< Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/WMG

This page deals with Wild Mass Guesses for games and species in the Hoenn region. For non-game and non-Hoenn game WMGs, please refer to the appropriate page in the Pokemon WMG Index.

Generation III Species Guesses

Gardevoir is a benevolent Eldritch Abomination

Why is it that Gardevoir looks humanoid, but is in the Indeterminate egg-group instead of Humanshape? That's because the gentle, lovely form we see isn't Gardevoir's true form; it's an illusion, seeing how Gardevoir's actual form is impossible for humans to comprehend. Not to mention the fact that it can warp reality at its will.

Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir and Gallade aren't in their true forms.

The Ralts line shares their Egg Group with ghosts and the odd poison-type like Grimer and Koffing. This Egg Group is called 'Indeterminate' or 'Amorphous' - without form. Then there's its Synchronizing or Tracing abilities... So with their line, what we see is NOT what we get. It uses its psychic powers to sense emotions, and has adapted its forms accordingly:

Why go to all this trouble? As its entries show, its line is very closely connected to its trainer's feelings. Also, note that the final move learned by all forms save Gallade is Dream Eater. Perhaps its motivations are similar to those of Drowzee and Hypno, but they're more Dangerously Genre Savvy and know how to avoid that sort of bad reputation...

The Soul Dew is literally Latios and Latias.

There's actually nothing that proves this idea contradicts anything, and if it is true, it would explain how Latios, who apparently died in movie five, could reappear in the Sinnoh League. In addition, Steven mentions that the Soul Dew is the crystallized soul of both Latios and Latias, which seems to be in conflict with the anime, and the manga never even shows it.

    • Obviously, it wasn't the same Latios. In the anime, the legendaries aren't unique, just very rare and powerful.

Deoxys that you catch are actually horribly mutated people or Pokemon.

You see, viruses cannot reproduce on their own. They have to infect a cell and make it produce more of the virus until it dies. Deoxys is a mutated space virus. That means that, even after the mutation, well, it is still a virus. And no, it couldn't have turned into a multicellular organism up there, as it lacks everything needed to make a cell, other than the DNA (if that virus even has DNA instead of RNA). As such, it would have had to come down and find a host.

After infecting the host, well, the mutation may cause it to mutate the cells after infection instead of merely make them into virus factories. Now, that may not seem too scary, but this would mean that the host is slowly mutated into a Deoxys, its limbs painfully mutating into whips, bizarre legs, etc. It would scream in pain, confused as to what is going on, their last moments being nothing but pain as they slowly lose consciousness, devoured by the Deoxys virus.

Now, that is scary by itself. But what if the virus is unable to infect the brain cells, or does not find them suitable? Well, then the person may be left conscious, watching as their body mutates and becomes a Pokemon, but unable to do anything. The newly mutated body might be able to access the host's brain for information and bring itself to more prey, the host unable to do anything but watch the virus infect their loved ones, perhaps consuming some as food.

If the virus stays dormant, then that's even worse. Imagine being infected and going home to your family, suddenly rapidly mutating into a horrific beast that infects and/or consumes your loved ones, maybe staying dormant in one member and releasing them to infect more people.

Imagine the following scenario: A little girl comes from school and hugs her mommy, daddy, and big brother. Suddenly, she screams in pain. Her father rushes for the phone, but before he can reach it, the girl, with inhuman speed, jumps on him and tears out his jugular vein, devouring him. The mother and brother runs over to stop her, but she bites them as well. The mother screams in pain as she begins to rapidly mutate. Her last words to her son are for him to run away. She then turns to her husband, viciously tearing off chunks of flesh, devouring him to fuel her transformation. The boy runs to his aunts, and so begins the cycle anew.

Tl;dr version: Deoxys mutates you into a horrific beast and causes small towns to become a real life version of Dawn of the Dead as it infects more and more people.

Deoxys represents illnesses of all kinds.

