< Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam/Characters

This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable.

Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Characters from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam include:

AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group)

Kamille Bidan

Voiced by: Nobuo Tobita (JP), Jonathan Lachlan-Stewart (EN)

Kamille Bidan is the protagonist of Zeta Gundam. Kamille is a troubled teen whose home colony became the main base for the tyrannical Titans group, a group for which Kamille developed resentment. This culminated in him joining the AEUG to fight the Titans, believing that someone should stand up for what he believes in. Though he can be reckless and arrogant, his character is marked by compassion, and as the series progresses, he vows to stop the war, no matter the personal cost.

  • Ace Pilot: He becomes the AEUG's deadliest pilot rather quickly.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Kamille sucks at relating to people. Like Amuro before him, he'd rather spend his time with machines.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Does this with his fellow pilots a lot, especially Quattro.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Fa.
  • Berserk Button: Don't make fun of him for having a girly-sounding name if you don't want to get into a fight... at least until around the halfway point, which after he really doesn't care.
  • Big Brother Mentor/Stern Teacher: To Katz. Unfortunately, it's Katz.
  • Character Development: Whilst still prickly, he chills out considerably over the course of the series.
  • Character Tics: Chewing on his thumbnail when under stress.
  • Foil: To Jerid and Scirocco. See their entries below for more on that.
  • Gender Blender Name: Kamille particularly hated his feminine-sounding name... and thus tried to assert his manhood by learning martial arts and developing a hobby in amateur mobile suit creation.
    • For the record, "Camille" is gender neutral.

"Kamille's a Man's name! AND I'M A MAN!"

  • Generation Xerox: He might have inherited the hobby in ameteur mobile suit creation from his parents: both were Federation officers and among the main engineering team that designed the Titan's prototype unit RX-178 Gundam Mk-II.
  • Hot-Blooded: While fighting. He's sometimes like this outside his mecha too, if angered enough, especially early on. Later, he learns to control his emotions, but he still can get pretty loud if you piss him off.
  • Hurting Hero: He loses just about everything over the course of the series.
  • Informed Ability: Mild example. Kamille is without a doubt a superb Ace Pilot, but not noticeably more so than Amuro, Judau or any of the other protagonists in the series. So, to make him seem more Badass than he really is, Tomino has everyone, on both sides, comment on just how great a fighter Kamille is and how only a truly awesome Newtype could be doing what he is doing.
  • It's Personal: With Jerid.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kamille can be a huge asshole, but he is very compassionate.
  • Lightning Bruiser: The Zeta Gundam.
  • Love At First Sight: With Four.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: From the Gundam Mark II to the Zeta Gundam.
  • Military Brat: Both mom and dad worked for the Titans. This is probably responsible for about 95% of his problems.
  • Mood Swinger: Kamille's moods are unstable at best. He can swing from happy to sad to enraged in the space of a few seconds.
  • Parental Abandonment: During the course of the war with the Titans, Kamille witnessed the death of both his parents, first love and friends.
  • Psychic Powers Of course. He's a Newtype, but doesn't accept it until late in the series.
    • A very powerful Newtype as well. The actions Kamille pulls off in the Zeta at the end of the series are completely insane, even for a Newtype, such as making the Zeta totally invunerable with a forcefield generated by the biosensor and his Newtype power, extending the Beam Saber into an energy whip that had to be at least- 2 miles long, and then freezes The O in place so he can crash the Waverider straight through the cockpit. Take a minute to remember this is a Gundam series.
    • It gets even crazier in Gundam ZZ, Zeta Gundam's sequel. When Kamille finally recovers from Scirocco's psychic attack, he displays incredible control over his Newtype powers, including telekinetically reassembling the Double Zeta from thousands of miles away.
  • Ramming Always Works: At the end of Zeta Gundam, he channels the power of the dead and impales Scirocco on Zeta's waverider mode nose.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Kamille displays a tendency to seek revenge without thought for the consequences from the start of the series. In the first two episodes alone, he attacks a member of the Titans with his fists for making an off-hand comment about how girly his name sounds, calls a Military Police officer who has him in custody a brute, attacks said officer physically when he throws something at Kamille for insulting him... in the middle of the prison and just after his mother's lawyer comes to bail him out... And then he runs out of the prison, ignoring the chaos all around him from a crashed mobile suit and his mother's presence, to Gundamjack the Mk II Gundam for the purpose of "getting back" at the MP officer for having him beaten in response to being attacked. He even ends up joining the AEUG as part of his way of "getting even" with the Titans, after first menacing the aforementioned MP officer with his newly hijacked mobile suit.
  • The Rival: He and Jerid have a nasty one going. It largely involves them killing one another's loved ones.
  • Super Prototype: The Zeta Gundam, and to a lesser degree, the Mark II.
  • Teen Genius: He was well-known as an amateur mecha builder before he left his colony, and later, he designed the Zeta Gundam.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Zeta Gundam.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Ask Lila about that. Or Rosamia.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's blue.

Quattro Bajeena (Char Aznable)

A top AEUG pilot and former Zeon ace, Char acts as a mentor figure to Kamille and the younger Mobile Suit operators in the crew.

