< Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ/Characters
Judau Ashta
- Ace Pilot: Goes without saying as a Gundam protagonist, but what's notable is that he had to grow into it. The first time he pilots a Gundam, all he does is flail around wildly all over the place. It's quite notable that he became good enough to pilot the Zeta Gundam better than Fa, an experienced pilot, in the space of a few episodes, however.
- Andrew Francis: His English VA for Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 onwards
- Badass: Unlike the previous Newtype heroes, he isn't a pushover and more than willing to push back if pushed. Just ask Wong whom he floors with one kick after Wong attempts to pull the same shit he did with Kamille. Also see Berserk Button below. It says a lot when you can make a major villain CRY out of fear. It's also been speculated that he's the most powerful newtype in the UC era.
- Badass Grandpa: In a side manga, he fights against the Zanscare forces in his outdated (stated in-universe to be outdated by at least 60 years, enough that even Mook mechas there are more hi-tech) ZZ Gundam (which is missing more than half of its original parts and even left with PEG LEG) called the Gump at about 80 years of age and kicks ass
- Berserk Button: Word of advice - do NOT try to harm one hair on Leina's head. Go ahead, just ask Haman who actually became scared when she sensed his pure rage (which then manifests to every Newtype in the city as a skyscraper-sized demon) after she grazes Leina with a bullet.
- Big Brother Instinct: Oooh, boy...
- Blue Eyes
- Chick Magnet: Well, Puru saw him as some kind of big brother. The same can't be said of Elle and Roux, of course...and then there's Haman!
- Delinquent: His classmates and teacher in Shangri-la seems to view him as this.
- Everyone Can See It: His... complicated relationship with Haman. The Argama crew even start formulating battle strategies around it.
- Expy: Has more than a few Char traits. Fitting, since ZZ was going to have Char as the hero until Tomino got the green light for Chars Counterattack. Lampshaded by Haman.
- Heroic BSOD: After Leina's apparent death, and then after Puru's REAL death.
- Heroic Build: As an early Shirtless Scene demonstrates, he's astonishingly ripped for a fourteen-year-old.
- Honor Before Reason: Gets like this towards the end.
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero: Has some elements of this.
- Kazuki Yao
- Last-Minute Hookup: with Roux
- Likes Older Women: His primary love interest is Haman, who's about 8 years older than him. He also ends up with the older Roux.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: A favourite hobby.
- Teens Are Short: His lack of height is the biggest indicator that he's younger than the average Gundam protagonist.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Subverted. He looks pretty damn weird in a dress.
Leina Ashta
- Little Miss Badass: She's no fighter, but she's got enough stones to call the Federation government out on their bullshit mere minutes after getting shot in the gut. The kid is tough.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: For Judau. She's actually very sensible for her age.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Or, more accurately, Dropped A Mobile Suit On Her. Only Sayla's timely intervention saved her.
- Disney Death
- Go-Go Enslavement: A rather milder example than most, but it's still creepy the way Glemy forces her to wear various dresses among other things after he kidnaps her. Dude's got issues.
- Little Miss Snarker: At times
- Maya Okamoto
- Only Sane Man
- The Heart: Fills this role in Judau's ensemble.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Elle Vianno
- Ace Pilot: A strong contender for top pilot on the Argama, reliably dishing out the hurt in the hopelessly obsolete Gundam Mk. II.
- Action Girl
- Badass Abnormal: Her Newtype powers don't really start to develop until late in the series. By then, she's already proven her chops as an Ace Pilot, and they're just a nice little bonus.
- The Chick
- Eriko Hara
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair of Gold
- Instant Expert: Despite being a weak Newtype, she's an incredibly fast learner, taking to mobile suits like a duck to water.
- Shorttank
- Tsundere
- Tomboy
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Judau and only in the anime. In the manga, she and Judau are Platonic Life Partners.
- Weak but Skilled: She's a none-too-powerful Newtype in a hopelessly outdated mobile suit. Still gets the job done.
Roux Louka
- Ace Pilot
- Action Girl: An Ace Pilot and Lancer to Judau. She's also the most experienced pilot in the Gundam team and remains the second-best.
- Badass Abnormal: In much the same way as Elle.
- Combat Pragmatist: She doesn't really believe in fighting fair, mostly because her opponents tend to be far bigger and nastier than she is.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: She's never much of an ice queen, but she treats Judau and company like kids for a while.
