Tropes for the characters in the Lufia series.
Fortress of Doom Heroes
The Hero
- Hello, Insert Name Here: The first one starting the trend in this franchise.
- The Hero
- Magic Knight: Can cast healing magic up to the strongest healing spells while dishing out enough damage with his sword.
- No Name Given: Until now he still doesn't have an offiial name.
- Redheaded Hero: In fact, the trope name is probably the only way to refer to him canonically.
- Stay in the Kitchen: Have a shed of it, though not as bad as Maxim. He tried to leave for adventuring without telling Lufia so she wouldn't be in harm.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: Hey Lufia, guess what? You're Erim, the Sinistral of Death! Have fun with that.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She does NOT like any other female characters getting near the hero.
- Generation Xerox: Strangely enough, she "dies" in a very similar pose to Selan at similar place. Both being token love interests.
- Shock and Awe: She's the one learning most of the thunder spells, which are the main weakpoint of Gades, Amon and Daos. Sadly, we don't get to use to take that advantage.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Badass Normal: He never learns magic, but his attack power is great.
- The Lancer/The Big Guy
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He's got his green hair slicked back.
- Bratty Half-Pint: In Aguro's point of view anyway.
- Genki Girl
- Half-Human Hybrid: She's half-elf.
- Token Mini-Moe
Rise of the Sinistrals/Curse of the Sinistrals Heroes
"Leave it to me!"
The main character of the second game, he goes on an adventure that becomes part of the original game's history. He's one of the four heroes who battled on Doom Island. He didn't make it back until the New Game+ in Curse of the Sinistrals.
- Battle Couple: With Selan.
- Can't Drop the Hero: Though a few characters stick around for entire halves of a game at a time, Maxim is the only character who never leaves the party.
- Averted for a single boss battle in the original when the team has to defeat two enemies at the same time. He and Tia fight one while Guy and Selan fight the other.
- The Chosen One
- The Hero
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Jack of All Stats
- Magic Knight
- Oblivious to Love: Tia's love, anyway.
- Playing with Fire: In the DS version.
- Redheaded Hero
- Todd Haberkorn
"My name... Tia, like tear. Because of this, I was always teased and I was always crying."
Maxim's childhood friend from Elcid. She runs a weapon shop, but decides to accompany Maxim on his adventure. She doesn't like Maxim's dangerous lifestyle. She's one of the characters who doesn't go to Doom Island.
- Action Girl: She's more capable in Curse of the Sinistrals as a range attacker.
- Improbable Weapon User: While her frying pans and whips make sense in the original, her new appearance uses a big luggage that contains a spring-attached boxing glove and a hookshot.
- Shorttank: She's redesigned to be like this in the DS version, which helps her stand out from Selan more.
- Trying Not to Cry/Unable to Cry: She forced herself to never cry again, so that she can no longer cry. During the ending, she's able to cry once more.
- Tsundere: In the DS version.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In the original version.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In the remake.
"Hey Maxim! Are you ready to have a little match?"
A warrior from Tanbel (or Parcelyte, depending on the game), he's engaged and has a sister, but finds himself fighting monsters more than spending time with his loved ones. That's when he meets Maxim and joins him on the quest. He's one of the four heroes who battled on Doom Island.
- Ascended Extra: He goes from being an elderly NPC in the original, to being a main playable character in the second game that takes place in his past. Not counting his A Taste of Power bit toward the start.
- Badass Grandpa: In the original game. The man lived for all the years between Rise of the Sinistrals and Fortress of Doom. Too bad he died shortly after you met him.
- Badass Normal: He never learns magic, but he is quite powerful.
- The Big Guy: In the DS version.
- Boisterous Bruiser: A little bit. More so in Curse of the Sinistrals.
- Drop the Hammer/An Axe to Grind: In the DS remake.
- The Lancer: In the SNES version.
- Made of Iron: Can become so explosions do no damage to him in Curse of the Sinistrals.
