< Ms. Fanservice

Ms. Fanservice/Video Games

  • Lara Croft of Tomb Raider is occasionally known by many as a fanservice machine by many video gamers. Well, she does fits with her tanktop wear, nice legs and... um... nice body.
  • Every single Japanese Fighting Game ever apparently must have at least one of these. See Chun-Li and Cammy White in Street Fighter and both Ivy and Taki in the Soul Calibur series.
  • In Mortal Kombat, we have Sonya Blade, Sindel, and Sheeva. Also Kitana, Jade, and Mileena with their costumes from the third game onward. After that, there's Tanya and Frost.
    • Li Mei on Deception.
    • In the Mortal Kombat vs. DC, Catwoman has her catsuit unzipped to her navel, and isn't wearing a bra.
  • Mia Fey's appearances in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. No, being dead didn't stop her at all. A side effect of spiritual possession in these games is that you resemble the soul being channeled. Meaning you also get facial structure, but the huge breasts are generally what are noticed first. When people are channelled, the channeller's clothes stay, so that's Mia Fey and her D Cups Full Of Justice (probably bigger, actually) in the clothes of her flat-chested sister or eight year old cousin.
    • This actually becomes a plot point in the third game, when Maya happens to be wearing the sort of maid outfit that gets a certain witness all hot and bothered. However, since she is young-looking and small-chested he isn't interested in her. Then Mia possesses Maya and suddenly he becomes much more cooperative...
      • Later, their younger (8 years old, I believe) cousin Pearl Fey channels Mia.
  • Excellen Browning loves playing this trope for Super Robot Wars. Not only is she the resident Bottle Fairy Pollyanna Manic Pixie Dream Girl, she also wears a Playboy Bunny outfit for the guys' viewing pleasure, and even talks her fellow female crew members into joining her.
  • The Sonic series Gives us Rouge The Bat, who's boobs jiggle when flying, all the better for fanboys.
    • That was only for Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) though, her fanservice is more downplayed these days.
  • Morrigan's outfit in Dragon Age Origins is effectively not much more than a leather skirt and a scarf loosely draped over her shoulders.
    • In the Sequel, we have Isabela, who got an appearance makeover from the first game. She's got a Pirate Girl getup, bouncy H-cups, a foot of cleavage, dark swarthy skin, and wears no pants (albiet a thong), and also has thigh-high boots She's also, shall we say... very open.
      • Prior to the game's release, there were also a vocal number of people bemoaning Bethany's status as sister of the main character. I wonder if this had a lot more to do with her ample and visible chest, rather than her personality. After Act 1, she does lose the fanservice outfit in favour of modest uniform robes.
      • And female Hawke herself even has a touch of this, not from her outfits, but from the way she moves those hips when running about. It's a surprise she doesn't throw out her back! Interestingly, all the female characters have the same run, so whatever your taste, you can admire Hawke/Isabela/Merrill/Aveline/Bethany/Tallis shaking Dat Ass.
  • Final Fantasy has at least one every game. From the top:
  • The summon creature Shiva is consistency nearly naked and the trend finally broke with the Shiva sisters with being mostly covered.
    • Though Snow does sit on them once they're summoned. While they are gazing up at him. Yeah.
  • Jessica Albert of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is fanservice incarnate. She wears a dress that leaves her shoulders and half of her breasts on display, bounces with the least provocation, and even has access to a special skill set called "Sex Appeal". She is also the only other of the four playable characters with alternate costumes (except the Hero, who has one), all of which imply some type of fetish, such as the ever-popular Magic Bikini, the Dangerous Bustier, the Dancer's Dress, the Divine Bustier, and the Bunny Suit (you heard me).
    • She has a weapon called the Lady's Thong for god's sake!
  • Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury, and later on The King of Fighters. In fact, damn near every fighter has a "poster girl" that will be featured heavily in adverts, such as Chun-Li, Cammy, Elena, R Mika, C Viper, and Juri (Street Fighter), Asuka Kazama (Tekken), Kasumi (Dead or Alive), Lien Neville (KOF: Maximum Impact), Ivy (the Soul Series), Li Mei (and before her, Sonya Blade) (Mortal Kombat), Tiffany (Rival Schools / Project Justice) Morrigan and Felicia (Darkstalkers), and Cham Cham, Mina, and Iroha (Samurai Shodown). Morrigan is particularily bad, as many gamers can identify her, but maybe not her series, thanks to her exposure in crossover games like Marvel vs. Capcom.
    • Bloody Roar's cast seems to be designed around demographically pleasing fanservice tropes, except for Busuzima who is there to ogle said tropes. There are two who vie for the coveted title of Ms. Fanservice however, Jenny Burtory, who dresses like a hooker and goes stark naked for her transformation, and Alice Nonomura, who fulfills both 'horny' and 'cutesy' portions of fanservice at once, though unless you're into that sort of thing and can appreciate a giant rabbit in a miniskirt, her transformation only covers the moe-side. Hidden character Uranus and Uriko in the first game also somewhat qualify.
      • If you get past the fact of how horrible the 4th game is... Nagi could count as well. Or maybe not.
  • Bayonetta. They didn't make the game playable with one hand for nothing. However, Bayonetta is the major playable character, not an auxiliary character.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess combines a Reveal with Ms. Fanservice: Midna's true form is a tall, redheaded, topless babe who leaves Link completely speechless (which isn't that unusual considering he's the Heroic Mime, but certainly amuses her, at least.)
    • Every single Gerudo in existance. OK, minus Ganondorf, Koume, and Kotake, of course, but I mean the Gerudo who are actually women (Though even Koume and Kotake qualify once they fuse. They go from two wrinkled old ladies to one hot woman!). And, while The Wind Waker itself easily averted the entire trope because of its cheerful, innocent character desings, it's far from unusual to find Fan Art of eihter Tetra or Medli with big breast and in sexy clothes. Exspecially of Tetra.
    • The Great Fairy in Twilight Princess, who only wears a loin cloth and has her hair covering her breasts. It's debatable if more people think of her because of this or because she unlike the Great Faries in Oot, WW (except for that one that seems to have a crush on Link, because Nintendo realized she was creepy enough) she doesn't have a creepy laugh.
  • Angie from Trauma Center appears to be turning into a Ms. Fanservice based on the reward for an ATLUS poll...
  • Yae of the Ganbare Goemon series was marked as this right from her first appearance. Though Hiroshi Obi deliberately added more of it in his manga adaptations, a minority of fans were displeased that this bounty of fanservice came at the cost of both Yae and Omitsu's personalities -- the latter was even given a surplus of "negative" traits to make the former seem more appealing in comparison, culminating in an Omake chapter where Omitsu becomes aware of her Chew Toy status. Ouch.
  • EVA from Metal Gear Solid 3, in all her Stripperific glory. This line from a webcomic actually summarizes her well: "Hey, look. I have boobs~ <3"
    • In the first game, there's a scene where Meryl randomly decides to take her pants off. Her excuse: they didn't smell good. Right...
      • EVA was actively trying to seduce Snake. Meryl has no such excuse.
      • Considering her pants were stolen from Johnny "Chronic-Diarrhea" Sasaki, it's entirely understandable that the pants don't smell good.
    • In the 4th game, Naomi had the cleavage, the ripping of the skirt, and managed to seduce a main character.
      • And she exploited those for all she was worth...as much as they threw the fanservice title on her, it's surprising she didn't appear during a playable section of the game for players to tranquilize and abuse.
    • There's also Mistral from Metal Gear Rising, a tall, dark-skinned woman with large jiggly breasts, a nice ass, red hair, and a sexy French accent to boot.
  • Painkiller's portrayal of Eve is enough to make players contemplate all kinds of original sin.
  • Most if not all of the EverQuest expansions feature the Stripperific Firiona Vie very prominently on the box art.
      • The EQ2 games have Antonia Bayle in equally Stripperific glory.
