Note: Dysfunction Junction applies to pretty much every single character listed here. Of course, it's a Justified Trope, due to the Psitanium, the fact several characters reside at an insane asylum, the social status of psychics... The world of Psychonauts also possesses an Amazing Technicolor Population in about half the cast.
The Campers
Note: as a general rule, expect Most Writers Are Adults and aversions of Children Are Innocent to apply heavily here, with the exception of Dogen and with special emphasis on Nils and Elka. Also, by default, any and all shipping involving these characters as of their in-game ages or near will be a Toy Ship.
Razputin "Raz" Aquato
The game's protagonist. A circus boy from a family of gypsies who ran away from the circus, which was also his home, due to his father trying to suppress his latent psychic ability.
- All There in the Manual: His last name "Aquato" is never officially mentioned in game (it only appears on a poster). The Psycho-Pedia confirms it as his last name though.
- Circus Brat: His circus training explains his talent as a trapeze artist.
- Circus of Fear: Areas of his own mind.
- Deadpan Snarker: In the latter half of the game, he gets quite a few in.
- Did the Earth Move For You, Too?: Averted. When he and Lili finally kiss, Thorney Towers explodes. However, this is not commented on.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Lampshaded by the G-Men in the Milkman Conspiracy. Later answered to the Den Mother, that level's final boss, as being to prevent his eyes being plucked out...
- Gypsy Curse: The cause of his (and his entire family's) Super Drowning Skills.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Seeing as he is red headed himself, it goes both ways with Lili. However, it is inverted, in as much as Lili desires him.
- Instant Expert: Despite being a naive, dorky amateur, Raz is able to quickly master any psychic power he learns due to a natural talent for it. This is part of why he's accepted into the camp.
- Kid Hero: He's ten years old by the time of the game.
- Meaningful Name: Mr. Aquato has a Super Drowning Skills curse and (an altered spelling of) the first name of an infamous hypnotist monk who died by drowning (eventually.
- Redheaded Hero
- Richard Steven Horvitz
- Role Association: Try to hear anything Raz says and not think of Zim.
- Roma: He seems to be of Rroma descent.
- Rummage Sale Reject: Wears a bright green turtleneck, a flight helmet and jacket, and a large pair of tinted goggles.
- Super Drowning Skills: Justified, since his family was cursed by a rival gypsy clan, the Galochios, to die in water. Either Raz has created a psychic placebo, or there really is an external curse.
- Unreliable Narrator: Almost everything he says about his father.
Lili Zanotto
A veteran of the camp who falls in love in Razputin. She is later kidnapped by the brainwashed Linda and delivered to Dr Loboto in order to extract her brain. Raz rescues her, with help from Sasha and Milla.
- Damsel in Distress: Much to her annoyance.
- Did the Earth Move For You, Too?: See Raz's entry.
- Heroes Want Redheads Inverted. See Razputin's entry above.
- Little Miss Badass:
Lili: I'm gonna kill you so much.
- She turns into a Faux Action Girl, against her will, and we never really get to see her powers.
- Little Miss Snarker: Ten-ish years old, serious and critically snarky.
- Tsundere: She spent most of her time picking on Raz before admitting that she likes him.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Right between grades C and B, at least according to this picture [dead link] . She's got the Tsundere attitude and legendary Twin Tails requisite for grade S, though.
Bobby Zilch
The camp bully. Has Benny as his Dragon, and goes around organizing protection rackets, beating up other kids and generally being a Jerkass.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Bright blue!
- Funny Afro: It's about half as tall is he is and screaming bright orange.
- Jerkass: Whoa, yes.
- Kids Are Cruel: The player gets to see him not only harassing the other kids, but torturing fish on the camp docks.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Ungrateful Bastard: He's rather ungrateful to Raz for returning his brain to his body.
- Victory Pose: A little dance of his that later Raz adapts as his own.