"We've finally done it Maxim. Now... the world will be at peace once more."
The commander of the Parcelyte army with magic capabilities. When Maxim's party shows up, she's ordered to team up with Maxim. Over time, she grows to love Maxim, and the two wed. She's one of the four heroes who battled on Doom Island. Unfortunately, her injuries from the battle were fatal, and she didn't make it back, at least not until the New Game+ of Curse of the Sinistrals.
- Action Girl: She's Parcelyte army's captain and the strongest warrior of the bunch. One cutscene during Maxim and Selan's happy wedding life montage shows she can go toe-to-toe with Maxim.
- Action Mom: After marrying Maxim and giving birth to Jeros, her status upgrades into this.
- An Ice Person: In the DS version.
- Battle Couple: With Maxim.
- Broken Bird: DS version, due to the death of her ex-boyfriend.
- Caitlin Glass
- The Chick: Somewhat. More noticeable once Tia leaves.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Magic Knight: This stays true even in DS remake.
- Rings of Death: Her weapon in the remake.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair:
- Adaptation Dye Job: Light blue in the first game, green in second, then light blue again in the remake.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In the remake.
"Have no fear, Dekar is here!"
A very strong warrior from the Bound Kingdom, though he lacks intelligence. He meets Maxim and the others and eventually joins them on their quest to defeat Gades. He is one of the characters who doesn't go to Doom Island.
- An Axe to Grind: His battle sprite in the SNES version of the game depict him holding an axe, though he's not always equipped with one.
- He can do this in the remake, by being able to equip nearly any weapon, including Guy's axes.
- Anime Hair: Likely the most noticeable case of this, at least in the SNES version.
- Badass Grandpa: In The Ruins of Lore.
- Badass Normal: In the SNES version, he never learns magic, just like Guy.
- Big Damn Heroes: At the end of the game, he comes from nowhere to defeat some monsters that were keeping Maxim's party from going to Doom Island, all better from his Heroic Sacrifice.
- In the DS version, he appears from nowhere to get rid of a boss for you.
- The Big Guy: In either version of the game.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: In the DS version.
Dekar: The other thing/second thing I'm best at is (relevant action).
- Dumb Muscle: Emphasis on the dumb and muscle, his response to Idura saying he was sent by "a certain someone" is saying he was sent by someone who doesn't have a name, and after proceeds to effortless defeat the monsters he brought. He also goes and falls into every trap Idura sets for him, but always breaks out through sheer brute force.
- Genius Ditz: Not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knows a lot about fighting (enough to teach his prince), and even cheers Tia up.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He gets better.
- Mighty Glacier: In the original, he's go the lowest speed, but the highest physical damage and resistance.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Or rather have their hair colored pink. In the DS version.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In the SNES version.
Lexis Shaia
"I get it! So that's how it works!"
A scientist from Treadool. He meets Maxim and friends and discovers how strong they are. He travels with the party for a short time, even providing a ship for them, but he eventually leaves to work in a laboratory with other scientists. While he does not go to Doom Island or battle directly for the rest of the game, he continues to make upgrades to your ship. In Curse of the Sinistrals, he's around for much more of the game, but never playable.
- Continuity Nod: The scientist family in Fortress of Doom descend from Lexis, as does Isaac in The Legend Returns.
- Demoted to Extra: In the DS version, while is still important in the story, is not playable.
- Expy: Of Doctor Emmett Brown in the DS version.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He's the first one making a flying ship both in the original and remake, something exclusive to his family.
- Mad Scientist: Moreso in the DS version.
- Magic Knight: A slightly deviated variant: his INT can be the biggest in the game, but he has a very limited weapon and armor selection, most prevalent in Ancient Cave runs.
- The Smart Guy: During his time on your team in the SNES version.
- Wrench Whack: In the SNES version of the game, he equips wrenches. His battle sprite even depicts him with one.
"The worst thing you can do is lie to yourself."
