< Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Depending on your view, Chara Soon after taking out a bunch of Perus to prevent herself from becoming insane. As well as the troubled Haman Kahn and Glemmy Toto from the TV Series.
  • Complete Monster: In the manga, Glemmy definitely fits the bill. He lacks the sympathetic qualities his anime counterpart had (for example, his crush on Roux) and is immediately shown to be a serious threat - in sharp contrast with Mashmyre, who retains his Anti-Villain characterization - and to be coldly manipulating Puru. At the end of Volume 1, we are shown Puru being cruelly brainwashed in order to make her into a subservient weapon. When a Neo Zeon scientist expresses concern for the girl's life, Glemmy dismisses him as "too soft", and when Judau manages in Defusing the Tykebomb, Glemmy sorties to kill Puru himself. He doesn't manage to, but still... And in Volume 2, It Got Worse: in an attempt to lure out the Near Argama, Glemmy has civilian villages bombed and massacred, and when the Near Argama crew does intervene, Glemmy sends out Puru-2 to kill Judau and Puru - and shedoes manage to kill the latter. When, during the final battle, Judau calls him out on his actions, Glemmy just smirks and tells him that a few sacrifices have to be done for a lofty goal such as the reconstruction of the Zabi family. Of course, Judau tells him to shove it.
  • Contested Sequel: And how.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Plenty during the first half, and there are still some after the Cerebus Syndrome sets in.
    • Sometimes count as Mood Whiplash. Like the time Bright is forced to defend the Argama against oranges. Five minutes later, Saegusa's dead.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Haman Karn.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: As far as some fans are concerned, this series never happened. Then again, others will take ZZ over A New Translation any day. Whatever.
  • Fan Dumb: Quite a number of Western fans delude themselves that Tomino never directed the first half, apparently unfamiliar with half of the mans works.
    • It's not so much that he didn't direct period, it's just that he had a far less "hands-on" approach to it due to him pitching Chars Counterattack at the time.
    • Definitly applies to Zeta fans when it comes to this series who disregard it simply for not being Zeta.
    • There's also a huge amount of Char fans that hate Glemmy Toto and claim he is a failed Char Clone. While Glemmy does have parallels to the darker sides of Char, his character mainly relates to Gihren Zabi from Mobile Suit Gundam so much so that it's even lampshaded in the series. A few Haman fans also get angry that Glemmy threatened to steal her thunder as well.
  • Foe Yay: So, so much between Judau and Haman. At times, it borders right on the edge of Dating Catwoman, and their final duel almost reads like Axis and the AEUG have decided to Leave the Two Lovebirds Alone.
  • Magnificent Bastard: There is Glemmy Toto, who along with having his own agenda and managing to keep it under wraps until the big reveal, flies up the ranks quickly in order to get close enough to Haman. And managed to charm her for a while too. Only to use his new status and popularity to form his own faction, giving a riling speech to the people of Zeon to motivate them to fight for his side. He also believed in handling things in a sophisticated manner. His ultimate goal is to see Zeon united under the Zabi rule, believing their method to be the most successful. He tried to accomplish this not only by winning the crowd over, but also creating clones to use as military weapons, being one of the first big bads to use clones in the Universal Century. And although he was ultimately defeated by Judau and Roux, his actions did make an impact on Zeon while he was alive. And he managed to accomplish all of this at the mere age of seventeen.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Puru and Kamille go utterly batshit when Dublin is destroyed via Colony Drop. The split-second image of Puru, who was not in the best mental health to begin with, spasming in terror is one of the most unnerving images in the entire franchise. At least for some people.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Judau's first meeting with the much-despised Wong Lee ends with the former kneeing the latter in the gut.
  • Villain Decay: Yazan. After being the resident Complete Monster of Zeta and miraculously surviving the final battle thereof, he's subjected to repeated embarassment at the hands of the ZZ cast before being forced to leap from a flying mobile suit. With a poncho for a parachute. You could almost feel sorry for him... almost.
    • Actually, he makes a couple of blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameos after this, so he may have at least managed to pull a Karma Houdini.
    • Especially considering he manages to kill one more significant member of the Argama crew before the decay sets in.
    • Fanon tries to explain this away as a combination oxygen deprivation (after being shot out of his suit at the end of Zeta) and hunger (being forced to live like a bum for a majority of his appearance). That might make his situation A Fate Worse Than Death.
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