Nagasarete Airantou/Characters
Read the manga first so as not to be spoiled by some characters here. Need some help as well.
Human Characters
Touhouin Ikuto
Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi (Drama CD), Hiro Shimono (Anime)
- Abusive Dad: Has one.
- Accidental Kiss: with Ayane.
- Accidental Pervert: And HOW.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: He has gradually become accustomed to talking with the anthropomorphic animals on the island, yet still refuses to believe in anything of paranormal or mythological origin even if it is right in front of him.
- He doesn't have any problems believing in Aliens and Robot Girls either.
- He winds up on the other end of the spectrum, when he tries to convince the islanders on the existence of the aforementioned aliens.
- He did have trouble believing in the anthropomorphic aspect of Airantou's animals, but that quickly died away when Shima-tora made a...convincing argument.
- A recent chapter had him get sick and get a fever which made him start to believe in magic. Then when he was still recovering he started to mix science fact with magic, and then he freaked out when he realized what he was saying.
- It's revealed that his skepticism was the result of a spell cast on him by Machi's father. After the spell is broken, Ikuto casually mentions that the Touhouin family has a history of interaction with the supernatural.
- Attack Its Weak Point: How he defeated the Northern Leader.
- Badass Abnormal: He can punch ghosts with his bare fists.
- Bag of Holding:
Ikuto: Well... I'd say there is a knack to it... Don't ask about it.
- Balloon Belly: When Suzu gave him CPR.
- Berserk Button: Saying "It's impossible." to his face.
- Big Brother Mentor: to Shinobu.
- Also, although Ikuto doesn't know it, his Big Brother Mentors from before he came to Airantou are the fathers of Suzu, Ayane and Machi, Rin, Chikage, and Yukino.
- Big Damn Heroes: On one memorable occasion, he saved Ayane and Michiru from an enraged Taiga, the Northern leader, by throwing his sword to hit Taiga's weak point.
- He also brought lunch.
- Blessed with Suck/Cursed with Awesome: for having an Unwanted Harem.
- Butt Monkey: At times.
- Celibate Hero
- Chick Magnet: Being the only human male in the island helps.
- Clueless Chick Magnet: If there are other men around, he is considered as this.
- Contrived Coincidence/Identical Stranger: He resembles Takatora, Suzu's father.
- Determinator
- Imagine Spot: Has a few.
- Innocent Cohabitation: with Suzu.
- Groin Attack: He gets because he doesn't believe Tohno is a kappa.
- Harem Hero: Type 2A —> Type 2B.
- Lap Pillow: He is the pillow for Machi while she is sick and vice versa.
- And for Suzu because she asked him which causes a three way brawl for his lap...
- Made of Iron: In the beginning he would actually have to rest a day after being beaten to a pulp.
- Now he can fight all 4 guardians, fall in a river, get eaten by a fish, and still be perfectly fine the next day. He has come a VERY long way.
- He may have always been this. He drifted at sea for 7 days without any food or water with no visible discomfort. He may have just been recovering from that still in the get go which explains how weak he was in the beginning.
- Master Swordsman: In his duel with Shinobu, she was so fast that, despite her lack of skill, he couldn't hit her -- but he was so able to read her movements that, despite her speed, she couldn't hit him. In later sparring with her, he's got to the point that he can flick Shinobu's sword out of her grip, then simply hold out his hand and her sword drops into his grasp.
- Mentor Ship: See Big Brother Mentor above.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: to his family.
- Oblivious to Love: This is the most memorable example among many others.
- Don't forget that this guy's the celibate kind of hero.
- He thinks that the only reason the girls are after him is because of Gender Rarity Value.
- Don't forget that this guy's the celibate kind of hero.
- Panty Shot: A lone guy on an Island full of girls who wear skirts, he's bound to get a view.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: He says this to Suzu mostly because he lives with her, but he says it to just about every girl in his Unwanted Harem at one point or another.
- Red Herring: in the second Beniyasha Story Arc.
- The Runaway: Type 2 beacause of his dad.
- Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: His swordsmanship is outstanding, but he sucks at ball games.
- Stone Wall: His fighting strategy.
- Thanks for the Mammary
- Took a Level in Badass: The reason he became a Type 2B harem hero.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Curry.
