< Redwall


Species General Traits








  • The Owl-Knowing One: Either this is played straight (Boldred, Udara) or subverted; see below.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Owls that don't fit the above fall into this (Sir Harry, Asio, Stonehead, Gerul)


  • Big Eater: UP TO ELEVEN. We've seen a hare get full exactly ONCE. And even then, the hare in question had been taking part in a day-long feast, and had lasted from sunup to late afternoon. In fact, the one thing a hare is certain to do if bored is chatter about food.
  • Large Ham: If there are quiet hares, I've yet to see one.
  • Ted Baxter: A partial subversion, in that their bragging can actually be backed up.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: It's been observed repeatedly that the more friendly a hare is outside of combat, the more dangerous and lethal they are in it.


  • Always Lawful Good: Subverted, as hedgehogs can be evil, as shown in Martin the Warrior and Doomwyte and implied in Eulalia!

Other Birds of Prey

  • Awesome McCoolname: Almost ALL of them; We have the Mighty Megraw, Pandion Piketalon, Rocangus Mac Talon, Bluddbeak, Krar Woodwatcher and, last but not least, the WILD KING MACPHEARSOME.


  • Exclusively Evil: The only species besides voles to subvert this and Always Lawful Good: There have been three (possibly four, since we don't know if Jeefra was evil) good cats... and quite a few evil ones.


Rats/Searats/Water Rats

  • Rodents of Unusual Size: Greatrats and Searats tend to be bigger than normal; Cluny and Damug are particularly large.







Multiple Books

Martin the Warrior, and his sword

Lady Cregga Rose Eyes

Redwall & Mattimeo




Abbot Mortimer



Basil Stag Hare


King Bull Sparra

Cluny the Scourge

Asmodeus Poisonteeth




Slagar the Cruel/Chickenhound



  • The Dragon: To Malkariss.
  • Mouth of Sauron: As the Voice of the Host, Nadaz speaks for Malkariss, who never emerges from behind a statue.
  • Non Action Villain: Nadaz isn't a fighter, although he certainly helps to encourage the host with his drumming.

The Wererat

  • Badass: Manages to give Matthias a heck of a fight, which at this point in the series, qualifies you in and of itself.
  • Blade on a Stick: Fights with a heavy spear.
  • The Brute: So very much so. It's a hulking monstrosity that serves as Nadaz's muscle.
  • Dumb Muscle: It can only snarl and slaver.

Outcast of Redwall

Sunflash the Mace


Swartt Sixclaw


  • The Archer: During her final moments, anyway.
  • Cunning Like a Fox
  • The Dragon: To Swartt. She's not a physical threat, but fear of her mystic powers keeps the horde in line, she's easily his Number Two, and in the end, Sunflash has to get past her to reach Swartt.
  • Evil Genius: Swartt's sounding board for evil plans.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast
  • Seers: Nightshade can see the future, and predicts it for Swartt. Her most valuable service to him, however, is the simple fact that other creatures acknowledge her as a seer, and will follow her words.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Swartt, whom she gives her absolute all to.
  • Villainous Friendship: Type III. She's utterly loyal to Swartt and does everything she can to make his dreams a reality. While Swartt certainly values her as a useful ally, and goes out of his way to keep her alive so he can make use of her services, he does not care about her at all on a personal level.


Veil Sixclaw

Pearls of Lutra

Martin III

  • The Berserker: Unlike his more composed grandfather, Martin flies into a red-eyed rage when fighting.
  • Cool Sword
  • Dead Guy, Junior: Exaggerated. He was named after Martin the Warrior, who was in turn named after his grandfather.
  • Identical Grandson: According to the visions of Tansy and Wallyum, he looks nigh on identical to the original Martin.

Grath Longfletch


Emperor Ublaz “Mad Eyes”

Lask Frildur

Cleckstarr Lepus “Clecky” Montisle


  • Big Eater
  • The Owl-Knowing One: Subverted, although he has surprising good sense. His rambling about his mother seems to be a parody of this.

Baby Arven


Fermald the Ancient


Legend of Luke

Trimp the Rover


Ranguvar Foeseeker

Luke the Warrior


  • Mook Horror Show: He seems to enjoy being the Sea Bogle a bit too much.
  • Overly Long Name: Beauclair Fethringsol Cosfortingham. However, when we first meet him, he hasn't heard it in so long that he's forgotten it. This happens.

Beau: I'm Beauhair Fethringham Cosfortingsol. No I ain't, I'm Beauham Fethringhair Cosfortingclair. No I ain't, wait a tick, I'm Beauham Fethringclair Confounditall.

Vilu Daskar

The Taggerung

Deyna/ Zann Juskarath Taggerung

Nimbalo the Slayer




  • Hot Mom: Mhera still thinks of her mother as pretty.

Boorab the Fool



The Juska

Sawney Rath


Vallug Bowbeast and Eefera

Ruggan Bor

Lord Brocktree

Lord Brocktree of Brockhall

Dorothea Duckfontein “Dotti” Dillworthy

Lord Stonepaw


Stiffener Medick

Jukka the Sling

Ungatt Trunn

The Grand Fragorl


  • Co-Dragons: He's Trunn's Number Two in the army. He eventually shares command of it alongside Ripfang and the Grand Fragorl.
  • Cunning Like a Fox: Though notably less so than most examples. Karangool is smart, but gets thoroughly outmanouvered by Ripfang in the end.
  • The Starscream: Eventually.


  • Co-Dragons: To Trunn, alongside Karangool and the Grand Fragorl.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The brothers fight a lot, but seem to care about each other on some level.
  • Foreshadowing: Has nightmares about a badger who will kill him. Many fans believe that this badger is Boar the Fighter, and interpret it to mean that this is the same Ripfang from Mossflower.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Ripfang and his brother are a pair of Mook searats at the start of the novel. By the end, they're ranking officers and are among Trunn's most trusted killers. If you believe this is the same Ripfang from Mossflower he eventually assembles an armada and returns to attack Salamandastron himself.
  • Mook Promotion: Moves up the ranks swiftly, becoming one of Trunn's Co-Dragons, alongside the Grand Fragorl and Karangool.
  • Name's the Same: Shares his name with a searat from Mossflower. Add to this being the same species, having the same distinguishing features, the abovementioned Foreshadowing and even being set closely to the other book, and not even Word of God keeps people from believing that they're the same character.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast
  • Red Right Hand: A single long fang that portrudes out of his mouth even when it's closed.
  • Siblings in Crime: Alongside his brother Doomeye.
  • Slasher Smile: His facial disfigurement gives him a permanant one.
  • We Have Reserves
  • You Dirty Rat



Gorath the Flame

Orkwil Prink

Mad Maudie Thropple

Rangval the Rogue

The Vole

Vizka Longtooth

Gruntan Kurdly

  1. Interestingly, he mentions Ferahgo the Assassin, who wasn't even AT Redwall.
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