  • Ace Pilot: Char is a notably brilliant tactician and thanks to a combination of intellect and skill, is able to outmaneuver and kill the vast majority of mobile suit users and goes toe-to-toe with some of the best pilots in the series, such as Amuro Ray and Haman Khan.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses:Does this regularly with Kamille.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Kamille.
  • Bling Bling Bang: The golden MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki. It's an antibeam coating.
  • Char Clone: He is Char.
  • Cool Shades: Part of his disguise as Quattro. ...Pretty much his entire disguise as Quattro, actually.
  • Enemy Mine: His entire role in Zeta Gundam when you get down to it.
  • Ephebophile: If he and Haman did have a relationship, she would have been in her early teens and he would have been in his twenties. Yech.
  • Four Is Death: Quattro anyone?
    • Subverted. Quattro is alive and kicking after the end. He only dies in the movie after he goes back to Char.
      • Which, as we all know, is the Persian numeral for four.
  • Fragile Speedster: The Hyaku-Shiki is fast, maneuverable and well-armed, and its antibeam coating should make it immune to laser fire. Yet the show repeatedly demonstrates that it simply doesn't have the durability of other Super Prototypes, like the Zeta Gundam, The O and the Qubeley, and it is frequently manhandled at close ranges. In retrospect, giving it a layer of paint as its primary defence probably wasn't a good idea...
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the 2005 Compilation Movie at least, Char was last seen attempting a mutual kill against Haman in the final stages of the Gryps Conflict. He fails.
  • Hypocrite: Whether it's lecturing Amuro on getting over Lalah, getting mad at Haman for manipulating a member of the Zabi family, or being outraged by Axis-Zeon's treachery, Char spends most of the show calling people out on things he has no right to call them out on.
  • Informed Ability: Again, it's not that Char doesn't demonstrate his ability as a leader, pilot, etc, over the course of the series. It's that the constant shillinig he recieves from the rest of the cast (including people like Hayato and Amuro who should not be doing so) makes him out to be even more of a Badass than he really is.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Quattro's shades, in general. The fact that his AEUG uniform is also carrying the same color scheme as his Zeon outfit emphasizes it further.
    • Somewhat justified in that there are only two (living) people in the entire universe who actually saw what Char looked like under the mask.
    • Even then, it's implied that most people in the AEUG know who he really is, but keep quiet since he isn't admitting it himself.
    • Bright Noa accidentally cuts through his disguise almost immediately, as he refers to him as Captain Quattro on instinct (Captain was Char's rank in the Zeon military). Char corrects him by saying his rank is Lieutenant.
  • Shuichi Ikeda
  • Sunglasses at Night: In space, as opposed to at night, though he removes them when he needs to wear a normal/pilot suit helmet.
  • Super Prototype: The Hyaku-Shiki (which, apparently, began life as the Delta Gundam, which was supposed to have its own Wave Rider mode prior to the Zeta, hence the verniers at its back; the concept was revisited in the Delta+).
  • Theme Naming: Quattro is the fourth name The Red Comet has used, after Casval Rem Daikun, Edward Mass and Char Aznable.
  • Unfortunate Names: His name is sometimes romanized as 'Quattro Bagina'. And considering the letter B in Japanese is sometimes romanized as a V... you get the idea. It is actually romanized as "Quattro Vagina" in the PS 1 Chars Counterattack game (proven here) as well as the SD Gundam G-Generation series.

Fa Yuiry

Kamille's best friend in his home colony, Fa joins up with the AEUG after they save the escape pod she was in. Determined to prove herself to Kamille and the rest of the AEUG, she undergoes pilot training to try and stay useful.

  • Action Girl: At least enough to make it to the end of the series.
  • Action Survivor: The mecha anime equivalent. She doesn't score any brilliant kills, or take a level in badass, or anything like that, but she survives Zeta Gundam, which is a victory in and of itself.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Alternates between this and Dogged Nice Girl with regards to Kamille.
  • Can't Catch Up: She tries very hard, but the Methuss... well, sucks when compared to other mechas.
  • Chinese Girl
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: A mild example. She's certainly very suspicious anytime Kamille talks to another girl.
  • Dogged Nice Girl: To Kamille. It's not that he doesn't notice her, it's just that there's a lot of other stuff going on in his life right now.
  • Expy: She's essentially a less bitchy Frau Bow: her relationship with Kamille even mimics the one that Frau had with Amuro, albeit with a different ending.
  • Love Martyr: To a degree.
  • Panty Shot: In one episode.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Satomi Arai: In The Movie.
  • She's Got Legs: The ED features her running alongside Haro, letting her show off a part of long and shapely legs.
  • Team Mom: She more or less adopts Shinta and Qum and does her best to try to keep Kamille (and to a lesser extent Katz) stable.
  • Tsundere: Type B/deredere.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: Eventually, after Kamille recovers from loving and losing Four, and the aftermath of what Scirocco did to him.

Emma Sheen

A former Titans pilot, Emma jumped ship to the AEUG after realising what sort of people she was working for. She is close to Kamille and Captain Bekkener, and serves as a substitute mother to Katz Kobayashi, whom she does her best to keep out of trouble.

Henken Bekkener

The captain of the Argama and then the Radish, Henken Bekkener forms close friendships with Kamille Biden, Emma Sheen and the rest of the AEUG pilots. Like Emma, he is often a voice of reason among the AEUG leadership.

Reccoa Londe

Katz Kobayashi

One of the three war orphans adopted by the White Base in Mobile Suit Gundam, Katz eventually joins the AEUG in the hopes of following in the footsteps of his adopted father, and his hero Amuro Ray.

Bright Noa

The captain of the White Base during the One Year War, Bright joins up with the AEUG out of disgust with the Titans. Due to his experiences with Amuro in Mobile Suit Gundam, he has a pretty solid idea of what to expect from Kamille.

Commander Blex Forer

Apolly Bay

  • Big Damn Heroes He does this surprisingly often for a minor character, but he gets extra points for doing it once in the brand new Zeta Gundam.
  • Deadpan Snarker: One of his few personality traits that does shine through. He's constantly snarking, whether about Kamille and Fa, the stupidity of the situation, or even Mineva Zabi's entrance.
  • Mauve Shirt: Leads the Rick Dom's, making him the heroic equivalent of an Elite Mook.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Heroic example, as leader of the Rick Doms.
  • Nice Guy: He might be a quippy former Zeon pilot, but Apolly is very friendly and easy to get along with.
  • Ridiculously Average Guy
  • Taking the Bullet For Fa.
  • Tohru Ookawa: Movie.

