PJO Facebook Shenanigans
Travis: ...Can we stop the banana talk now?
Will: At least I /have/ a banana...
Malcolm: Yeah. An old squishy one.
Percy: Do bananas make you uncomfortable, Travis? Are you allergic?
Jason: I have a banana too. But mine's better than yours.
Will: Piper must have poor taste in bananas...
Hermes: ...when you talk about bananas, you really mean dicks, right?
Facebook Shenanigans is a Percy Jackson RPG, which follows various canon Percy Jackson characters and their adventures on Facebook. You can follow some of the goings-on here or in (theoretically) weekly round-up posts over here. Sign-ups for the game are currently open.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Alecto is either in love with Percy or wants to eat him. No one's really sure. Maybe it's both?
- Accidental Marriage: Happened to Kayla and Travis when they went to Las Vegas with Will, Katie and Malcolm. They've decided to try to make it work, though.
- Actor Allusion: Happens sometimes, such as Mr. and Mrs. Dare being played by Adrian Pasdar and Ali Larter, and Chiron asking Kronos if he wants his martini stirred or shaken.
- The Alcoholic: Pollux (son of Dionysus, naturally); there was even an intervention. Miranda is also pretty bad.
- Adorkable: Will "Rambly" Solace, Austin of the sweater vests, and the gentleman Lee Fletcher. All sons of Apollo...
- Alternate Character Interpretation: The RPG runs on it.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Almost anyone who's a parent, at some point or another. Even the ones who are normally not bad tend to get into TMI PDA sometimes.
- Anger Born of Worry: Hera (not that she would ever admit it).
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Will gives a rather...odd one to Katie Gardner.
- Antiquated Linguistics: Zoë Nightshade. Apollo often traverses into this territory to mock someone/thing.
- Anything That Moves: Priapus, Priapus, and... oh yeah, Priapus.
- Ascended Extra: Some of the characters that had the smallest parts in the books are some of the most active participants, such as Kayla, daughter of Apollo, who got one passing mention in The Last Olympian.
- Asexuality: Artemis, Hestia, Bianca, Athena. Thalia should be in theory, but in practice, not so much.
- Ax Crazy: Bacchus and Arianna.
- Back From the Dead: Kayla.
- Bacon Addiction: The food of choice for local bros Dionysus, Apollo, and Persephone.
- Badass Cape: Hades, at least in Persephone's eyes.
- Badass Family: ALL OVER THE PLACE.
- Baleful Polymorph: Many times. Don't annoy the gods, mmmk?
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Miranda and Rachel.
- Beta Couple: All over the damn place. Will/Katie is probably the most enduring, though.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Hestia occasionally reminds everyone she's a total BAMF, most prominently when she dueled Pluto.
- Big Brother Instinct: Will. There is nothing he won’t do for his little sister Keyla
- Bilingual Bonus: As some of the roleplayers know foreign languages (and the rest just use Google Translate), this crops up on occasion. Most prominent would be Haruhi's frequent Japanese, although Attic/Koine Greek and Classical Latin are also common.
- Bilingual Dialogue: Has happened at least twice, and sometimes Jason's usage of Latin can turn into one of these.
- Bi the Way: Malcolm, Miranda, Jason, and Rachel.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: A given, considering this is Greek Mythology.
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Possibly Hades and Persephone invented this trope. Carried on with Hades' son Nico and his first girlfriend Haruhi.
- Brother-Sister Team: Apollo and Artemis.
- Bungled Suicide: Jason :(
- Butt Monkey: Percy used to be the biggest one around town. Then Jason turned up...
- Camp Straight: Will. People regularly express their disbelief that he is completely straight.
- Can't Have Sex Ever: The Hunters and Rachel. Most of the Hunters don't seem to want it, but Rachel...
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Malcolm, full stop. He gets very... friendly.
- Cannot Dream: Rachel asked Clovis to inhibit the emotions that came through in her nightmares. The result was this trope. However, Apollo, who was (understandably) concerned, invoked the potentially dangerous Real Life implications of the situation, and the mental blocks were removed.
- Canon Foreigner: Skyler and Haruhi. And of course the elusive Kevin.
- Cargo Ship: Everyone 'ships Hestia/Tea.