An elf from the village of Eserikto. He first appears on the Mountain of No Return to find Milka, one of his elf friends. He meets Maxim's party on the process and decides to join them in order to track down the Sinistral of Chaos, Amon. He is one of the four heroes who goes to Doom Island to do battle with the Sinistrals. In the original game, he is still alive and well, albeit blind from the Battle of Doom Island.
- Ambiguous Gender: People weren't quite sure what to make of Arty, including the German translators, who made him a girl. The DS version thankfully makes it clear he's a male.
- The Archer: Literally in the SNES version, but keeps the personality traits in every version.
- Ascended Extra: Just like Guy's case, though he was still a bit more important than Guy in Lufia & the Fortress of Doom.
- Character Exaggeration: Noticeably averted, this time. He's the only one of the four who is just as formal all the time as he appeared in the original game.
- Elfeminate: May be this, if the gender ambiguous artwork is an accurate portrayal.
- Gun Slinger: In the DS version.
- He's A Woman In Germany
- Really 700 Years Old: He looks pretty much the same in the original game, 100 years after the Battle of Doom Island. It's unknown how old he is in Lufia II, so he could be 700 in that game too.
- The Sixth Ranger: The game's intro shows all the heroes in the order you meet them, and he's the very last one.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: You find his apprentice in a dungeon in the first game, and they help direct you to Artea's location. Artea never even mentions him.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: SNES version.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: DS version.
Capsule Monsters
The various monsters that you find throughout the game that are willing to fight for you.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Each one has a different element, and would be recommended against enemies of the opposite element.
- Magikarp Power: They're pretty much useless unless you train them.
- Monster Allies: Even though they are called monster, they help you in combat.
The Legend Returns Heroes
- Berserk Button: Being called stupid ticks him off, and even makes him cry sometimes.
- Call to Adventure
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: He quickly enters a burning house to save a little girl in her town immediately.
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero: Very much.
- Sarcasm Blind: He didn't know Gades was mocking him before battle, and other teammates had to point it out.
- Chekhov's Skill: Her 100% correct prediction ability. She predicts herself to come back from the death after the epilogue.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fortune Teller
- The Lancer
- The Medic: Especially in the early game, though she lacks the full-party-heal Champion spells.
- The Mole: Unlike Lufia, she realizes she's Erim from the first place.
- Squishy Wizard
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Though by now, if you know much about the series, you can probably guess why.
- Fragile Speedster: Though his durability is only below average compared to the rest of the party. His ultimate armor somehow cripples his defense since it doesn't give addition to his already below average defense.
- The Jailbait Wait: He and one little girl in his town are serious about getting married when she's old enough.
- Just Like Robin Hood: His character arc before joining the party.
- The Lancer: When Seena's not around.
- Video Game Stealing
- Ambiguously Brown
- Bare Your Midriff
- Boobs of Steel
- Heir to the Dojo
- Mighty Glacier
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: On Gades upon her master's death.
- Secret Art: The final Jigen-Ryuu technique a.k.a. Energy Punch.
- Badass Princess: She survived an assassination attempt, was doing just fine surviving in the monster infested lighthouse on her own (in fact, it's her bodyguard who was heavily wounded and ready to kick the bucket when you first meet the duo), was able to cross the entire damn country with Randolph just fine (and given her magical skills and borderline passable physical strength, she likely pulled just as much of the weight), and she basically masterminds the effort to take her country back while ripping pirates to shreds with her ice magic. In fact, given how each character's stats raise, she'll eventually hit harder than Seena, she'll just lack the versatility the latter mage has.
- Damsel in Distress: Trades herself to the pirate boss for her friends' safety, and you have to rescue her.
- The Medic: One of party members whose main role is this.
- She's Got Legs: Just look at her official art.
- Expy: Of Dekar, no less.
- Hot-Blooded
- Improbable Weapon User: Throws cards.
Isaac Shaia
- Improbable Weapon User: Mimicking Lexis' weapon selection.
