.
- Bigger Bad: Slagar works for this creep, but since he's the one who actually drives the plotline, Malkariss is relegated to this role.
- Egopolis Rules the Kingdom of Malkariss, named for himself.
- Evil Old Folks: Revealed as such.
- Evil Overlord
- The Man Behind the Curtain: Malkariss is a crippled old polecat, who is unable to walk on his own. Hence the statue.
- The Dragon: To Malkariss.
- Mouth of Sauron: As the Voice of the Host, Nadaz speaks for Malkariss, who never emerges from behind a statue.
- Non Action Villain: Nadaz isn't a fighter, although he certainly helps to encourage the host with his drumming.
The Wererat
- Badass: Manages to give Matthias a heck of a fight, which at this point in the series, qualifies you in and of itself.
- Blade on a Stick: Fights with a heavy spear.
- The Brute: So very much so. It's a hulking monstrosity that serves as Nadaz's muscle.
- Dumb Muscle: It can only snarl and slaver.
Outcast of Redwall
Sunflash the Mace
- Arch Enemy: Of Swartt Sixclaw, who captured and tormented him as a teenager.
- Badass
- The Berserker: Suffers from a bad case of the Bloodwrath.
- Carry a Big Stick: A hornbeam tree limb, eventually molded into his trademark mace.
- Combat Pragmatist
- The Hero
- In the Blood: Descended from Boar the Fighter and Lord Brocktree, two of the most famous Badger Lord's ever.
- Invincible Hero: No one stands a chance against Sunflash in a fair fight. Since Swartt doesn't fight fair, that doesn't really drag the book down.
- Large and In Charge
- Martial Pacifist: His evolution from revenge driven kid to one of these is a key part of his character development.
- MasterChef: Loves cooking (and farming for that matter).
- One-Man Army
- Parental Abandonment: Doesn't remember his parents at all really, and has no idea how he came to be Swartt's captive.
- The Protagonist
- Reluctant Warrior: Eventually
- Revenge: His goal, initially.
- Warrior Poet
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: A kestrel
- Killed Off for Real
- The Lancer: To Sunflash
Swartt Sixclaw
- Arch Enemy: Of Sunflash the Mace, who maimed his sixclawed paw during his escape.
- Arranged Marriage: Custom dictates that he marry the daughter of Bowfleg, the Warlord he slew to take command of the horde from.
- Bad Boss: Though not to the extremes of some of the other villains, as he's at least smart enough to reward good behaviour.
- Big Bad: Of Outcast
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: To pretty much everyone.
- Deuteragonist: One of the rare obvious examples of this in Redwall, getting near as much screentime as Sunflash.
- Evil Cripple: Has one dead paw.
- Eviler Than Thou: Repeatedly.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: We follow Swartt on his journey from the leader of a small band of thieves and murderers, to Warlord of the entire country, witnessing all of the wreckage he leaves in his wake.
- Handicapped Badass: Swartt may only have one hand, but is still a brutally effective fighter despite it.
- The Heavy
- Manipulative Bastard: Swartt is a master of exploiting emotional weaknesses and turning situations to his advantage.
- Master Poisoner: Typically offers his victims the chance to drink from a silver chalice, the inside of which is smeared with poison.
- Offing the Offspring: Kills his son Veil with a javelin
- Parental Neglect/Parental Abandonment: Hands his son Veil off to an old rat to raise after his wife, Bluefen, dies, than abandons him during a battle without a second thought.
- Power Fist: Fits out his dead paw with a heavy, spike-studded gauntlet that he uses as a club.
- Red Baron: The Pitiless One
- Red Right Hand: One of Swartt's paws has sixclaws on it. It is maimed by Sunflash early in the story.
- Revenge: Seeks to slay Sunflash for wrecking his paw.
- Revenge Before Reason: Swartt drives his army into the ground trying to kill Sunflash.
- Teens Are Monsters: Was bad even as a youth.
- We Have Reserves
- Wicked Weasel: A ferret.
- The Archer: During her final moments, anyway.
- Cunning Like a Fox
- The Dragon: To Swartt. She's not a physical threat, but fear of her mystic powers keeps the horde in line, she's easily his Number Two, and in the end, Sunflash has to get past her to reach Swartt.
- Evil Genius: Swartt's sounding board for evil plans.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Seers: Nightshade can see the future, and predicts it for Swartt. Her most valuable service to him, however, is the simple fact that other creatures acknowledge her as a seer, and will follow her words.
- Undying Loyalty: To Swartt, whom she gives her absolute all to.