Shinta and Qum

  • Bratty Half-Pint: Two of them! They're as annoying or worse than the trio from Mobile Suit Gundam.
  • Chika Sakamoto: Shinta.
  • The Load: Are actively in the way much of the time. Whether it's annoying the engineers, running away or trying to steal the Methuss, they are constantly underfoot.
  • Small Annoying Creature: The opinion of everyone who has to put up with them. Only Fa seems immune.

Karaba and Civilians


Hayato Kobayashi

Amuro Ray

Pilot of the original Gundam during the One Year War, Amuro has gone into semi-retirement in order to deal with his post-traumatic stress disorder. He eventually returns to action, and forms a brief, but close partnership with Kamille.

  • Ace Pilot: He's Amuro Ray.
  • Broken Pedestal: Katz and to a lesser degree Kamille do not take their idol's shellshock well.
  • Demoted to Extra: Only shows up in a handful of episodes.
  • Enemy Mine: "To me, he'll always be Char Aznable, and no one else." He manages to cooperate with him as "Quattro".
  • He's Back: First one: avoiding government agents and then ramming a mobile suit with a transport. His true one is when he pilots the Rick Dias and is able to adapt to the seven years advanced technology and hits Hi-Zacks through a thick fog.
  • Matthew Erickson: In the television series.
  • Older and Wiser
  • Psychic Powers: He can pick up what Four is trying to say more clearly than Kamille.
  • Retired Badass: Was this initially, then he hijacks a transport freighter...
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He's been suffering for years from a combination of PTSD, government-induced paranoia, and his own tendencies to brood and isolate. Feels quite justified at Refusing The Call this time, except he has a very hard time explaining the dangers of war to people like Katz and Kamille.
  • Stern Teacher: Slightly, towards Kamille and Katz. Though he actually he's easy on Kamille, compared to the others.
  • Still Got It: "This isn't a runway!" (Katz). That, or being able to mentally calculate how to take down a mobile armor with a freighter and the exact moment to bail from that plane, all without breaking a sweat.
  • Tohru Furuya
  • Took a Level in Badass: Who needs a Gundam? Between his cargo plane hijackings or attempts to make a one-man action movie rescuing Mirai and her family, Amuro is frequently more interesting to watch without an Mobile Suit.
  • Troubled but Cute: The "cute" part is subjective (Beltorchika certainly thinks so), but the "troubled" is undeniable.

Beltorchika Irma


Kai Shiden

A veteran of the One Year War, Kai was one of the White Base's top pilots, alongside Amuro Ray and Sayla Mass. He returns in Zeta Gundam as a journalist/AEUG spy, operating in the rainforest.

  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Kai is looking Badass in that white suit.
  • Big Damn Heroes: His first appearance has him saving Reccoa from some soldiers who had captured her.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not surprising. Made snarkier in the dub. He says pounding on his cell and calling for help makes him feel better.
  • Demoted to Extra: Like all of his former crewmates, his role in Zeta Gundam is considerably smaller than in the previous series.
  • Face of a Thug: It's better than it was when he was a kid, but at the end of the day, Kai still looks as though his paycheck is coming from a Mafia Don.
  • Intrepid Reporter: And he can appear anywhere at any time, including the Vatican!
  • Knight in Sour Armour: He actually seems to have cheered up a shade or two from being The Eeyore of the last show, but then he doesn't have to be a soldier anymore.
  • Man in White
  • Older and Wiser: Still cynical, snarky and bitter, but he is willing to give far more of a damn about things, care who he allies himself with, and be far less of a needless loudmouthed jerk.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: White suit, fedora and tie.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Holy cow, Kai does a complete 180 in time for Zeta Gundam and the various sidestories going on at that point. Stylish, competent, able to engage in tactical espionage action in the RAINFOREST in a white business suit, all while juggling a career of journalism. To top it off, in sidestories, he comes off as a freaking UC James Bond without his own mobile suit while he kicks copious amounts of ass.
  • Toshio Furukawa
  • Whip It Good: In his first appearance, where he uses a whip on one of the men who was threatening Reccoa.

Frau Kobayashi

  • Hot Mom
  • Love Triangle: Married to Hayato and six months pregnant with his child, but she is only ever seen/portrayed with Amuro, and openly confesses to wanting more time with him; Word of God has Amuro inwardly pissed at Moment Killer Katz.

Mirai Noa

  • Happily Married: Despite Beltochika completely failing to understand this, and being physically separated from her spacebound spouse, Mirai shows a great deal of care for Bright, saying that she raises their two children taking his wishes and feelings into consideration as though he were there. In fact, Beltochika asks her how can that be possible, and Mirai calmly explains that she and her kids know well how hard Bright and co. are fighting out there.
  • Hot Mom: The Art Evolution doesn't make her a super beauty, but she still looks cuter than in the original series.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: The woman almost never loses her cool, whether it's towards Beltochika saying too much, or towards the Hostage Situation she and her kids are forced in.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: With heavy emphasis on the will of iron that goes along with "serenity, patience, grace, acceptance and being a good mommy" while her husband is away.

Hathaway and Cheimin Noa

Wong Lee

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
  • Brutal Honesty: All the time. Needless to say, it gets right under the Argama crew's skin.
  • Jerkass: Though he had a pretty good reason to beat up Kamille, he is pushy and and a jerk to a lot of people on the Argama.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He's actually got the right idea (or, at least, a well-reasoned one that's worth considering) most of the time. It's pretty much the only reason nobody on the Argama ever tries to shove him out of an airlock.
  • Pet the Dog: Gave Shinta and Qum drinks and said children shouldn't be afraid to ask for things.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them: Shoves his weight around the Argama by saying that the AEUG's allies Anaheim Electronics would support him on his attack plans. Even if they were dumb.
  • Stern Teacher: Shades of this before getting Flanderized into a total jerk ass later in the series.

Stephanie Luio

Sayla Mass


Jamitov Hymem

The leader of the Titans, Admiral Jamitov Hymem has grander ambitions than simply running the Earth Federation's State Sec. He hopes to gain control of the whole Earth Sphere for himself, and is prepared to use any means necessary to get that power.

