< Mawaru Penguindrum

Mawaru Penguindrum/Characters

This page lists the characters of Mawaru Penguindrum and the tropes associated with them. Be warned; there are spoilers ahead.

Major characters

Shouma Takakura

The younger male of the Takakura household, Shouma is the resident Yamato Nadeshiko despite being male. And the only full-blooded Takakura child, since Kanba and Himari were adopted. (And he, in fact, brought Himari into the family). Having been tasked with obtaining Ringo Oginome's diary, he seems to be developing an odd relationship with her.

Voiced by: Ryohei Kimura

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Shouma is usually nice and quite the pushover, but he threatens Kanba with violence in Episode 1 when he responds to Himari's death lightly and later tries to choke Ringo in Episode 8 when she states that the Takakuras's image of a happy family is a fabrication.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Rescues Himari from the Child Broiler when she's passed out on the conveyor belt to the incinerator.
  • Bishonen
  • Break the Cutie: As of Episode 23, it looks like the world is REALLY out to break this poor dude and those in his surroundings.
  • Butt Monkey: Not to the extent of his penguin, but when a frog gives birth on your back you know you are one of these.
    • He also gets drugged in two separate episodes, and chronologically only a few hours between incidents.
    • Even more so when, in episode 15, he tries to rescue Ringo from Yuri... and slips on a bottle thrown by #2, hitting his head and ending up unconscious.
  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to his adoptive brother Kanba's Cain. (With Masako as a secondary Abel, to a lesser degree.)
  • Distress Ball: Catches a big one in episode 10, courtesy of Masako.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness + Heroic BSOD: When Himari dies in episode 12, he lapses into this and recites a metaphorical story involving three lambs, the shepherd, and two bunnies. He gets better when Sanetoshi brings Himari back in episode 13.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: He tells "I love you" to Ringo before his Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: The seventh audio drama reveals that his friend Yamashita has a crush on him.
  • The Fatalist: Especially in episode 12.
  • Foil: Serves as one to Ringo. The two of them are trying to help their families through bizarre means, but he keeps a more level head and often tries to discourage her from unsavory means.
    • Also one to Kanba. While Kanba is willing to go to borderline illegal methods to get Ringo's diary, Shouma tries to approach Ringo first and make her give it up willingly. Not to mention, Kanba is more accepting of their parents's stance, while Shouma strongly resents them for what has happened. And then there's episode 21....
  • Green Eyes
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • House Husband: One in training, basically. Lampshaded when Himari sees him and Ringo cooking and is reminded of their parents.
  • Informed Flaw/Hollywood Homely: ... He's supposed to be merely plain-looking?!
  • Japanese Pronouns: Boku, as befitting his "non threatening dude" traits.
  • Made of Iron: The guy is hit by a car and yet barely suffers bruises and bumps. Lampshaded by Kanba:

Kanba: Don't worry, you didn't break any bones. It's just some minor bumps and bruises. The doctor is amazed at how mild your injuries were!

Shouma: "I’ve always thought I was a more pathetic and helpless person than I seem to be on the outside."

Kanba Takakura / Kanba Natsume

The eldest of the Takakura siblings. However, he is actually Masako and Mario's biological brother and was adopted by the Takakuras when his father died. Kanba is known to be quite a playboy, having had several girlfriends in the past. He seems to harbor a deep affection for Himari, bordering on Brother-Sister Incest.

He's also involved with several shady connections, revealed to be the Penguinforce group his parents are affiliated with, in order to gain enough money for a cure to Himari's illness.

