Starting today, you're entering the Hiimdaisy article in All The Tropes, where you'll be describing this very webcomic for the next moment.
But first, would you like to see a totally unrelated girl in a bikini?
> Yes
... Wait, what? Oh. Right. Entering the Hiimdaisy article, or whatever.
Hiimdaisy (pronounced "Hi, I'm Daisy!") is a webcomic that specializes in making super serious games much funnier.
The artist, known as Gigi Digi (formerly Peachi), has done several comics, which have gained much fame on a certain Web site. Her comics cover Metal Gear, Professor Layton, Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda, Persona 3, Persona 4, and Ace Attorney (and sometimes, Mother 3).
The series was discontinued so that she could focus on Cucumber Quest.
Strips are hard to come by, since the original website locations have been taken down, but there are video comic dubs published on YouTube that cover at least the Metal Gear Solid series and Persona 4.
Art from Hiimdaisy has also been featured as Trope Pictures for the following pages:
- Commander Contrarian
- Convenience Store Gift Shopping
- Crotch Grab Sex Check
- Cutscene Power to the Max
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- Lecherous Licking
- Pungeon Master
- Shipping Goggles
- Some Call Me... Tim
- The Resenter
- Unsafe Haven
- This Page.
Not to be confused with a Rule 63 version of SHeDAISY.
- Abusive Parents: Ryotaro Dojima is, to put it lightly, a raging psychopath. On the other hand, he's an amusing raging psychopath.
"No need to be so formal! I've seen you naked."
- Adorkable: Generally Otacon's portrayal in the Metal Gear comics. Especially in the Hyperdub.
- Young Ocelot too. He just tries so hard to be cool (and fails).
- Affectionate Parody: It's clear that Gigi loves the games, or she wouldn't be doing such a good job mocking them.
- Anachronism Stew: In Lets Destroy The Shagohod!, you can see Ocelot using a cellphone to take a picture of Snake being tortured, and he also mentions "The Home Shopping Network", all in a parody of a game that takes place during the Cold War.
- Animals Hate Him: Solid Snake and his tendency to get wolf-dogs surround and bite him all over.
- Arson, Murder, Squick: The Pain.
- Art Evolution: Just compare Let's Destroy Metal Gear! and Let's Destroy the Shagohod!.
- Art Shift: An odd variation, with only two characters concerned. Both are extremely plot important, however, and work as a bit of Fridge Brilliance on Peachi's part. Notice Dojima's face? It goes from being rough, beardy, and frankly ugly to being smoother and better looking as the revelation about his dead wife comes to the fore. In addition, Adachi goes from being drawn in a beautiful, sparkly style to having extremely scary expressions as his true nature starts to slip out, ranging from mocking Dojima over his dead wife to scaring the Investigation Team.
- A straighter example happens while the Investigation Team are on camp, after Kanji has joined the team. Him, the main character and Yosuke are sharing a tent, and while we see Kanji and the MC wondering why Yosuke's panicking in the normal art style, Yosuke sees them differently.
- During the scene where "you wonder why the voice acting is so hard to hear during animated cutscenes", the protagonist's face is drawn Bishounen-style, probably to poke fun at the fact that the art style in the cutscenes is pretty different from the in-game art.
- The unmasking of Raiden in Let's Destroy Metal Gear again! is another good example.
- METAL GEAR!!! as done by both Snake and Raiden.
- Attention Whore: Vamp, possibly, what he does sums it up.
(He then stabs Emma in the back)
Kanji: "You sayin' I like dudes? TAKIN' YOU PUNKS DOWN RAAAAAAAAA"
- Big No: Hilariously played by Otacon, especially in the Hyperdub. His "Noooooooooooo" is using the most pathetically Adorkable voice there is. And taken slowly without slow-motion
- Butt Monkey: Young Ocelot
- But Thou Must!: In addition to the opener for Persona 4, the Protagonist tries to get the Investigation Team to interrupt Rise before she can press her Shadow's Berserk Button. With no success.
"Hey guys shouldn't we stop her now before we have to fight her sha-"
- Calling Your Attacks: "Eyepatch Explanation... Kick!"
- Camp Gay: Shadow Kanji. "I'm Kanji Tatsumi, and I enjoy naked men. Ohhhhh yahhhhh."
- Captain Obvious
Chie: Hey, there's a noose here!
Narrator/Protagonist: Spooky. Your thoughts, Yosuke?
Yosuke: Nooses are bad.
Narrator/Protagonist: Super!
- Later:
Adachi: Um, so what do we know about the case so far?
Dojima: The perp is probably in Inaba.