Dogen Boole
Functions somewhat like a Captain Ersatz of Ralph Wiggum of The Simpsons in the camp. Raz's as-it-were best friend. Wears a tinfoil hat, since he has previously caused several incidents of Your Head Asplode (one of which was a single person's head exploding four times).
- Butt Monkey
- Chekhov's Gun/Cassandra Truth: Early on, he mentions blowing up some squirrels heads for insulting him. When rebrained, he tells Razputin that he killed the squirrels for saying "The little man is going to kill everyone." Turns out they were referring to Coach Oleander, not Dogen.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Even by the standards of the rest of the cast, Dogen's not all there.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Even Milla, one of the counselors, refers to him as an incredibly powerful psychic if she's spoken to after her lesson.
- The Ditz: A nice kid, but slow on the uptake and prone to misinterpretation.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: He can communicate with squirrels. It's not made clear if this is via verbal communication, or telepathy.
- Your Head Asplode: See above. Also subverted later, as he loses his brain via sneezing powder, not explosion.
Benny Fideleo
The Dragon to Bobby Zilch. Has very large ears and an irritating voice. Later, he gets held upside down in preparation for a "Deadly Nelson" by Mikhail.
- Ambiguously Gay/Ho Yay: On his Myspace page, he lists his obsessions as being with "Bullying, Musicals and Bobby".
- Cowardly Sidekick/Dirty Coward
- The Dragon: As mentioned, to Bobby Zilch.
- Jerkass: You've got to be able to maintain a certain level of jerkassery to keep up with Bobby and enjoy it.
- Non-Indicative Name: Well, nickname. His nickname is "The Nose", while his massive ears go uncommented on.
- Smug Snake/The Quisling: He even tries to defect to Coach Oleander's side after he has his brain restored, asking Raz if Oleander has a lickspittle sidekick position available.
Chloe Barge
Strange girl in an astronaut's helmet who believes herself to be the stranded child of an alien race.
- Alien Among Us/Human Aliens/Parental Abandonment: If her story is to be believed.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys/Crack Pairing/Toy Ship: She and Bobby present a canonical example.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Subverted: she tells Raz after being rebrained that she will use the Coach's radio to call for help, but says after that that she's wired the radio to go into outer space, and to contact her "parents".
- Parental Substitute: If her story is to be believed, her human parents are this.
Clem Foote/Crystal Flowers Snagrash
Two strange friends who are preparing for a dual ritual suicide and serve, bizarrely enough, as one of the most cheerful members of the camp, hence their role as its unofficial cheerleaders.
- Cheerful Child: Subverted, since they are suicidal, after all.
- Driven to Suicide: Though, it's never explained why they are suicidal. Could be the Psitanium.
- The message boards scattered around the camp mention that they've been bullied and taunted for years due to their attempts to bring cheer.
- Dysfunction Junction: Oy...
- Interrupted Suicide: Crystal is interrupted by the brainwashed Linda after jumping, when the poison she used to attempt suicide didn't work.
- Stepford Smiler: And how.
Elka Doom
A boy-obsessed girl who recently broke up with Nils to chase after J.T. Explains her romantic life to a rather confused Dogen Boole, in what may be a Lampshade Hanging of her particular intense example of the campers case of Most Writers Are Adults.
- Blondes Are Evil: More like Blondes Want To Be the Alpha Bitch.
- Deathbringer the Adorable/Doomy Dooms of Doom/Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Who on Earth has the last name of doom? Aside from Latverians.
- Most Writers Are Adults: A boy-obsessed ten year old girl? Both very out there and not out there enough.
- Puppy Love: With Nils and J.T., canonically.
- Seer: "Oh Nils... I was such a fool. You know that you and I are meant to be together. I mean, I can see the future so I've known it all along."
Elton Fir
A nervous, hydrophobic boy who ironically wears a sailor suit.
- Dastardly Whiplash: If Clairvoyance is used on him, he sees Raz as this.
- No Accounting for Taste/Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Him and Milka, while not married, otherwise fit the latter and the former trope.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Elton's special psychic power is that he can talk to fish.