Voiced by: Subaru Kimura

  • Badass: Enough to chase down a delivery truck on a bicycle in order to get Himari's hat back.
  • Bishonen
  • Big Brother Instinct: Has a huge one for Himari, bordering on...
    • Brother-Sister Incest: Sorta sealed with the infamous kiss in the first episode. Made even more canon when he and and a practically naked possessed!Himari share a last reunion in the Princess's world... before both the Princess and Himari temporarily die.
      • Episode 19 reveals that this is subverted, since they are Not Blood Siblings. Not only that, but episode 21 provides a hilarious inversion of Not Blood Siblings: Masako, who's been aggressively pursuing him romantically the whole series, is his biological sister, and both of them knew it the whole time.
    • Knight Templar Big Brother: As of episode 21. He has fully joined the Takakura parents's faction, all to save his adoptive sister Himari's life.
    • In flashbacks, it's also revealed that he bargained with his father so that Masako and Mario could go home to the Natsume family and only he would remain involved with the dangerous Kiga Group.
  • Cain and Abel: As the Cain to Shouma (and Masako)'s Abel(s).
  • Deal with the Devil: Made a deal with Sanetoshi so he would save Himari's life. The costs will come later and finish in a Face Heel Turn and Redemption Equals Death.
  • Determinator
  • Face Heel Turn: As of Episode 21. He becomes the leader of the Kiga Group.
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Green Eyes
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Not a full one, but he does nearly lose his arm in Episode 18 in trying to prevent Himari from falling from a construction site.
    • Played straight in the last episode, alongside Shouma.
  • Japanese Pronouns: Ore, to remark on his Fiery Redhead and "tough guy" traits.
  • Kick the Dog: There's nothing better than him curb-stomping Shouma and then saying they're not brothers anymore in episode 21, to fully mark his Face Heel Turn.
  • Ladykiller in Love: For Himari.
  • Love Hurts: To protect Himari, he's willing not just to sacrifice himself (as shown by Episode 18), but to harm or kill others (seen when he stages the death of the shady reporter who was asking around.) And then we have his Face Heel Turn.
  • Love Makes You Evil - Took a Level in Jerkass .
  • No Guy Wants to Be Chased: He tells Himari that really hates it when girls cling to him or offer him cutesy gifts to gain his favor. Naturally, Masako isn't fazed by it, and she fills the maze of episode 10 with these things specially to get under Kanba's skin.
    • It's pretty strongly implied that Masako is the reason why Kanba finds these gestures of affection so disturbing in the first place.
  • Oh Crap: He's openly shocked and almost terrified in episode 11, when he meets Mario adter several years... and leans about him being Masako's other motivation.
  • Out-Gambitted: By Masako in episode 10. While Kanba did rescue Shouma, she still got what she wanted the most from him... a kiss.
    • Also by Sanetoshi. After he brings Himari back, he manages to trap Kanba in a Deal with the Devil... like he also seems to have done to Masako.
  • Promotion to Parent: Tries to be a parental figure for Shoma and specially to Himari, having promised such things to Mr. Takakura when he was a child.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: In episode 5 during the truck chasing scene, we can see his underwear... it is... well... pink.
  • Redheaded Hero
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Shouma's Red.
  • Ret-Gone: In the final episode, as a result of having the entirety of his life-force returned to him, then transferred to Himari by the diary.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang
  • Team Dad
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Wants to make Kenzan proud because his real father considered him the "wrong choice".
  • Would Hit a Girl: But only when she opposes him and presses her foot to his crotch. Then, he will kick her legs and trip her. You should've thought twice, Masako.

Himari Takakura

The youngest sibling of the Takakura household. She is actually an abandoned child; after getting her out of the "Child Broiler", Shoma offered her a place in the Takakura family and she has been the brothers' beloved baby sister ever since. Himari has very poor health and actually dies at the start of the series; her death sparks the plot once the penguin hat that she has revives her, demanding that the Takakura siblings obtain the "Penguindrum".

Voiced by: Miho Arakawa

Ringo Oginome

A student from an all-girls school who gets roped into the plot after Himari's possessor orders the Takakura siblings to obtain the "Penguindrum" from her. A very strong believer in fate and destiny, Ringo possesses a diary with events written down on it that she has taken upon herself to fulfill. She's obsessed with Keiju Tabuki, whom she has known ever since childhood, to the point of stalking and attempted rape. She befriends Himari, has a rather weird relationship with Shouma, and turns out to have multiple issues coming from her sister Momoka's death and her parents's divorce.

