< Morenatsu


Main Character

Hiroyuki Nishimura

西村 博行
にしむら ひろゆき
Hiroyuki Nishimura

  • Audience Surrogate: In a story where every character besides Hiroyuki is Kemono, the fact that Hiroyuki is very much human may help players imagine themselves in this universe even if they do not personally identify as a fursona. Hiroyuki's appearance is also intentionally vague and generic.
    • Further supported by the fact it's possible to change Hiroyuki's name when you start the game.
  • Big Beautiful Man: He is inconsistently portrayed as this, even within the game itself.
  • Compassionate Critic: In Tatsuki's route, Hiroyuki can show he is apperently this when Torahiko asks how great is his spaghetti he has made. Hiroyuki can then choose to either compliment it or simply downright downgrade it.
  • Covert Pervert: The first thing Hiroyuki does on Kounosuke's route is to buy a Gay Beastmen Porno Book. A very thick one while he was at it.
  • Depraved Homosexual: Hiroyuki's internal monologue sometimes borders on this, specially when around somebody like Shun.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: We wouldn't have a game if they didn't.
  • The Everyman
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: Hiroyuki's surname and given name can each be changed by the player to whatever they like.
  • Jerkass: You can pretty much make Hiroyuki this to poor little Kounosuke during his route.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Averted. He lives in the city with his mother (though his dad is never mentioned), but his grandparents live in the village. It's unclear why he moved away.
  • Ridiculously Average Guy: In almost every way. Hiroyuki is very mild-mannered without any real personality quirks, his body is average, and his hairdo is average. About the only thing NOT average is the fact he lived in a village with a ton of beastmen. This is intentionally played straight to allow the player to feel like they are Hiroyuki, rather than just reading about a character's exploits.
  • Shout-Out: To the Real Life Hiroyuki Nishimura who founded 2channel where the Morenatsu Project initially started. The kana reading is identical, but the real person and the fictional character have a different kanji for "-yuki": 之 vs. 行.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Nishimura or Nisimura?
  • Three Amigos: Some dialogue implies that when Hiroyuki was a kid, he was closest with Tatsuki and Torahiko.
  • Token Minority: The only human in the story.
    • His grandparents are never given any sort of official description or picture in-game either, leaving it unclear if either of them are human as well. Combines with his suspiciously Invisible Parents (one of whom may not be human).

The Nine

Torahiko Ooshima

大島 虎彦
おおしま とらひこ
Torahiko Ooshima

"Heh heh, a man doesn't worry about the little things!"

  • Species: Tiger
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: August 19 (Leo)
  • Blood Type: O
  • Height: 186 cm (~6′ 1″)
  • Weight: 85 kg (~187 lbs)
  • Hobby: Swimming

He is a second year student at his high school. He is a member of the swim team. He is the only son of his family, who owns an inn. Open and optimistic, "Let nature take its course" is the creed he lives by when troubled. He helps out at home by studying to become a quality chef. He's getting fired up for his team's activities because of the upcoming swim meet.

