< Mawaru Penguindrum

Mawaru Penguindrum/Funny

  • Ringo's strange musical fantasies from episode four.
    • Not only from episode four, the fantasies happen in almost all episodes she appears.
  • The penguins are this in spades, seriously - whether it's from #1 peeking under a waitress' dress or #3 dressing up in a wig, they're guaranteed to make you laugh at least once an episode.
    • Your mileage will vary regarding the penguins. A lot of what they do is either a blatant mood-killer (like #2's flatulence problems in the middle of a conversation), or just Dude, Not Funny (like #1 stealing panties, or attempting to use a rectal thermometer on a nurse).
      • Unless Fridge Brilliance hits in the first case. The eact problem that #2 has is him "leaking gas". This is the episode that lays the Sarin Gas Attacks allusions the thickest. Still distracting, but it makes far more sense as you see it's actually Foreshadowing.
  • Himari playing out a rather...racy-sounding fantasy with her cabbage rolls.
  • In episode 14, as Ringo cries while calling herself an idiot for trying to sound cute when she tried to talk to Shouma.
  • Episode 15. Yamashita's train of thoughts. 'Nuff said.
  • Episode 16's Survival Strategy has to be the best and most hilarious one so far. It starts with possessed!Himari holding up a sign saying "Survival Strategy!" and ends with her taking striptease pictures of Masako's maid Renjaku!
    • Lets not forget how she explains her intentions entirely in haiku, and Renjaku replies in (failed) haiku as well.
    • And then we have pretty much all of Esmeralda's interventions in that episode, specially when she tries to suffocate a small fire with a hose.
    • MR. PRESIDENT!!!
  • Episode 17's interaction of the penguins and a octopus.
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