Voiced by: Marie Miyake

  • A-Cup Angst
  • Badass: She climbed up from the pit that Himari's possessor dropped her into, broke her handcuffs and punched her in the face, fed up with the verbal abuse from said possessor..
  • Because Destiny Says So: A firm believer in it. Possibly not as much as of episode 13.
  • Bob Haircut
  • Break the Cutie / Break the Haughty: (Depending on what you think she is) Seeing her father with another woman and a little girl who asks him to become her dad, having (half of) her prized diary stolen, watching her friend Shouma get hit by a car and knowing it's all because of her may count. As a result, in episode 10 she's willing to actually give up on the Diary if it's needed to save a kidnapped Shouma, and ultimately does so, which kicks off her Character Development.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Catch Phrase: "DESTINYYY!" She drops it after her return to sanity.
  • Character Development: As of Episode 13, Ringo seems to have come to terms with the fact that she can't patch up her family by becoming her older sister Momoka. She's even happy about her father's new marriage when she texts him, compared to a few episodes before.
    • And even before that, in episode 10, she's willing to give up the other half of the destiny diary in order to save Shouma from Natsume, who's taken him hostage and demands it in exchange for his release. This would've been unthinkable before.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She is not happy seeing Yuri at Tabuki's apartment.
  • Dead Older Sister: Momoka, who died on the day she was born.
  • Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: On both ends of the trope. In episode 8 she makes an unsuccessful attempt to drug and rape Tabuki to have him impregnate her; then in episode 14, Yuri drugs and almost rapes her since she loved her older sister Momoka and sees Ringo as a Replacement Goldfish.
  • First-Name Basis: With "Himari-chan". On the other hand, she refers to the twins by their first names ("Kanba-kun" and "Shouma-kun") whereas they call her "Oginome-san".
  • Foil: For the Takakura brothers, but Shouma in particular. They're both doing crazy things for the sake of their loved ones, but Ringo is willing to go farther in pursuit of her goals.
  • The Heart: She seems to have evolved into this, after her Character Development.
  • Her Heart Will Go On: After Shouma's Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted in the final episode, where Shouma takes the punishment of the diary instead.
  • Love Hurts: And how.
  • Loving a Shadow: It's eventually revealed that she's not so much in love with Tabuki as what he represents -- mainly, the restoration of her broken family. Her character arc is mainly composed of her realizing this and getting over it.
  • Magic Skirt: Given how short her skirt is, it would seem that she's frequently flashing people just by bending over. Especially evident in episode 2, when Shouma and Kanba get an eyeful thanks to the camera on 2's head as she's crawling through the ducts under Tabuki's apartment, but we don't see anything. Subverted for a brief moment in episode 5 after she flips back up the shaft the Crystal Princess had sent her down in the Dream World.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name can be read as "Apple".
  • Miss Imagination: In the first few episodes, she has quite a few Imagine Spots involving her and Tabuki...with Yuri as the villain trying to get in the way of their romance.
  • My Sibling Will Live Through Me: The real reason she's so obsessed with Tabuki is because she's trying to become a Replacement Goldfish for her older sister Momoka, who was Tabuki's Childhood Friend and would have been his eventual wife. Ever since she was a child, Ringo's thought that if she "becomes Momoka", her divorced parents will get back together, and in episode 11 she flat out states that she believes herself to be Momoka's Reincarnation.
  • One-Note Cook: By her own admission, can only make curry. Gets better under Himari and Shouma's tutleage. Like everything else, this ties into her Character Development.
  • Plucky Girl: You really can't say Ringo gives up easily.
  • Precocious Crush / Stalker with a Crush / Stalking Is Love: Ringo is one for Tabuki, Shoma and Kanba's homeroom teacher, and has had feelings for him since she was a child.
    • Stalker with a Test Tube: Wants to have Tabuki's child to "become Momoka" and fix up her broken family. She gives up later, though.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Serves as the Red to Shouma's Blue.
  • Scars Are Forever: By the end of the series, though Ringo has forgotten almost everything relating to the Takakuras except Himari, she has a burn on her left wrist (there may be more on her body) as evidence of her connection to Shouma.
  • Replacement Sibling: Self-inflicted. Her parents, notably, didn't want her to be this, but she became convinced that it was the only way to reunite the family.
  • Ship Tease: She and Shoma, more and more as the series advances. Fully sealed when Shouma's Famous Last Words overlap with Dying Declaration of Love.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: Curry
  • Tsundere: Seems to be this for Shouma. Seen when, in the same scene, she expresses relief that Shouma wasn't seriously hurt when he took a Diving Save for her, and then beats him herself when he calls her "fool" for giving up half of her Destiny Diary to save him, specifically telling him how worried she was for his safety.
  • Yandere: To Tabuki. Played almost completely for laughs, until episode 8 with Attempted Rape of drugged Tabuki. It's shown just as screwed up as it sounds.
    • As the series goes on, the series plays with this by revealing that she's only yandere for what Tabuki represents, i.e., the restoration of her broken family. Once she accepts that she can't do this using her methods, she returns to sanity and meets up with Tabuki to clean up loose ends, and from then on she focuses on emotionally supporting the Takakura siblings instead.

Secondary characters

Keiju Tabuki

The homeroom teacher of Kanba and Shoma, an eerily cheerful and sometimes detached from reality young man. Has known the Oginome family since he was a very young boy, thus he's been a constant presence in Ringo's life.