  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Blue Eyes/Green Eyes: Inconsistently portrayed. Probably because Green Is Blue.
  • Bromantic Foil: Subverted. Torahiko has the usual personality that could be attributed to one, but he's actually the one who wants to get it on with Hiroyuki the most.
    • However, since you can't pick his route as of now, this is played straight.
  • Butt Monkey: Torahiko can sometimes be very annoying when he's teasing others, which usually results in somebody hitting him.
  • Cats Hate Water: Subverted. Torahiko is part of the swimming club, which plays on how tigers are excellent swimmers.
    • Torahiko also knows how to surf.
  • Covert Pervert
  • The Fatalist
  • Jerk Jock: Torahiko is a lot nicer than the usual Jerk Jock, but sometimes he can get very annoying. Sadly for him, he lacks Kounosuke's endearing ditzyness to excuse his obnoxiousness.
  • Kemono
  • Limited Wardrobe:
    • Normal outfit:
      • A red A-shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. The shirt's left breast area has the word "D-GET" in white letters with a black border. The A-shirt covers less of his back than his front, leaving his shoulder blades and much of his upper back completely bare.
      • A blue pair of denim shorts whose leg cuffs are decorated with a black silhouette pattern shaped like grass blades. The cuffs also have drawstrings.
      • A thin black belt with one end always hanging halfway down his shorts.
      • A pair of black, white and orange sneakers.
      • Under his shorts, a pair of boxer shorts with white and light blue vertical stripes.
    • Torahiko also wears a sports speedo with an x on its center and a pair of elastic-banded goggles for swimming.
  • Manly Gay
  • Official Couple: Hinted at being the canon game route. He appears in the Project Morenatsu splash screen, background of title screen, and the development blog's heading. Further implied by the dialog which reveals he already harbors romantic feelings towards Hiroyuki.
  • Panthera Awesome
  • The Pollyanna
  • Red Oni: To Juuichi's Blue Oni.
  • Refuge in Vulgarity/Toilet Humour: If you decide to spend the beach party with Torahiko, he gets Hiroyuki to change behind him. Hiroyuki doesn't want to do so, causing Torahiko to ask him if it's because he has a small dick. When Hiroyuki denies it, he then ask if it's because he has a big one. It's clear that Torahiko wants to see Hiroyuki naked.
  • The Rival: He and Kouya are always fighting about something, sometimes over Hiroyuki.
  • Series Mascot: Torahiko is not only in the Title Screen, but he was also used by the devs in certain miscellanous tasks like debugging. Being the implied Canon Couple and the first character to appear in the game also help make Tora the most iconic character of the project.
  • Ship Tease: With Hiroyuki. Torahiko has so much Homoerotic Subtext with Hiroyuki you can touch it. What did you expect? He's the canon route.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: When Torahiko tries to teach Hiroyuki how to surf, he instructs him to follow his gut feelings, basically leaving Hiroyuki to his own devices. This is not Played for Laughs and results in Kouya scolding Torahiko.
  • Species First Name/Exactly What It Says on the Tin: "Torahiko" means "tiger-prince". For the curious, "Ooshima" means "big island" and is a not-uncommon surname.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Ōshima, Oshima, Ooshima, Ohshima, Oushima, Oosima...?
  • Surfer Dude: Torahiko knows his way with a surfing board, and he also has the relaxed personality nailed.
  • Three Amigos: Some dialogue implies that he, Hiroyuki, and Tatsuki were these in their childhood.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Averted. Torahiko and Tatsuki are pretty friendly with each other. Torahiko often calls Tatsuki when he wants to hang out with somebody.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Ghosts?: On Kounosuke's route, one of the first things you do is enter school at night to take photos of ghosts. While Torahiko starts off calm, he becomes more and more scared and, if you take him with you, he spends the entire time clinging to your arm.
  • Younger Than They Look: Torahiko, along with some of the other high schoolers, look more like adults.

Tatsuki Midoriya

翠屋 辰樹
みどりや たつき
Tatsuki Midoriya

"I think you're awesome! Someday, I'll build a house for you."

  • Species: Dragon
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: January 14 (Capricorn)
  • Blood Type: O
  • Height: 210 cm (~6′ 11″)
  • Weight: 135 kg (~298 lbs)
  • Hobby: Painting

He is a lively and cheerful dragon. As a dragon, he has a large physique, though he's a little worried about how much his belly has grown lately. His family's business is carpentry that specializes in shrines. His father is the boss, but Tatsuki is working hard every day to become just as qualified. He dreams of being Japan's best craftsman. Kind to everybody, he is like a good big brother to everyone because he likes to help. However, little often comes out of it and he usually fails at both his job and private matters. He is the only member of the group who can drive, but a car is like a dangerous weapon when he drives.