- Mad Scientist
Ruins of Lore Heroes
- Hello, Insert Name Here
- Heroic Mime: "I'm Elden!" is his only line other than (...) and (!).
- Kid Hero
- Palette Swap: You can choose the color of his clothes before you begin.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Eldin.
- The Lancer
- Recurring Character: He's that Dekar from Lufia II.
Gades, Sinistral of Destruction
Gades is the Sinistral of Destruction, and he is always the first one to make himself known to the world at large.
- The Battle Didn't Count: If you ever beat him when you were supposed to lose to him.
- BFS: Is depicted as carrying one each game after his first appearance. He kinda had one there but in that the most prominent feature of his combat sprite was his giant shield.
- Black Knight
- Blood Knight: By the end of Curse of the Sinistrals, he looks forward to fighting you, so that he may have a good fight.
- The Brute: He fights you more than any of the other Sinistrals.
- Evil Redhead
- Fail O'Suckyname: In the remake, which has voice-acting, it's finally revealed that Gades' name is pronounced Gah-dess and not Gah-these. In other words, his name sounds exactly like "Goddess". It's exactly as distracting as it sounds.
- Flanderization: By the time of The Legend Returns, he acts more like an idiot who roaming around destroying places and even his own throne for no reason, for a sake of his "frue destruction".
- Hopeless Boss Fight: Your first encounter with him in each game is like this (not counting the prologue in the original game). In the original game, you first meet him right and the start with only your hero, so you're never going to beat at that point. In Rise of the Sinistrals, you are supposed to lose to lose him the first you fight him, and in fact, he's actually stronger at that point then when you fight him later and are supposed to beat him. In The Legend Returns, your supposed to lose the first time fights with him, though if take the right steps, you can beat him.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Played with. He is left-handed, but uses his right hand in earlier fights during Lufia II via sprite flipping.
- Physical God
- Recurring Boss: In Curse of the Sinistrals. Even in the original version of the game, he's the Sinistral that you fight the most.
- Tin Tyrant
Amon, Sinistral of Chaos
Amon is the Sinistral of Chaos (in the original game, he is the Sinistral of Terror). He is more focused on his duties than Gades.
- Blade on a Stick: In the first two games, though his attacks mostly consist of magic.
- Brown Note: In Curse of the Sinistrals, the mere sound of his voice drives all who hear it into a panic.
- Characterization Marches On: He doesn't have any personality traits separating him from Daos in the original game apart, but gets more characterization in the later ones.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: He mops the floor with your party the first several times you meet him in Rise of the Sinistrals regardless of what your level is.
- The Evil Genius: He tells Daos that he's set up a few methods of keeping the heroes away from Doom Island. None of them work, but he does at least wreck their airship.
- Physical God
- Tin Tyrant
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: His hair color isn't very consistent, but it's never normal.
Erim, Sinistral of Death
Erim is the Sinistral of Death. Her survival is key to keeping the other Sinistrals from being permanently destroyed. She also happens to take on disguises as different mysterious women, such as Lufia, Iris and Seena. She seems just as much an evil Sinistral as the others until the third game, where she herself is finally fed up with the cycle, so she tries to get herself and the other three destroyed for good.
- The Dark Chick
- Does Not Like Shoes: In Rise of the Sinistrals.
- The Dragon
- Four Is Death: Not only are there four Sinistrals, but she's the Sinistral of Death and also the fourth one to be encountered in either of the first two games. Not counting Lufia and Iris.
- Heel Face Revolving Door:
- Heel Face Turn: In Curse of the Sinistrals, thanks to The Power of Friendship.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Does one in the place of Maxim and Selan in the New Game+ of Curse of the Sinistrals.
- Noble Demon
- Physical God
- Reincarnation Romance: She falls for Maxim hard enough to make her incarnations hook up with his descendants for two generations.
- Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: In Curse of the Sinistrals, she dresses more revealing than Iris or Selan, for that matter. Even in the original, she wears greek dresses which is still more revealing than the heroines.