Voiced by: Akira Ishida

  • Abusive Parents: As first shown by the second novel, and later by episode 18. His divorced mother pressured him in regards to studying music due to how much she loved the piano, then discarded him completely when Tabuki harmed his fingers and then his stepbrother turned out to be a Child Prodigy pianist.
  • Bishonen: But of course.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Him and Momoka. Since she died, well...
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Subverted.
  • Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: In episode 8, Ringo drugs him and tries to rape him.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: On his left hand. It looks like, at some point, he had his fingers SEVERELY injured... if not cut off and then reattatched. Episode 18 explains that he deliberately injured his own fingers in a misguided attempt to win the affection of his psychologically-abusive mother. It didn't work.
  • Hidden Depths: The flashbacks of episodes 6 and 12 show a Tabuki who's quite more thoughtful than in the present. Additionally, he always knew that the Takakuras were the children of the terrorists who planned the attacks that killed Momoka, but decided to not pursue anything similar to hate or revenge...at least, not until episode 18.
    • And again, in episode 13, he and Ringo discuss the Takakura family's relationship to their lives.
    • Episode 17 has him tricking Ringo and Himari into going with him to he can have Revenge for Momoka's death. Episode 18 subsequently reveals several things about his past. It's NOT pretty.
  • Hot Teacher
  • Japanese Pronouns: Like Shouma and Sanetoshi, he uses boku.
  • Love Makes You Evil: He lost the girl he loved (and whom he owed his life to) in the subway bombings performed by Kenzan and his group. In episode 18, he finally snaps and tries to kill Himari as punishment for the loss of Momoka, but at the last moment he decides not to..
  • Love Potion: Ringo slips him one in a drink during episode 11. The results aren't pretty.
  • Nightmare Face: In Episode 11.
  • Oblivious to Love: Subverted. It was a facade.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Taking the Bullet: Does this for Yuri, taking a knife to the gut (from Tsubasa!) to protect her.

Yuri Tokikago

A beautiful and eccentric Takarazuka actress, as well as Tabuki's childhood friend and actual girlfriend.

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto

Masako Natsume

An attractive, shady young woman with red hair and uncanny aim skills. She also has her own Project M focusing on Kanba, along with a Survival Strategy centered on her little brother Mario. Also possesses her own penguin, a black one named Esmeralda. Her Weapon of Choice is a slingshot with mind-wiping bullets.

Voiced by: Yui Horie

  • Abusive Parents: Or better said, abusive grandfather.
  • Action Girl
  • Actor Allusion: In episode 16, she dreams of poisoning her grandfather with a basket of fruits concealing a snake.
  • Back from the Dead: Courtesy of Sanetoshi in Episode 23.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Played with in Episode 14. Kanba is surrounded by MIBs and Masako attacks them -- but it turns out that he was with them willingly, getting paid by them for services unspecified.
  • Big Fancy House: A black mansion, apparently set in the outskirts of Tokyo
  • Brutal Honesty: Masako is not the kind of person that sugarcoats her words. Specially seen when she talks down to Yuri in episode 15, when she Hannibal Lectures Himari in episode 19, and when she explains her bond with him in much more polite but still cutting terms in episode 21.
  • Catch Phrase: "Gosh, I need to crush it/him/her/them soon." Which almost become her Famous Last Words in episode 22.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Is one for Kanba, her twin older brother. She is, however, quite more manipulative and calculating than the standard.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Episode 16.
  • Deal with the Devil: She made a similar deal with Sanetoshi to save Mario that Kanba made for Himari's sake.
    • We Can Rule Together: Gets this offer from Sanetoshi when she's almost dying in episode 16. She rejects it.
  • Daddy's Girl / "Well Done, Son" Guy: To her beloved Disappeared Dad, exiled from the Natsume clan by her grandfather Sanbei for being a failure to his standards.
  • Even the Girls Want Her / Les Yay
  • Evil Redhead: She's at least callous and manipulative. While not virtuous, she turns out to be not cartoonishly evil later, as her care for Mario is very genuine.
  • Expy: Of both Nanami and Kozue from Revolutionary Girl Utena, especially in regards to how she acts around Kanba.
    • And her demeanor, hairstyle and tendency to go from tender to dangerous in the space of a few seconds recalls Juri from the same series.
  • Forceful Kiss: On none other than Kanba!
  • Flower Motifs: Bright red rose petals appear during her firefight with Yuri in episode 17.
  • Half-Identical Twins: She and Kanba, according to episode 23. Lampshaded by Sanetoshi, who first points out that they're twins, and then refers to the physical similarities between them.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Tries one on Yuri in episode 15. It fails, and Yuri outgambits her.
    • She also deals a brutal one to Himari in episode 19.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Stays behind as bait for the firing squad while the Kiga Group representatives take off with the injured Kanba.
  • Japanese Pronouns: She actually uses watakushi to refer to herself, while a girl her age would be more likely use watashi or atashi. It fits, considering that Masako has very distant and polite speech patterns and watakushi is considered to be extremely formal. And offers quite the contrast with her beloved Kanba, who uses ore and speaks much more directly.
    • Keigo: Along with the personal pronoun detailed above, she uses very formal speech, to the point of referring to her own little brother as "Mario-san".
  • Kick the Dog: Verbally abusing Himari in episode 19 out of jealousy feels at least like a borderline example.
  • Knight Templar Big Sister: Her other motivation is saving the life of a young boy named Mario, her little brother. For that, Masako also needs the Penguindrum, and will not hand it to the Takakuras.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: She possesses a slingshot which shoots bullets that administer this. Bonus points for the slingshot actually being laser-guided.
    • And in a twist, in episode 19 we find out that she has special bullets capable of returning lost memories too.
  • Large Ham: As the series progresses, Masako gets more and more Hot-Blooded, culminating with her two duels with Yuri which go the Ham-to-Ham Combat way with absolute glee.
  • Leitmotif: And Invoked Trope with "New World Symphony" by Antonín Dvořák, which she has playing several times when she confronts Kanba. Also counts as Foreshadowing, since the title of a piece that was based on the symphony's melody is "Goin' Home".
  • Lonely Rich Kid.
  • More Dakka: Swaps her trademark slingshot for a machine gun in Episode 17.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: In Real Life, Masako Natsume was a popular actress and model from The Eighties.
  • The Ojou: Not snobbish and cruel enough to be a Rich Bitch, yet too aloof and manipulative to be Spoiled Sweet.
  • Onee-Sama: For Mario
  • Raised by Grandparents: Because her eccentric and pushy grandfather actually kicked her and Mario's father out of the Natsume clan.
  • Please Don't Leave Me: To Kanba, when he chose to stay with their dad so she and Mario could go back to the Natsume clan.
  • Plucky Girl: Masako will not give up on what she wants. Never ever.
  • Princess Curls
  • Proper Tights with a Skirt
  • Sadistic Choice -> Take a Third Option: In episode 16, Mario gets possessed by the dead grandfather's spirit and stages a challenge. Two dishes of the very dangerous fugu fish are put in front of them, and the one who eats the dish that is well prepared (as in, it won't poison the one who eats it to death) will inherit the Natsume fortune. Masako eats both dishes to spare Mario from suffering harm, and she spends three days in a coma.
  • Spanner in the Works: In her backstory episode, we find out that she doesn't want to be used by Sanetoshi at all and only goes along with his plans resentfully; later on, she refuses to burn her half of the Destiny Diary, which serves as some sort of seal on Sanetoshi's power. The entire diary does get burnt to bits by episode 23, but her refusal holds him off long enough for Ringo to learn the Fate Transfer spell.
  • Spot of Tea
  • You Are Worth Hell, Kanba: As she expresses in episode 22.