  • Adorkable
  • Berserk Button: Don't compare Tatsuki to a crocodile.
    • Or an iguana. In short, Tatsuki gets mad if you compare him with any of his distant relatives.
  • Big Beautiful Man
  • Big Fun
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Despite having no hair except on his head and tail, Tatsuki somehow has eyebrows made of what appears to be lumps of flesh.
  • Black Eyes
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Bottle Fairy: Emphasis on Fairy. Apparently, dragons are allowed by law to drink alcohol at age 16 since they have a high alcohol tolerance level. This explains why Tatsuki is drinking alcohol when he's only 17 (in Japan, you have to be at least 20 to drink alcohol).
  • Cool Big Bro: To all his friends younger than him. They even call him Tatsu-nii.
  • Drives Like Crazy
  • Fun Personified
  • Exotic Equipment: Tatsuki, being a reptile, has internal testicles and his penis comes out of a cloaca.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: Tatsuki's hair is a rather dark shade of blue, which is usually used as a stand-in for black.
  • Hot Men At Work
  • Huge Schoolboy: Tatsuki had the height of an adult by his 6th year of school.
  • Gentle Giant: Tatsuki is usually pretty nice... until he gets drunk
  • I Am Big Boned: Tatsuki insists that he's not fat and that his round belly is completely natural on a dragon. However, since the only other dragon in the game is Tatsuki's middle-aged father, this is a rather dubious claim.
  • Informed Ability: His hobby for painting doesn't really come up that much outside of his bio.
  • Kemono
  • Kissing Under the Influence/Memetic Molester/Making Love in All the Wrong Places: Tatsuki gets horny and handsy when he's drunk. According to Kounosuke and Torahiko, Tatsuki while drunk doesn't think twice about seducing a friend, seeming to imply that he's already done it with at least some of them. He'll get touchy-feely almost anywhere, including outside in broad daylight, in the presence of other friends. Whether he has actually had sex though is called into question by his (sober) claim that he's a virgin and that Hiroyuki is his first.
    • In addition, during the first sex scene, Tatsuki actually is drunk at the time. The second time Tatsuki gets amorous (right at the end of his route), Hiroyuki flatly asks if the dragon is drunk again. Surprisingly, he is not.
    • He seems to have at least tried to do it with them. Apparently, he made Soutarou strip naked in front of everyone a previous time it happened.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Very limited. His open-chested black-collared blue cargo vest, fundoshi-tied red bandana, khaki pants and socks with sandals are actually him fully dressed. At various other times he's frequently seen wearing only his white Fundoshi, indoors or outdoors -- it's a particular fundoshi that is not only tied around his waist and crotch, but also around his very thick tail.
  • Manly Gay
  • Nice Hat: That fundoshi-tied red bandana.
  • Nonhumans Lack Attributes: Most of the other characters, if shown, have human-shaped genitalia. Tatsuki, however, has a cloaca. This seems to be by Author Appeal, since anthropomorphic cloaca fetish also plays a role in one of the issues of Gamma's Manga Build Tiger.
  • Non-Mammalian Hair
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Averted. Tatsuki and his dad are the only characters who lack nipples.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Tatsuki (and his dad Tappei) are dragons, and the only anthropomorphizations of fantasy creatures in the cast. But some dragon stereotypes are absent or subverted. They never breathe fire. And Tatsuki is shown to have tiny useless wings on his back that couldn't fly a baseball, much less a sexy fatass like him.
    • More specifically, Tatsuki and his father are based on Eastern dragons, which have horns and sometimes an entire line of fur along their backs, with some Western qualities, like wings, mixed in.
  • Robotic Reveal: While not canon, an easy ending to stumble upon.
  • Species First Name: "Midoriya Tatsuki" means "green-shop dragon-tree".
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Tatsuki or Tatuki?
  • Stout Strength
  • Three Amigos: Some dialogues imply that he, Torahiko, and Hiroyuki used to be these back when they were younger.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Subverted. It's not rare for Tatsuki and Torahiko to get together to do something.
  • Troperiffic: Competing with his father Tappei for having the most associated tropes.
  • Turn Out Like His Father: Tatsuki's habit of getting frisky when drunk seems to be drawn directly from his father, who does the exact same thing. It might possibly be a racial trait.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Whatever Tatsuki wears, he always manages to be at least barechested. He also often walks around outside wearing only a Fundoshi.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Not only on his head, but also on his tail. However, since it's a pretty dark blue, it may actually be black hair.
  • Younger Than They Look: A high schooler? Riiiiiiiiiiight...

Juuichi Mikazuki

三日月 柔一
みかづき じゅういち
Juuichi Mikazuki

"The feeling of a single victory. That is why I will not stop practicing juudou."

  • Species: Bear
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: June 19 (Gemini)
  • Blood Type: A
  • Height: 191 cm (~6′ 3″)
  • Weight: 111 kg (~245 lbs)
  • Hobby: Walking

He is a third year student at his high school, and a member of the judo club. His body has reached maturity and his mind is more than mature enough. His younger twin brother, whose personality is the polar opposite, says he has "the mind and body of an old man". He's usually frowning, but that doesn't always mean he's in a bad mood. He achieved black belt status in juudou by using his full strength in a tournament. Recently he has been demonstrating his abilities thoroughly whenever Torahiko says something impolite.

Kounosuke Kuri

九狸 孝之助
くり こうのすけ
Kounosuke Kuri

"It's alright, it's alright, we'll manage somehow."

