< Mobile Suit Victory Gundam

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam/Characters

League Militaire / Earth Federation

Uso Evin

  • Accidental Pervert: How many times does he go through Marshmallow Hell?
  • Ace Pilot : Of mobile suits, para-gliders and hovercrafts. Uses all styles throughout the series, but prefers Bushwhacking.
  • A Sinister Clue: Not too apparent because his mother taught him to use both hands. This also the reason why his mother fitted the targeting sensor on the V2's left "eye".
  • Badass Bookworm: The library is the first thing he visits, and his friends know it too.
  • Blood on These Hands: He got over several of these moments. Most notably, he personally took a woman (and her children) to the grave of her husband, even though (and because) he was the one that had killed him.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Break the Cutie
  • Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive: He joins the tips of his fingers when he won't tell two women from the shrike team who's prettier, amusingly enough.
  • Chick Magnet : The number of older women who tease him is staggering... might be because the kid is a Cute Shotaro Boy. They don't end well.
  • Child Soldier : Trained by his own mother no less.
  • Combat Pragmatist
  • Cool House: His house looks like a simple wood house, but has a basement with a supercomputer (albeit an outdated one), spare electronic equipment, data banks filled with scientific, technological and historical information, a independent backup generator and finally a mobile suit simulator.
  • Cool Pet: The Badass Haro his Dad built for him, that doubles as a Killer Rabbit. After all, it can scare away enemies with machine gun noise, uppercut the ones who do get close, create bubbles that can be used as a holographic projector or protection from the vacuum of space and does grab Uso so that he doesn't fall to his death. Best of all though, it can pilot the Gundam.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy
  • Daisuke Sakaguchi: In his debut role.
  • Determined Homesteader: Well he tries, but is forced to leave anyway.
  • Dual-Wielding: Averted, until he combines two beam sabers to form a much longer one. And even then, it's only for a few seconds.
  • Gundamjack: Even though he didn't do this to get his Gundam, stealing the enemy ace pilot's mecha while said pilot is flying it after crashing on it with a paraglider warrants a mention.
  • Guns Akimbo: He uses it correctly since he is trained to use both hands and he just uses the rifle closest to the target.
  • Heroic BSOD : Due to the nature of this series, he suffers several of them. The most notable one is after he recovers his mom's helmet with her bleeding, severed head inside.
  • Hurting Hero
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Uso learned a lot about mobile suit technology, and trained on simulators that his dad left him, well before even getting into that Shokew.
  • Improbable Age: Yes, he's a pilot at age 13. More or less justified because his mom designed his Gundam *and* because of his life in Kassarelia. Hell, Chronicle gets razzed a fair amount just because he kept getting beat by Uso.
  • It's All My Fault: He is prone to believing he could have prevented someone's death, but he manages to get past these moment and it doesn't result in a Guilt Complex.
  • Just a Kid: Takes advantage of this whenever he can.
  • Nice Guy: He's a very kind boy outside the battlefield.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Several times, like with Lupe's "interrogation" and the Bikini Babe Assault.
  • Reluctant Warrior: As with most Gundam protagonists, even though he really doesn't want to fight, he is forced to pilot both because his homeland and his friends are threatened and because he is just that good a pilot.
  • Shoot the Bullet: Blink, and you will miss Uso shooting Katejina's beam while he is fighting Chronocle for the last time.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Uso/Üso/Usso Evin/Ewin/Ebbing
  • Teach Him Anger: Godwald taught him to not hesitate in killing if he had the chance as a parting gift, which does increase Uso's effectiveness as a pilot and most likely allowed him to survive the war.
  • Trauma Conga Line: He suffers several of these, perhaps one of the most notable being when the shrike team starts dying.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Even when not taking into account of how well he handles emotional trauma, he is far more mature when compared to his peers (Shakti, Odelo, Warren, etc., who cope like normal kids would) and perhaps even some adults.

Shakti Kareen

Marbet Fingerhut

  • Ace Pilot
  • Action Girl
    • Pregnant Badass: She's in the early stages of pregnancy in the last episodes, and after the Grand Finale she has a HUGE baby bump. Not only that, but being pregnant saves her life when she and Uso are fighting Fuala, she senses the baby inside her and is left confused by the concept of giving birth, which letts Uso sweep in and attack.
  • Cool Big Sis
  • Her Heart Will Go On
  • No Periods, Period: Subverted: in episode 38 she feels like crap and Odelo tells Uso that it may be because of her period. In a further subversion, it's actually morning sickness -- the first sign that she's pregnant.
  • Team Mom
  • Tsundere (to Oliver)