  • Ambiguously Jewish: Jamitov looks like he stepped out of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" or one of the other anti-Semitic tracts the Nazis liked to float around. This is somewhat unfortunate.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Jamitov's ambitions are what get the series started with he and the Titans having amassed so much power within the Earth-Sphere and becoming a major threat to any who get in his way.
  • Beard of Evil: His goatee.
  • Big Bad: Until Scirocco kills and takes over the role.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Commissar Cap: When in uniform.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Killed in Episode 46, allowing Scirocco to take over as the Big Bad.
  • Evil Old Folks
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: We know for most of the series that the Titans aren't just about hunting Zeon, but it takes a little while for Jamitov's true motives to become apparent.
  • Insane Admiral: Literally. He suffers from obvious megalomania and is an Earth Federation admiral.
  • Large and In Charge: Not to Bask's degree, but Jamitov is quite tall and the leader of the Titans.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Non-Action Big Bad: He's the leader of Titans, and the Big Bad for most of the show, yet he never participates in any combat operations in any sort of role.
  • Smug Snake: Jamitov's smart and a survivor, but he also thought a blood pact would be enough to control Scirocco.
  • State Sec: As the leader of the Titans.
  • Take Over the World: A variation. He doesn't want to take over Earth, but to abandon it and take over the Colonies.
  • War for Fun and Profit: Uses the war against the AEUG to secure his own power.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: According to side material, a link, and several scenes throughout the series, Jamitov actually hates Earthlings and is trying to get them into space. He hired a mad dog like Bask to brutalize colonists and stir up rebellion, triggering the collapse of the Earth Federation and a mass exodus to the colonies with him in charge.

Bask Om

Jamitov's Number Two, Captain Bask Om serves as the Titans' field leader. A hulking brute with a pathological hatred of all colonials, Bask is responsible for the worst of the atrocities associated with the Titans' name.

  • Ambiguously Brown: How darkskinned Bask is seems to vary from scene to scene.
  • Bad Boss: Do not question this man's orders.
  • Bald of Evil: He's one of the nastiest characters in the franchise and he's completely bald (although he usually disguises it with his Commissar Cap).
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: More justified in this case than most—he hasn't joined the side that tortured him, after all.
  • The Captain: Addressed as Captain Bask by his subordinates.
  • Colonel Kilgore: He definitely has elements of this.
  • Commissar Cap: Wears one sometimes.
  • Daisuke Gouri
  • The Dragon: To Jamitov.
  • Dragon Their Feet: Was nowhere to be seen when Scirocco blew Jamitov away. He's killed shortly afterwards. Interestingly, the movie trilogy corrects this oversight: Bask is given a scene alongside Scirocco's speech, guessing right away that he killed Jamitov, only to be let himself be baited by Yazan into focusing on the AEUG instead. Pointedly, it's Yazan and not Reccoa who bumps him off later.
  • Electronic Eyes: Maybe. See Eye Scream and Goggles Do Nothing below.
  • Evil Cripple: If the theories about his being blind are true. See Eye Scream below for further details.
  • Eye Scream: According to some sources, those goggles are actually artificial eyes. He left his real ones behind in the Zeon POW camp where he spent most of the One Year War.
    • He still has eyes. In an early episode, he briefly takes off his goggles while talking to Jamaican. Whether they function any is the big question.
  • First-Name Basis: Everyone calls him Bask, including his subordinates.
  • Freudian Excuse: He spent most of the One Year War in a POW camp being tortured by Zeon. Given that this information is only available in side materials it's played as an explanation, not a genuine excuse.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Possibly. No one's sure if Bask's eyes are functional, or if he needs the goggles to see.
  • Insane Admiral: Bask's brutality is so extreme that madness may well be the best explanation for it.
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Large and In Charge: He's the second in command of the Titans (and takes the field more often than his superior officer Jamitov) and towers over most of the cast.
  • Non-Action Guy: He'll slap his subordinates around, and he isn't afraid to lead from the front, but Bask is not a combatant.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Bask stands head and shoulders above the rest of the cast, and has a peculiarly elongated face that looks like it belongs on a far fatter man (Bask is big, but hardly overweight). And that's without mentioning the goggles that he almost never takes off, or his darker skintone.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His goggles fulfill this purpose.
  • Revenge: Side materials hint that the reason why he hates colonials so much is the fact that he was made into a POW and horrendously tortured by the Zeon in the One Year War.
  • Scary Black Man: Maybe.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: If the sidestories are to be believed Bask never really left that Zeon POW camp.
  • State Sec
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: His solution to most problems? Punch them in the face. No, really!
  • Would Hit a Girl: In addition to hitting Reccoa in the face (see When All You Have Is a Hammer above), Bask has no problem with strapping a woman inside of a capsule, ejecting said capsule into space, and then sending Jerid out to shoot it down.

Paptimus Scirocco

I'm merely a witness to history...

An Earth Federation technical officer and fleet commander, Scirocco hails from Jupiter, where he and his fleet were sent to collect helium gas. He is eventually recruited by Admiral Jamtiov when the latter decides he needs reinforcements: unbeknownst to Jamitov, Scirocco has his own ambitions for the Earth Sphere, and is a very powerful Newtype to boot.