- Villainous Friendship: Type III. She's utterly loyal to Swartt and does everything she can to make his dreams a reality. While Swartt certainly values her as a useful ally, and goes out of his way to keep her alive so he can make use of her services, he does not care about her at all on a personal level.
- Parental Substitute: For Veil.
Veil Sixclaw
- Big Eater: Almost as much as a hare.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Heroic Sacrifice: Dies taking a hit for Byrony.
- Parental Abandonment
- Red Right Hand: Shares his father's sixclawed paw.
- Sweet Tooth: For the Friar's honey. It gets him into trouble.
- Sticky Fingers: A kleptomaniac.
- Teens Are Monsters: He shows all the signs of developing psychopathy.
- Then Let Me Be Evil: Possible reason for why he goes bad.
- Turn Out Like His Father: A major concern of the Abbey-dwellers. They know who Swartt is and what he's done.
Pearls of Lutra
Martin III
- The Berserker: Unlike his more composed grandfather, Martin flies into a red-eyed rage when fighting.
- Cool Sword
- Dead Guy, Junior: Exaggerated. He was named after Martin the Warrior, who was in turn named after his grandfather.
- Identical Grandson: According to the visions of Tansy and Wallyum, he looks nigh on identical to the original Martin.
Grath Longfletch
- Action Girl
- Bottomless Quiver: We never see her run out of arrows.
- Everythings Wetter With Otters
Emperor Ublaz “Mad Eyes”
- Ambiguously Gay
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Before finding Sampetra, he was a skilled swordsbeast, and actually manages to hold his own against Martin.
- Black Eyes of Evil
- Big Bad
- The Emperor: Believes himself as such, anyway.
- Evil vs. Evil: Against Rasconza.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He is killed by his own pet coral snake.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Thus his nickname.
- Large Ham
- Manipulative Bastard
- Narcissist
- Not a Morning Person
- Not So Harmless: He's a very capable swordsbeast.
- Sissy Villain
- Smug Snake
- Villainous Crossdresser
- Wicked Cultured
Lask Frildur
- The Dragon: About as literal as you can get in this setting.
- Evil Is Visceral: He has foul breath and he drools; not to mention he's described as more disgusting than other reptiles.
- Four-Star Badass
- I'm a Humanitarian: Implied, since we never see the Monitors actually eat anybeast, although Conva was certainly terrified of them.
- Mutual Kill: With Romsca
- Sssssnaketalk
- Smug Snake
Cleckstarr Lepus “Clecky” Montisle
- Exact Words: Tansy told him not to put a paw near a bowl of cream. He sneaked some by grabbing it with his ear.
- Big Eater
- The Owl-Knowing One: Subverted, although he has surprising good sense. His rambling about his mother seems to be a parody of this.
Baby Arven
- Cloudcuckoolander: Justified since he's a baby.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels
- Everythings Wetter With Otters: He thinks he's an otter warrior at one point.
- Evil vs. Evil: With Ublaz
- Knife Nut: He carries no fewer than TEN blades on his person at all times.
- The Starscream
Fermald the Ancient
- Fluffy Tamer: Made friends with a weasel named Graylunk.
- Posthumous Character: He and Fermald are dead long before the book starts. When Tansy finds him, he's just a skeleton.
- Living MacGuffin: Well, deceased Macguffin.
- Talkative Loon: After taking an injury to his head, the other characters say that he'd been raving and rambling about the Tears and Ublaz, and most of the Redwallers thought his brain had been addled by the injury.
Legend of Luke
Trimp the Rover
- Walk the Earth: Well, she did until the book started.
- Blood Knight
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Papa Wolf: to Chugger.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: In-universe.
- Sociopathic Hero: Hoo boy.
Ranguvar Foeseeker
- The Berserker
- Scary Black Beast: She's a literal black squirrel.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels: Oh so subverted.
- You Shall Not Pass: Holds off Vilu's crew to give Luke time to sink the ship.
Luke the Warrior
- Badass
- Disappeared Dad: To Martin.
- Mutual Kill: With Vilu
- Shrouded in Myth: The whole point of the story is so Martin can learn about his father.
- The Call Knows Where You Live: Even in the northlands, Luke couldn't escape war and evil.
- Mook Horror Show: He seems to enjoy being the Sea Bogle a bit too much.
- Overly Long Name: Beauclair Fethringsol Cosfortingham. However, when we first meet him, he hasn't heard it in so long that he's forgotten it. This happens.