Franke Athens/Kitty Bubai
Two girls who are almost never seen apart and pretty much are only nice to each other, being rather unkind to Raz and to all the other campers.
- Frivolous Lawsuit: Kitty threatens this on Raz's family.
- Girl Posse: A very small example, albeit.
- Rich Bitch/Spoiled Brat: Kitty.
- While Rome Burns: They take manicures while Coach Oleander is attempting to conquer the world with an army of brain-operated death tanks.
James "J.T." Theodore Hoofburger
Southern-accented boy in a cowboy hat and outfit who plays the harmonica and has been dating Elka, who has been making him answer to his real name and wear his good chaps more often.
- American Accents: Definitely Texas, though he's from Oklahoma.
- Cowboy
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Doesn't like to be called "James". Elka does it anyway.
- Embarrassing First Name/Embarrassing Middle Name: A possible reason for him being Only Known By His Nickname.
- First-Name Basis: With Elka.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Though, Elka is attempting to get him to answer to his real one.
Maloof Canola
Main target of the camp bullies (especially Bobby and Benny) who is adept at escaping from dangerous situations, and hands Raz his smelling salts for use if he wants to escape a mind and go back to the real world. Later organizes a deal with Mikhail, where Mikhail gets to beat up anyone who tries to pick on Maloof and, as a result, Maloof doesn't get picked on.
- Aloof Big Brother/Aloof Ally/Psycho Sidekick/The Lancer: Mikhail.
- Butt Monkey: Rather thoroughly subverted later on.
- Disproportionate Retribution/Pay Evil Unto Evil/Who's Laughing Now?: As aforementioned, he turns the tables on the camp bullies with Mikhail's help, and even has to talk Mikhail into only half killing Benny, as opposed to killing him with a "Deadly Nelson". Later, a far more proportionate retribution comes when he and Mikhail, after being rebrained, start wiring the Coach's jeep's gas tank, presumably to explode.
- The Mafia: Ironically, implied to be his parentage. He's no Mafia Prince, though, as when he and Mikhail are wiring the Coach's jeep's gas tank, he says "This is how we do things in my family." Also, if you use Clairvoyance on him, it reveals he sees Raz as a Godfather-like Mob Boss.
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind
Chops is a nice, cool Canadian kid from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan who is into acoustic-guitar playing and a friend of J.T. He fears that their friendship would be short lived with Elka striking it up with J.T., and it turns out his fears were well founded, as Elka warned him to stay away from J.T. Luckily for him, J.T. overheard their conversation from a nearby bush and broke it off with Elka to hang out with Chops again.
- But Not Too Black/Token Minority: He's orange skinned, both medium and dark.
- Canada, Eh?: Although a little more developed beyond a Canadian steryotype, using clairvoyance on him reveals that he sees you as a maple leaf.
- Funny Afro: Not as extreme as Bobby's, but still...
- Jive Turkey: A very mild example, and an ironic one, considering he's Canadian.
Mikhail "Misha" Bulgakov
Boy from a land called Russia where their bears are different. He seeks to wrestle a "hairless bear", which is in actuality Linda. He teams up with Maloof as part of a deal to protect Maloof while getting the benefit of beating up his tormentors.
- Aloof Big Brother/Aloof Ally/Psycho Sidekick/The Lancer: See Maloof's entry.
- Badass: This is a guy that not only easily out-psychics Bobby and Benny, he is looking for a fight with Linda [dead link] .
- The Big Guy: Seems this way at first.
- Disproportionate Retribution/Pay Evil Unto Evil/Who's Laughing Now?: See Maloof's entry.
- Funny Foreigner: Has a thick Russian accent and is generally more interested in wandering the fringes of the woods looking for bears to fight (an act he talks about as if it's the most everyday thing in the world) than interacting with the other kids.
- Meaningful Name: Taken directly from a Russian playwright famous for his novel The Master and Margarita.