- Casanova Wannabe: Leo is basically the poster child for this trope.
- The Cassandra: No, really, THE Cassandra.
- Catch Phrase: Ares and Will know haters gon' hate.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Whose side is Kronos on? His own, duh.
- Covert Pervert: Some people seem to think Will is.
- Crocodile Tears: Lacy. Who uses it to her advantage. A lot.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Hera turning the second generation gods - and Hades - into into children/teenagers. Full stop.
- Daddy's Girl: Bianca, totally. Calypso is a somewhat more tragic version of this.
- Dead Pet Sketch: Paul and Sally eating Percy's pet lobster Ned certainly counts.
- Deal with the Devil: Travis, Will, and Butch exchanging their souls for Kayla's, in a way, although Hades isn't technically the devil.
- Did They or Didn't They?: One very memorable (and infuriating, to those not in the know) conversation between Miranda and girl!Jason. Lacy purposefully plays with this trope when talking about her relationship with the mysterious Kevin.
- Dinner and a Show: Zeus, Hera, Jason, and Rachel.
- Does Not Like Men: As a general rule, Artemis (myth canon). Zoë also is not a fan... but Lee hopes to change that.
- Double Entendre: Only every other sentence. See page quote. And many many others.
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Male): Way, way, way averted with Jason and Butch.
- Dysfunction Junction: The Olympians.
- Easy Amnesia: Hades got tired of Kronos' crap, especially after he made Hestia cry, so he gave him a dip in the Lethe.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Pervy Jackson, That Will Kid, Thalia Grace: Immortal Girl Scout, Katie the Impertinent Flower Child, Nicole Sugar Plum Rainbow Blossom di Angelo. Any comparisons between Travis and Justin Bieber probably count too.
- Emo Teen: Roman!Apollo. No one understands him and his music!
- Eternal Love: All over the place, naturally.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Ganymede, duh.
- Everybody Hates Hades: Totally averted. Everybody loves Hades! (It's Pluto everybody hates.)
- Everythings Cuter With Kittens: Everybody loves cats, except of course for the people (Percy) who think Cats Are Mean.
- Expanded Universe: Pheme's tumblr, of course, as well as her little protege's. And we can't forget Apollo and Artemis' Twitter accounts.
- Fiery Redhead: Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Artemis, too.
- Fille Fatale: Miranda Gardner. Lacy's a bit of one, too.
- Foot Focus: Jason has a foot fetish~
- Fountain of Youth: Hera once had Hebe turn all the second-gen gods (and Hades) into little kids. Also, after the Overnight Age-Up, some people took too much of antidote.
- Freaky Friday Flip: Dionysus, Lacy, Jason, and Miranda got all mixed up. And then when they tried to switch back, Butch accidentally bungled into things...
- Fun with Foreign Languages: And lots of it!
Athena: "Non comprehendere quaestione possum." [1]
Phobos: "What does a possum have to do with it? ...do you have a possum tonuge?"
Athena: "Δεν καταλαβαίνω την ερώτηση." [2]
Phobos: "Τώρα που καταλαβαίνω. Δεν κάνω μια ερώτηση, μόνο σχολίασε πως ποτέ δεν ήξερα για πολλά όργανα το στόμα σας. Και πως αν ήμουν χωρίς μια φίλη, θα ήθελα να ζητήσω να δω πώς λειτουργούν. Σεξουαλικά." [3]
- The conversation continues as Athena speaks in at least ten other foreign languages.
- Gender Bender: Connor, Travis, and Jason have all spent time as the fairer sex. Then there was the Gender Flip dimension...
- Genius Bonus: Pops up sometimes, see page image.
- Get a Room: Said at least once to every couple that has ever existed.
- Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Bianca and Beckendorf once created an airborne, spore-type version of that cake made out of rainbows and smiles. This happened to anybody who inhaled it.
- Ghost Shipping: Hades and Maria, arguably. And given the fact that a good number of characters live in the Underworld, they're not the only ones.
- Gratuitous Greek: A bit of a given. It's not always correct.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Pretty much all the couples display it at some time or other, though Annabeth is the queen of this trope.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Chris was this for a very, very long time. Alecto still is.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Ares and Chiron, Ares and Will. (It's Greek myth though so all uses of the word "heterosexual" should be applied loosely.)