  • Pericci from Star Ocean: First Departure. The fact that besides her generous curves, she appears to be no older than twelve may take this into uncomfortable territory for some.
  • In Castlevania Judgment, Maria admits she is envious of Shanoa, Carmilla and Sypha's breasts.
  • Halo's Cortana seems to fit the bill, being a superintelligent AI that represents itself as a shapely and naked blue girl.
  • Silent Hill 2 combines this trope with Fan Disservice for horrible, horrible effect with the character of Maria. She wears a deliberately revealing outfit (a bonus scenario shows she works as a stripper) and spends most of her time flirting with James and basically telling him "I'm yours and you can do whatever you want to me". The fact that she's behaving like that in Silent Hill, a town where the Malevolent Chaos Architecture is the least of your problems, is unsettling enough, but then there's the revelation she's a delusion created by James as he goes completely insane, which doesn't at all help matters.
  • Rachel from the modern Ninja Gaiden games. She has a rack that would make Pam Anderson jealous and dresses in leather fetish gear. Even more blatant in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, where she's a playable character. And players have the option of changing her hairstyle and color, an option which has no effect on gameplay whatsoever other than appealing to the player. Then there are sections with manual Jiggle Physics control.
  • Kasuga from Sengoku Basara, a platinum-blonde ninja with a body like her namesake, who wears a catsuit that barely covers half of her. Her Lord, Uesugi Kenshin, can bring her to orgasm with a single glance.
  • Noir of Tales of the Abyss is a pirate/circus performer with large breasts on prominent display, a minuscule waist, hips that are wider than her shoulders, and who sashays like a streetwalker.
    • Tear fulfills this role in-party; that robe of her appears to be glued to her form.
      • Tears actually subverts this trope, due to the fact that she's actually quite modest about her incredible figure, going as far as refusing to wear the swimsuit Emperor Peony had made for her because it was too "daring" and choosing to wear a rented tasteful one-piece instead. Natalia, however...
  • Judith from Tales of Vesperia. large breasts, combined with some naughty teasing, some bouncing and being Stripperiffic on purpose makes a deadly Fan Service combo.
  • Sheena from Tales of Symphonia. Has a very large chest, which is mostly exposed. This causes a lot of comments form the team pervert Zelos, all which result in Sheena hitting him.
    • Don't forget her Giant Waist Ribbon, for some fans, it's quite appealing and makes her that much sexier.
    • To be fair, her normal outfit isn't too bad. Two of her unlockable outfits, a bathing suit and formal wear, are much worse. She even lampshades the formal wear.

Sheena: I feel like one of Zelos's floozies!

  • Litchi Faye Ling a.k.a. Boobie Lady from BlazBlue. That Fan Nickname alone should be a proof about how Ms. Fanservice-ish she is. Like Lamia above, she even crosses the territority of Fetish Fuel Station Attendant (right off her debut).
    • Makoto Nanaya also qualifies. While she wasn't this at first, her appearance as a playable character in Continuum Shift, and the unbelievably Stripperiffic outfit that came with it, sealed the deal.
    • The past arc is also not safe from Ms. Fanservice, as exemplified with Kokonoe's mother Nine/Konoe A. Mercury. She's a Hot Witch with long pink hair, short temper for Tsundere tendencies. And yes, even if she's not wearing revealing clothes, she had big boobies for Marshmallow Hell and her skirt is short enough for Panty Shot.
    • Noel doesn't even wear skirts. Her NOL uniform consists of a full-body suit that ends just a little below her ass. Which is short enough for a Panty Shot. Add her stockings and moe tendencies and you can see why she can be qualified as a Ms. Fanservice (especially for all those moe fans.)
  • Speaking of Arc System Works, Guilty Gear XX gives us I-no, who even removes her top in one win-pose.
  • P3 FES had most of the Party member gals (except Fuuka, damn) in Bikinis, very revealing Armor and Maid outfits for Dungeon crawling. They usually were disgusted that you asked them to wear it, but still wear it.