  • Ace Pilot: Scirocco pilots the suits he designs flawlessly. He frequently goes toe-to-toe with the likes of Kamille and Char.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Like Kamille, Scirocco is far more interested in machines than people, and has rather poor interpersonal skills (though his Mind Rape powers make up for that).
  • Ambition Is Evil: Much of the conflict in Zeta Gundam is due to Scirocco's lust for power leading him to bump off or manipulate both enemies and allies, leading to many of the people around him being killed or left irreparably broken.
  • Armour Is Useless: Averted by his final mobile suit, The O, which is the only suit in-show to withstand multiple beam rifle bursts with no damage due to its incredibly thick plating.
  • Astral Projection: He has a Newtype battle against Haman where the two of them throw projections of themselves at one another.
  • Badass Bookworm: He's a technician and an Ace Pilot to rival Amuro and Char.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: See Lack of Empathy below. He's pretty much the only Newtype in the Universal Century capable of using his powers to brainwash people.
  • Beware the Superman: The single most sinister Newtype in the UC verse, Scirocco's a shining example of why normal humans were so afraid of them.
  • Big Bad: Graduates from Enigmatic Minion to this after deposing Jamitov.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Haman Kahn at the very end.
  • Bigger Is Better: His ship, the Jupitris, is the largest in the Titans' fleet, and the suits he designs are all decidedly oversized as well. Freud would have a field day. Justified Trope: the Jupitris is actually a transport vessel analogous to the supertankers of today and his mobile suits are all oversized to mount the numerous thrusters and verniers they need to operate in Jupiter's gravity well.
  • Bin Shimada[context?]
  • Bishonen: Scirocco is a 26-year-old, with a handsome face, a feminine, thin frame and legions of female followers.
  • Blood Oath: He gives one to Jamitov when pledging his allegiance to the Titans. It doesn't stop him from perforating Jamitov the moment he gets the chance.
  • The Casanova: A very dark take, using his good looks and charming facade to manipulate multiple women into doing his bidding. He's a gender-flipped Femme Fatale at points.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Scirocco pretty much betrays everyone in order to achieve his goals. If you work for him, hire him, or care about him, watch out: he's just using you.
  • Consummate Liar: Scirocco can talk a good game about the benevolent new world he claims to be making and gives subordinates big speeches on their role in it, but every indication from his constant betrayals and lack of interest in the lives of his followers indicates it's all the well laid facade of a power hungry man.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Sometimes his hair and eyes are purple. Sometimes they are grey. They always match.
  • Cyber Cyclops: Most of the suits he designs, including The O. He's got a very Zeonic preference for monoeyes.
  • Dark Messiah: Sets himself up as one, though what his goals are remain up in the air.
  • Deceptive Disciple: To Jamitov.
  • Despotism Justifies the Means: Despite his protestations to the contrary, it can easily be argued that he's not out for a higher cause and really just wants to rule the world, ideally through a female puppet.
  • Dual-Wielding: The O quadwields with its four arms.
  • Enemy Mine: He and Haman team up at the end to go after Char. They make for a lethal duo.
  • Enigmatic Minion: Starts out this way and works his way up.
  • Ephebophile: Hinted at with his thorough seduction of the fifteen-year-old Sarah Zabiarov, though he never shows any genuine sexual interest in her.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He does seem to have cared about Sarah, to the extent that a man like him ever cared about anything other than himself, as evidenced by his attack on Katz after her death.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He prefers to distance himself from the bloodthirsty actions of his superiors Jamitov and Bask, and at one point, even sends Sarah out to to the AEUG to ruin one of their schemes. Granted, it was for self-serving purposes...
  • Evil Is Bigger: His mobile suits tend towards the large, with The O standing head and shoulders above every AEUG machine in production, and being at least twice as wide.
  • Evil Mentor: To Sarah Zabiarov, Reccoa Londe, Jerid Messa and even Yazan Gable, of all people.
  • Expy: Is heavily based off of Amandara Kamandara a.k.a. Emperor Oldna Poseidal, the Big Bad of the pervious Tomino-directed series Heavy Metal L-Gaim. He himself has several expies in the form of Tassilo Vargo and Ribbons Almark, and a Captain Ersatz in Kurow Kirishima.
  • Famous Last Words: "I won't die alone. I'm going to take your soul with me, Kamille Bidan."
  • Faux Affably Evil: Scirocco tries to come off as polite and reasonable, but as he himself admits, he's just not very good at it.
  • Foil: Given that they're both Newtype Ace Pilot mobile suit designers with Ambiguous Disorders, one can see Scirocco as an older, more jaded, cynical Kamille, with his intelligence amplified into true genius, but his empathy almost completely gone. Moreoever, while Kamille is frequently held up as the epitome of what a Newtype is supposed to be, Scirocco is the posterboy for the bad Newtype, who uses his Psychic Powers for personal gain and plans to lead the world into a darker future.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He was just a minor official from Jupiter, but managed to manipulate his way into becoming the supreme leader of the Titans.
  • Gray Eyes/Purple Eyes: Like his hair colour, Scirocco's eye colour shifts between these depending upon the lighting.
  • Heavyworlder: Scirocco is from Jupiter, and his final mobile suit, The O, is meant to operate in his homeworld's gravity. As such, when flown in outer space or Earth's orbit, it transforms from a heavily-armoured Mighty Glacier to a Lightning Bruiser and becomes even more dangerous.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Decades after the original series ended, Scirocco's exact goals are still shrouded in mystery.
  • Hypocrite: He's always telling people not to make the mistake of underestimating his Newtype powers, but makes the same mistake himself when he faces off against Kamille at the end of the series.
  • Immune to Bullets: Not quite, but very close: The O's thick armor allows it to tank beam fire from the Qubeley's funnels outright, something that no other suit is able to do.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He's stabbed through by the blade of a Gundam, through his machine, into his own physical body.
  • Klingon Promotion: Played with. Scirocco has to knock off two Klingons to consolidate his power.
  • Knight Templar: Scirocco believes that humanity requires an absolute dictator to keep that masses' uncontrolled emotions from ruining the elites.
  • Lack of Empathy: Perhaps best demonstrated by the nature of his Psychic Powers. The defining trait of a Newtype is their ability to perform empathic connections with others, understanding them without misconceptions and drawing on their strength through bonds of friendship. Scirocco simply uses it to better manipulate people, and shows no sign of seeing those he connects with as anything more than useful tools.
  • Large and In Charge: The O is considerably larger than any regular issue suit of its era, or any Gundam that doesn't have "Psyco" attached to its name.
  • Light Is Not Good: Scirocco wears a custom white Titans uniform, but is a ruthless manipulator.
  • Lightning Bruiser: His last mobile suit, the extremely dangerous PMX-003 The O. Justified in that his mobile suits were designed to operate in a Jovian (Jupiter's) gravity well, which is much stronger than the Earth's.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Heavily implied to be his ultimate goal, with Scirocco's claims that he believes it will be a woman who becomes the ruler of mankind, his aligning himself with Reccoa, whom he tells he sees her as an ideal leader and his ultimate Take Over the World goal.
  • Man in White: Scirocco's white uniform, which seems to be unique among the Titans.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Scirocco toys with the emotions of his subordinates and enemies alike in order to provoke the response he wants.
  • Meaningful Name: 'Scirocco' is a powerful Mediterranean wind.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: The O, which he adopts during the last few episodes.
  • Mighty Glacier: The O is designed to be one of these in a Jovian gravity well. Turned loose on Earth it becomes a Lightning Bruiser.
  • Mind Manipulation: Though the exact extent of Scirocco's use of his powers is left purposefully vague, the mental projections Reccoa and other characters see of him heavily imply that he's using his powers to lull them to his side.
  • Mind Rape: Does this to Camille as a retributory strike just before he dies.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Scirocco's bishie looks and magnificent bastardry make him rather popular with the female fanbase.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: The O has four arms, each of which carries a beam saber.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: His psychic powers allow him to be able to sense other Newtypes, as shown when he's able to feel Kamille and later Reccoa's presences when they near.
  • Narcissist: Scirocco isn't totally callous when it comes to his pawns, but he's close enough, and has difficulty seeing them as anything more than his possessions. Even his Utopia Justifies the Means rhetoric has a certain "only I can save the world" edge to it.
  • Not So Stoic: The only time we really see his frigid exterior crack is when Sarah dies, and he forgets all about the psychic battle he was waging just moments before in favor of going after her killer.
  • Playing Both Sides: Plays the Titans, the Axis and the AEUG against one another as he climbs to power. Only Haman Kahn really catches on.
  • Psychic Link
  • Psychic Powers: One of the most powerful Newtypes to ever appear in-series, to the point where he's able to Mind Rape the equally powerful Kamille as he's dying and is more or less broadcasting his presence to everyone in his general vicinity.
  • Renaissance Man: Starship captain, battlefield strategist, psychological mastermind, a smooth-talker, mobile suit designer and Federation ace. He's a busy man.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: He and Yazan Gable form a very twisted variant. Scirocco's a cultured psychological predator, with Psychic Powers, grand ambitions and superb manipulative skills. Yazan's an actual predator with a nearly feral nature, no powers and a direct way of handling problems. They get along very well.
  • Social Darwinist: He views humanity as being separated into masses and elites. Scircco finds the masses to be disgusting as their unchecked emotions hold elites like himself back.
  • Sore Loser: See Taking You with Me below.
  • Space Fighter: The Messala's altmode.
  • The Starscream
  • The Stoic: Beyond a put-on mild mannered politeness, Scirocco speaks in a reserved tone, rarely getting excited or angered even in the midst of the war he's participating in.
  • Super Prototype: The PMX series, the set of unique and extraordinarily powerful mobile suits that he designed and built aboard the Jupitris. Of these, the PMX-003 The O is perhaps the one most iconically associated with him.
  • Take Over the World: Scirocco talks like a Visionary Villain, but since his actual objectives are never made clear (and let's face it, he's far from the most trustworthy person in the Universal Century), his motivations are pretty up in the air. The one thing that is clear is that he wants to rule the world.
  • Taking You with Me: A variation. As he's dying he lashes out with his Psychic Powers and manages to Mind Rape Kamille into a coma.
  • Transforming Mecha: His first mobile suit, the PMX-000 Messala, which transforms into a mobile armour.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Towards the end, he monologues that this is his true objective. Of course, we only have his word to back him up, and Scirocco isn't exactly the most trustworthy person in the Universal Century...
  • Visionary Villain: Supposedly. In case you hadn't noticed by now, Scirocco lies. A lot.
  • War for Fun and Profit: Scirocco didn't start the war with the AEUG, but he's more than willing to manipulate it for his own ends, with the ultimate goal of World Domination.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Seems to be playing this throughout the series.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's either purple or grey depending on the lighting.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Pulls this on Jamitov towards the end.