- Russian Guy Suffers Most: Averted.
Milka Phage
A girl adept at invisibility who developed this skill due to her mother not wanting to look at her, as it reminded her of Milka's father. Strikes up a romance with Elton, which sometimes uses Invisibility, to Raz's confusion.
- Disappeared Dad: See above.
- Dysfunction Junction: Aside from the aforementioned family situation, she ran away from the camp upon arrival to live in the wilderness for a bit and eat leaves.
- Invisibility: Her specialty.
- No Accounting for Taste/Puppy Love/Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: See Elton's entry.
Nils Lutefisk
A Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Boy, Kidanova and Casanova Wannabe all rolled up into one Most Writers Are Adults package.
- All Men Are Perverts: Raz first gets a chance to talk to him while he's trying to use Clairvoyance on a squirrel he's jammed into the girls' cabin.
- Children Are Innocent: Oh so very averted. "My parents let me watch R-rated movies."
- Kidanova/Casanova Wannabe/Most Writers Are Adults: And HOW.
- Puppy Love: He and Elka hold hands in the main lounge after recranialization. Elka promises, "No talking."
- Seemingly Wholesome Fifties Boy: A rare male example.
Phoebe Love/Quentin Hedgemouse
Phoebe is the drummer, while Quentin is the DJ in the as-of-yet unnamed band created by the two, a name for which is greatly debated between them. The band also briefly included Chops and J.T. on guitar and harmonica respectively. Both of them had only joined the band as a cover to stay together and, in J.T.'s case, to avoid Elka. They left when Bobby and Benny expressed their desire to join. Kitty has been listed as a vocalist, but it's unknown if she ever got in.
- All Drummers Are Animals: Very much averted. Phoebe is very cool and laid back.
- Chekhov's Gun/Funny Aneurysm Moment: Apparently, the pyromaniac Phoebe used to burn other kids, but agreed to stop when Milla requested it. It's very likely that this brought out some especially nasty memories for Milla, who watched the children she looked after burn to death.
- In a different, more plot relevant and non Funny Aneurysm Moment Chekhov's Gun, Quentin asks Phoebe if she ever had a nightmare with a bathtub in it. In Raz's (and presumably also Lili's) nightmare, there is indeed a bathtub, which is itself a Chekhov's Gun, as it has "S.S. Oblongata" written on it.
- A Good Name for a Rock Band/Take a Third Option: Phoebe prefers "The Firestarters", while Quentin prefers "The Levitators". Raz friendlily suggests "The Whispering Rockers", but his suggestion is ignored.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Quentin can't sing, though it's not unendearing. "Kittyyy, Kittyyy! She's so pretty! Soon we'll go stitty!"
- Hypocritical Humor: Phoebe wants to name the band she's in with Quentin "The Firestarters", and occasionally talks about using her (only semi-controlled) pyrokinetic talents to create pyrotechnic displays. But if someone else talks about fire in any context, she gets extremely offended and claims they're insensitive to her issues.
- Kill It with Fire: See above. Phoebe also has some form of psychic dampener installed to prevent her from setting things on fire when she is mad.
- Sassy Black Woman: OK, so technically, Phoebe's green. But she has the right voice and ponytails that resemble tiny afros. And she's nothing if not sassy: "OK, because if y'all were gonna make a "drummer joke", I was gonna shove my drumsticks up yo' nose."
Vernon Tripe
A dull, monotonous (both literally and metaphorically) boy with a penchant for telling overly long shaggy dog stories (which may be literal, as many of them involve his deceased dog Lady, who may have been shaggy). He possesses virtually no friends, aside from his one-sided desire for Franke.
- Animal Motifs: Refers to himself as "the mongoose"... during a game of hide-and-seek.
- Overly Long Gag/Shaggy Dog Story: His stories.
The Counselors
The counselors who teach at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp are all Psychonauts, either current or retired.
