< Power Rangers Time Force
Power Rangers Time Force/Characters
Our Heroes
Wesley "Wes" Collins / Red Time Force Ranger | (Actor: Jason Faunt)
- The Hero: Played with. He's the main character, but he's an inexperienced Non-Action Guy and not the actual leader of the team.
- Ho Yay / Foe Yay: With Eric. They act like they had a bad breakup a while back, possibly when Wes discovered his heterosexuality
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Well, he is the Red Ranger, so he gets cool armor. Also see below.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Non-Action Guy
- Official Couple: With Jen.
- Rebel Prince
- Rookie Red Ranger: He isn't part of Time Force itself, and he was just recruited because his DNA matched that of Alex's, which proves to be a plot point.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- The White Prince: At the beginning.
Jennifer "Jen" Scotts / Pink Time Force Ranger | (Actress: Erin Cahill)
- Action Girl
- Cute Bruiser
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Fan Service: There's really no reason for Jen's 20th century outfit to include a tight, tiny miniskirt other than the fact that former model Erin Cahill is one of the most beautiful women to ever put on the pink spandex.
- Also, the leather suit from the episode "Reinforcements From The Future".
- "Sliiiightly" justified in that fanservice itself is a tactical advantage, since even in 2012 guys are expected to be slightly dazed at the sight of a hot chick, and both outfits do keep her legs fairly free for kicking. One gets the sense that she doesn't really care if a criminal sees her panties, since she'll have knocked them out in five minutes anyway.
- Also, the leather suit from the episode "Reinforcements From The Future".
- Fair Cop
- Heartbroken Badass
- The Lancer: She's the real team leader, but from a story perspective she's this as Wes' Foil.
- Lethal Chef
- Official Couple: First with Alex, then later with Wes.
- Quickly-Demoted Leader: Averted. She keeps her position as team leader, thank you very much.
- She's Got Legs: Hot damn!
- Supporting Leader
- Supporting Protagonist: Wes is the Red Ranger, but Jen is arguably the Ranger that the season really focuses on.
- You Are in Command Now: Steelix turns her evil in Time Force Traitor.
Lucas Kendall / Blue Time Force Ranger | (Actor: Michael Copon)
- Badass Driver: Too bad his 31st Century driver's license isn't valid in the 21st Century.
- The Big Guy
- Bishounen
- Composite Character: Because Katie's Timeranger counterpart is male, Domon's personality is used for him along with his own Sentai counterpart Ayase, minus the Ill Boy arc.
- Dating Catwoman: With Nadira in "Nadira's Dream Date". This would prompt Lucas to pull a Please Dump Me. He gets back with her in Wild Force.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Fair Cop
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Katie Walker / Yellow Time Force Ranger | (Actress: Deborah Estelle Phillips)
- Action Girl
- Cute Bruiser
- Fair Cop
- The Glomp
- The Heart: The most outgoing and friendliest of the team, and the most concerned with the effect their actions are having on the future. Also a Big Guy due to her Super Strength.
- Hot Amazon
- Huge Female Ranger
- She's a Man In Japan: Along with four other Yellow Rangers in the franchise.
- Super Strength
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Team Mom: Fear her legendary hugs!
Trip / Green Time Force Ranger | (Actor: Kevin Kleinberg)
- Adorkable
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: In "Force from the Future", during a split-second frame.
- Irritation Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery: In "Uniquely Trip", he tries to look cooler by acting like the other Rangers.
- Keet
- The Klutz, sometimes to the point of being a Cute Clumsy Alien Boy
- Meaningful Name: Because most clumsy people are experts on the art of tripping.
- Nice Hat: Justified because...
Wes: (right after placing the hat on Trip's head) I don’t know if the public is quite ready for a Xybrian yet.
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: Let's just say he's everything Haruhi Suzumiya would want in a guy, with the addition of being a cop.
- Only One Name: Fanon usually gives Trip's last name as "Regis", but Disney's official website doesn't give him a last name, much like other Human Aliens in the franchise.
- Psychic Powers
- Rubber Forehead Alien: He looks pretty human, save a forehead crystal and oddly colored hair.
- The Smart Guy (Mr. Fixit)
- You Gotta Have Green Hair, justified by the above-mentioned Rubber Forehead Alien-ness.
Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger | (Actor: Dan Southworth)
- Aloof Ally
- The Captain: Of the Silver Guardians.
- Determinator
- Dark and Troubled Past: He lived an opposite life to Wes. Also his Freudian Excuse for his attitude towards the other Rangers.
- The Resenter: So much it hurts. He gets better.