- Establishing Character Moment: Her first appearance involves sneaking up behind a hulking junk dealer and smacking him over the head with a metal pipe.
- Guile Heroine: She's far more likely than the rest of the Gundam team to use flirting and trickery to get out of a tough situation. Unfortunately, this results in her picking up a dangerous, persistent, and annoying Stalker with a Crush by the name of Glemmy Toto.
- Kelly Sheridan: Her English VA for the Dynasty Warriors: Gundam series.
- The Lancer
- Last-Minute Hookup: With Judau. To be fair, it's not entirely out of the blue.
- Naoko Matsui
- The Rival: To Elle and only in the anime. In the manga, they're more friendly to each other.
- Sixth Ranger
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: More of a violet-blue, but you get the idea.
Beecher Oleg
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Shades thereof with Elle. They're basically Kamille and Fa 2.0.
- Character Development: Starts off as a selfish punk, and grows up quite a bit over the course of the show.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Initially. It's less a matter of malice, and more immaturity - he keeps looking for the easiest way out. He eventually does rejoin the heroes and stays with them.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- The Rival: To Judau.
- Surfer Dude: Has a bit of this accent in the English Dynasty Warriors: Gundam games.
- Those Two Guys: With Mondo for a while.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Elle. Until they get a Last-Minute Hookup in the anime.
- The Lancer
Mondo Agake
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Along with Beecher. Like Beecher, he eventually does rejoin the heroes and stays with them.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Mondo is voiced by Majin-buu?!
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Love Hurts: The girl he falls for, Rasara Moon, gets Killed Off for Real. Sniff.
- Mr. Fixit: He was the Shangri-La salvage team's mechanic, and is surprisingly good with machinery.
- The Big Guy: Despite being the shortest among his peers.
- Those Two Guys: See above.
Iino Abbav
Elpeo Puru
- Bird Run: "Purupurupurupuru..."
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Glemmy tried it to get her under control. He didn't expect it to last. He was right.
- Chieko Honda
- Child Soldiers: A fine demonstration of why using these is a really terrible idea.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: To Judau. Given that she's ten (and not very mature for her age), the self-centredness is unsurprising.
- Cute and Psycho: She hasn't really started to develop a moral compass yet. Being raised by Glemmy didn't help, and neither did being a Cyber-Newtype.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: During their battle with the Psyco Gundam, she used her wrecked Qubeley to shield Judau from an incoming energy blast, then telekinetically hijacked the Psyco's reflector bits to fry it with its own guns. Needless to say, she didn't survive.
- Enfante Terrible
- Heel Face Turn: Started as Glemmy's secret weapon, but soon ended up joining Judau and the Argama.
- Heroic Sacrifice: See Dying Moment of Awesome above.
- Killed Off for Real
- Little Miss Badass
- Mysterious Past: It's never quite established who she was before Glemmy got his hands on her.
- Psychic Powers: One of the strongest Newtypes in the series. She had help.
- Troubling Unchildhood Behavior: All over the place. Glemmy is a lousy Parental Substitute.
- Super Soldier: She's a Cyber-Newtype.
- Tyke Bomb: It... didn't work out so well. She's the reason Glemmy uses hypnotic conditioning to brainwash his subsequent Newtype pilots.
- Unskilled but Strong: As a pilot and Newtype. She is, after all, ten years old.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: She's confirmed to be a Cyber-Newtype halfway through the series.
Bright Noa
Torres and Saegusa
- Killed Off for Real: Saegusa
- Love Hurts: Poor Torres
- Those Two Guys
- What the Hell, Hero?: Torres does this to Cecilia
Neo-Zeon / Axis
Haman Khan
- Attack Drone: On the Qubeley.
- Badass: Possibly the best pilot of the entire Neo Zeon War, routinely handing ungodly-powerful Super Prototypes their backsides with her ageing Qubeley. Even after she disabled half her funnels to make her final battle with Judau a fair fight, she still fought him to a draw. No two ways about it, the lady is dangerous.
- The Baroness
- Big Bad
- Broken Bird: So much so that when she meets her first genuine idealist in years, she alternates between trying to manipulate him, kill him, and make out with him.
- The Chessmaster
- The Cynic: Haman refuses to believe that people can accomplish anything positive. Judau's insistence otherwise is another part of why she's so curious about him.
