Mike J

Hello, I'm a British Person.
Mike Jeavons, or MikeJ, is a British person and a reviewer on That Guy With The Glasses. His shows include Shameful Sequels, which looks at inferior movie sequels and Hang on a Second, which is essentially a show about Fridge Logic. More recently he has begun a show looking at the output of The Asylum in an uncharacteristically positive So Bad It's Good fashion, called Asylum Seeker. He has his own site here and he can be found here, here and here.
Mike J provides examples of the following tropes:
- Anachronism Stew: According to him, Food was invented when some guy got bored killing kittens for lulz and ate one, England is cast in total darkness every so often, there is a 87 foot lemur (which is really a whole bunch of lemurs) in the countryside, and goats are the dominant species.
- Blatant Lies: His "facts" about Britain.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Mentions he just finshed having sex with his sister in his first review, uses it to Book End "season 1" in fact.
"Not really! (Beat) It was my cousin!"
- He jokes about him and his sister having children.
- Really, it's a bit of a Running Gag. Apparently, it applies to all British people, as seen in the Halloween 2 review, where special guest star Welshy proved his British-ness by claiming to have had sex with his sister, a sheep, and cheese on toast.
- The Cameo: Ashens, Sad Panda and Welshy all briefly appear in his crossover review with Film Brain.
- Cardboard Pal: In one episode he has a cardboard cutout face of Film Brain on a stick with a ventriloquist's-dummy mouth; all it ever says is Film Brain's Catch Phrase "SYMBOLISM!!"
- This has since become a recurring 'character', and his Ace Ventura Jr. review also had "The Nostalgia Critic", which was actually an obviously female guest wearing a cardboard Nostalgia Critic mask.
- Cargo Ship: With aforementioned cardboard cutout. In-universe.
- Catch Phrase:
Hello, I am a British person.
- Christmas Episode: Two parters of Santa Buddies in 2009 and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2 in 2010.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Often comes across as this.
- Comically Missing the Point: After being sarcastically told by Guru Larry that a bad scene was Oscar-worthy, he points out that TV films can't be nominated.
- Companion Cube: A cardboard cut-out of Film Brain who only can say: "Thymbolysm!"
- Cool Pet: He has snakes as pets.
- Crossover:
- He reviews National Lampoons Xmas Vacation 2 with Guru Larry.
- He also is in Forget About It: Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Sad Panda, Welshy, Masako X and Film Brain.
- He reviews Matrix Revolutions with Film Brain.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Despair Event Horizon: Due to watching Baby Geniuses 2
- The Exit Is That Way: To Guru Larry as he attempts to escape from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2.
- Follow the Leader: Probably coincidence, but The Happy Video Game Nerd had a psychotic sock puppet before he did.
- Fridge Logic/Fridge Brilliance/Fridge Horror: "Hang On A Second" is dedicated to looking at examples of fridge trope moments in (good) films.
- Hypocritical Humor: Lampshades the bad clichés National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 2 does, before doing the exact same joke.
- Mental World: He goes to one containing versions of the other British critics when he reviews Matrix Revolutions. If he doesn't complete the review in time, something terrible will happen to him in real life.
- Nice Hat: A bowler with teabags attached.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Much of his humor relies on Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick.
- Sequelitis: The premise of his segments.
- Separated by a Common Language: The title of his show Asylum Seeker is a pun based on it being about him looking for good parts in the films of The Asylum, while the phrase "asylum seeker" is often (and stereotypically) used by British Newspapers hostile to immigration about immigrants seeking political asylum. Foreign viewers may not get the reference.
- Shirtless Scene: Film Brain almost gets one in the Matrix Revolutions crossover review, but Mike J stops him.
- Something Completely Different: His review of American Wedding/Pie 3 was done entirely in rhyming couplets.
- Spot of Tea: Features prominently in his videos, to the extent that he can't function without one.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: During Sharktopus (on Asylum Seeker), he notes one of the characters was in Epic Movie, then claims he's never seen Epic Movie... not at all.
- Values Dissonance: Played for laughs in-universe. He will sometimes make a pretty offensive offhand remark, and explain how it is okay, because it is apparently a normal British viewpoint/practice.
- What the Hell, Casting Agency?: After finding out both Baby Geniuses 2 and Karate Dog have the same screenwriter and star Jon Voight, he figures the former must have naked photographs or something of the latter.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: If he doesn't finish his dream review of Matrix Revolutions before 7:30 AM in reality, something terrible will happen....
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