  • Species: Raccoon Dog
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: October 22 (Libra)
  • Blood Type: B
  • Height: 167 cm (~5′ 6″)
  • Weight: 73 kg (~161 lbs)
  • Hobby: Following fads, photography

He easily gets carried away with optimism. He likes to live life in a tempo out of step with everyone else's. Although the things he does might irritate those around him, he means no offense. Thanks to his innocent appearance, they just sigh and leave it there. He loves "new things" and "things he has never seen before". He often returns from the city with lots of stuff he's interested in. He is thinking about living in the city in the future.

Kouya Aotsuki

蒼月 洸哉
あおつき こうや
Kouya Aotsuki

"Well then, why don't we listen to some music?"

  • Species: Dog (Husky)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: April 2 (Aries)
  • Blood Type: B
  • Height: 181 cm (~5′ 11″)
  • Weight: 68 kg (~150 lbs)
  • Hobby: Music

He is considerate of others, however this dog has a straightforward and rebellious atmosphere to him. Usually calm, he's the type who burns quietly. He has a bit of a stubborn side. Cut off from his parents, he has been living alone since graduating from junior high. He makes a living by working and plays with his band every day, aiming to become a musician.

  • Badass Gay
  • Big Badass Wolf: Just look at him!
  • Eyes of Gold
  • I Have No Son: His parents cut him off.
  • Kemono
  • Limited Wardrobe: In a specific configuration too. Kouya wears a loose-fitting black tank top, a worn pair of blue jeans, a set of dog tags around his neck, and two black arm bands. One band is always on the wrist of one arm, while the other band is always further up the upper arm of his other side. Usually his left arm has the wrist band and his right arm has the upper arm band, but sometimes they appear swapped.
  • Meaningful Name: "Aotsuki" means both "blue moon" and "sorrow".
  • The Rival: He and Torahiko are always fighting about something, sometimes over Hiroyuki.
  • Seme: According to his love scene with Shun.
  • Ship Tease: With Shun of all people. In the original demo, he and Shun shared a love scene together (which was later removed from the newer demos and canon). Even without the scene, Kouya and Shun are close to each other with Shun calling Kouya his oniisan.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Kōya, Koya or Kouya? Aotsuki or Aotuki?
  • Invisible to Gaydar
  • Troubled but Cute

Kyouji Takahara

高原 京慈
たかはら きょうじ
Kyouji Takahara

"It wasn't just my effort. This is the result of everybody's hard work."

  • Species: Dog (Labrador)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: February 14 (Aquarius)
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Height: 187 cm (~6′ 2″)
  • Weight: 75 kg (~165 lbs)
  • Hobby: Soccer

He is a dog in his third year of high school. Gentle with everyone, he always finds a way to help out in one way or another. Everybody relies on his calm personality. He also serves as the captain of the soccer club. He does nothing but practice every day in order to dominate the tournament this summer. He is known for his clever tactics. He is not perfect, however. He's not good with thunder and ghosts. He is also a little timid and doesn't always say his honest opinion.

Shin Kuroi

黒井 深
くろい しん
Shin Kuroi

"You really haven't changed at all, have you?"

  • Species: Cat
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: July 10 (Cancer)
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Height: 162 cm (~5′ 4″)
  • Weight: 48 kg (~106 lbs)
  • Hobby: Making sweets, sunbathing

He is a young black cat who lives in a Western-style house on the outskirts of the village. He seems a bit out of place in a small rural town. He has a slender and handsome figure, perfect reflexes, and gets good grades, but he has poor physical strength. He makes sweets to keep his mind off things whenever he feels down.

Shun Kodori

古酉 峻
こどり しゅん
Shun Kodori

"I'm glad you remembered this game for me!"

  • Species: Wolf
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: July 4 (Cancer)
  • Blood Type: O
  • Height: 157 cm (~5′ 2″)
  • Weight: 47 kg (~104 lbs)
  • Hobby: Video games

He is a kind boy with a childish personality and an innocent heart. A master of video games, he had a friendly rivalry with the main character. Even now, he still misses the main character. His tears are his strongest weapon. After five years, he reunites with his upperclassman. He is starting high school after this eventful summer vacation.

Soutarou Touno

橙野 宗太郎
とうの そうたろう
Soutarou Touno

"Soon I'll be a soccer player like my upperclassman Takahara!"

  • Species: Lion
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: September 21 (Virgo)
  • Blood Type: A
  • Height: 161 cm (~5′ 3″)
  • Weight: 60 kg (~132 lbs)
  • Hobby: Soccer

He is a very hard working and timid boy who loves soccer. He belongs to the local soccer club. He and his upperclassman, Kyouji, work up a sweat practicing every day. Because he grew up without a father, he relies on and adores his upperclassman Takahara. Sometimes he shows an impressive and bright smile. He moved to the village three years ago, so this is his first time meeting the main character.