Let's consider all the factors: Being classified as a Legendary Pokemon, and for the purposes of this WMG, Legendary Pokemon must represent some aspect of existence, for the sake of brevity. Also take into account that it is A) not native to this planet and B) Suggested by the Pokedex to be a virus that mutated into a Pokemon. That is the first clue; Deoxys itself is a double-whammy for illness; not only is it not native to the entire planet, but it also isn't native to its own body structure. This makes it alien, and thus often quickly described as an alien Pokemon.

But there's more. In all of Deoxys's appearances in the Anime, it is being afflicted by other illnesses. In the movie alone, it is afflicted by the illness of separation and loneliness; for many, misery spreads like a virus, and as the old saying goes, 'misery loves company'. With that in play, Deoxys is also suffering from its own illnesses, and in an attempt to remedy, them it goes out in search of its friend, another Deoxys. However, they are also burdened with misfortune, as Rayquaza refuses to listen and/or pay attention to the actual actions of the Deoxys and keeps on trying to kill them, more or less acting as the White Blood Cell of the planet.

Now, in the series proper, Deoxys is still going through emotional illness, as well as physical illness, and possibly mental illness. The Deoxys seen in the episode Deoxys Crisis is implied to have the mentality of a child, reminiscent of a mental illness, and to have been conscious during its trek through space, locked up inside of a meteor. In addition, the meteor, that was "meant to be its cradle", is actually causing it pain, apparently due to wavelengths of the sun and meteorite matching together or some other gibberish like that. The pain Deoxys feels comes to such a point that it can't control its own Forme Changes until Solana catches it and has it use Recover to finally cure it. By that point, the rest of the area had been completely messed up, with weather patterns going haywire, and, most notably, the Pokemon Center (i.e. the place where illness is cured) being rendered nigh inoperable, with all of its technology refusing to boot up.

In its third appearance, Cheers on Castaways Isle, it has been rendered powerless and unable to move, the only part visible being its Crystal-Brain. It was on a trip to the aforementioned Isle and was shot down by lightning, but its energy was dispersed into the rocks surrounding the island. The Pokemon that bore witness, a Corphish and a school of Water Pokemon (I can't remember their names at the moment), take it upon themselves to gather up shards of the meteors and cover the Crystal with it, in an attempt to 'cure it'. Pikachu and Piplup add to their efforts, and they all succeed in restoring the Deoxys, who later thanks them all and leaves on its way, with the rocks surrounding the island losing their significance and just becoming another rock formation.

With all that being said, I think that is grounds enough for my Wild Mass Guess to not be so Wild, and perhaps even the slightest bit plausible. Discuss.

Hoenn Game Guesses

In the Hoenn games, the player is being manipulated by Team Rocket.

Team Rocket only pretended to disband as a way to get unwanted attention away from them (a ten-year-old and their pets can't really bring down a massive crime syndicate) and is secretly manipulating Teams Aqua and Magma into awakening Groudon and/or Kyogre for them. Then, when another ridiculously skilled ten-year-old with an odd connection to Pokemon and a camera floating over their head showed up, TR decided to use them to wipe out Team Magma and Aqua's strength so they couldn't fight back when TR showed up to collect the Legendaries. Which explains why the Magma/Aqua grunts so conveniently explain to you where they're going next: they're Team Rocket plants making sure that you can lawnmower through the real goons and admin staff for them. It's not that they're completely retarded at all! And the reason TR doesn't actually show up to wipe out the protagonist and scoop up Groudon and Kyogre is because the executive in charge of that got in a fight with Wally and was bored to death.

  • Problem: Generation III runs cocurrent with Generation I (FR/LG is the same as R/B, and can trade with R/S without the need for a Time Machine.)
    • Excluding the business about disbanding, then, Team Rocket just has their fingers in all the pies.

Brendan has black and white hair.

Here's an essay since it's too large and difficult to put on Tvtropes.

