Super Robot Wars 64

Super Robot Wars 64 (Sūpā Robotto Taisen Rokujūyon) is a strategy role-playing game for the Nintendo 64. Released in October 1999, this is the only entry for the Nintendo 64. Notorious for having loads and loads of stages, a rather complex branching system, and many original mecha the Shadow-Mirror would base theirs off of (or outright use).
Series in Super Robot Wars 64
- Aura Battler Dunbine
- Banpresto Originals (not a TV or movie series)
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner
- Demon-God of War Goshogun
- Getter Robo
- Getter Robo G
- Shin Getter Robo
- Giant Robo (debut)
- Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3
- Invincible Super Man Zambot 3
- Mazinger Z
- Mobile Suit Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
- Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
- Mobile Suit Gundam F91
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
- New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (The mecha show up only as secret Mid Season Upgrades)
- Six God Combination Godmars (debut)
- Super Beast Machine God Dancougar
- Super Electro Robo Combattler V
Tropes used in Super Robot Wars 64 include:
- Attack Drone (The Sazabi and Qubeley's Funnels, Geymalk's Macro Funnels, Nu Gundam's Fin Funnels, Rose Gundam's Rose Bits, Soldifar's Bit Gun and Ashcleef's Splash Breaker.)
- An Axe to Grind (Getter-1, Getter Dragon and Shin Getter Dragon.)
- BFG (The Wing Gundam's Buster Rifle, Dancougar's Dancouhou Formation, Zeta Gundam's Hi-Mega Launcher, Giant Robo's Rocket Bazooka, Tallgeese II and Tallgeese III's Mega Cannons.)
- Badass (Master Asia and Albert the Shockwave and they get to fight each other at one point.)
- Back from the Dead (Dr. Hell as the Grand Marshall of Hell)
- Big Good (Banjou Haran)
- The Blank (The Mobile Dolls)
- Blood Knight (Ghosterro and Yazan Gable)
- Car Fu (Grandasher)
- Chest Blaster (Breast Fire, Getter Beam, Breast Burn and Hanjuuryoku Storm.)
- Cyber Cyclops (The mecha the Zeon and Titans pilot and the Death Army.)
- Char Clone (Trope is taken to logical conclusion when Zechs works with Neo Zeon and Char Aznable to start the colony drop of Axis.)
- Colony Drop (Devil Axis)
- Combining Mecha (Getter Robo, Zambot 3, GP-03 Dendrobium Orchis, Godmars, Dancougar, Simurgh Splendid, Super Earthgain, and Combattler V.)
- Cool Mask (Duke Fleed)
- Cool Shades (Quattro Bajeena)
- Crapsack World (Earth was taken over by the Muge Zolbados Empire.)
- Deadly Upgrade (Hyper Leprachaun and Hyper Galava)
- Demonic Invaders (The Mycenae Empire and 100 Demons Empire.)
- Demoted to Extra (Goshogun, Zambot 3, Vigna Ghina, the F91 Gundam, EZ-8 Gundam, Apsalas II and their respective pilots are the only characters that show up from their respective series. Daitarn 3 at least gets its supporting characters.)
- Dual-Wielding (The Simurgh Splendid and the Gundam Sandrock.)
- Eldritch Abomination (Emperor Muge Zolbados)
- The Empire (Muge Empire and the Milky Way Empire)
- Enemy Civil War (Treize defects from the OZ/Titans alliance and creates his own faction. Drake, the Black Knight and Todd also defect from Byston Well.)
- Energy Weapon (Gundam and Layzner Units)
- Everything's Better With Spinning (Choudenji Spin, Drill Pressure Punch and Daisharin Rocket Punch.)
- Evil Overlord (Muge Zolbados, Burai and Emperor Zul)
- Extremity Extremist (Vyrose)
- Face Palm of Doom (God Gundam's God Finger and Master Gundam's Darkness Finger.)
- Fairy Companion (Cham Hau)
- Feather Flechettes (The Simurgh and the Simurgh Splendid)
- FemBot (Aphrodite A, Diana A, Venus A, Minerva X and Ginrei Robo.)