Introduced in Tatsuki's Route

Tappei Midoriya

翠屋 辰平
みどりや たっぺい
Tappei Midoriya

He is Tatsuki's father and head of the Midoriya Group. He is 43 years old. He is an obstinate and domineering husband. A heavy drinker, like a true Tokyo-ite, who gives the impression of a true craftsman. While working outside he is a cheerful and playful old man. At 232 cm (~7′ 7″), he is considerably taller than Tatsuki, so much so that even socks don't fit him. He loves to smoke his pipe and is bad with machines. His wife bosses him around -- he is truly no match for her. He is a lover of both men and women, a bisexual DILF.

Botan Akagane

銅 牡丹
あかがね ぼたん
Botan Akagane

He is a 42-year-old boar. Because he is the only teacher in the village, he was the main character's teacher. He is a kind teacher, but fearsome when angered. These days he has grown fat, but he used to be an active rugby player. Although he does have a house in the village, he spends so much time keeping watching of the school that the janitor's closet has become his second home. He is Tappei's drinking buddy, but their relationship swings back and forth between public and private.

Tetsuya Inoue

井上 哲也
いのうえ てつや
Tetsuya Inoue

He is a 36-year-old fox. He is a calm veteran carpenter who works for the Midoriya family. Definitely skilled, he is respected by those around him and serves as the senior apprentice. His wife and daughter live at home while he stays with the Midoriya Group. He returns home to visit them every day. Because of his levelheadedness, competency, and gentle nature, newer apprentices to the Midoriya Group are extremely dependent on him. He is usually the one who calms Tappei's temper by using a carrot-and-the-stick routine. To Chuukichi, he is "Merciful Tetsu-san".

Chuukichi Mori

森 忠吉
もり ちゅうきち
Chuukichi Mori

He is a 16-year-old mouse. He dove right into society when he graduated from junior high. He has a juvenile habit of saying "-ssu". He has a simple and friendly personality, and his job brings out his enthusiasm. He loves the Midoriya Group, but has a bit of bad luck and somehow almost always ends up getting the short end of the stick. Despite this, he doesn't let it get him down. He is the mood maker of the Midoriya Group. He used to be quite mean... He has never seen a human up close before, and his inexperienced hands make his heart thump. Number of times he is beaten throughout the game: 23.

  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: Everybody has it, but it's specially noticeable on Chuukichi case. One of his portraits displays his crotch prominently (he's flinching basically) and on the naked variation, there's nothing.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Covert Pervert: He's apparently attracted to Tatsuki and Tappei, and can be seen commenting (in parenthesis no less, indicating either whispered or internal monologue) on the difference in size between him and his boss, just before getting smacked in the face.
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Furry Ear Dissonance: When Chuukichi's ears are freed from his bandana, not only are shaped like Mickey Mouse ears, but they also have hair behind them, which real rats don't have.
    • The Japanese language has the same word for rat and mouse -- nezumi.
  • Hot Men At Work
  • Informed Ability: Supposedly Chuukichi used to be pretty mean in the past.
  • Kemono
  • Nice Hat: That bandana suits him.
  • The Pollyanna
  • Punny Name: Chuu is the sound mice make, according to the Japanese.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Chūkichi, Chukichi, Chuukichi or Tyuukiti?
  • Invisible to Gaydar
  • Verbal Tic
  • You Dirty Rat: Played straight and then subverted. Chuukichi used to be pretty mean, which fits the stereotype, but the way he acts now is a complete subversion, being one of the nicest characters in the game.
  • Younger Than They Look: Chuukichi looks a bit too small to be 16 or already in the workforce.

Akira Nikaidou

二階堂 明
にかいどう あきら
Akira Nikaidou

He is a 20-year-old horse. He is the son of a famous architect. When he was 17, he rebelled against his father, left home, and joined the Midoriya Group. Because of this, he is trying to build a relationship with Tatsuki and Tappei. Incidentally, he doesn't like talking to them about running away from home. The other workers don't understand the theories behind his job the way he does, but when he talks about the data and mechanics of construction he gets Tappei's fist. His frankness doesn't mean that he is conceited, but it often leads to misunderstandings. His fellow workers think that he and Tatsuki make good rivals.

