Get a Room!

J.D.: Hey, is it still funny to yell "get a room"? I don't care, I'm going for it. [yells] Get a room!

Bender: Get a room, you two!
Man: We are in a room.
Bender: Then lose some weight.

Stock Response to two characters acting in an unusually lovey-dovey way, or flirting (but generally what each character thinks of as covertly, since they often Cannot Spit It Out). Occasionally used sincerely in the event of Coitus Uninterruptus, and in the other direction, also used on non-sexual friends (often but not always Heterosexual Life Partners) by the resident Deadpan Snarker. Mood Dissonance, both to "get back to the comedy already!" in the first two versions and to keep viewers from becoming more titillated than they should be for the time slot.

No real life examples, please; This is All The Tropes, not Tropes After Dark

Examples of Get a Room! include:


  • A Halloween commercial for K-Mart (started airing in 2009) shows a costume party. A couple dressed as vampires make romantic comments to each other. Another partygoer dressed as a pirate yells "Arr! Get a tomb!" Although, he might have a point. There are children at this party.

Comic Books

Fan Works

  • The Secret Return of Alex Mack: In the aftermath of the climactic battle at the Collective's base at the tepui, Alex considers saying this to a snuggling Jack and Willow, but decides not to when she realizes they probably would, leaving the cleanup to everyone else.
  • In the Harry Potter Alternate Universe Fic Hermione Granger and the Boy Who Lived, Harry says this to Hermione and Ron after they get back to England before seventh year. Ron points out that he has a room, he just doesn't have a roommate who'll make himself scarce for long enough.

Live Action TV

  • Said by Birkhoff to Michael and Nikita when Michael asks Nikita if she is alright whilst being in the CIA HQ, to which she replies "Oh, babe, I will be as soon as you get me out of here."
  • A common phrase on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (and its sequel series). That it is inappropriate for Disney Channel, especially when the main characters were still eleven twelve or so, was and is is occasionally lampshaded.
  • Used repeatedly on Friends.
  • On Grounded for Life, was once followed by a phrase along the lines of "No! No, don't get a room!" when used by the parent of one of the Make-Out Kids in question.
  • Lorne told this to Angel and Eve during a Halloween party. Unfortunately, at the time, people obeyed everything he said so...
  • JD said this to a particularly agressive couple on Scrubs.
    • Turk said a variant on this to JD and Elliot in "My Bed Banter & Beyond":

Turk: This is a hospital. People around here are already sick.

Mozzie: I would tell you to get a room, but...

Samantha Carter (to Adria and Ba'al): "Why don't the two of you just get a room?" This was after the two had been arguing for quite some time.

  • When Whose Line Is It Anyway? alumnus Jeff B. Davis was filling in as announcer on The Price Is Right, he ad-libbed one when a contestant was getting rather close to host Drew Carey.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Scoobies are checking out an apartment Xander is thinking of buying. Xander opens a door and finds Buffy making out with Riley; he tells them to go find a bedroom. The couple look around pointedly—they're in one. Also lampshaded in "Once More With Feeling" when Xander notes the get-a-roominess of Willow and Tara who have supposedly rushed off to get a book for Giles.


  • In Galaxy Quest, Guy says this to Laliari and Fred Kwan. They pay no attention. It quickly turns Squick for Guy.
  • In Iron Man 2, Tony's buddy tells Tony and Pepper (currently making out on the top of a building, or the open top floor of a damaged building) to "get a roof". When Tony complains that it's funny he's saying that, the buddy in question responds that "I was here first!"
  • In The Mummy Returns, Alex says this to Rick and Evy.
  • In (500) Days of Summer Tom in an alcohol/depression fueled depression yells this to a couple holding hands on the street.



  • The Most Happy Fella has a non-verbal instance of this. A couple of unnamed minor characters are given a push when they start getting too amorous with each other to send them off to the hayloft they mentioned earlier.

Video Games

Tidus: Who asked you to watch, Wakka?

  • Knights of the Old Republic: Mission shouts this at Carth and the Light-Side Female Player Character.
  • In Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin, Aveline will have this reaction to Hawke kissing Tallis. Alternatively, Fenris will say this when Hawke and a romanced Anders start flirting during the escape sequence.
  • If Tali was romanced in Mass Effect 2, she and Shepard will start flirting in the third game under... questionable circumstances. Most squadmates will express mild discomfort; Garrus will yell at them to get it over with already.

"I was there when you two had your thing, remember? Just...get a room and work it out."

Web Original

Zack: Just fuck already! Jesus!

Web Comics

  • In one of the first post-Time Skip strips of Questionable Content, Dora says this about Penelope and her boyfriend Wil, who has just come back home after joining the army, while the two are making out at Coffee Of Doom.

Dora: Won't you two just go home and fuck already? You're distracting the customers.
Faye: And making me nauseous.
Penelope: Aw, gimme ten more minutes, I want to be paid for the whole hour.
Wil: Honey, ten more minutes of this and all the blood will be drained from my head.

Tenzy: I AM the room.

Western Animation

  • In Disney's Brother Bear, Tug yells "Get a cave!" to a pair of lovebird bears.
  • In the Futurama episode "A Head In The Polls," Bender shouts this at a couple through a window as they scale the side of the Watergate hotel. The man shouts back, "We're in a room!" Bender shouts back, "Then lose some weight!"
  • After an episode in which Bart Simpson goes from embarrassed by his grandfather to having just rescued Nazi treasure and himself from the depths and from Mr Burns, Bart gives his grandfather an unembarrassed hug. Then a pampered German aristocrat drives by and shouts "Hey, fun boys, get a room!"
    • In a 22nd season episode, during a fight between Bart and Lisa this little conversation goes down.

Nelson: Get a room, you two!
Lisa: We're brother and sister!
Milhouse: So are my parents, I think.

  • In King of the Hill, an old man yells this to Hank and Peggy when they try to hold hands.
  • In the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Perplexahedron", Gwen and Kevin kiss after the group are reunited inside the titular location, a giant collection of trap-laden rooms.

Swampfire: Why don't you just get a room? This place is full of 'em!

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