Jamaican Daninghan

Jerid and Yazan's superior officer, Jamaican is a sycophantic Titans' commander who hangs onto every word Bask and Jamitov say. He and his men chase the Argama throughout the first half of the show.

  • Asshole Victim: Admit it: when Yazan killed him, you either didn't care at all or cheered.
  • Bad Boss: Drives Jerid and Mouar to (temporarily) ally with Scirocco.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Dirty Coward: He was happy to hide behind Yazan and let him soak up enemy fire. In the end, this really didn't work out for him.
  • Keaton Yamada
  • Killed Off for Real: Yazan lures Emma to kill Jamaican for interfering with his bloodlust.
  • Lack of Empathy: Jamaican isn't a psychopath like Yazan or Bask, but he cares about nothing other than his own career.
  • Non-Action Guy: Jamaican is more of an Armchair Military type of character much like Bask and Jamitov: this further contrasts him with the Mobile Suit Pilot Titans.
  • Porn Stache: Jamaican wears his mustache Adolf Hitler style.
  • The Rival: Views Scirocco as his rival within the Titans. Scirocco feels differently.
  • Smug Snake
  • Starter Villain: His entire purpose is to chase Kamille and the Argama for the first part of the show, and then die right around the time that Scirocco, Yazan and the rest of the real threats appear.
  • State Sec
  • We Have Reserves: Jamaican views his soldiers as resources rather than people. While he doesn't deliberately throw them away in futile operations (at one point, ordering Jerid, whom he hates, to stand down lest he die pointlessly), there is no personal care or attachment that he places on their lives. The deaths of grunts are acceptable losses provided they die performing useful operations.