Himari's possessor/"The Princess of the Crystal"

An otherworldly life-form (possibly) residing in a penguin hat purchased by Shoma in the aquarium. It kickstarts the plot by reviving Himari and essentially holding her hostage to order Kanba and Shoma to obtain the "Penguindrum".

Voiced by: Miho Arakawa

  • Catch Phrase:
    • "Listen up, you lowlifes who will never amount to anything!"
    • "Shall we initiate the survival strategy?"
  • Cooldown Hug: Sorta gives one to Kanba, in episode 17.
  • Covert Pervert: While it doesn't quite fit her to a 100%, she does seem to quite... enjoy taking racy photographs of Renjaku the Ninja Maid in Episode 16.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Compare her behavior in episode 1 with what she does and say in episodes 12 and 17.
  • Incoming Ham: "SURVIVAL STRATEGY!"
  • Japanese Pronouns: "Warawa", which is actually a very archaic one used by women of high social status.
  • Jerkass: While not evil, she can be quite the bitch sometimes. Specially seen when she kills Himari temporarily to remind the brothers of their "mission" and later when she verbally abuses Ringo, calling her "slut" among other things. No wonder Ringo snaps badly on her.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In episode 11 she summoned her Dream World specifically to urge Ringo to tell her and Shouma about her huge problems and feelings. This being the "Princess", she still called Ringo rather mean names ("monkey bitch", this time).
  • Large Ham
  • Nice Hat: Is one when not possessing Himari.
  • No Name Given. In the anime. Supplemental materials have named her the "Princess of the Crystal" instead.
  • Oh Crap: Not a full blown one, but her haughtiness snaps in Episode 5 before Ringo climbs up the chute, runs to her and punches her in the face.
  • Precision F-Strike: Himari is rather polite and softspoken, but her possessor has a much rougher speech pattern:

Princess (To Ringo): "I've had enough of listening to your bullshit, stupid bitch!"

Sanetoshi Watase

A mysterious librarian/doctor who appears to Himari in a dream. He reappears later on, with some plans of his own.