    • Deconstructed in Persona 4 with Rise Kujikawa, who's afraid that people believe she's nothing more than an airheaded bimbo because of the overt sexuality of her "Risette" persona, which her "shadow" later calls her out on. It is later when she defeats her shadow that she learns to accept that she's a good girl and that "Risette" is nothing more than a sexy on-screen personality.
      • That's not quite it - if you do her social link sidequest, she actually comes to accept that the different versions of herself she adopts for different situations are ALL her: she's both Rise and Risette at the same time and that's O.K. The entire game is about accepting the hidden parts of your personality after all. If she rejected Risette her shadow would have beaten her during your fight.
  • Samus Aran, both in Metroid and Super Smash Bros..
  • Krystal from the Star Fox series is an obvious example. An exotic blue vixen who goes from an Amazonian look (wearing little more than a loin cloth and a bikini top) in Star Fox Adventures to a skin-tight, high-heeled flightsuit open at the cleavage in Star Fox Assault.
  • Keira from Jak and Daxter may count, more in the first game than any other, where she actually gets a Panty Shot in her garage/workshop area at a few angles in Jak-view.
    • Ashelin in the second and third games, and both plus Krew's daughter in Combat Racing.
    • Maia, the female antagonist in the first game, is mostly aptly described as a dominatrix-elf-thing.
    • Not to forget Tess, who's The Ditz, who has quite generous cleavage herself, and spends all her time in hot pants.
  • Miki in Chrono Cross for the guys. Nikki for the girls.
  • Sly Cooper gives us Inspector Carmelita Montoya Fox. The same series also features Gadgeteer Genius Wrench Wench Penelope, not to mention the Contessa, Neyla... There's something for EVERYONE.
  • Every female character in the Neverwinter Nights mod "A Dance With Rogues" (which was, surprisingly, written by a woman).
  • Miranda from Mass Effect 2 was obviously designed with the trope in mind. She wears a very skintight Spy Catsuit (which starts off white and can later be upgraded to black PVC), and the game isn't afraid to show off her best attributes.
    • The game also features Samara, an asari wearing a red catsuit with a neckline extending down past her breasts, and Jack, who wears nothing but tattoos from the waist up (although she can be given something to wear when loyal). Even Tali's outfit is tighter than it was in the first game.
    • Players handy enough with the character creation screen can make their own, too. The new default female Shepard for the third game seems to be designed with being Ms. Fanservice in mind.
    • Invoked with Diana Allers, the reporter in the third game, who says that it serves to increase ratings. According to her, it works.
  • Ellia takes this role in Eternal Darkness. She's a dancer in the court of the king of Cambodia, and so wears what essentially amounts to a belly top, panties, and half a short sarong. She also has a distinctly Sexy Walk.
  • Justified in Jade Empire by giving a blurb about how it is a sign of confidence to wear revealing clothing in the Empire, but somehow Dawn Star's shirt, underwear, and four wide ribbons evenly spaced around her waistband, Silk Fox's skintight midriff-baring black jumpsuit, and the female Fragile Speedster player model's sleeveless tunic and underwear seem a bit much.
  • Shania from Shadow Hearts. In her Fusions, she flies up into the sky and nearly strips off her clothes, and comes back down wearing pretty much nothing at all.
  • Yda from Final Fantasy XIV, as established in the opening cutscene if one begins the game in Gridania. She's a Cloudcuckoolander Genki Girl with very high boots and a mask that covers her eyes, and the camera tends to focus on her butt.
  • Jeane from the Suikoden series (especially from 4 & 5)
  • Vanessa from Luminous Arc. Dial F-cups for Fan Service and seiyuu who is known for H-Games, and to a lesser extent, Claire.
  • Duchess Elstwhere from Embric of Wulfhammers Castle. Several story paths only open up if she's in her underwear, and she is constantly being stripped of her clothes and forced to wander the world in panties, brassiere, socks and gauntlets.