Beau: I'm Beauhair Fethringham Cosfortingsol. No I ain't, I'm Beauham Fethringhair Cosfortingclair. No I ain't, wait a tick, I'm Beauham Fethringclair Confounditall.
- Supreme Chef: Although that's likely because everyone ELSE on the crew is a Lethal Chef.
Vilu Daskar
- Badass Cape
- Big Bad
- Card-Carrying Villain: "I do my best, to be the worst".
- Faux Affably Evil
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Sinister Scimitar
- Smug Snake
- Surrounded by Idiots: He certainly thinks so.
- Wicked Cultured
The Taggerung
Deyna/ Zann Juskarath Taggerung
- The Chosen One: According to the Juska
- Knife Nut: He uses Sawney's knife.
- Raised By Vermin
- Tyke Bomb
Nimbalo the Slayer
- Abusive Parents
- Blatant Lies: Half of the words out of his mouth.
- Braggart Boss: A heroic version.
- Hot Mom: Mhera still thinks of her mother as pretty.
Boorab the Fool
- Let's Get Dangerous: He's a hare. This is to be expected. Moreso because he IS a clown.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Stutter Stop: Not an incredibly plot-heavy example, mind you. Boorab showed him that he doesn't ever stutter when he sings, and the stammer goes away after that. Actually, it comes BACK at a plot-intensive moment.
The Juska
Sawney Rath
- Knife Nut
- Dropped A Slingstone On Him
- Genre Savvy: “What? The Taggerung's at Redwall, you say? Screw THAT, I'm not going to attack an impenetrable Abbey that has countless dead warlords scattered around it. [1]
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: A villainous version.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Dead Guy, Junior: His mother didn't have any choice in the matter, but he was named after his deceased father by Sawney.
- Dirty Coward
- Dumb Muscle
- Harmless Villain: He's one of the most cowardly villains in Redwall, and will run away from anything that has a bad temper.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- No Sense of Direction: He doesn't know how to tell left from right.
- Off with His Head
- Smug Snake: The worst out of every villain in the series!
Vallug Bowbeast and Eefera
- The Archer: Vallug.
- Dragon-in-Chief: They're a much bigger threat than Gruven, by the virtue of actually being intelligent.
- Off with His Head: Vallug. Jacques loved doing this, apparently.
- Hero-Killer: Vallug killed Rillflag, and Eefera ALMOST killed Deyna.
- She's a Man In Japan: The Russian translation had Eefera as a girl.
Ruggan Bor
- Badass Longcoat
- Cunning Like a Fox
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: He laughs insanely when he becomes the Taggerung.
Lord Brocktree
Lord Brocktree of Brockhall
- The Hero
- One Beast Army
- Shrouded in Myth: Well, he was until this book.
- Super Strength
Dorothea Duckfontein “Dotti” Dillworthy
- Action Girl
- Big Eater: Remember what was said above about only one hare ever getting full? Yeah, it's this one.
- Dreadful Musician: Ahem... "To say her singing was akin to a squashed frog trapped beneath a hot stone would be a great insult to both frog and stone."
Lord Stonepaw
- Cool Old Guy
- Fragile Speedster
- You Shall Not Pass: His Dying Moment of Awesome, shared with Jukka.
Stiffener Medick
- Good Old Fisticuffs: An expert boxer.
- Old Master: He's practically the only hare at Salamandastron who's actually able to fight.
Jukka the Sling
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Suffer the Slings: It's in her name.
- You Shall Not Pass: Her Dying Moment of Awesome, shared with Fleetscut.
Ungatt Trunn
- And I Must Scream: His death. His broken body is lying on the shore, the tide is coming in, and he's STILL ALIVE. And he's too injured to do anything about it. Groddil coming along was almost a Mercy Kill for him.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass Cape
- Big Bad
- Cats Are Mean
- Genius Bruiser
- Large and In Charge
- A Nazi by Any Other Name
- Nightmare Fetishist: Loves spiders, and apparently learns tactics from them.
- The Stoic: At first
- Not So Stoic: By the end.
- Wicked Cultured
The Grand Fragorl
- Co-Dragons: Alongside Karangool and Ripfang
- Mouth of Sauron: Serves this purpose early on.
- Only Sane Woman
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Her and a third of the Blue Hordes.
- Smurfette Principle: While she isn't the only female in the Blue Hordes, she's certainly the most prominent.
- Co-Dragons: He's Trunn's Number Two in the army. He eventually shares command of it alongside Ripfang and the Grand Fragorl.
- Cunning Like a Fox: Though notably less so than most examples. Karangool is smart, but gets thoroughly outmanouvered by Ripfang in the end.