Jerid Messa

"I'll make that pompous fool kneel before me someday."

Kamille's rival, Jerid possesses the personality of a school bully, and the attitude to match. He seeks to one day run the Titans' himself, and to that end, aims to destroy Kamille and the stolen Gundams as a means of improving his reputation.

  • Ace Pilot: Reaches this status around the same time Kamille does.
  • Ambition Is Evil
  • Anti-Villain: He accidentally kills Kamille's mom (believing that the capsule she was in contained a bomb) and is very nasty when he fights, but when he does grow fond of someone else, he genuinely cares for said person and heavily grieves if he loses him/her.
  • Badass Normal: For most the show, Jerid demonsrates no Newtype powers. He's still one of the few people who can give Kamille a run for his money.
    • Badass Abnormal: In the last few episodes, Jerid begins to unlock his Newtype potential.
  • Battle Couple: With Mouar.
  • Blue Eyes
  • The Bully: Has the personality of a classic high school bully.
  • Can't Catch Up: He can never quite reach Kamille's level of skill, though that doesn't stop him from being extremely dangerous, especially when in Unstoppable Rage mode.
  • Cartwright Curse: Falls for Lila and Mouar, both get killed off.
  • Char Clone: In a story where Quattro Bajeena/the original Char Aznable exists, it is almost impossible to notice... but his rivalry with Kamille, his experience of learning about battle and being a person from women recalls a lot of the tensions Amuro and Char had during the One Year War.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He isn't a fan of gassing colonies, but then again, he just follows orders on it and doesn't protest.
  • Foil: To Kamille. They're both young, arrogant ace pilots with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove. Jerid's Jerk Jock persona makes for a marked contrast with Kamille's Insufferable Genius, while his desire for promotions and personal glory, and weak Newtype status, set him apart from the genuinely committed, frighteningly powerful Kamille.
  • Glory Hound: He seeks to one day lead the Titans.
  • Handicapped Badass: Jerid spends a couple of episodes on crutches. He still tracks Kamille and Four across the mountains to deal with them.
  • Hot-Blooded: Hot headed and quick to rush into combat with no real plans.
  • It's Personal: With Kamille.
  • Jerkass: A jerk to almost everyone who crosses his path. Though when you're a member of the Titans, and that's the worst thing that can be said of you, you're diving right into Anti-Villain territory.
  • Jerk Jock: Jerid definitely gives off this vibe. It's easy enough to see him as the quarterback in an 80's teen movie.
  • Just Following Orders: The worst of his crimes are committed while doing this.
  • Kazuhiko Inoue
  • Know When to Fold'Em: Surprisingly, yes. Jerid starts out as a Hot-Blooded idiot, but by the series' midpoint, his ability to tell when a battle has been lost is what makes him officer material.
  • Love At First Punch: He had a crush on Dark Action Girl Lyla, who beat him up at least twice during practice.
  • Necessarily Evil: How he views the worst of the Titans' actions.
  • Not So Harmless: Repeatedly.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He and Mouar are a romantic variation. He's the red to her blue.
  • The Rival: To Kamille.
  • State Sec
  • Super Prototype: Becomes a test pilot for numerous new models, including the Gabthley, Byarlant and Baund Doc.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Jerid evolves from a worthless Villain of the Week to an Ace Pilot in a Super Prototype mobile suit, whose threat level is near Big Bads Haman and Scirocco. Even Haman herself was shocked durring his Unstoppable Rage at her after she attempted to assassinate Jamitov: he would have killed her had the AEUG not interfered. He's also responsable for killing Apolly near the end.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Gabthley.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Mouar.
  • Unstoppable Rage: You do not want to fight Jerid after killing one of his allies. You really don't.
  • Weak but Skilled: He's not the Titans' top pilot, but he tends to give a remarkably good accounting of himself despite weak/nonexistent Newtype powers and a long line of inferior suits.

Yazan Gable

"I'm gonna violate you!"

A Titans officer with a love of bloodshed, Yazan is the most powerful Oldtype pilot introduced in the show. Raised by a mother who disdained all trappings of culture, Yazan is an almost feral predator, who lives only to prove his superiority.