- Dark Action Girl
- Driven to Suicide
- Ephebophile: Given her intentions towards Judau. The reasons are very, very complicated.
- Evil Matriarch: To the nominal ruler of Zeon, the seven-year-old Princess Mineva Zabi. Or not, as it turns out.
- Evil Redhead
- Foe Yay: With the much younger Judau.
- Honor Before Reason: Refuses to use too many of her Quebeley's funnels in the final battle against Judau, reasoning that such tactics would be unfair.
- This would also be Love Makes You Dumb then, seeing as how she had no problem doing this to anybody else.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Her central philosophy.
- Iron Lady
- Lady of War
- Lonely at the Top: A big part of why she's drawn to Judau. Silent Voice, the second OP, is pretty much all about it.
- Love Makes You Evil: Her crush on Char did bad things to her.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: If you buy her last name should be Khan.
- Pet the Dog: An retroactive example. It turns out that Mineva Zabi, the seven-year-old puppet who she's apparently been heartlessly manipulating throughout the war, is actually a Body Double. The real Mineva hasn't been seen since the end of the Gryps Conflict, and Gundam Unicorn confirms that she spent her childhood in safety and obscurity. It seems the calling-out she got from Char during Zeta Gundam had an impact after all.
- Psychic Powers: She's a Newtype.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Karn, Khan, Kahn?
- Tall Redhead And Bishoujo
- Unusual Weapon Mounting: The Qubeley's tail-mounted attack drones give it a very insectoid appearance.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Once upon a time, long, long ago.
- Villainous Crush: Has a truly warped one on Judau. Given that he's got most of Char's good qualities—and reminds Haman of what she was like at his age—this isn't really surprising.
- We Have Reserves: Notes after Mashymyre's death that "all this means... is that the number of resources available to me has decreased by one"... though her tone of voice suggests that she's trying to convince herself of that.
- Woman Scorned: Is driven by her anger towards Char. It's worth remembering that they never actually had a relationship - she just crushed badly on him in the years after the One Year War, and he let her down.
- Yoshiko Sakakibara
Mashmyre Cello
- Anti-Villain: Pretty much the only reason the Argama crew have a chance against him at first is because of his sense of fair play and desire to avoid civilian casualties. The Dublin colony drop essentially breaks him, and he drops the 'anti' from then onwards.
- Bad Boss: Becomes this after crossing the Despair Event Horizon, even ordering the assassination of a mutinous subordinate during a battle.
- Benevolent Boss: Cares greatly for his men in the early parts of the show, with his few moments of carelessness easily explained by his clueless naivete.
- Despair Event Horizon: Having to command the Dublin colony drop pushed him over this - he even gives away Haman's rose, claiming he's no longer worthy of it.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Once failed to register a lecture on tactics from Haman because he was too busy staring at the dictator of Neo Zeon's cleavage.
- Ensign Newbie: As green as the grass at the start of the series, much like his foes on Shangri-La.
- Honour Before Reason: His early-series personality in a nutshell.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: See Laughably Evil, below.
- Kenyuu Horiuchi
- Large Ham: Easily the hammiest character in the series.
- Laughably Evil: at first. Then...
- Love Martyr: Hopelessly in love with Haman. It didn't work out too well for him - see Tragic Villain, below.
- Mr. Imagination: Constantly gets distracted by flashbacks to Haman's lectures on Axis. They probably didn't happen the way he thinks they did.
- Spared by the Adaptation: In Super Robot Wars 64 if the conditions are right.
- Suck My Rose
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: After he gets upgraded to an Artificial Newtype.
- Taking You with Me with Dying Moment of Awesome: After he gets caught in a shocking wire trap that is about to destroy him and his MS, he pulls one of the enemy wires to bring one close enough to crush the mobile suit's head and hangs on while his MS explodes.
- Took a Level in Badass: But his sanity went to Hell afterwards.
- Tragic Villain: Started off as a naive but good-hearted young man, but his puppyish devotion to Haman led him to do horrible things to himself and other people until he was merely a broken, nihilistic shell of a human being.
Kyara Soon
- Anime Hair
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Especially when piloting a suit.
