< Redwall

Redwall/Nightmare Fuel

  • "Asssssssmodeussssssssssss"
    • In this Troper's opinion, the scene where Matthias rescues Warbeak from Asmodeus puts it Up to Eleven. Here we have Cluny who captures Warbeak. She gets tied down so she can't fly away. Surrounding the clearing is very tall grass. Some of it begins to move from a far and we see shots of Asmodeus slowly approaching as if trying to track Warbeak down with his smell. Mathias is on the other end of the tall grass, under a lot of pressure. Not only because he has to rescue Warbeak, but also has to avoid being seen by Cluny or Asmodeus. Just a matter of who gets to whom first is scary enough.
  • That hedgehog in Doomwyte that got stung to death by thousands of bees.
  • Also from Doomwyte, the huge blind adder. Starts off as a highly effective silent killer. After getting a face full of hedgehog spikes, and said wounds become infected, the snake goes completely insane. For comparison, take Asmodeus, make him bigger, smarter, and generally more dangerous. Now make him batshit insane and blind. Not pretty.
  • Slagar's deformed face. Ick.
    • Riggu Felis' deformed face as well.
  • Balefur's death in Outcast. He was a total jerk, but he didn't deserve such a horrible death.
    • There's also Swartt's horrific revenge on two dissenters. He forces one of them to feed the other a dead crow, which he chokes to death on. Then, Swartt has the other one executed for "murdering" the former.
  • Malkariss's underground empire. See his Complete Monster entry.
    • Korvus Skurr's underground empire as well.
  • Mariel's flashback sequence is scary but not particularly nightmare-inducing until the reader (possibly specifically the female reader) hits about age twelve and the Fridge Horror implications kick in. May or may not actually have been meant that way, but it hits the right button and aargh.
  • Scorecat Yund's death in High Rhulain.
  • Wullow's death in The Rogue Crew.
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