- The Starscream: Eventually.
- Co-Dragons: To Trunn, alongside Karangool and the Grand Fragorl.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The brothers fight a lot, but seem to care about each other on some level.
- Foreshadowing: Has nightmares about a badger who will kill him. Many fans believe that this badger is Boar the Fighter, and interpret it to mean that this is the same Ripfang from Mossflower.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Ripfang and his brother are a pair of Mook searats at the start of the novel. By the end, they're ranking officers and are among Trunn's most trusted killers. If you believe this is the same Ripfang from Mossflower he eventually assembles an armada and returns to attack Salamandastron himself.
- Mook Promotion: Moves up the ranks swiftly, becoming one of Trunn's Co-Dragons, alongside the Grand Fragorl and Karangool.
- Name's the Same: Shares his name with a searat from Mossflower. Add to this being the same species, having the same distinguishing features, the abovementioned Foreshadowing and even being set closely to the other book, and not even Word of God keeps people from believing that they're the same character.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Red Right Hand: A single long fang that portrudes out of his mouth even when it's closed.
- Siblings in Crime: Alongside his brother Doomeye.
- Slasher Smile: His facial disfigurement gives him a permanant one.
- We Have Reserves
- You Dirty Rat
- The Archer: A superb shot, whatever else might be said about him.
- Dumb Muscle: A brilliant archer, but limited otherwise. He usually lets Ripfang do the thinking for him.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The brothers fight a lot, but seem to care about each other on some level.
- Psychopathic Manchild: So very much.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Siblings in Crime: With Ripfang
- You Dirty Rat
Gorath the Flame
- Farm Boy: How he starts.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: After Vizka belts him twice with his Epic Flail, a hideous scab forms and eventually breaks off, leaving a permanent flamelike scar.
- Prongs of Poseidon: Kinda. He uses his two-tined pitchfork, Tung to get stuff done.
- The Berserker: Interestingly, it becomes more and more subverted as the story goes on, as he learns to control the Bloodwrath.
- Love Kills the Bloodwrath
- Large and In Charge: Like all badgers worth their salt.
Orkwil Prink
- Loveable Rogue: What he eventually becomes. He starts out as just a Jerkass.
- You Fight Like a Cow: And he keeps on going while being imprisoned, when even Rangval has given up doing this.
Mad Maudie Thropple
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Much like Stiffener before her, she prefers pummeling things into submission with her paws. Using a snake is optional.
- Improbable Weapon User: When her fists won't get the job done, she uses a freaking snake, specifically one that she'd just knocked out with one punch.
- Cute Bruiser: See above.
Rangval the Rogue
- Loveable Rogue
- Fluffy Tamer: Not sure how he did it, but he partially tamed several nests of hornets, bees and other stinging things. Of course they get used on the bad guys.
- Knife Nut
- You Fight Like a Cow: Frequently engages in this.
The Vole
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: One of the very few unambiguously evil woodlanders that isn't crazy.
- No Name Given
- Nice Mice: Subverted pretty hard.
- The Archer: The only weapon we actually see him use (or prepare to use) is a bow.
- Karmic Death: Thank you, Magger.
Vizka Longtooth
- The Chessmaster
- Cunning Like a Fox
- Hair of Gold
- Slasher Smile: From which his name is derived.
- Epic Flail: And, eventually, the sword of Martin the Warrior.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Yeah, he's a bastard, but he seems to be genuinely concerned for his brother Codj, and actually freaks out a bit when he dies.
- Big Bad Ensemble: One half of it, with Gruntan Kurdly.
- Name's the Same: If you're not thinking too clearly, his name sounds a bit like a certain alien spider girl.
- Neck Snap: How he dies.
Gruntan Kurdly
- Fat Bastard
- Large and In Charge: And he doesn't like the idea of anyone being bigger than him. Obviously, he's never seen a badger.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Hardboiled eggs. This bites him in the tail later, as he attempts to find and eat a swan egg. Considering swans are widely considered to be THE MOST DANGEROUS THING in the Redwall-verse, you can see where this goes.
- Big Bad Ensemble: The other half. However, he's much less active than Vizka, although this is mostly due to him being too lazy to get off his fat ass.
- Villainous Glutton
- Fail O'Suckyname: Well, Vizka seems to think so, referring to him as a Gruntin' Curly. Do note that Vizka and Kurdly never actually meet.
- ↑ Interestingly, he mentions Ferahgo the Assassin, who wasn't even AT Redwall.
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