Hebi ("Snake") is the group that Sasuke forms when he's looking to exact his revenge against Itachi. After Itachi's death, Sasuke renames the group Taka ("Hawk/Eagle") and they join forces with the remainder of the Akatsuki. They only appear in Shippuden.
Here be spoilers. Any thing that has not been aired on the free version[1] of Crunchyroll should be spoiler-tagged.
All Hebi members provide example of:
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead and White-Haired Pretty Boy: Jugo is blonde, Sasuke is brunette, Karin has red hair, and Suigetsu has white hair.
- Hair Contrast Duo: Sasuke and Suigetsu.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: If one looks at Hebi as a replacement Sasuke made for Team 7,
- Suigetsu is Naruto: rude and aggressive, treats Sasuke as a rival.
- Karin is Sakura, as she was when Sasuke knew her.
- Jugo is Kakashi: normally laid back and even tempered, but with a dangerous side.
Suigetsu Hozuki
Voiced by: Takashi Kondo (JP), Grant George (EN)
A former ninja from the prominent Hozuki family of Water Country. He and his brother wanted to be members of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, but this was cut short when his brother died and he was captured by Orochimaru at some point and used for expirements. Something of A Blood Knight, as he was apparently some sort of prodigy for cutting off his opponent's limbs before beheading them, though apparently gets along with animals. Can transform into liquid to avoid damage. Takes Zabuza's sword, and wants to take Kisame's. His goal is evidently to take the swords of all the Swordsmen of the Mist. He gets captured by the samurai at the Kage Summit, but he manages to break out of jail with Jugo.
- Ambiguously Gay
- Ax Crazy: Has shown tendencies towards this
- Blood Knight: Though while working with Sasuke he wasn't allowed to kill anyone (he ignored this several times when Sasuke wasn't looking). Then complains when Sasuke breaks his own rule.
- BFS: Mainly uses Zabuza's sword, and has trained to use the other Seven Mist Swordsmen's blades. In something of a subversion, carrying it around does tire him out some.
- Blob Monster: Able to resist some attacks by turning into water.
- Chekhov's Gun: Accidentally found something in one of Orochimaru's hidden labs that could help Sasuke control Naruto and/or the Nine-Tails.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Suigetsu can transform his body into water.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Has turned his lower half into a fish tail.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's an unrepentant mass-murderer, but does occasionally chastise Sasuke. Unfortunately, this seems to be more about Sasuke mistreating animals like Manda than his plans for violent revenge.
- Finger Gun: Makes the gesture at Sasuke when threatening him, later its revealed one of his families signature techniques is to fire a water bullet from a Finger Gun.
- "Growing Muscles" Sequence: He can expand the muscles in his arms to increase the power behind his sword strikes.
- Making a Splash: Controls mainly water-based techniques.
- Giant Wall of Watery Doom: He can turn into one which is powerful enough a technique to get physical with a tailed beast!
- Mr. Fanservice
- Sempai-Kohai: Refers to Kisame and Zabuza as "sempai" but whether it's sarcastic or not is up for debate.
- The Lancer / The Dragon: Depending on whether your consider it a Five-Man Band or Five-Bad Band.
- To Be a Master: Wants to be one of the Seven Swordsmen Of The Mist.
- Magic Pants: His clothes seems to change into water and back with the rest of his body, though when he fuses with a large body of water his clothes seem to just dissolve.
- Psychotic Smirk: His default facial expression.
- Purple Eyes
- Put on a Bus: Along with Juugo after the fight with the Raikage. Returns briefly in Chapter 567 alongside him as they make their escape- none the more wiser to the magnificent nightmare that occurred with their other two teammates. It'll be a nasty surprise...
- The Rival: To some degree with Sasuke.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Although it's more of a pale blue.