Morceau Oleander
The camp's chief counselor, coach and Basic Braining instructor. A short, Mr Potato Head like man in military uniform possessing a baton and pickelhaube, he operates like a modern day Patton, with strong elements of The Napoleon thrown in.
- Big Bad
- Blood-Splattered Innocents: See Freudian Excuse below.
- The Butcher: His father, both literally and figuratively. Also the source of the Blood-Splattered Innocents and Oleander's Freudian Excuse/Start of Darkness.
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys: Weirdly, both averted and played straight. See Miles Gloriosus below.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Takes a strict and rigorous attitude with his students tinged with army-speak.
- Dueling Scar: He comes complete with dueling scar and pickelhaube despite sounding suspiciously American.
- Easily Forgiven: In the game's ending cinematic, he explains that his world domination scheme came as the result of temporary insanity and psychological demons which have now been vanquished, and that a CAT scan has cleared him.
- Freudian Excuse: He lived on a bunny farm, where he cared for and looked after the bunnies in their hutches. However, his father (though, Oleander may be an Unreliable Narrator in this matter) thought bunnies were only good for meat, and didn't let young Oleander keep the bunnies, butchering them in front of him.
- The Man Behind the Man: He is the one behind Loboto's plot.
- Miles Gloriosus: A memory vault hidden behind a cobweb in a small cave in his mind, only accessible after The Reveal, shows that he was, contrary to the claims of an earlier memory vault, rejected from all three branches of the US Military and even its cooking service.
- The Napoleon: And how.
- Remilitarized Zone: Basic Braining, a section of his mind.
- Start of Darkness: See Freudian Excuse above.
- Take Over the World: Using an army of psychic death tanks, at that.
Ford Cruller
The camp's resident Cool Old Guy. Has a variety of personas (due to his mind being destroyed in a psychic duel and the psitanium deposit only keeping his mind together at close distances, such as those within his sanctuary), among which are that of the local docksman, the camp janitor, the camp ranger and the camp salesman/cook.
- Badass Grandpa/Cool Old Guy/Retired Badass: In the third case, it's due to the aforementioned restriction on his movement, and the fact he's The Obi Wrong.
- Big Damn Heroes: When he comes in to help Sasha and Milla combat Coach Oleander at the top of Thorney Towers, and manages to make Oleander sneeze his own brains out with a witty battle line to go along with it.
- David Kaye
- Eccentric Mentor: He comes quite close to being this, but leans a bit too much to the wacky side to fit. Also, all the other Psychonauts, save for Sasha and Milla, believe him a loon.
- The Mentor: To Raz, naturally.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Averted.
- The Obi Wrong: See spoilered text above.
- Split Personality: See spoilered text above.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Bacon.
Milla Vodello
A Brazilian party girl known as the Mental Minx, this sexy spy is known for both her levitation skills and being able to throw wild parties. She's also a kind soul who loves working with kids. She's partners with Sasha Nein.
- Disco Dan: Her mental landscape overfloweth with psychedelia and lava lamps.
- Friend to All Children
- Hartman Hips: 90% of her torso is hips.
- Ms. Fanservice: Subtly parodied. In her memory vaults, she remembers herself as sexier than she actually is. In reality, she's certainly not ugly, but she's nowhere close to this trope.
- Ship Tease: Her second memory reel.
- Stepford Smiler: Averted. Her past is genuinely terrible, but she's risen above it. While there was some debate about this in the fandom, the Psycho-Pedia seems to confirm that her bottled-up nightmares are there as part of a normal coping exercise.
Sasha Nein
Son of a cobbler, this German superspy seems woefully mismatched with his partner, the obnoxiously colorful Milla Vodello. He displays almost no emotion, though he seems to have a weird sense of humor buried deep down. He takes an interest in Raz's psychic abilities and offers him special training.
- Deliberately Monochrome: His mental world, the Shooting Gallery.
- Die, Chair, Die!: Hates Tiffany lamps and encourages their destruction.