- Stripperiffic: In Rise of the Sinistrals.
- Thanatos Gambit: In The Legend Returns, she devises a way to finish herself and the other Sinistrals for good.
- The Unfought: In the original game, while she's fought in the prologue, she's never fought during the main story.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: In the remake.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Rather memetic within the series in that experienced players can tell that a blue-haired girl of mysterious origin is likely to be Erim in disguise.
Daos, Sinistral of Terror
Daos is the Sinistral of Terror (in the original game, he is the Sinistral of Chaos), and the leader of all of them. Unlike the other Sinistrals, he relies solely on magic attacks and no weapons.
- All Your Powers Combined: In order to create Guard Daos.
- Badass Long Robe: He wears a giant armored robe.
- Big Bad: He is the leader of the Sinistral.
- Evil Sorcerer: In all his appearances, he uses nothing but magic.
- Final Boss: In Lufia II and Curse of the Sinistrals, sorta in the original game since the combined sinistral is referred as Guard Daos implying his personality is dominant.
- Kick the Dog: Gets a bunch in The Legend Returns.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: Several of these with him in The Legend Returns.
- Physical God
- Sore Loser: After his defeat by Maxim's party, he tries to destroy join powers with the other Sinistrals and destroy the world.
- Time Stands Still: His main ability in the remake.
The Sinistrals' foul creature that appears in Lufia: The Legend Returns as a final boss. By absorbing Seena into it, the party race to beat it up right after the four Sinistrals are defeated.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Daos summons him out nowhere after the sinistrals are defeated, and the only reason he's around is because Erim is too weak to be the final boss (her stats are comparable to Daos', and she's beaten for good after defeating the much stronger Gaurd Daos).
- Team Pet
Arek the Absolute
"Us or humans? Which of us are really transient on earth?"
Arek is a being above even Daos. He asks Erim if humans or Sinistrals are superior, and alerts the Sinistrals to the resurgence of the Dual Blade that can defeat Daos and the others. Though he doesn't seem very evil.
- King of All Cosmos
- The Watcher: He seems to just watch the conflict unfold, without directly interfering.
Maxim and Selan's baby. He's held captive by Idura, and is put to housemaid's care after his rescue
A mysterious girl who aids Maxim in his quest once in awhile. No one knows her real intention. In the remake, she joins the team for most of the time as an NPC, and acts like a regular good sided character.
- Ascended Extra: Has a lot more role in the remake.
- Becoming the Mask
- Evil Costume Switch
- Groundhog Day Loop: The remake's ending makes it looks like she undergoes through this in New Game+.
- Mysterious Waif
- Secret Identity: Of Erim.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: In the remake.
Berty and Barty/Berty and Betty
A couple of lowlife thieves who sneak into Parcelyte to steal the king's crown, and later the Ruby Angel.
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Team Rocket Wins: They actually win the Ruby Apple in the remake.
A knight (or mad wizard) working under "The Nameless". Fights Maxim's party numerous times.
Guy's girlfriend. Runs a shop in the remake, where you can also trade soul shards for reward items.
- Damsel in Distress: In DS Games, thanks to Idura.
- Tsundere: In the DS remake.
An elf girl NPC from the village Eserikto. Steals Lexus's blueprint for Ecerlion befause his factory pollutes the nature.
- Ascended Extra: She's finally playable in the 3rd game.
- Future Badass
- Genre Savvy: She notices that Seena isn't normal.
- She's All Grown Up: In The Legend Returns.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Being an elf, it's not surprising.
- Recurring Character: Joins your team in the third game.
A flower girl NPC the party meets, leading them into a side quest to discover a rare flower called Priphea.
Dragon Egg
A mystic beast who grants one wish to anyone who collects and hands him 8 Dragon Eggs, which are scattered around the world.
- Bonus Boss
- Gotta Catch Em All: Dragon Eggs, a Shout-Out to Dragon Ball.
- Recurring Character
- Secret Character