  • The essay in question mentions Thorton and Gardenia as having multicolored hair. That's not the case; they're wearing a hat and a headband, respectively.
    • Sarcasm? If not, where did he get that theory from? Especially with Gardenia.
    • ...How does Gardenia have a headband?
    • How can she not? Look at it, it's pretty obviously the same color and texture as the black part of her clothing, and for it to be hair and colored that way is ridiculous even by anime standards. This Bulbagarden post has a bit about it further down the page.
      • It's just black hair between orange and in the back of her hair. Nothing odd about it.
      • Only in Special, where it's dyed anyway. Again, it's clearly the same material as her black clothing. In the Sugimori artwork, at the very least, it's a headband.
        • Wasn't that one of those full-body suits that has an opening at the top of the head for hair? Like ninja and martial art dance-fighters sometimes wear, that are sometimes depicted as having that face-framing padding like boxers use. In the games, anyway.
        • Couldn't it just be a shadow in Gardenia's case?

Concerning the Hoenn Champion issue

Every once in a while Wallace/Steven decides to take the title from the other one. He's the former Champion in Emerald and, by the time of HG/SS, he took back the title from Wallace.

Steven changed his team after Emerald; but before Heart Gold / Soul Silver.

Wallace had a type advantage over Steven; 2/3 of Steven's team are rock and ground, and weak to all of Wallace's team. The only problems are Metagross and Skamory, and Metagross can be dealt with using Earthquake (which 2 of Wallace's team has), and Skarmory can just be hit repeatedly. Wallace beat Steven because of his chosen type; the only way for Steven to get his title back is to powerlevel his team or get some new pokemon.

Wallace filled the role of protagonist when he was a young'un.

No hat that nice can go without awesome power.

Brendan beats Aqua in Ruby.

What exactly happens to them that makes them go away? Brendan beats them, of course, if May is the leading role. May is commonly thought as the canon protagonist for various reasons; Her name in comparison to Norman's, Brendan's persona in the games, his extra lines, her counterparts, etc. Her dummy data has her with a Groudon and Brendan with a Kyogre. Out of the two first games, the "main" one is considered canon to most people and apparently is until the third game comes out. May catches Groundon, or at least it symbolizes her fighting Magma. It's similar to how Red has a Charmander in his dummy data, and Leaf a Bulbasaur, which makes Blue have a Squirtle which fits the "Rival has a type advantage over you" critica.

  • ...If May has a Groudon and Brendan has a Kyogre, wouldn't she have to be the hero of Ruby while he's the hero of Sapphire? The legendary Pokémon were version exclusives prior to Emerald and all...

Wattson is blond

Before his hair turned grey, that is. It goes with the color motif.

There's a "Type theme" in the Kanto gang.

As stated above, Red's dummy data in Emerald has him with a Charmander and Leaf with a Bulbasaur. That makes sense, since Blue would have a Squirtle. Look at the colorings of the Pokemon in comparison to their English names.

  • This is WMG, but using their ENGLISH names would not fit in a series of JAPANESE origin. Not likely.

Maxie's plan to erupt Mount Chimney was not, strictly speaking, about expanding the landmass.

That was his excuse, but not his real reason. The idea of making a volcano explode in the middle of the continent in order to expand the landmass makes so little sense that he'd have to be an idiot to do it. Instead, he's a Pyromaniac who just wanted to see the volcano explode. That bit with the rocket fuel was to make an example of the Space Center, since rocket fuel is derived from petroleum, which has to be mined at great environmental cost (he is an eco-terrorist, after all).

We won't get RSDS due to it being Too Soon

  • Think about it, the main plots of the games involve an earthquake titan and a big tsunami-fish. They stopped rereleasing the RS chapter of Pokemon Special due to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami for that reason, and the last time Earthquake popped up in the anime it stopped showing up at all due to another earthquake. Alternately, they'll say 'fuck it' and release it anyway to cash in on all of us who are desperate for RSDS.
    • They could work around this problem by making a new story set in the region. Also, it's less of an earthquake titan and a tsunami-fish as it is a drought titan and a storm whale.
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