Voiced by: Yutaka Koizumi

  • Big Bad: He's already rather shady from his first appearance, but by Episode 21, it's revealed that he's the Dead All Along mastermind behind the Kiga Group who wants to reenact the plot that Momoka foiled sixteen years ago.
  • Bishonen
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: His monologue in Episode 13, though not quite directly breaking it, gets pretty meta.
  • Catch Phrase: "Isn't it electrifying?" and "I know, right?"
  • Dead All Along: As revealed in Episode 21, and further confirmed by 23.
  • Determinator: Not only did he refused to stop his plans after he died, but after being foiled a second time by Shouma and Kanba, he STILL is waiting for a chance to brings his plans to fruition.
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady : Quite a portion of the Japanese and English fandoms were shocked to find out he was a guy.
  • Expy: Something of a more campy cross between Mikage and Akio from Revolutionary Girl Utena. His nonchalant yet seductive attitude, some of his lines and actions, and allusions to him conducting some grand game in the background are reminiscent of Akio, and like Mikage, he has pink hair and may be working to fulfill Ghostly Goals.
  • Hot Librarian
  • Forceful Kiss: Tries to give one to possessed!Himari in episode 9. She stops him.
  • Japanese Pronouns: Refers to himself as boku, out of false humility.
  • Love Hurts: Sanetoshi was rejected by the only person who could truly understand him, hinted to be Momoka. Confirmed in episode 23 when we see how she confronted him.
  • Man in White
  • Manipulative Bastard: Seems to have his own designs for Himari and her possessor. Even more obvious from episode 12 and then on.
  • Meaningful Echo: He echoes the opening narration in the first episode at the beginning of Episode 12.
  • Mind Rape / More Than Mind Control: His treatment of Kanba in the first part of episode 23 felt a lot like this, since he invokes a Survival Strategy to force Kanba to watch how his twin sister Masako dies, before he uses his powers to bring her Back from the Dead and fully convince Kanba to destroy the world in exchange for Sanetoshi doing the same to Himari.
  • Not So Stoic: Finally shows some emotion other than a perpetually serene cheerfulness in the last two episodes.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe: According to his soliloquies in episodes 13 and 23, the apparently godly powers he shares with Momoka have only served to alienate him from others and depress him, as he believes that he cannot save anywhere near all the people who need help. This eventually led to his epiphany that the world is empty and the only way to change anything is to burn it all down.
  • Pet the Dog: Sending Hibari and Hikari the scarves that Himari made for them, most likely in order to strengthen her attachment to the world and add to her torment so she would stay alive and Kanba would be more motivated to save her...
  • Rose Haired Guy
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: His encounter with Momoka 16 years ago resulted in him being split and sealed inside the two black bunnies usually seen inside the hospital examination room.
  • Stepford Smiler: Of the depressed and intensely nihilistic variety.
  • Totally Radical: Uses some outdated Japanese slang. Actually justified, since it's implied that he's been dead for 16 years or longer.
  • We Can Rule Together: Again, to possessed!Himari. He's rejected, but doesn't seem to give up. Considering the end of episode 12 as well as episode 13, he didn't, and seems to have more mysterious plans... centered on the girl who rejected him, who may or may not be Momoka.
    • Also offers Masako to join him. He's rejected again.
    • And the third offer is for Kanba. This time it works.
  • Zen Survivor

Background characters

The Penguins (#1, #2, #3)


Three penguins who start following the Takakura siblings around after the first episode. They're actually four, since there's another one whose companion is Masako. They seem to be invisible to normals and serve as Funny Background Events for each episode.