- Training from Hell: He had this in the past from his grandfather.
- Weak but Skilled: He is one of the physically weakest people on the island, at least at first more arguable now, but that does not stop him from defeating his opponents.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better
- Why Did It Have To Be Heights?
- Acrophobic Bird: Training in the island has gave him impressive Ninja-like skills, and then he uses that to jump to a high branch of a tree...HilarityEnsues.
Main Haremettes
Tropes associated with the main haremettes as a whole:
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable
- Cry Cute
- Cute Bruiser
- Generation Xerox
- Please Put Some Clothes On: at some point.
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Drama CD/Anime)
- The Ace: She's great at everything except studying.
- Balloon Belly: Suzu in episode 2.
- Berserk Button: Getting between her and mame daifuku, her favorite food.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She can scare anyone.
- Catgirl: Especially when she goes into Yandere mode.
- Also turns into a cat during the Baleful Polymorph episode.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- She is getting more and more clingy in the later chapters.
- CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable: When she tried to use it to save Ikuto, Hilarity Ensues.
- Cute Little Fang: Rarely shown though.
- Death Glare: She unknowingly shows it when people start to hit on Ikuto.
- Maybe she got it from her mom.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: 4 of 5 of the songs were played by her seiyuu.
- Does Not Like Spicy Foods
- Freaky Friday Flip: with Ayane.
- Genius Ditz: For some reason, she can easily wipe the floor with everyone on the island - all at once.
- Idiots Cannot Catch Colds
- Innocent Cohabitation: with Ikuto.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- My Beloved Smother: She acts like one to Tonkatsu.
- One-Man Army
- Potty Failure: Until just a year or so.
- Stepford Smiler: She was Type A.
- A few years before Ikuto arrived, her father was swept away by a tsunami before she was born. Ten years after that, she was left under Karaage's care because her mother vanished.
- Yandere: Not the stab-with-a-knife kind.
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Drama CD), Saeko Chiba (Anime)
- A-Cup Angst
- Accidental Kiss: with Ikuto.
- Always Someone Better: Suzu and Machi is this for her.
- Butt Monkey:
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Became one after she really falls in love with Ikuto rather than in lust with him.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: She just blurts her plans out loud and hopes no one hears them. Being the Butt Monkey they usually do.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Her plans never work out the way she hoped.
- Unless it comes to pranking. Not even Genjuumaru, a tanuki prankster spirit, can outdo her.
- Freaky Friday Flip: with Suzu.
- Made of Iron: Proved by this:
(Ayane falls face-first from a cliff.)
Suzu: Jya. Let's go Ikuto.
Ikuto: Is it alright not to do anything!!
Suzu: It's alright, it's alright. If it's only that much, Ayane is totally fine.
Ikuto (Sweat Dropping): Only that much...?
- Miko
- Pettanko
- Sibling Rivalry: with Machi.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Machi.
Voiced by: Masumi Asano (Drama CD), Mikako Takahashi (Anime)
- Aside Glance: She loves doing this.
- Berserk Button: Insulting her about her age once, shame on her; insulting her about her age consecutively, prepare for the worst.
- Big Eater
- Brilliant but Lazy: A highly-gifted Miko, but...yeah.
- Christmas Cake: Values Dissonance has Airantou's inhabitants get married at around 14-16 years of age. Therefore, she's quite minded about it. Just don't say she's one.
- The Collector of the Strange: She collects brooms.
- Create Your Own Villain: She released Genjumaro.
- Does Not Like Spicy Foods
- Evil Laugh: Shows us how to do it right.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Harem Seeker: Inverted. If her dream is to be believed, she wants one for Ikuto. As long as she is his legal wife and others are just concubines, and she gets to have his baby first, it's OK for him to have other girls.
- It Amused Me: Her reason for doing everything she's doing.
- She even lampshades it herself at one point.
- Knife Nut: Even though she seldom has a knife ... possibly because the sinister way she starts chuckling when she holds one disturbs people. When she asked Rin for cooking lessons:
Machi (very creepy voice): Don't let it bother you, whenever I hold a knife, I just naturally tend to laugh.
- Lap Pillow: She is the pillow for Ikuto while he is sick and vice versa.
- Lethal Chef: Double subverted.
- In the Manga, she leaves behind a truly frightening mess of what used to be the kitchen that some unlucky soul has to clean up.