Karin Uzumaki
Voiced by: Kanako Tojo (JP), Ali Hillis (EN)
Only female in Hebi. She has long since been a subordinate to Orochimaru and has been both an experimenter and an experimentee in his Mad Scientist ventures. She has a very powerful chakra-sensing ability. Wildly in love with Sasuke, just like nearly every other female in the series, but rude to everyone else. Not much of a combatant, but she can heal others by having them bite her. Former genin from the Hidden Village of Grass and one of the scattered remnants of the Uzumaki Clan. After Sasuke betrays her during his fight with Danzo, she is taken by Team 7 to Konoha.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Played with. She isn't exactly "unattractive" (even though Fanon would often describe her as such) but her eagerness to get in Sasuke's pants and his less-than-interested reaction towards her propositions make her one of these. Subverted in that she eventually gets over her infatuation.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Begins slavishly devoted to Sasuke. Brutally Deconstructed when she almost dies at Sasuke's hands. Reality Ensues. Sort of.
- Anime Hair: Seriously, what's with her hair? It's long and straight on one side, but short and wild on the other. You could imagine how she would do that, but not why. Though her hair is obviously symbolic, referencing her Mood Swinger nature. And it seems that some real people have their hair which does this.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Is very keen on observing the abilities of other characters, being able to figure out the secrets to Danzo's techniques.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blind Without'Em: Like so many Meganekko. It's shown in a flashback that she has severe myopia.
- Boring but Practical: She practically embodies this trope. Sensing the location of whoever she wants isn't flashy or powerful, but it's pretty damn useful. Too bad "useful" doesn't equal "indispensable".
- Chekhov's Gun: Her hair, sort of. The red color is a trademark of the Uzumaki clan.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Empathic Healer: Can heal by allowing an ally to bite her and drain her chakra, causing her pain and draining her energy. Kabuto later implies this ability to be due to the unnatural vigor in the Uzumaki's life giving chakra combined with Orochimaru's experimentation.
- Evil Redhead / Fiery Redhead: Depending on if you count her as "evil" or not.
- Her red-hair is what marks her as part of the same bloodline as Naruto and Nagato, an Uzumaki
- Flanderization: In Fanon, her less appealing traits are often taken Up to Eleven, for reasons that may appear obvious by now:
- Alpha Bitch: Almost always portrayed as such in High School AU Fan Fiction.
- Be a Whore to Get Your Man: Exaggeratedly accused of doing this by SasuSaku fans [2], especially the "whore" part, even though she is almost the complete opposite.
- Really Gets Around: Ever since she tried to rape Sasuke in his sleep and after seeing how she reacted upon getting bitten by Sasuke, the softest word that Fanon uses to describe her is that she's... easy.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Pulls off her glasses whenever she gets lascivious with Sasuke.
- Heel Face Turn: Very possible outcome, as she finally realized she's better off without Sasuke... or not, since she's planning to escape from Konoha.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Her primary ability.
- Detect Evil
- Living Lie Detector: Can sense people's chakra being disturbed if they lie.
- Spider Sense
- The Force Is Strong with This One
- Looks Like She Is Enjoying It: Her special healing ability requires for the person who she wants to heal to bite her. Her facial expression while being bit is pretty interesting to say the least. Of course, the anime cranks this Up to Eleven.
- Meganekko: Subverted. Played straight when she was younger, from what we got to see.
- Mood Swinger: Most recent example: crying about how she was forced into working for Orochimaru and Sasuke one minute, then snarkily asking for something to eat in exchange for more info about Akatsuki the next. Currently acting like one so the guards won't notice the lock picks she hid in a picture of Sasuke.
- Ms. Fanservice: She's overloaded with Fetish Fuel tropes, except a big chest.
- Nerd Glasses: May or may not hide a tiny saw.
- Neutral Female: She helps out with her sensor powers to discern locations and the nature of enemy jutsu, and by healing comrades. Just don't expect her to help at all in any physical capacity.
- Not So Different: Empathizes greatly with Sakura to the point of crying when she does because she understands just how she feels.
- Put on a Bus: After she is taken into the Leaf's custody.
- Rescue Romance: Sasuke saved her from a giant bear during the second part of the Chuunin examination.