- This might actually be a Chekhov's Gun/Funny Aneurysm Moment. Sasha says there is nothing as horrible as a Tiffany Lamp. There was a Tiffany Lamp next to the bed in which his mother died, or at least that's how he remembers it.
- Dirty Mind Reading When he was a boy, Sasha tried to find out what his Missing Mom was like by reading his father's mind. Child-traumatizing ensued, no question about that.
- Expressive Mask: His sunglasses.
- Germanic Depressives: Nearly always poker-faced and unexpressive, down to him being the only character in the game who doesn't laugh if Raz uses the Crow Feather item.
- Missing Mom: She died when he was just a baby.
- Smoking Is Cool: Cigarettes. He's even seen levitating one.
- The Spock: He's rather logical about many things.
- The Stoic: Hard to rattle and generally deadpan in expression and speech.
- Sunglasses at Night: He can be seen wearing them, no matter what time of day it is.
Thorney Towers Residents
Dr Caligosto Loboto, DDS
A Depraved Dentist, Evil Genius and Mad Scientist, Dr Caligosto Loboto is the apparent main villain of the game, and the administrator of Thorney Towers at the time of the game. While details on his past are scarce, he had apparently been hauled into another asylum for his depraved dentistry and escaped to the abandoned Thorney Towers, which he took over and used under the directive of Coach Oleander in a plot to build an army of psychic death tanks.
- Artificial Limbs: His right arm has been replaced with a three-pronged claw. That doubles as a pepper grinder. Also, his eyes look like a pair of penlights.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Albeit a dangerous one, bringing us such lines as "You have the insanity of a manatee!".
- Depraved Dentist: Amoral but cheerful at best and actively sadistic at worst.
- Disney Villain Death: Even less than that. You don't fight him at all. Instead, Raz uses telekinesis to drop Sam/Mr Pokeylope's brain into the tank, which blasts Loboto off the top of Thorney Towers, presumably to his doom.
- The Dragon: His orderly Crispin Whytehead. He's this himself to Coach Oleander.
- Evil Genius
- Mad Scientist: Hides out in a lab at the top of Thorney Towers, poking at brains.
- The Man Behind the Man: Coach Oleander is the one behind him.
- Mismatched Eyes: One red light and one green one.
Crispin Whytehead
The Dragon to Dr. Loboto and the orderly of Thorney Towers. Was once an inmate under Fred's orderly station, but turned the tables by driving Fred mad by beating him at a game of Waterloo-o. Is half blind.
- Deadpan Snarker: He pretty much spends his time mocking Fred, and snarking's pretty much his only defense. He crumples fairly quickly once Fred is able to assert authority once again.
- The Dragon: To Dr. Loboto.
- Everything Sounds Sexier With British Accents
Boyd Cooper
A Cloudcuckoolander Conspiracy Theorist who once had a job as a department store guard, but was fired, resulting in him going crazy and burning down the store, and being taken into an asylum. Later, he's approached by Coach Oleander to become the Asylum's guard, and the one to potentially destroy the Asylum in his "Milkman" persona to eliminate all evidence of Oleander and Loboto's scheme.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Even for a conspiracy theorist, he's weird.
- Conspiracy Theorist: And how.
- Milkman Conspiracy: Trope Namer.
- Molotov Cocktail: The Milkman's "milk."
- Pyromaniac: The "Milkman" part of personality.
- Room Full of Crazy: What his room in his house in his mental world looks like, especially when Raz uses clairvoyance on him.
- Split Personality: His guard and "Milkman" personae.
- Stepford Suburbia: His mind.
- The Unfought: You might expect to fight the Milkman, but actually you fight his Dragon, the Den Mother, instead. The Milkman part of his personality just stands in front of the asylum until the end of the game when he burns down the asylum and apparently leaves Boyd.