  • Ace Pilot: One of the Titans' best Mobile Suit pilots.
  • Anime Hair: Part-bouffant, part-Mohawk, part-mullet, part balding... it's quite the look, ain't it?
  • Axe Crazy: Downplayed. Yazan is dangerously insane, but his evil, rather than his madness, recieves the most emphasis, and his general characterization is that of a brutal uncaring thug rather than a cackling madman.
  • Badass Normal: Yazan is neither a Newtype nor the pilot of a Super Prototype. He still kills more AEUG members than any other Titan, at a point in the show when those without special abilities or suits were generally being relegated to the backburner. Kamille lampshades this during their first battle, noting "He's got lots of experience, but I don't feel any psychic pressure. He's just strong."
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Blood Knight: Yazan's always spoiling for a fight: he enjoys both the adrenaline rush of combat and the chance to kill AEUG members.
  • Book Dumb: An uneducated brute, but far from stupid. Most of his victories, in fact, come from outsmarting the opposing pilots.
  • The Brute: Yazan is the Titans' and then Scirocco's attack dog. He's invaluable due to his cunning, viciousness and skill as a pilot, but is never promoted past Lieutenant because he's simply not the kind of guy you give any real authority to.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Yazan's an ambush predator by nature. He utilises the terrain, decoys, team attacks and anything else that will give him an advantage. The man may be a Blood Knight, but there's no Honour Before Reason.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Subverted: he refused to partake in a gassing operation, but this is because he prefers to kill one-on-one.
  • Evil Is Not Pacifist: Yazan is a serious war-junkie, joining the Titans so he would have an excuse to act on his violent impulses. Without war, he'd be in serious trouble.
  • Extra Eyes: The RX-139 Hambrabi features five Zeonic monoeyes, allowing it to see in all directions.
  • Flawed Prototype: The Gaplant was rushed into production and has a blind spot. This does not stop Yazan from being very dangerous with it.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Yazan has no respect for females who think they can fight.
  • Hero-Killer: Kills Katz, Henken, Reccoa and Emma (all in the space of one episode), arranges for the death of Jamaican and one of the Argama's Bridge Bunnies, and damn near kills Kamille himself on several separate occasions.
  • Hochu Otsuka
  • Karma Houdini: Although he does get his ass kicked by Kamille near the end of Zeta Gundam, he still manages to escape with his life and remains at large, as proven near the beginning of ZZ Gundam.
    • It doesn't end there. He's somehow still serving as a pilot for the Federation in the 0090s (according to the manga MSV-R: The Return of Johnny Ridden). Further supplementary materials reveal that he lived out a long and peaceful life, eventually retiring from the service and finding his way back to the Shangri-La colony, where he was hired by a now grown up Leina as a night watchman at the Ashta family's scrapyard.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: Killing Jamaican.
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: Gets Emma Sheen to fire at him, than dodges so that the blast will hit Jamaican, whom he hated.
  • Momma's Boy: His mother, with her disdain for education and intellectualism, definitely left her mark on her thuggish son, who has nothing positive to say about his father.
  • Politically-Incorrect Villain: His misogyny is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Psycho for Hire: The first one to appear in the franchise, and the prototype for all the ones that follow. If you're a fan of Ali Al-Saachez or Decil Galette, thank this guy.
  • Put the Laughter In Slaughter
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Manly Man to Scirocco's Sensitive Guy.
  • Shoulder Cannon: The Hambrabi has two.
  • Slasher Smile: Just look at that grin!
  • The Sociopath
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Type II. He joined the army so that he would have the chance to kill people without going to prison.
  • State Sec
  • Terrible Trio: He forms one with wingmates Dunkel Cooper and Ramsus Hasa.
  • Transforming Mecha: Pilots a Gaplant and then the Hambrabi.
  • Unfriendly Fire: Is nearly shot down by the Alexandria's guns when Jamaican opens fire on Kamille during a battle between the two of them. He later arranges for Jamaican to die in a very similar fashion.
  • Villainous Friendship: Played with. Yazan is clearly incapable of empathy. Yet it's just as obvious that he at least enjoys the company of both Scirocco and like minded psychopaths Dunkel Cooper and Ramsus Hasa.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Whenver he's out of uniform.
  • Would Hit a Girl: In Yazan's own words, the AEUG are made up of "women and children". He still thoroughly enjoys killing their members.
  • Would Hurt a Child: As his quote above shows, he believes his enemy's line has children as well as women and he loves getting to hurt the children that make up their ranks whenever he gets the chance.

Mouar Pharaoh

A Titans officer who rescues Jerid during his time on Earth, Mouar becomes Jerid's closest friend and constant companion upon his return to space, eventually revealing that she has a crush on him.

Four Murasame

One of the Cyber-Newtypes produced in the Titans' labs, Four Murasame is the original pilot of the Psyco Gundam. Bereft of her memories by the Titans' experiments, Four is willing to do anything to get them back. She and Kamille share a brief romance when they meet off-duty.

Rosamia Badam

The first, and arguably craziest, Cyber-Newtype introduced, Rosamia is a psychological mess. Encountering Kamille during her time off, she latches onto him as a substitute for her deceased brother.

Sarah Zabiarov

A young Titans' officer, Sarah is nursing a tremendous crush on Paptimus Scirocco, which she is naive and/or brainwashed enough to think he returns.

Kacricon Cacooler

Ben Wooder

  • Badass Normal
  • The Captain
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: See Villainous Valour below.
  • Elite Mook
  • The Good Captain: He's a bad person, but he sincerely seems to care about his men and the mission.
  • Just Following Orders: Fully believes that a soldier's task is to follow any and all orders he receives, regardless of their morality.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Perfectly willing to hold Four's desire for her memory over her head.
  • Mauve Shirt
  • Smug Snake: He's arrogant, overconfident and more than willing to use Four's desire to get her memories back against her.
  • State Sec
  • Villainous Valour: When Four goes AWOL, Wooder pilots the Psyco Gundam into combat himself, despite not being a Newtype and having no real idea of how to use it. At the end, with all his mobile suits shot down, and Four and the Psyco out of commission, he orders everyone off the ship, and crashes it into the Audhumla to stop it from escaping. The members of his crew who stay behind with him display similar valour.

Gates Capa

The last of the Cyber-Newtypes, Gates is seemingly cheerful young man who isn't above using his manipulative skills to get what he wants. He works closely with Bask Om and the Titans' researchers, and is Rosamia Badam's partner in the last stages of the war.

Gady Kinsey

  • Enemy Mine: Initially dislikes Scirocco, but eventually has his ship join up with the former's fleet. In the movies, Scirocco trusts him enough to let him come along with his other loyal retainers to the meeting with Axis.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In Episode 42, he claims his ship has engine problems and can't help with the gassing of a colony.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He lets Haman disable the Colony Laser, then the AEUG takes it back from Haman and proceed to fire it, killing Gady and destroying his ship.
  • Nice Hat
  • Smug Snake: Though higher functioning than Jamaican.

Other Earth Federation Personnel

Lila Milla Rira


Haman Khan

The leader of the Axis Zeon, Haman Khan is a former 'friend' of Char Aznable, and regent to Mineva Lao Zabi. She plays both sides of the conflict against one another, before eventually siding with the Titans. She is The Big Bad of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (see ZZ's character sheet for more on that).

Mineva Zabi

Dozle Zabi's daughter, Mineva is the last living member of the Zabi family. While she appears to be the ruler of Zeon, it quickly becomes apparent that the seven year old girl is totally under the domination of her regent and Evil Chancellor Haman Khan.

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