Oliver Inoue

Odelo Henriks

Warren Trace

Suzy Relane

Elischa and Martina Kransky

Karel and Tomache Masarik

The Shrike Team (Junko Jenko, Connie Francis, Mahelia Merril, Kate Bush, Helen Jackson, Peggy Lee. Later also Francesca "Franny" O'Hara, Miriella Katan and Yuka Meirash)

Mueller Migeru

  • Action Girl
  • Badass Damsel: When captured by the Zanscare
  • Hot Mom: Uso's.
  • Hot Scientist: A very beautiful blonde with stunning Green Eyes. A genius-level engineer who designed and built mobile suits.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: This woman suffered one of the nastiest deaths in the whole franchise. See below.
    • Off with His Head: She got this while being held in a mobile suit's hand, and with a huge spaceship tire. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!

Hangelg Evin aka Jinn Generham

Other Members

Zanscare Empire

Fonse Kagatie

Queen Maria Pia Armonia

Chronicle Asher

Katejina Loos

  • Absolute Cleavage: Most memorably after she kills off the last member of the Shrike Team ( Connie) and proclaims that Chronicle and Uso are fighting for her love.
  • Ace Pilot
  • Adrenaline Makeover - Evil Is Sexy: As she loses her composure and acquires fighting/piloting skills, her hair flows more and she also gains more visible cleavage.
  • Ax Crazy: By the end, she pretty much tries to kill anyone that irks her. Even if it is a 13 year old who is trying to save her.
  • Becoming the Mask: She appears to have done this, but actually she had switched sides near the beginning of the series at least since Chronocle saves her from getting raped and had tricked the kids into believing she had been trying to spy for the League Militaire. This also results in Uso being even more reluctant to kill her.
  • Badass Normal: After receiving military training from Chronicle. Subverted in the novel, where she became an artificial newtype.
  • Blondes Are Evil: Not so much at the beginning, but at the very end... WHOA.
  • Brown Eyes: Through often rendered red in fanart.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Twistedly, she genuinely loves Chronicle but also genuinely wants Uso (and just about everyone else) to love her.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Her reaction to the plan to use Uso' mother as a human shield was pretty much "Dude, this is a dick move."
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: In the beginning, it was already bad enough when she was a sociopath who had difficulty understanding righteousness to the point that she thought that Uso had to delude himself into wanting to protect Marbet and herself, but by the end she's reached the point where just the influence of Shakti's pacifism makes her sick, thus triggering a murderous rampage.
  • Face Heel Turn: She starts by helping Chronicle get into the Victory Gundam, and it escalates from there.
  • Femme Fatale
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Ends up a blind, amnesiac shell of a woman. Word of God even said that "for people like Katejina, death is the easy way out, although he also said on another occasion that he felt guilty for making her so evil and felt this punishment was also the best chance she has at future salvation, so this trope may not apply forever.
  • It's All About Me: A defining aspect of her personality. Early on it's a bit hard to spot, but her lack of consideration for her father and the fact that she let Shakti take care of baby Karlmann as soon as she could were early warnings of what was to come.
  • Lighter and Softer: Super Robot Wars Destiny noticeably tones down both her behavior and Chronicle's in the Victory Gundam plot, effectively turning them into the closest thing the Zanscare Empire has to Token Good Teammates. Unsurprisingly, this was done so saving them doesn't seem like a terrible idea.
  • Love Makes You Evil: A very twisted example.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Especially towards Uso and Chronicle.
  • Rescue Romance: She fell in love with Chronicle after he rescued her from a rapist.
  • Rich Bitch
  • Shotacon - Ephebophile: Even though she tries to repress it, she develops a slight attraction for Uso after she sees him pilot the Victory.
  • The Sociopath
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Chronicle.
  • We Have Reserves

Tassilo Vago

Fuala Griffon

Duker Iku

Renda de Paroma

Lupe Cineau

Arbeo Pippiniden

Kwan Lee


Other Zanscare troops

  • Antagonist in Mourning: Several examples, as per usual Gundam Fare
  • Honor Before Reason: After killing his two subordinates for being a coward (Barker) and a rapist (Trampu), Gira decided to either return in glory or die trying. Naturally, when he finds out he was defeated by a 13 year old, young enough to be playing, he can't take it.
  • Majorly Awesome: The leader of the Utari Gira trio came very, very close to killing Uso, despite piloting a relatively outdated grunt suit.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Gary Tan, who in his urge to avenge Sabat pilots a barely tested mobile suit under the effect of painkillers, and when his mobile suit is destroyed even tries to shot at the cockpit with a pistol.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Kisharl and Karinga. OUCH.
  • You Have Failed Me...: Zanscare is perhaps the most severe example of this troupe in the franchise, since there are several death penalties.
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