  • In Seiken Densetsu 3 Angela's Stripperiffic leotard is both lampshaded and deconstructed. She also has a special attack which basically moons the enemy to death.
  • Priestess Rao of Okami is explicitly referred to by Issun as either "stacked" or "that busty babe".
    • Also Sakuya, who in her first outfit completely bares her backside, while her second is essentially a leafy bikini and a loincloth.
  • If you lose the game Banjo-Kazooie, then Grunty will actually become this.
  • Most of the female characters in League of Legends are at least a bit Stripperiffic and several are shamelessly fanservice-based, but the clear winner by far is Miss Fortune the Bounty Hunter who dresses like a pirate-themed stripper and has a shamelessly erotic voice.
  • Karst from Golden Sun: The Lost Age, a Cute Monster Girl in a black leather micro-mini with thigh-high boots and gloves long enough to invoke Detached Sleeves. Everybody else in the series dresses pretty modestly, so she stands out even more.
  • Pretty much every girl in Dead or Alive. "She kicks high", indeed...
  • Joanna Dark in Perfect Dark Zero after her wardrobe became much skimpier compared to how she dressed in the previous game.
  • Brooks in The Orion Conspiracy might not look like much in her normal outfit, but wait till you see her in gym clothes...
  • All the girls in Rumble Roses, oh yeah they sure have really good wrestling moves.
  • Angela from Rusty Hearts stands out as an aversion of this, in contrast to the other four female player characters.
  • Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo. She's the only character to get a random Panty Shot during the entirety of the game, has a larger bust than the rest of the girls (save for Misha), and her second sex scene is perhaps one of the most graphic in the game. (You can tell the artist had fun drawing that.) Add to the mix the dark, lacy underwear she wears in that scene, how she keeps her dark stockings on while Hisao does her, and the impression of confidence and kinkiness she gives in both scenes - the first time, in the guest room of her house, she apparently didn't even close the door, the second time, she and Hisao make out in the student council room and only after a while they realize they have forgot to lock the door.
  • Ming Numara from Lost Odyssey manages to be this in appearance, if not in personality. Despite being a queen, she romps around in leather gear that features Absolute Cleavage, and the crotch cut out of her otherwise practical trousers, so that you can have a permanent Panty Shot of her leather panties. There's even one scene in the game where she has to show the 'royal crest' on her chest to some guards, and the camera takes it's time with a generous shot of her breasts. The game designers put so much care into the design that they have veins!
  • Celestine in Magna Carta 2 is one, despite having a very childlike personality. She wears little more than a bikini, and is constantly flirting with one of the male party members. Our first glimpse of her also happens to be of her breasts.
  • Kameo from Kameo: Elements of Power. Why else would she wear a skirt that short? Even Conker, another Rare character seems to have the hots for her! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avtfC2Kh6Ho
  • Since the X-Universe series consists of space simulators where the only interaction with other characters is over comms (you only see the other pilot from the chest up), it falls to images of Saya Kho on the back of the box to provide fanservice.
  • In Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel, Sichte becomes this. She's just as voluptuous as in the first game, but now she also bares her midriff due to Clothing Damage she took to the lower half of her shirt sometime prior to Freudenstachel.
  • Dark Souls of all games gives us Gwynevere and her ginormous boobs, who the player meets after defeating That One Boss. Players often poke fun of her status as Ms. Fanservice by using the game's Hint System to write "Amazing Chest".
  • Pretty much every playable female character from Skullgirls who isn't Peacock or Painwheel is this, with Filia, Ms. Fortune, and Valentine being standout examples. Filia is thickly built, well-endowed, and prone to panty shots while wearing a schoolgirl outfit, Fortune is a catgirl who wears a belly-exposing top that displays quite a bit of underboob as well as incredibly tiny shorts (Justified in her case since her fighting style consists of taking herself apart), and Valentine is tall, busty, shows off a ton of cleavage, and is quite jiggly to boot. Upcoming DLC character Eliza is also this, due to the fact that she's built pretty much like Valentine, only egyptian and clad in a skimpy black dress.

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