- Catch Phrase: Snake's "OKAY", "Time to do X" before being interrupted by a Codec call and variations of "Here I goooo!".
- Combat Pragmatist:
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Compelling Voice: Thou Art Thee Art Thou Stick Your Hand In The TV Do It Do It Do It
- Convenience Store Gift Shopping: And poor Nanako, bless her, tries not to sound disappointed.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Every Persona 4 Boss Battle. 1) Enter boss. 2) Attack its weakness. 3) *PFFFT* 4) New party member.
- Also every Metal Gear Solid Boss Battle.
- Dada Comics: Thou Art Thee Art Thou Stick Your Hand In The TV Do It Do It Do It. They make more sense if you've played the games, but they can still get pretty damn weird.
- Deadpan Snarker: The main character in each strip AKA the only dude who makes any sense (but not always).
- Peachi herself, if you know where to find her on the internet. Dear God.
- Death Seeker: Ryoji cranks this up to disturbing (and amusing) degrees.
- "So like, whenever you're ready."
- So does Fortune ("ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST!!!")
- Downer Ending: Due to Series Hiatus, the Persona 4 Fan Vid ends in this... using this line: "And no one survived that night.". It's still hilarious, though.
- Subverted that the Fan Vid eventually dubs the unfinished bonus part. Aaand turn it into a Gainax Ending.
- Driven to Madness: Poor Raiden.
- Poor Naked Snake.
- Dynamic Entry: Dojima prefers to do this whenever he shuts Adachi up.
- Expressive Hat: Naked Snake's Crocodile Hat cries with him.
- Also, the pin on Older Phoenix's hat.
- Eyes Always Shut: Barring the first codec scene, The Boss sports this. She still can pull a Death Glare with eyes shut, though.
- Famous Last Words: The End.
Yeah, so for dinner tonight, I'm thinking spaghetti...
- Fan Vid: Many, many fandubs can be found on Youtube. Special mention goes to...
- StrawberryCreme26's dub of the Persona 4 comic, which is very well-done, with excellent use of voice, sound and editing, and actually manages to make some of the jokes funnier. And even adds jokes. Peachi herself recommended it!
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kanji of the Fan dub is voiced by Egoraptor of Awesome Series. Although he's darrin'd for the finale.
- Also interesting to note is that Ryotaro Dojima is voiced by Tomamoto.
- Nanako's voice actress, Hnilmik, also voiced for Chi Chi, Amanda, and Princess H.
- Igor is voiced by Edwyn Tiong!
- They recently uploaded a dub for Apollo Justice, which is absolutely hilarious.
- Broad Spectrum Studios created arguably the most professional dub for the Metal Gear Solid comics. They went on to finish the entire Metal Gear Solid collection with Let's Destroy Metal Gear Again, Let's Destroy the Shagohod, and Let's Defeat the FOX Unit.
- Broad Spectrum are the first and only creators to dub all major Hiimdaisy Metal Gear comics, and the first to allow fan auditions for their comic dubs.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: The last Broad Spectrum Hyperdub features a cameo appearance by The Proofreader, creator of the original Let's Destroy the Shagohod dub.
- While not given recommendations yet, theproofreader's Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater comic fandub is also quite good. He has expressed his interest to continue with the first Metal Gear Solid comic.
- Even Little Kuriboh got in on the action.
- Notably for Little Kuriboh and theproofreader, their versions basically only use two people for dubbing the whole characters.
- The dub of Ryojiventures. The first fifteen seconds really say it all.
- That same person also did this. And this, just so Professor Layton get some lovely dubs.
- Any Fan Vid of one of her comics is basically an Abridged Series version of the original game.
- StrawberryCreme26's dub of the Persona 4 comic, which is very well-done, with excellent use of voice, sound and editing, and actually manages to make some of the jokes funnier. And even adds jokes. Peachi herself recommended it!
- Flat What
- Gag Boobs: In the set of comics she did for Mother 3 - What did Porky do?
- Genre Savvy: The Persona 4 Protagonist. Too bad nobody cares.
- And too bad he can't talk.
- He can't talk you say?
- Good Is Dumb: Lampshaded.
Yukiko: "Hey, Kanji's gone missing! What do you think?"
[ ] "I dunno"
[>] "He's in the TV"
Narrator: "You wanted to say that, but you don't have enough Common Sense."
- Groin Attack: How Chie introduces herself. Fortunately, she isn't targeting the protagonist. Unfortunately (maybe), she's targeting Yosuke.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Kanji has trouble getting people to believe he likes girls after his Shadow-self pretty much admits that he's gay. During the camping trip he even tried to jump into the girl's tent completely naked. After he joined the team, Yosuke started showing hints of this as when he was afraid of catching Kanji's gayness.