  • Big Eater: #2
  • Butt Monkey: #2, even more so than Shouma
  • Empathy Pet: They often mirror what's happening with the Takakuras. #1, for instance, is seen decked out in samurai armor when Kanba goes to confront Masako.
  • Everything's Better with Penguins: All three provide a lot of the incidental humour
  • Invisible to Normals: All 3
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: #1. As an example, in episode 10 he's seen checking on cute nurses with weird implements, and later uses a fishing rod to steal panties while Kanba and Ringo discuss what to do in regards to Shoma's kidnapping.
  • No Ontological Inertia: In episode 12, when both Himari and her possessor die (and seemingly for real this time), #3 collapses and almost disappears. Conversely, when Himari is brought back by Sanetoshi, #3 comes back as well.
    • Happens again in episode 22 when #1 passes out after Kanba is shot and loses consciousness and #3 almost disappears after Himari has a seizure); and in episode 23 (Esmeralda disappears when Masako dies and returns when Sanetoshi revives her, and #3 is transparent and weakened as Himari is on the brink of definitive death.)
  • OOC Is Serious Business: If one of them behaves unlike their usual selves, it's very much a signal that big things will happen. Specially when #2, the local Big Eater, is seen trying to give half of his food to #3 while Himari and Shouma spend their last hours together at home, when he loyally takes care of #3 and brings her candy when she and Himari are about to die in episode 23, and when in that same episode he gives #1 candy as well when he drops by with Kanba.
    • You know something bad is going down when #1 is more interested in reading literature and won't so much as glance in #3's direction even when she's waving porno mags at him. Or when #2 cracks raw eggs on his own forehead instead of eating them.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Partially. While they haven't disappeared, they're less noticed by the characters as time passes.
    • Also, in the novel they're in the background almost since the beginning. Not only the novels have a different tone, but their antics are harder to describe without visual aid.
  • Sixth Ranger: A fourth penguin with darker, more dignified (and sinister) features and grey feathers. She's a girl, her name is Esmeralda, and her owner/companion is none other than Masako Natsume (whom she's very close to), and she is a hilariously terrifying Torture Technician with a crush on #1.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: #3 who is female by virtue of wearing a ribbon and occasionally a blonde wig, not to mention she keeps company to Himari while #1 and #2 join the brothers in their hijinks. Esmeralda doesn't have ribbons or anything, but she has long-ish eyelashes and a heartshaped face, and lets out rather high-pitched penguin squeals. When not aiding Masako in her missions, also, she keeps order around the Natsume mansion.
  • Uncatty Resemblance: Esmeralda's markings mirror Masako's heart-shaped face.
  • Undying Loyalty: Esmeralda, in episode 22. She stays next to Masako when she faces the firing squad.

Momoka Oginome

A young girl who seems to have extremely close conections to many people in the story. She actually was: the firstborn daughter of the Oginomes (deceased in the attacks of 16 years ago), Ringo's dead older sister, Tabuki and Yuri's childhood friend, maybe Sanetoshi's fated person, and the original owner of Ringo's infamous Destiny Diary. Oh, and she may be the real identity of the Princess of the Crystal.

Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki

  • Badass Adorable: Especially as of episode 18, when she's shown singlehandedly rescuing child!Tabuki from the "Child Broiler" aka the place where unwanted children go before they're erased from existence.
  • Big Good: The biggest obstacle to Sanetoshi's plan to "turn the world to ash", not to mention her status as The Messiah.
  • But Your Wings Are Beautiful: She was the first person who told Yuri that she was beautiful, even with all of the scars that her father's abuse left on her.
  • Dead Older Sister/BirthDeathJuxtaposition: To Ringo, having died exactly the same day of her birth.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: We learned that she was Ringo's deceased sister and the owner of the Diary in episode 6. Her importance to the plot as a whole is revealed in Episode 15.
  • Dirty Kid: She went missing as an elementary schooler. The Destiny Diary is very detailed and specific about how her future life would have gone. This includes sexual activities with Tabuki.
  • The Faceless: Until episode 15.
  • Genki Girl
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Paid an appalling price in order to save Yuri from her abusive father. Spontaneous Human Combustion, specifically. She managed to survive, but her burns were so serious that she had to be hospitalized.
    • Also, according to Tabuki, she actually died/disappeared trying to stop the subway bombings that the Takakuras and their group performed. It's confirmed when we see how she was sealed away by Sanetoshi.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "peach". She's got pink ("peach-color" in Japanese) hair and wears a shirt with a peach on it.
    • Peaches are seen as symbols of perfection in some cultures. Momoka was, according to Tabuki, probably supposed to have been a literal messiah.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl
  • The Messiah: She was friendly, kind, and extremely selfless. Her introductory episode is even called "Savior of the World".
  • Plucky Girl: Now you know where her younger sister Ringo got her sheer pluck and stubborness.
  • Posthumous Character
  • Never Found the Body: Her lifeless body was never located, and only her Destiny Diary remained.
  • Reality Warper/Winds of Destiny Change: She claims to be able to change the fate of living beings via her Destiny Diary.
    • Cast from Hit Points: Momoka explains to Yuri that, whenever she uses her Diary to change someone's destiny, she has to pay a price: suffering bodily harm in exchange for what she wants to do/fix/etc.. To save a bunny from dying, she got a cut on her hand; later, to rescue Yuri from her abusive father, she got severe burns that landed her in the hospital. In fact, when Yuri tried to touch the Destiny Diary, Momoka stopped her from doing so to avoid a possible backlash from hitting her.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: At times.
  • Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Her relationship with Yuri Tokikago is an elementary-school version of the trope. 16 years later, Yuri is still in love with her.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Spontaneous Human Combustion: The price for changing Yuri's fate.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Her soul is split and sealed inside the two penguin hats by Sanetoshi.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Physically, Ringo is a brown-haired, older Momoka -- even with some of Momoka's tics, which comes off as a little odd considering that Ringo says Satoshi and Eriko never told her a lot about her sister. This is first mentioned by Yuri in episode 14, and then confirmed in episode 15 (hence why the picture above doesn't show her face).
  • Take My Hand: To Tabuki, when rescuing him from the Child Broiler. Not even having an adult try burning her hand disuaded her from saving him. See also Badass Adorable above.