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: It's been a few thousand years, so even the Olympians are capable of laughing about that time their dad ate them.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Malcolm fell in love with one in Las Vegas, but whether her heart of gold lasted is debatable.
- Hot Mom: Pretty much any woman who has had a child or children.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Kronos. Om nom nom babies!
- Ice Queen: Diana.
- Incest Is Relative: Wouldn't be Greek mythology without it, especially Brother-Sister Incest.
- Insufferable Genius: Athena. Justified.
- Interrupted Suicide: Fortunately, Lacy saved Butch just in the nick of time.
- I Want Grandkids: Maria.
- Jekyll and Hyde: Some (but not all) of the Romans are Hydes to their Greek counterparts' Jekylls, most prominently Pluto to Hades.
- Kick the Dog: Kronos, constantly before his dip in the Lethe. His Crowning Moment of Douchebaggery had to be when he insulted Hestia's tea.
- Kid From the Future: Trevor. Surprise, Percy and Annabeth!
- Kissing Cousins: Probably applies to every demigod couple out there. C'mon, this is the Olympian family tree we're talking about!
- Kissing Under the Influence: How Travis and Kayla first hooked up. There was a bit of it at Rachel's toga party too, though none took it as far as Miranda and Jason.
- Ladykiller in Love: Priapus with... Hestia?!
- If You Know What I Mean: See page quote for just one of many examples.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Bianca.
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Malcolm.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: A lot. It's always incredibly hilarious and incredibly satisfying.
- Literal-Minded: Artemis at times, especially odd considering Apollo abuses figurative speech like it's going out of style.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: And almost all of them canon too.
- Love Dodecahedron: Everyone has probably hooked up with each other at one point or another, and Malcolm is usually found in the middle of these.
- Love to Hate: Heracles.
- Mama Bear: Demeter, Sally, and Iris.
- Man Child: Ares.
- Memetic Mutation:
- "Flip my lion!"
- "Look at thy life. Look at thy decisions."
- Mistaken for Cheating: Travis suspected Kayla after Will accidently blurts out about the amount of time she had been spending with Malcolm. It got really bad from there.
- The Matchmaker: Aphrodite loves to pair people together.
- The Mistress: For some reason, Persephone takes exception to Hades moving Maria into the palace.
- Motor Mouth: Some characters do this when nervous, most (in)famously Will. At one time, Miranda and Nico were both cursed to have no verbal filter; the curse was referred to as the "Will Curse."
- My Beloved Smother: Demeter to Persephone, full stop. A little bit to Katie as well. Miranda gets off a bit easier compared to her older sisters.
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: Hades for Hestia, Apollo for Artemis, Jason for Thalia. Of course, all sisters in this case are sworn virgins.
- No Periods, Period: Somewhat averted, although when it does crop up, it tends to be Played for Laughs (see: Jason, when in Miranda's body).
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Olivia Dare.
- Old Man Marrying a Child: Pluto/Rachel.
- One-Gender Race: Arguably, some of the gods with their children.
- The Other Darrin: Some of the characters have had at least two players, including Luke, Katie, Connor, and Grover.
- Overnight Age-Up: Annabeth accidentally unleashed a spell that aged a bunch of people (but not everyone) by about ten years. Some were less thrilled about this than others.
- Papa Wolf: Hades.
- Pass the Popcorn
- Platonic Life Partners: Hades and Hestia, Miranda and Austin.
- Polyamory: Hades is married to Persephone but Maria resides with them...
- Portmanteau Couple Name: Loads~ Kill for Katie/Will, Dariadne for Dionysus/Ariadne, Ausolm for Austin/Malcolm, Perlypso for Percy/Calypso...
- Precision F-Strike: Hestia saying "damn" and "shit" in the same breath shut everyone up pretty quick. She was a little stressed at the time.
- Precocious Crush: Lacy once had one on Dionysus. It's since gone away, though, which is probably a good thing, what with him being her adoptive father.
- Prophecies Rhyme All the Time: Well, when Apollo is the one writing them...
- Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic: Largely averted. Tons of characters use the word "like" all the time and conversations are full of random tangents and awkward pauses, "ums," self-corrections, and all of that stuff.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Many.
- Apollo to Warren Dare. It was epic.
- The Ensemble to Pluto.
- Relationship Character Player: Happens a lot, but the most blatant example is that Maria/Hades, Malcolm/Katie, and Malcolm/Austin are all couples played by the same two people.
- Retcon: From time to time when a character changes hands retcons happen. Also, as it's an ongoing series, the release of new material can leave people scrambling to fit their character arcs into the most recent canon.
- Romantic False Lead: Butch for Kayla before she married Travis; Haruhi for Nico and a whole mess of people for Rachel; Malcolm for Katie and Rachel for Will; Katie for Malcolm before he got together with Austin.
- Running Gag: Percy's abs (or rather, lack thereof). Leo's inability to ever actually score any ladies.
- Serial Romeo: True, it must be said / Apollo loves the ladies / and also the men
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Athena. She also never uses contractions.
- Shipper on Deck: More or less everyone for Will/Katie and Malcolm/Austin. The Aphrodite kids are also pretty notorious for shipping absolutely everybody.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Artemis and Apollo. Also, Katie and Miranda.
- Sleepyhead: Clovis, for obvious reasons.
- Smug Snake: Warren Dare. His most epic fail came when he thought he could manipulate the gods to his own profit. Needless to say, he got smacked back into reality hard.
- Spell My Name with a "The": The Leo will be the Leo Cave.
- Spit Take: Several times.
- Spot of Tea: Hestia offers tea to everyone who crosses her threshold. And then there are her weekly tea parties with Hades...
- Stalker with a Crush: Millenia chained to that flaming wheel and Ixion still hasn't given up on Hera.
- Talk Like a Pirate: Apollo and Artemis, for a whole week when they dressed-up as pirates.
- Tampon Run: Multiple times, somehow always involving Jason...
- Tangled Family Tree: BUT OF COURSE [dead link] .
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Jason and Piper used to until he cheated on her (repeatedly) and she stabbed him (repeatedly). Now we depend on Dionysus and Ariadne for that.
- Team Mom: Hestia.
- Teen Pregnancy: Kayla had a baby with Travis.
- Time Skip: Future week.
- Time Travel: Percy's come back in time from an alternate dimension before. Or something.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Artemis and Persephone zig zag this. Clarisse and Piper double-subvert it.
- Together in Death: Most notably, Maria/Hades and Silena/Beckendorf.
- Totally Radical: Chiron, so much. It got worse when he was introduced to Urban Dictionary.
- Train Station Goodbye: Nico and Haruhi.
- Troll: Where to begin? Priapus, Apollo, Dionysus, Zeus, Phobos, Ares to Athena, Ariadne to Dionysus, and just about every other god to grace us with their presence.
- Tsundere: Artemis.
- The Underworld: Seeing as a good many of the characters live here.
- Uptight Loves Wild: Hera/Zeus in a very simplified nutshell. Also Malcolm/Skyler and Aeolus/Tyche.
- Viva Las Vegas: Katie, Travis, Will, Kayla and Malcolm went to Vegas. Hilarity ensued.
- Walking the Earth: Has happened a few times, for various reasons: Nico travelled Europe for a while; Will was all over the place on his spirit quest; Bianca travelled North America in search of Maria.
- White Sheep: Hestia, in a way.
- Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?: The biggest example possibly in all of history is Hera's continued faithfulness to Zeus.
- Wild Teen Party: Percy's birthday party. Rachel's toga party was probably even worse.
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Hera all over. Almost no one knows what's Beneath the Mask or, indeed, that there is a mask at all.
- The Woobie: Hestia. Often, Nico.
- World of Badass: Yep.
- Your Cheating Heart: Jason, Miranda, Butch, and of course, all the gods ever are dirty rotten cheaters.
- ↑ Legitimate, real Latin, colloquial translation: "I do not understand the question."
- ↑ Modern Greek as translated by Google: "I do not understand the question."
- ↑ Modern Greek as translated by Google: "Now I understand. I wasn't asking a question, only commenting that I never knew you had so many tongues. And that if I didn't have a girlfriend, I would ask if I could see how they work. Sexually."