- Hollywood Heart Attack: The Metal Gear comics have a lot of HHHNNNNNNNGGGGG induced deaths.
- Hurricane of Puns: Teddie from Persona 4 still does this, and the joke that portrays this habit -- which has him using Bear as a synonym for everything -- is accompanied by quite possibly the best face anyone's ever done on Teddie in a comic.
- Python from Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is portrayed as this. Mr. Freeze would be proud.
- The Hyena: Yukiko.
Shut up. It's an endearing character trait.
- Hysterical Woman: Emma Emmerich.
Emma: What about me?
Raiden: Oh, Emma. We have to get out of here before-
Raiden: Uh, Emma, we really need to get out...
Raiden: Here, just take a deep breath...
Emma: *Underwater* GRHLBHRGLRBRLG
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Eva. She can't imagine why this wouldn't work on Ocelot.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The Boss: (About The End) Once he's done taking his nap, it'll be The End for the boy... Yeah, that was pretty good, huh.
Snake: T_T T-The Boss and I used to make bad puns together...
- Another one after Snake loses his eye:
Paramedic: Snake, have you ever seen Dracula?
Snake: No!
Paramedic: Well, I guess you can only see half of it now!
- Don't forget this exchange in Let's Destroy Metal Gear:
Meryl: Since Psycho Mantis screwed with my mind, I can see where the mines are!
Snake: You might call yourself... a mine reader.
- Snake and Meryl share a brief laugh before she punches him* *PFFFFT*
- Jerkass: Zak Gramarye, The King of Hyrule, and later Link are the most prominent examples... though Snake ("I'm hungry" "Yeah, whatever, kid") has his moments.
- This kind of takes Snake's Jerkassery to a whole new level, though.
- Lampshade Hanging
- Leeroy Jenkins: Snake and Gray Fox have their moments.
Snake: OK I got a Mine Detector! HERE I GOOOOOO!!! (steps on a mine)
Gray Fox:'I'm going to kill everyone in this hallway indiscriminately for no reason! (confronting Otacon) OK HERE I GOOOOO!!!
- Leitmotif: In the Broad Spectrum Studios fandub of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, everytime Peter Stillman talks, Jungle Boogie plays.
- Madness Mantra: "...m-my fried tofu..."
- Mood Whiplash: "You became friends with Yosuke! Yosuke will now DIE FOR YOU."
- "In other news, JUNES COMMERCIAL!!"
- Right after Shadow Teddie's Existential Kids Korner...he says he's going to kill everyone in the room. The character's reactions are absolutely priceless.
- "Know who else is thinking about murders? This creepy, but otherwise harmless stalker! Case closed! You know, you kids really ought to STOP GETTING INVOLVED with this stuff. Welp, justice is served! Take care!"
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Shadow Teddie. Unsurprisingly, Hilarity Ensues.
Shadow Teddie, Protagonist, Kanji, and Yosuke singing: Your futile exis-tence has no meeea-ning~
- Nobody Here But Us Birds: Naturally occurs in "Let's Destroy the Shagohod", but Peachi makes it outright hilarious by having it succeed despite Snake not even trying. For example, saying "Caw." while a guard is looking right at him, or saying "I'm a tree" while holding a couple of branches, again while a guard looks right at him.
- "No. Just... No" Reaction: The MC's response to being asked to join the sports club and band club.
- No Name Given: The Persona 4 Protagonist.
- No One Could Survive That
I am Sniper Wolf, and somehow I am unharmed after, like, 8 bullets to the face. Look at my boobs.
- Noodle People: "Can I touch your hannnnnnnnnnd?", asks the Gas Station Attendant as her arm makes contortions a tentacle would be proud of. Igor has a Noodle Nose. Ocelot has a noodle neck.
- Obviously Evil: Let's just say that Adachi is more obvious in this adaptation.
- Only Sane Man: The Protagonists of each game are forced to weather the insanity of the other characters. The Persona 4 Protagonist has it the worst so far. By MGS2, Snake states that he just stopped asking questions.
- Though, to be honest, Snake's sanity seems to have slipped a bit by MGS2 (Probably a side-effect of Raiden becoming the main protagonist, and therefore, the new Only Sane Man)
- The Other Darrin: Volgin's voice actor is different in the Broad Spectrums version of Lets Destroy The Shagohod part 2.
- Pass the Popcorn: The Protagonist, Yosuke, and Teddie do this while watching Chie and her Shadow argue.
- Phrase Catcher: "Shut up, Adachi."