Kenzan and Chiemi Takakura

The parents of the Takakura household. So far, they have only been developed through flashbacks, as they have not appeared in the main story as of yet. They participated in the series of subway bombings that caused Momoka Oginome and other's deaths as part of a Survival Strategy.

Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Kenzan); Kikuko Inoue (Chiemi)

  • Dark and Troubled Past: They were in very shady deals in the past, specially with the Penguin Factions. In episode 12, Kenzan is shown as a member of the group branch that performed the attacks that led to Momoka and other people's deaths. Chiemi also was a follower, but the extent of her involvement is unknown.
  • Dead All Along: As seen in episode 21.
  • Good Parents: Kenzan carried little Himari on his back to an hospital during a typhoon and by foot to get her medical help. (With little Kanba in tow, even protecting him from a falling lamp). Then in episode 9, we learn that Chiemi went Mama Bear by shielding little Himari from a falling mirror with her own body, getting injured in her place and having to be hospitalised as a result.
  • Knight Templar: Chiemi's voice on the matter is yet to be heard, but episode 20 shows Kenzan sincerely believing that his organization must cleanse the world for impeding Judgement Day with their terrorist attacks.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Kanba appears to inherit Kenzan's personality as well as his looks (except for the red hair), while Himari inherits Chiemi's looks and both she and Shouma inherit her personality traits. Even though both Kanba and Himari are adopted.
  • Parental Abandonment: Left their kids alone in their run-down house one day, and never came back. They didn't exactly have much of a choice in the matter.
    • In episode 19, we see that they're still in occasional contact with Kanba and are the ones behind the money he gets for the family. They even give him a So Proud of You pep talk! However, they also tell him that they can't come back home, as they still have "a mission" to fufill. But then we get to episode 21...
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: According to episode 20, at least. Kenzan was directing the attacks under the belief that the world's rotten to the core and that a "Survival Strategy" would make things better.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Chiemi.

Satoshi and Eriko Oginome

Ringo's divorced parents. She lives with Eriko and meeets up with Satoshi outside home.

Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki (Satoshi); Rika Fukami (Eriko)

  • Hot Mom: Eriko
  • Parents as People: They're divorced, and Ringo meets her dad in outside home in outings that she calls "dates". Not to mention Eriko cares for her, but is shown to be way too much into her work. Momoka's death completely trashed the family dynamics, thus being the trigger to their divorce and explaining a LOT of Ringo's behavior and belief in "destiny".
  • Parent with New Paramour: In episode 8, Ringo sees Satoshi with another woman and a little girl named Aoi. Either he remarried and kept a "second life" without telling Ringo, or he's about to re-marry.
  • Shipper on Deck: Eriko seems to ship her daughter Ringo with Shoma, and isn't convinced when Shoma says they're Just Friends. Understandable since she met him when she saw Ringo humping him rather... passionately in the Sick Episode.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Satoshi inadvertently becomes one, since the whole Attempted Rape incident is triggered after the Parent with New Paramour one happens in the Ikebukuro Aquarium.

Double H (Hibari Isada and Hikari Utada)

Two very famous idol singers whose merchandising is everywhere.

Voiced by: Yui Watanabe (Hibari) and Marie Miyake (Hikari)

Mario Natsume

A quiet young boy seen very few times. He is Masako's younger brother, and apparently died in undisclosed circumstances. He has his own Penguin Hat, and his older sister's other motivation aside of winning Kanba's affections is to save his life.

Voiced by: Kazusa Aranami

Sanbei Natsume

Masako's grandfather and leader of the Natsume family. Until his death, several years ago.

Voiced by: Hitoshi Itou


A maid in service of the Natsume family, who has worked for them for many years.

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara

Souya and Shirase

Two strange children who hang around Sanetoshi. They may actually be two bunnies able to take human form.

Voiced by: Megumi Iwasaki (Souya), Motoki Takagi (Shirase)

Tsubasa Yuuki

Yuri's partner in their trope. She's modeled after the otokoyaku, or Takarazuka actresses that play exclusively male roles.

Voiced by: Romi Paku

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