- In the Anime, she makes a LOT of food, and she won't let you leave until you eat it ALL of it.
- Miko
- Older Than They Look: She is 18 years old.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She's the most powerful and most skilled fighter in Ikuto's Unwanted Harem.
- Shipper on Deck: for Ikuto/Ayane.
- She really does love both of them. Awww...Even if it's in a comically twisted way.
- Sibling Rivalry: with Ayane.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Ayane.
- Stealth Hi Bye: One of her favorite hobbies. She's quite irked when Shinobu accidentally sneaks up on her.
Machi: Don't ever do that again, erasing your existence and surprising me from the back. It's my specialty so don't imitate it!!
Voiced by: Yu Asakawa (Drama CD), Ryoko Shiraishi (Anime)
- Charles Atlas Superpower: In terms of physical strength, she's the strongest human in the island.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Mikoto being the prime example.
- Expy: Rin looks an awful lot like Nagase it should be no surprise who voices her in the Anime.
- Supreme Chef
- Through His Stomach: While the other girls do this too, she's the first to think of it.
- Why Did It Have To Be Earthworms: Her mother punishes failure to accomplish certain tasks with "an earthworm bath!"
Voiced by: Ai Nonaka (Drama CD), Shizuka Itou (Anime)
- Badass Bookworm
- Big Fancy House: Has one.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Ikuto just doesn't seem to notice her True Colors.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl
- Devil in Plain Sight: Inverted, see Bitch in Sheep's Clothing above.
- For Science!: The things she'll do for this...
- Mad Scientist: Ironically, she became Cute Witch once.
- Meganekko: Subverted, her expected personality quickly gives way to Mad Scientist.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It's her fault that Suzu hates studying.
- Red Herring: in the first Beniyasha Story Arc.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Secret Keeper: on Beniyasha's identity.
Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Drama CD), Shizuka Hasegawa (Anime)
- Badly-Battered Babysitter: to Taka-Taka's
illegitimate childnephew. - Cute Little Fang: Has two.
- Fluffy Tamer: Usually rides along on the back of an animal she befriended - most often Kuma-Kuma.
- Idiot Hair: Even Lampshaded.
- Interspecies Friendship
- Overnight Age-Up: in chapters 81 - 82.
Mei Mei
Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame
- Apologetic Attacker
- Apologizes a Lot
- Chinese Girl
- Covert Pervert: Played straight.
Mei Mei: No one under 18 allowed to see!
- Interspecies Friendship: with Tohno.
- Nightmare Fetish: She loves her dolls and stuff animals. They just are so real they scare others.
- Shrinking Violet
Voiced by: Orie Kimoto
- Doppelganger Attack: At first it seems they're just illusions, but in one of the chapters she creates duplicates to add their strength to hers in a tug of war.
- Ex-Ninja
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Even more innocent than Suzu.
- Fragile Speedster: Ikuto states that she may be even faster than the West Leader.
- Though, she’s not that skilled.
- Ikuto’s training her to become a Lightning Bruiser.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: She was dueling with Ikuto, and neither had the advantage until he accidentally grabbed her breast (in the manga, he was trying to grab the hilt of her sword). She fell to her knees, blushing and trembling, and promptly conceded the battle, asking if that touch was "some kind of jutsu". She had no idea why it left her unable to even stand.
- Mentor Ship: with her Shishou!
- NO Sense Of Direction
- Verbal Tic: Adding "-degozaru" after every sentence.
- An Ice Person
- Battle Aura: When she fought Tohno.
- Brilliant but Lazy: She's lazier than Machi.
- Cosmic Plaything: The author likes to even directly poke fun at Michiru.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Her mother is a Yuki-onna.
- Identical Stranger: According to Ikuto, Michiru is an In-Universe Expy of his little sister, Misaki. It turns out, though, that Misaki is Michiru's little sister, not his, so in fact it's Strong Family Resemblance.
- Last-Episode New Character
- Magitek: The islanders use her power to create ice for their Ice Boxes.
- Remember the New Guy?: Lampshaded repeatedly.
- Stay in the Kitchen: She wishes for this.
Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe
- Action Girl
- Dirty Old Man: Lampshaded.
- Ninja
- Psycho Lesbian