Gloria von Gouten
An aspiring musical starlet who was sent by her cruel mother to the Hagatha Home School For Girls, under an Evil Matriarch and numerous bullies who made her life miserable, making her all the more glad to leave the school and rise to her career. She snapped when she received news of her mother commiting suicide by jumping off an apartment roof due to her own fame and success having eclipsed hers, developing a severe case of bipolar disorder and landing her in Thorney Towers.
- Boarding School of Horrors: Hagatha Home School For Girls.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Driven to Suicide: Her mother. See above.
- Evil Matriarch: The unnammed headmistress of Hagatha Home School For Girls.
- Follow in My Footsteps: She followed in the footsteps of her mother and even managed to outshine her.
- Mood Swinger: Aforementioned bipolar disorder, the theme of her mind along with her acting.
- Parent with New Paramour: One play has Gloria suspect her stepfather was responsible for sending her to Hagatha's
- Straw Critic: Jasper Rolls, who represents her self-hatred and insecurity.
- Tell Me About My Father: Implied by the "Knight of Joy" plays in her mind to have never known her father and to wonder if her life might never have gone off its rails if he'd been in it.
- White Dwarf Starlet: Her once-glamorous career crashed after her mother's suicide. Raz finds her performing to the plants in the Thorney Towers' garden.
Fred Bonaparte
A descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, after repeatedly losing games of Waterloo-o to Crispin in his former job as an orderly, went insane and was possessed by the angry genetic memory of his ancestor, who forced him to become a great tactician (ironically in a mental game of Waterloo-o).
Okay, everybody who's still in my army, raise your hands. Unless you're dead.
- Genetic Memory: The Genetic Memory of Napoleon Bonaparte is what's possessing him.
- The Napoleon: Inverted, actually, with Fred himself—he's really tall and has an inferiority complex. Of course, his Napoleon personality fits this better.
- Napoleon Bonaparte: His ancestor.
- Napoleon Delusion/Split Personality: Justified by two factors. Firstly, the psitanium. Secondly, his Genetic Memory possessing him.
- Twitchy Eye: Even after he's cured.
Gloria: Leave? Here?
Fred: Yeah, this place is for crazy people! And I don't know about you, but I ain't crazy no more! [Twitch twitch twitch.]
Edgar Teglee
Aspiring artist and high school wrestling team captain left heartbroken after his love Lana Pazoni, a cheerleader, rejected him in favour of the head of the cheerleading squad, Dean LaGrant. As a result, he didn't have it in him to complete the state semi-finals. At some point, he was inducted into Thorney Towers for his obsession with painting and bulls. He tries to paint masterpieces, but always ruins them at the last moment by going into a rage and painting a matador and bull over them.
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Him and Lana.
- Antiquated Linguistics: Has an evocative, semi-formal way of speaking.
- Bilingual Bonus: El Odio's name is Spanish for "hate". It represents Edgar's anger issues.
- Gentle Giant: He seems to be one of the most pleasantly laid-back people Raz meets aside from Milla. Unless he's pissed off, of course.
- A Load of Bull: El Odio, a creature plaguing his mind. It actually represents his anger and hatred.
- Masked Luchador: Himself and the four other members of his wrestling team in his high school days, Tiger, Dragon, Eagle and Cobra. The latter four end up as bosses in his mind. Teglee's wrestling persona himself ends up as El Odio.
- Meaningful Name: Everyone in his mind. See the above Bilingual Bonus, while Dingo In-Flagrante and Lampita Pasionado are more obvious. His own name is a Homage... anyone heard of Edgar Leeteg?
- Romantic False Lead/Prince Charmless: Dean LaGrant/Dingo Inflagrante.
- Super OCD: Though not in a traditional way.
A hunchbacked (young?) girl, Dr. Loboto's assistant... not willingly, as she despises what he's doing and yet has to help him, as not only is she terrified of him, he's holding her pet turtle Mr. Pokeylope hostage and will kill him if she doesn't cooperate.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite her childlike behavior, she's apparently an expert at neurology, which is likely why Loboto has "hired" her.