- Cloudcuckoolander: She makes the average Cyber-Newtype look normal. Then she gets turned into one herself. It doesn't help.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dying Moment of Awesome with Somewhat Heroic Sacrifice: She holds off the Puru clones to allow Judau and Haman to have their final confrontation at the cost of her life. She also grabs a hold of one of the Puru clone's MS to take one with her when her MS explodes.
- Marshmallow Hell: Does this to Judau while tempting him to aid her escape.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Spared by the Adaptation (In Super Robot Wars 64 if the conditions are right.)
- Spell My Name with an "S": Kyara Soon or Chara Soon?
- Stripperiffic: For some reason, all the Neo Zeon personnel we see get turned into Cyber-Newtypes end up wearing much less afterwards, but it's particularly pronounced with her.
- Talkative Loon: When in a mobile suit cockpit. Initially, it's due to acute space-sickness. Later, it's... not.
- Token Evil Teammate: For the time she's on the Argama as a prisoner.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Her initial opinion on piloting mobile suits - she gets space-sick very easily. Her opinion make a complete 180, though, after she discovers that it was just wearing a pilot suit that was making her ill.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Glemmy Toto
"My mama once told me... to be a man I must prove my aggressiveness to a woman"
- Ambition Is Evil
- Apocalypse Hitler: He's a clone of Gihren Zabi, the UC's equivalent of Hitler, and he manages to make an already horrific war worse by adding a civil war element and armies of clones to it. Justified as he was given power by Haman and the others who cloned him, and then used that to gain still more.
- Bishonen
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blue Eyes
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Glemmy is...different.
- Char Clone: Blonde-haired mastermind? Chillingly cold manipulator? Lots of little girls? Judau might have gotten Char's good qualities, but Glemmy got his bad ones.
- The Charmer: He's able to charm most people he meets, either by getting them to see him as a) likeable or b) totally harmless. He is neither.
- Cloning Blues: Not only did he clone Puru, he himself is a test tube baby with the DNA of Gihren Zabi.
- Clones Are People, Too: He and Gihren have the same charisma, evil, and manipulative ability, but the similarities stop there.
- Death by Irony: In the anime, he is killed by Roux, the girl he had a crush on. In the manga, however, it is Judau who kills him off.
- Despotism Justifies the Means: He seeks to recreate the Zabi dictatorship over Zeon, and eventually, the world.
- Dragon with an Agenda: Towards Haman.
- Enemy Civil War: Triggers one.
- Eviler Than Thou: With Haman late in the show.
- Expendable Clone: How he treats the Purus, plotting to create an entire army of them.
- Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: See the bishie pretty boy up there? Arguably the most depraved villain in the show.
- Faux Affably Evil: Is revealed as this as the show progresses.
- Fluffy the Terrible: "Glemmy Toto" isn't exactly the most terrifying name out there. Be honest—how many of you ended up picturing the dog from Wizard of Oz the first time you heard the name?
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Goes from being a joke pilot in a joke squadron led by a joke commander to arguably the true Big Bad of the show.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Thanks to the defecting Beecher and Mondo's "info", he thought Judau and Roux were an item early in the anime. May be Hilarious in Hindsight, as they do end up together in the end.
- The Heavy: Of the big-name villains, he's the one who gets the most screentime, with Haman generally being a more distant menace.
- Hopeless Suitor: Has a huge crush on Roux, which she scornfully and thoroughly ignores... unless it serves her purposes, of course.
- In the Blood: And given whose DNA he shares this is a very bad thing.
- Lack of Empathy: A major part of his character - for instance, when it seems he's lost Leina and Puru, his first thought is annoyance at how many hours he wasted training them. It's also what makes his pursuit of Roux so creepy - he basically sees her as a possession to be obtained, rather than an actual person.
- Laughably Evil: He's initially like this in the anime - he's still not a nice guy, but he isn't particularly threatening. The manga plays him more seriously from the start.
- Lolicon: There are some creepy hints, particularly in his interactions with the Purus and Leina. Since he's only a teenager himself, however, it's not what you'd call definitive evidence.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Noble Demon: Initially appears to be one. It rapidly becomes quite obvious that he isn't.
- Not So Harmless: Starts off as a likeable, somewhat ridiculous young man. He eventually turns against Haman and sparks a devastating Enemy Civil War.
- Rousing Speech: Seems to have inherited his genetic donor's gift for them, turning much of Neo-Zeon over to his side with one speech.
- Smug Snake: In the manga, where they turn his arrogance and viciousness up while leaving out most of his entertaining qualities.
