Forget About It
Panda: What do I do in my videos?
Masako X: Uh...well,
Panda: Exactly. I do "Well-uh-you-see-uh-ooh-uh-ooh-ah".—From the Monty Python and the Holy Grail review.
Rollo T: Your photoshop artist is going crazy while we argue.
—From the Back to The Future review
Sad Panda's other strange show on That Guy With The Glasses. As outlined in the first episode, he tries to review movies that he hasn't seen in along time and doesn't quite remember well. This being Sad Panda, the results tend to be...weird does not even begin to cover it.
It shares several elements with Sad Panda Q and A, such as the surreal humor, random non sequiturs, and a plethora of Take Thats against Welshy. But he probably got it wrong, so Forget About It.
- Arc Welding: Anytime Welshy appears (in real life, not with his head photoshopped onto a sheep), he tries to get Panda to start working on the Q & A again.
- Badass Spaniard: Meta Rodriguez.
- Non Sequitur Scene: Happen with just as much frequency as Sad Panda Q and A. Hell, they’re usually invoked.
- Biting the Hand Humor: The entire Kickassia video.
- Non Sequitur Scene Episode]]: Birdemic. And that is saying something.
- Bow Ties Are Cool: And neckties are lame.
- Breathless Non-Sequitur
- Call Back:
- He says that the theme song in Ghostbusters was really popular and that the audience will be happy to hear it again, then plays “Bust a Move” instead. Later in his Back to The Future video, he says how the movie’s score was really popular and that the audience will be happy to hear it again. Then he plays the Ghostbusters theme music along with clips from The Frighteners.
- In his Lord of the Rings review he makes several X-Men jokes about Gandalf, since Ian McKellen also played Magneto. He makes similar jokes in the X-Men review, including recycling the Street Fighter scene.
- The Cameo: Occasionally other reviewers appear at the end of the episode to say his catch phrase. Several British reviewers also appeared in his review of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
- Captain Obvious: “For better viewing experience, please use your eyes.”
- Catch Phrase:
- “But I probably got it wrong, so forget about it.”
- “Well motherfucker.”
- Cluster F-Bomb: His attmept at an "angry review" is simply saying "shit shit vagina shit fuck...shit".
- Department of Redundancy Department: In the Harry Potter video.
- Did Not Do the Research: One of the few places where this is invoked.
- Dream Within a Dream: It wasn't exactly surprising that this was used during the Inception review.
- Emotionless Boy: They removed Panda's heart and replaced it with Cheddar Bay Biscuits.
- Face Palm: “If only I could make emotion that would involve the palm of my hand and my face to express how I’m feeling right now.”
- Fake-Out Fade-Out: Invoked in the Rocky review, where he does a quick(er) recap of the series and then it sifts to the usual ending, with the caption reading "Fake premature endings are so funny". It happens again less than a minute later.
- Hilarious Outtakes: A seperate video was made for the Monty Python video. Not because there were so many, but because Film Brain spent four minutes straight cracking up and giggling.
- Hypocritical Humor: Welshy appears at the end of the Spider-Man video to say how there probably won’t be a cameo at the end of the video.
- Insane Troll Logic: Some of the jumps in logic he makes when summarizing the show are odd.
- Insert Coins for Subtitles
- In the Style Of: He first tries to review things in the styles of The Nostalgia Critic, Phelous, Nash, and Todd in the Shadows.
- Meaningful Background Event: In his review of Inception, you can see the title card for Forget About It: Suburban Knights.
- Metaphorgotten: In the Highlander review.
Panda: Truly showing that when your first ever tagline is “There can be only one”, doesn’t mean there can only be one movie that makes sense and then a billion things that are not connected to it, and are obviously created to milk a cow that’s been dead for so long that the entire nation of India should sue the producers for complicated analogy on an internet show.
- Mid-Review Sketch Show: A truly...bizarre one occurs at the end of his Pirates of the Caribbean review involving the panda puppet and an Assassin's Creed action figure. Also doubles as a Non Sequitur Scene.
- Mind Screw: Many, specially in the photoshopped pictures (as one of the opening quotes shows).
- Money, Dear Boy: Panda’s reasoning why Jack was brought back for the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie. And he’s probably right.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Frequent, specially in the TGWTG Top Ten List.
- Overly Long Gag: The Meta Rodriguez theme song.
- Overused Running Gag: Apple pie! Apple pie! Apple pie!
- Pandaing to the Audience: The panda hand puppet.
- Patchwork Map: In the Kickassia episode.
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud: In the Kickassia episode, although he realizes this soon after and then does them correctly.
- Real Song Theme Tune: "Where is My Mind?" by The Pixies.
- Running Gag: Photoshopping Welshy’s face onto random and embarrassing places.
- Self-Deprecation
- Sliding Scale of Silliness Versus Seriousness: Panda lives on the silly end.
- Something They Would Never Say: Welshy knows Panda is dreaming because he's being factual and intellectual.
- Take That: Panda takes several shots at Channel Awesome producers and others.
- From the Highlander Episode: "Now if you're a video producer like me, you will not overreact, and be reasonable about it. And not do something stupid like trolling the guys that do Riff Trax. That would be silly. (picture of Spoony, who had an infamous shouting match with Bill Corbett over Twitter after Rifftrax riffed Highlander.)"
- Talking to Himself: Once due to time travel, once due to schizophrenia, and once due to Rule of Funny.
- Title Drop: His catchphrase.
- Top Ten List: The Top Ten TGWTG Reviewers (which just for starters, has only 7 entries...).
- Visual Pun
- Your Head Asplode: “Your mind right now *boooom* Whaaaat Uuuup! Right?”