- Engineer Exploited For Evil: She hates helping Loboto hurt people, but has to or he'll eat Mr. Pokeylope.
- The Igor: Hence her name.
- Punch Clock Villain
Linda, the Hideous Hulking Lungfish of Lake Oblongota
An enormous, mutated lungfish who lives in Lake Oblogota, she was a peaceful creature until she was kidnapped, mutated and turned into an enormous beast by Coach Oleander. She collects children for Dr. Loboto's experiments until being liberated by Raz.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Her Mental World, Lungfishopolis. "GOGGALOOOOR!"
- Brainwashed and Crazy: She's actually a very nice sea creature when she's not being controlled.
- Cowardly Boss: Once she's hit three times, she proceeds to move the air bubble to a new area.
- Female Monster Surprise: There's no indication at all that she's female until she gives Raz her name. And yes, we are reasonably sure she's a "she", given the secret 100% Completion ending video.
- Larynx Dissonance: Her voice is very deep and male.
- Mismatched Eyes: One red and one green. This seems to be quite common among (initially) antagonistic characters, as Bobby Zilch, Loboto and Oleander all fit this trope.
- Stock Ness Monster
Augustus Aquato
Raz's father, and The Faceless for most of the game. He hates psychics, and Raz ran away to escape him. However, Raz is going to have to go home sooner or later, and he'll have to confront his father in the process. And more than that...
- All There in the Manual: His name. In the game, he's an Unnamed Parent.
- Big Damn Heroes: Just as it looks as though Raz's version of Augustus is going to win, the real Augustus finally makes it in.
- Fantastic Racism: He hates psychics. Not really.
- Gypsy Curse: See Raz's entry.
- Hypocritical Humor: The version of him that exists in Raz's mind seems to dislike the... Um, changes, and tries to kill him, but after he becomes the Two-Headed Dad Monster (yes, that is his official name), he says he likes Raz and Morceau's mind like that.
- Monster Clown: The version of him that exists in Raz's mind.
- Papa Wolf: Mess with his son, and you're liable to get a Psi-Blast in the face.
- Red Herring: Of sorts. When Raz discusses his father, you get the sneaking suspicion that you'll have to have to face him down, being made out to be an Abusive Dad... Double-subverted. Augustus himself is nowhere close to the "psychic hating" slave driver that Raz makes him out to be, but Meat Circus!Augustus, being everything Raz built up his Dad in his mind to be, definitely is.
- Secret Legacy: He was psychic all along, and wanted to help his son learn to control his powers.
- So Proud of You
The G-Men
Mysterious characters who are products of Boyd's paranoid mind mixed with its natural defence systems, seeking to find and remove the Milkman programming that Coach Oleander implanted in Boyd's brain. Use objects in an attempt to disguise themselves as members of different professions, even housewives.
- Badass Longcoat/Conspicuous Trenchcoat: Their attire.
- Creepy Monotone
- Hero Antagonist: See above.
- Lizard Folk: Kinda. They are green-skinned humanoids. Not that's it's very unusual in the game's world.
- The Men in Black
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Apparently, just holding a phone makes you a skilled phone repairman. And that's just one example of many...
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: They actually have infrared vision, so sneaking past them using invisibility won't work.
- Steve Blum
The Rainbow Squirts
An Ancient Conspiracy of girl scouts designed to protect the Milkman, obfuscate his true nature and help fulfill his mission. They are opposed to the G-Men.
- Ancient Conspiracy: Well, not that ancient. Still, they do seem to be about as old as the game-time state of Boyd's mind.
- Girl Scouts Are Evil: They are the defense for the manifestation of the Manchurian Agent brainwashing Boyd has been subjected to, making them essentially the villains of his mind. In particular, they guard the Milkman, until Oleanders order to destroy all the evidence is activated
- Mama Bear: The Den Mother.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The Den Mother, in the level's final boss fight.
- Suicide Attack: Their "cookies" are used to this purpose when the assassin G-Men try and interrogate one of their dying members.