- Spanner in the Works: His attempted coup d'etat pretty much saves the Earth Federation and the AEUG from Haman by splitting her forces.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Glemy, Glemmy?
- Stalker with a Crush: To Roux, after she flirts with him to escape capture. It gets really creepy, really fast.
- The Starscream: To Haman late in the show.
- Stepford Smiler: One interpretation of many of his lines early on imply he's screaming inside as he forces smile after smile.
- Teens Are Monsters: He's 17.
- Tsutomu Kashiwakura
- Undying Loyalty: To the concept of Zeon as embodied by the Zabis. To individual rulers, not so much.
- Villainous Crush: On Roux. She does not reciprocate.
- You Cloned Hitler: More of a You Cloned Gihren Zabi?!
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Callously abandons Elepo Puru when she fails to live up to his requirements.
Rakan Dakaran
- Badass Normal
- Beard of Evil
- Blood Knight: And he's none too fussy about whether his foes can fight back.
- The Brute
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expy: He's a skilled, impressively durable, and quite conscience-devoid oldtype pilot with some major deaths to his name. In other words, he's Neo Zeon's answer to Yazan Gable, with some discipline and command talent thrown in.
- Hero-Killer: He takes out Hayato and Mashymyre before Judau finally brings him down.
- I Fight for the Strongest Side: Which is why he switches to Glemmy's faction.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's got a fondness for big, fast, and heavily-armed suits. His first suit, the AMX-009 Dreissen, is a descendant of Zeon's infamous Dom family (read - a massive lump of armour with thermonuclear thrusters), and he only goes up from there.
- Scary Black Man
- Sociopathic Soldier
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Blood Knight: Given that she was basically built for combat, it's none too surprising.
- Chieko Honda
- Child Soldiers: She never had much of a childhood, though.
- Cloning Blues
- The Dragon: To Glemmy.
- Evil Twin: To Elpeo Puru.
- Heel Face Turn: After Glemy's death in the final moments of the anime, and right before she dies.
- Little Miss Badass
- Naked on Arrival: How Glemmy stores her before her activation, further driving home that he sees her as a weapon rather than a human being.
- Psychic Powers: A powerful Cyber-Newtype.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Puru, Ple?
- Super Soldier
Gottn Goh
- Bad Boss/Benevolent Boss: A bit of both. He's very devoted to the soldiers under his command, but civilians like Beecha and Mondo don't fare so well.
- Beleaguered Assistant: To Mashymyre and Kyara. He tries his best, but...
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- The Chew Toy: Gottn has the absolute worst luck.
- Combat Pragmatist: Fights far dirtier than his boss, Mashymyre - he doesn't care as much about civilian casualties, and will happily use hostages, ambushes, and human shields to further his plans.
- Evil Genius
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He tries to blow up the Argama with a bomb smuggled aboard a crowded civilian transport. Cecilia returns it to sender.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: He's a far more talented strategist and tactician than either of his commanding officers aboard the Endra, but shows commendable loyalty to them nonetheless.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Though he's much nastier and more competent than Mashymyre, it's counterbalanced by his impressive loyalty and appalling luck.
- Only Sane Man: On the Endra. The poor, poor guy.
- Surrounded by Idiots: He does care for his men, but it's impossible to deny that they're... not exactly the brightest sparks on Axis.
- Undying Loyalty
- The Cutie
- Knight of Cerebus: The very rare non-villainous example. After her death, the series becomes more and more serious...
- The Mole: She's a spy for Neo Zeon. She gets caught and harshly called out for it. And then...
- Redemption Equals Death
- Shrinking Violet
- Tender Tears: Lampshaded by the title of her episodes: Tearful Cecilia.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Torres's.
Emily Ounce
- Arms Dealer: She's the captain of the supplies base La Vie En Rose. And she dies when it's blown up.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: To Bright, not knowing that he's married. She eases up on it later.
- Hair of Gold
- Spell My Name with an "S": Emily or Emaly? This being Gundam, both are equally likely.
Sarasa and Rasara Moon
- Creepy Twins: Less than other cases, but still.
- Kill the Cutie - Love Hurts: Rasara dies tragically in her beloved Mondo's arms.
- Miko: Really weird example
- Nubile Savage: Sorta.
- Yuriko Yamamoto: Both of them
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