- Satellite Character
- Scarily Competent Tracker: The greatest one in the series which is why Sasuke sought her out.
- Shadow Archetype: For a long time, she seemed to embody, Upped To Eleven, all the flaws of pre-timeskip Sakura. Like the latter, she also displays shades of Teen Genius.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Doesn't seem interested in other guys than Sasuke. She could have left at any moment but she stays for Sasuke. In the end, she should have left.
- Smitten Teenage Girl: She's 16 years old after all.
- Stalker with a Crush: Towards Sasuke.
- Teen Genius: Leads one of Orochimaru's lair at only 16. Plus she knows quite more than most people about the Tailed-beasts. Its implied she aided Orochimaru in some of his Mad Scientist ventures.
- Insufferable Genius: Has light shades of this.
- The Reveal: Karin is an Uzumaki.
- Tsundere: Tsuntsun towards EVERYBODY, including Sasuke if there are other people around.
- Yandere: On the other hand, she also considers drugging Suigetsu and Jugo to rape Sasuke while he's wounded and weak, and carries around his sweaty, discarded clothes on occasion.
- Weak but Skilled
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
Voiced by: Shuhei Sakaguchi (JP), Travis Willingham (EN)
Big guy whose personality flip-flops between a psychopath and a really nice guy. He once roamed the countryside destroying villages when he was consumed by his berserk rage and willingly subjected himself to Orochimaru's human experimentation labs to look for a cure for his condition. He can talk to animals as well as transform his body. Orochimaru made his Cursed Seals by replicating an enzyme that his body produced. He gets captured by the samurai during the Kage Summit, but he manages to break out of jail with Suigetsu. The enzyme in Jugo's body causes his split personality by slowly accumulating natural energy constantly over time until it has to be released at which point Jugo snaps into a violent frenzy.
- Appendage Assimilation: In contrast to the below, he can also take flesh from others to heal himself, though so far he's kept it limited to people who were already dead.
- Badass Longcoat: When his team visits a family friend of Sasuke's, they try to find him a shirt. When they can't find any that fit, they instead give him a curtain to wear as a cloak.
- The Big Guy / The Brute: One of the tallest characters of the series, so much indeed he can hardly find clothing his size.
- Black Eyes of Crazy: Typically has at least one when fighting.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Gentle Giant: When he's not overcome by bloodlust, that is.
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Liquid Assets: He can heal people compatible with his cursed seal as well as drain the life-force of others to heal himself.
- Marked Change: When he activates his cursed genes assuming it hasn't just dyed his skin.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Nature Is Not Nice: At least when natural builds up the result isn't...
- One-Winged Angel: Is able to transform with his special ability that was the source for the curse mark.
- Partial Transformation
- Put on a Bus: Along with Suigetsu after the fight with the Raikage. Returns in Chapter 567, though neither of them know what happened to their other two teammates...and probably shouldn't anyway...
- Shapeshifter Weapon: Can turn his body parts into things like giant piston arms, blades, shields and even a Jet Pack or Wave Motion Gun.
- Sleep Mode Size: He can give some of his flesh to heal someone who's compatible, but turns into a kid as a result.
- Speaks Fluent Animal Able to talk to and use animals.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: His status as a Jobber can generally be dismissed as his unwillingness to hurt people, while he is said and shown to be able to do a LOT more damage when he gives in to his bloodlust.
- Token Evil Teammate: His hydes personality.
- Token Good Teammate: Super-Powered Evil Side aside, he's a Nice Guy who circumstances dictate must spent time with three deeply unpleasant people.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: He doesn't seem to possess any fighting ability that doesn't involve his shape-shifting abilities.
- Then again, his "Hammer" is more like a Swiss Army Weapon à la Prototype, he doesn't really need any.
- The Worf Effect: He can be considered his team's designated Jobber, as he was quickly dispatched by Killer Bee offscreen, and both his upgraded form and Beam Spam were useless against the Raikage (granted, it appears that he wasn't expecting that to work, just for it to be a proper distraction).