- Porn Stash: Yosuke's impression of the Persona 4 Protagonist has taken a critical hit... since it's not even porn.
- Potty Emergency: "I have to pee!" "I HAVE TO PEE!" "YOU GUYS! I HAVE TO PEE! SO BAD! I'M GONNA PEE! RIGHT! HERE!"
- Subverted "Ok, nevermind."
- His face didn't say "Subverted" to me...
- Subverted "Ok, nevermind."
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything:
Dojima: All this work is such a pain. It's like people expect the police to solve crimes or something. Nanako, get Daddy another beer.
- The Power of Friendship: Yosuke will now die for you.
- Subverted in Persona 3:
A mysterious mass of energy is gathering...
The powerful emotions of your friends and loved ones are flowing into your heart...!
Gourmet King: I thought about you when I farted.
- Precision F-Strike: Persona 4.
Yosuke: *in crippling pain* Oh, motherfucker...
- Rapid-Fire Comedy: Because of the comics' format ("Okay, uh... This is really long! Get a snack!"), the joke density is quite high.
- Rule of Symbolism: Thoroughly mocked.
(About Chie's Shadow)" "Dominatrix Banana Head!"
(About Yukiko's Shadow): "It's symbooooolic~!"
(About Kanji's Shadow): "It's still symbooooolic! (you know, because he's gay) (do you get it)"
- Running Gag:
- "And no one ate dinner that night."
- "Let's accomplish an objective!" -ring ring- [CALL] "OF COURSE."
- Adachi wants to talk about MURDERS! (Yaaaayyyy!)
- "Did someone say (insert something here)!?"
- "No fighting!"
- "[Enthusiastic mention of Junes]"
- Samus Is a Girl: Yeah, you'd be surprised how many people don't realise that "Hiimdaisy" is a contraction of "Hi I'm Daisy" and think she's a dude.
- Or assume the LJ name is a reference to the Mario Kart meme and has nothing to do with her real gender.
- Schedule Slip: Not that there's an apparent schedule, but gaps between updates tend to be very long. In fact, the last update was in May 2010.
- Shoehorned First Letter:
Shadow Teddie: The word of the day is: FUTILE! As in: "Your futile existence has no meaning." Chie, do you know any other words that start with F?
Chie: Fsteak.
Shadow Teddie: Excellent.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Parodied in Let's Destroy Metal Gear Again when Vamp kills Emma.
Snake: Kid! Emma's being stabbed! She's gonna die!
Raiden: Why am I even trying anymore?
- Stop Helping Me!: Actually inverted in Let's Destroy The Metal Gear! with Naomi.
Snake: Naomi, what happened--
Snake: Naomi--
Snake: ... That doesn't answer my question...
Kanji Tatsumi: "What? You saying I like dudes? Because..."
Naoto Shirogane: "Did someone say girls? Because I'm a boy just so you know.
Yosuke: "By the way... Chie or Yukiko? Which one's your type?"
> Can I wait until I have more girls to choose from?
- The Thing That Would Not Leave: "S-so there's this guy in a scarf at the door and I don't think he's going to go away."
- This Is Gonna Suck:
Volgin: Who's afraid of a little thunder? It's not like I'm standing on top of a giant metal robot with electricity coursing to my body or somethi-
- Also this:
Soldier: Oh boy, I hope I don't get shot in the face.
Ocelot: Shot in the face, you say. *does so*
Soldier: OW Why would you even do that
Kanji Tatsumi: I! LOVE! WOMEN!
- To the Bat Noun: "Quick, Tatyana. To the Volgin Cave!"
- Trademark Favorite Food: Seems like it between Chie and--
- The Problem with Pen Island: Not in the comics themselves, but there are people who will write and/or pronounce the artist's LJ name as "him daisy" rather than "hi, I'm Daisy".
- Troll:
News anchor: "Hey, Dojima! Remember that time your WIFE got RUN OVER BY A CAR?"
Dojima: (shatters coffee mug)
(And no one ate dinner that night.)
- This has more effect in the StrawberryCreme26 fandub where the News Anchor adds up a Hammy Troll Laugh in a similar style with Terumi Yuuki.
- The Unfavorite: Big Boss is rather abusive to Liquid.
Big Boss: "Get Out!!"
- Unsound Effect: PFFFFFFFFT
- Verbal Tic: "BRRRRROOOTHER!"
- Sigint in the Broad Spectrum Studios dub tends to end his words with "DAYUM!"
- Too Dumb to Live: If you're not a main character, chances are better than 90% this is your fate. The good news is, you won't even notice!
This page coming to an end at this point? That's not what it was designed for!