- Fish Out of Water (According to Katz, Brad rarely goes outside of his training method, so he gets awkward in normal situations)
- Game Breaking Bug (If the Player takes a real robot hero and chooses the Oz road, a bug will occur (the player will not be able to play with Daitarn 3 anymore during the game).)
- Glass Cannon (Dunbine and Billbine)
- God Save Us From the Queen (Empress Janera)
- Heel Face Turn ( Gale, Aina, Kyral Mekirel, Todd, Rose, Marg, Aina Sahalin, Elpe Puru, Puru 2, Mashmyre, Kyara, Rosamie, Four and Allenby given certain conditions.)
- Face Heel Turn ( Quattro Bajeena becomes Char Aznable and becomes leader of Neo Zeon during the game.)
- Heel Face Revolving Door ( The rival characters if you convince them and Anavel Gato in a certain route.)
- Gundamjack (GP-02)
- Heroic Sacrifice (Musashi sacrifices himself to take down Avi Ru.)
- Hotblooded Sideburns: (Kouji and Tetsuya)
- Hot Wings (The Elblus)
- Human Aliens (The Gradosians)
- Karmic Death (Shapiro Keats gets one at the hands of the woman he used and abandoned)
- The Kid with the Remote Control (Daisaku Kusama)
- Macross Missile Massacre (GP-03 Dendrobium Orchis, Giant Robo and the Gundam Heavyarms)
- Magitek (Dunbine Units)
- Mecha-Mooks (Zeon and the Titans use these. There's also the Mobile Dolls.)
- Meta Mecha (GP-03 Dendrobium Orchis)
- Mid-Season Upgrade (Dijeh SE-R to Gundam Mk-III if the player takes a certain route to Nu Gundam for Amuro. GP-01 to GP-01 FB to GP-03 for Kou Uraki. Getter Robo to Getter Robo G to Shin Getter Robo for the Getter Team. Svanhild to Rathgrith Custom. Soldifar to Ashcleef. Gundam mk-II to Zeta Gundam for Kamille.)
- More Dakka (Gundam Heavyarms)
- Motion Capture Mecha (Mobile Fighters)
- Nuke'Em (GP-02)
- The Ojou (Relena Darlian/Peacecraft and Manami Hamill)
- Old Save Bonus (Goshogun, Zambot 3, Vigna Ghina and the F91 Gundam if the player has played and beaten Super Robot Wars Link Battler.)
- Physical God (Zul)
- Power Gives You Wings (Wing Zero Custom and the Simurgh Splendid.)
- The Power of the Sun (Sun Attack)
- Precision-Guided Boomerang (The Simurgh and Simurgh Splendid)
- Psychic Powers (Newtypes and Ginrei)
- Ramming Always Works (V-MAXIMUM)
- Redheaded Hero (Brad)
- Red Oni, Blue Oni (Brad and Katz)
- Robeast (Mecha Oni, Warrior Beasts, Saucer Beasts, Magma Beasts and Vega Beasts.)
- Rocket Punch (Arm Punch, Rocket Punch, Iron Cutter, Atomic Punch, Drill Pressure Punch and Screw Crusher Punch.)
- Shock and Awe (Thunder Break and Space Thunder)
- Sinister Scythe (Gundam Deathscythe and the Double Harken)
- Social Darwinist (Ru Kain)
- Sphere of Destruction (Stoner Sunshine and Bloody Howling.)
- Sprite Polygon Mix
- Spiritual Successor (The mecha in this game would be revamped into the Mecha from Super Robot Wars Advance.)
- This Is a Drill (Getter-2, Getter Lyger, Drill Spazer, Drill Pressure Punch, Screw Crusher Punch and Shin Getter-2)
- Transforming Mecha (Zeta Gundam, Ashcleef, Double Zeta Gundam, Getter Robo and Combattler V.)
- Tyke Bomb (Allenby, Puru, Four and Rosamia)
- Vichy Earth
- Villain Team-Up (The Titans work with OZ. Neo Zeon works with Prime Minister Wong.)
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