- Fair Cop
- Ho Yay / Foe Yay: With Wes. They act like they went through a bad breakup a while back, possibly when Wes discovered his heterosexuality (or het-leaning bisexuality, if you wish).
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: He also gets a Super Mode. And he gets to join Wes and eight other Red Rangers on a special mission.
- Morality Pet: He keeps adorable little birds.
- Perpetual Frowner
- The Rival: To Wes.
- Rollerblade Good
- Sarcastic Clapping: Upon becoming the Quantum Ranger for the first time.
- Ship Tease / Crossover Ship: With Taylor.
- Sixth Ranger: Has the gear for it, but subverted as he never actually joins the team.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- What Could Have Been: Eric was supposed to die like his Timeranger counterpart Naoto.
- You Look Familiar: Most of his scenes, particularly his debut as the Quantum Ranger, were easy to splice up with the Sentai footage due to how similar Eric and Naoto look.
Their Friends
Circuit | (Voice actress: Brianne Siddall)
Captain Logan | (Actor: Roy Werner)
Mr. A. Collins | (Actor: Edward Albert)
- Cool Old Guy
- No Name Given: No first name, at least. We only know it starts with an A.
- Non-Action Guy
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- So Proud of You: In the finale.
Alex | (Actor: Jason Faunt)
- Cool Shades
- Fair Cop
- Identical Grandson
- Man in White
- Only One Name: Like Trip above, some Fanon give him the last name of "Drake."
- Romantic False Lead: But not in the first episode.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Well, more like revealing that he was always more of a Jerkass than he let on.
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
- What Could Have Been: Was originally planned to be the Quantum Ranger.
- Fridge Brilliance: In Timeranger, Ryuga is the original TimeFire.
Their Enemies
Ransik | (Actor: Vernon Wells)
- The Atoner: In "Reinforcements from the Future".
- Bad with the Bone: He pulls his bones out of his body and uses them as swords.
- Badass
- Badass Beard Of Evil
- Big Bad
- Deadpan Snarker: At times.
- Even Evil Mutants Love Their Daughters: In spite of everything, Ransik is actually a fairly attentive and loving parent. This is a factor in his Heel Face Turn.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Graceful Loser: If he hadn't accidentally blasted Nadira, he would've beaten the Rangers!
- Heel Face Turn: In "The End of Time"; notably one of the few seasons in which the Big Bad isn't killed or forcibly turned good.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- Hey, It's That Guy!: For some reason, Vernon Wells looks very familiar in evil black leather.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: According to him, though to be fair he's really in no position to judge.
- Large and In Charge
- Large Ham: Practically the reason Vernon Wells took the role.
- Love Redeems: His love for his daughter is ultimately what causes his Heel Face Turn and redeems him.
- Misanthrope Supreme
- My God, What Have I Done?: After severely wounding his daughter in the Final Battle.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: It is revealed in the Wild Force team-up that Ransik was a magic, terminally ill, mutant criminal genius from the future (who can pull swords out of his entire body.)
- Orcus on His Throne
- Redemption Earns Life
- Spikes of Villainy
- Ungrateful Bastard: Considering that Frax was kind to him and saved his life purely out of the goodness of his heart when Ransik was shunned by most, it was really a dick move to steal all the serum and leave him to die.
Nadira | (Actress: Kate Sheldon)
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Baroness
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: She gets better in "The End of Time, Part I".
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Dark Chick
- Dark Magical Girl
- Dating Catwoman: With Lucas in "Nadira's Dream Date".
- Femme Fatalons
- Heel Face Turn: Having had to deliver a Pregnant Hostage helped her case.
- Maternally Challenged: In "The End of Time".
- Averted in "Reinforcements from the Future" from Wild Force, where, back in the 31st century, she works at a day care.
- Missing Mom
- Morality Pet: For Ransik
- Redemption Equals Death: In "The End of Time, Part III". Well, almost; it's actually a near-death.
- Redemption Earns Life: In "Reinforcements from the Future" from Wild Force.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Woman in White
Frax | (Voice actor: Jeff Griggs)
- Badass Bookworm
- Evil Genius
- Pet the Dog: Before becoming Frax, he was the only human to be sympathetic to Ransik. Unfortunately, Ransik didn't return the favor...
- The Starscream
- We Can Rebuild Him: His backstory.
Gluto | (Voice actor: Neil Kaplan)
- The Brute
- Demoted to Extra: Don Dorunero was Timeranger's Big Bad, Gluto is little more than comic relief.
- The Dragon
- Dumb Muscle
- Fat Bastard
- Hopeless Suitor: He has a crush on Nadira, but she doesn't have feelings for him.
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