  • Ambiguously Straight: It's possible that Akira may be one of the few characters on the game that is actually straight... unless his runaway story is tied to that.
  • Carpet of Virility
  • Green Eyes
  • Insufferable Genius: This provokes Tappei's violent temper.
  • Kemono
  • Narcissist: Akira rather confidently claims that his body is very beautiful and that he's descended from a line of noble horses. He also has no problem going naked in front of at least 4 other men.
  • Noodle Incident: Akira ran away from home, but he won't discuss the details. It's implied that he and his father did not get along at all, as he admits towards the end of Tatsuki's route that he's jealous of the relationship Tatsuki and his father have with each other, wishing he could've have something like that with his own father.
  • The Runaway
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Nikaidō, Nikaido or Nikaidou?

Shigure Tachibana

橘 時雨
たちばな しぐれ
Shigure Tachibana

He is a 68-year-old dog. He is a person who is aloof from the world. He and Tatsuki's grandfather, Tappei's father, were close friends. Now he is friends with Tappei and Mr. Botan. Tappei's robustness and Shigure's frailty make them completely opposite types. He likes new things, and his hobby is watching TV shopping programs. He is active in restoring the village and attracting new people, and the happiness of the villagers is his number one priority. The current mayor, he gently watches over the people of his village.

Introduced in Kounosuke's route

Yukiharu Kuri

九狸 幸春
くり ゆきはる
Yukiharu Kuri

He is Kounosuke's little brother. They are a few years apart in age. He is currently in his fifth year at Minasato Elementary School. He used to be very shy and reserved, always hiding himself behind Kounosuke. Now he isn't shy at all and is becoming a follow-up to his brother. He has a cheerful personality because of his brother's influence. Recently he has been becoming less dependent on his brother. This seems to make Kounosuke a little lonely.

  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Kemono
  • Meaningful Name: "Yukiharu" means "happy springtime".
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: Save for Kounosuke's proportionally larger size and his glasses, he and Yukiharu look practically identical.
    • For the curious, the subtler differences are:
      • Yukiharu has less hair sticking out of his ears than Kounosuke.
      • Yukiharu has practically no chin hair, but Kounosuke has the modest beginnings of a teenage beard.

Harue Kuri

Harue Kuri

She is Kounosuke's and Yukiharu's mother. Usually quiet, she has a habit of softly saying "ara ara" and is a rather easygoing person. Because of this, it's hard to tell exactly what she's thinking... However, her quietness is connected to her large capacity to tolerate as a mother. When Kounosuke was little, she would lose him as soon as she took her eyes off him. The sixth sense of a mother's love would lead her right to where he was. Just like Kounosuke and his glasses, she is usually seen wearing an apron.

No picture yet.

Hiroyuki Nanafuse

七伏 博行
ななふせ ひろゆき
Hiroyuki Nanafuse

The personification of Minasato Elementary's Seventh Wonder. The ghost of a practical joker who loves to play with children more than anything else. In the past, his existence was more vague, but by discovering Shun's appearance and hearing the main character's name called out, he gained consciousness. As the personification of gossip, it's not possible for him to show his appearance to those who don't think he exists. When you become an adult you will realize no one is there because you are no longer influenced by suggestion. An adult that can see Nanafuse will just see him as something as vague as "one of the children", but it's possible that Nanafuse is posing as the person who knows that.

Introduced in Kouya's route

Keisuke Hirama

平馬 佳輔
ひらま けいすけ
Keisuke Hirama

Keisuke is the drummer of Kouya's band. He's a horseman like Akira.

Jun Nekonishi

猫西 閏
ねこにし じゅん
Jun Nekonishi

Jun is the bassist of Kouya's band. He's a calico cat.

  • Deadpan Snarker: On the few occasions he does speak, it's usually to make fun of something.
  • Kemono
  • The Quiet One: Rarely ever speaks.
  • Shrinking Violet: When Yuuki noted in one scene that Jun was more talkative than usual, Jun responded by blushing and stopped talking.

Yuuki Torii

鳥井 有季
とりい ゆうき
Yuuki Torii

Yuuki is the singer of Kouya's band. He's a green canary.

Introduced in Shun's route

Gaku Kodori

古酉 岳
こどり がく
Gaku Kodori

  • Big Brother Instinct: His methods and concerns may be up for question, but he's rarely seen doing something that isn't part of his plans to protect Shun.
  • Cool Big Bro: He runs the local video game store, so as Shun's cousin he frequently hooks him up.
  • Grumpy Bear: Gaku always looks like he is mildly annoyed at something.
  • Kemono
  • The Quiet One: Gaku isn't very talkative.
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