< Little Busters!

Little Busters!/Characters

The characters page for Little Busters!, Little Busters! Ecstacy and Kud Wafter. Still under heavy construction.

As always, beware of SPOILERS.

The Little Busters

Ordinary Boy
Riki Naoe

The protagonist of the visual novel and the fifth and last member of the original Little Busters. A sophomore in high school. His parents died when he was young, and it was Kyosuke and the others that pulled him out of his depression. He has a meek disposition and a frail body, and is generally considered the weakest of the group, but he's also the one with the most common sense.

Tropes associated with Riki:

  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine - His tsukkomis are actually noted instory. Being a more or less openly nice guy, though, he doesn't get as much chance to show it as Tomoya or even Yuichi.
  • Character Development - As you complete more routes, you'll notice that after finishing two or three he'll grow more confident culminating in him taking over Kyousuke's position in Refrain in order to reform the Little Busters after they largely collapsed due to Rin 2 ending.
  • Chick Magnet - Not quite as popular as Kyousuke or Kengo, but upon a second consideration it's agreed that he has his own charm. Six main heroines, three more in Ecstasy and then Suginami Mutsumi for a total of ten girls.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy - It's noted that his most attractive feature is his young face

Riki recieved the title "Official Shota!"

  • Determinator - Vows to fight against his narcoleptic condition in order to save Kyosuke and the others from the bus crash.
  • First-Person Smartass - Unlike other Key |leads Riki tends to keep his snark to himself. But when he doesn't he lands with then right in
  • Five-Man Band - The Heart until Refrain, where he tears apart the group dynamics when reforming the Little Busters.
  • Giver of Lame Names - He actually has no naming sense at all, so his names for losers in the battle rankings are literally two random words put together.
  • Heavy Sleeper - Suffers from narcolepsy.
  • Hero Worshipper - To the point where Kengo considers him "Kyosuke's Underling."
  • Ho Yay - Noted instory and not just by Mio. If you choose not to go with the girls to a slumber party, the game will more or less call you gay by saying Riki has a small crush on Kyousuke.
  • Ill Boy - Not really a classical example, but narcolepsy is certainly crippling for a boy of this age, especially given the gameplay.
  • Magikarp Power - His starting stats improve every time you reach a true ending. This is a plot point.
  • Oblivious to Love - Though to a believable extent. Apparently, he was completely unaware regarding Kud and for Mio she expressed the sentiment in a very roundabout manner. If Mio is currently rooming with Kud, though, Riki's obliviousness has to take it up a notch.
  • Only Sane Man
  • Ordinary High School Student
  • Surreal Horror - Instory example during Kurugaya route. Riki is gradually more and more horrified at the time loop and how things are slipping. First the days don't add up, he can't remember his lessons, then it's always raining and then it begins to snow. In June. And no one finds this strange. Eventually, the world begins to collapse and Riki still has no idea what's going on, only that there's nothing he can do.
  • Talking to Himself - Shares his voice actor with Rin and Sasami.
  • Thanks for the Mammary

Riki received the title "Boobs Demon!"

  • Wholesome Crossdresser
  • Wistful Amnesia - Used as a railroading mechanic to make sure you don't simply keep replaying routes and move towards the end. After you complete routes, you lose the ability to make certain choices to move into the completed route. But Riki doesn't know why, except that (as in the case of Kurugaya) he feels that 'something sad' will happen if he goes there.
  • Zettai Ryouiki - Amazingly, he pull this off in Saya's route when crossdressing. And a Grade A to boot.
    • And when the girls crossdress him when they have the sleepover in Kud's room, tough we don't get a CG at that point with him, the official artwork always draw him with it.

Prideful Kitten Who Doesn't Easily Take To Others
Rin Natsume

The main heroine and the secondary protagonist of the visual novel. Kyosuke's younger sister. Despite having a fiery temper, she's very shy around strangers and is thus initially unable to make friends outside of the Little Busters. Very fond of cats, to the point where she's raising thirteen strays by herself.

Tropes associated with Rin:

  • Animal Motif - She's more catlike than the actual cats in the game! She even hisses!
  • Bad Liar
  • Berserk Button - If one of her cats is hurt... There'll be hell to pay. Taken Up to Eleven in the baseball practice when she learns the super fastball before she has enough control and pitches several Dead Balls straight at Riki.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine - She is incapable of giving a proper tsukkomi instead of merely hitting people as hard as she can before you do her route. After that, she learns how to do it.
  • Catgirl - Not only does she take care of them and is compared with them, but she's also drawn with cat ears and Hellish Pupils sometimes.
  • Childhood Friend Romance - Main heroine, too.
  • Dandere - She's extremely shy at first. Not only that, she can't use keigo, tends to be rather catty in personality and is too blunt. One wonders how she expects to get by in the world after school.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts - Her cats in the battle rankings. She can have a ton of them attacking at any one time, but they inflict little damage and may be doing other things entirely since they're cats.
  • Downer Ending - Rin 1 gets cut short, Rin 2 is a huge downer that breaks Rin and requires the first half of Refrain to fix. Refrain does not feature a Rin hookup if you declare you're going to fix the bus crash. Thus, Rin gets no true good end devoted to her, despite being the main heroine. Still, a Rin hookup is still the most likely outcome in the 'fixed' world.
  • Dude Magnet - Though she's not interested.
  • Earn Your Fun - Due to the her Magikarp Power Sasami is too hard to beat on the first playthrough without cheats.
  • Fiery Redhead - Actually amber, but, close enough.
  • Five-Man Band - The Chick
    • Doubles by the end of the Refrain route as The Lancer
  • Fridge Logic: Invoked. If it occurred to you that there's no way Rin can ever be self sufficient with her personality, well, you're not the only one: Refrain explicitly states that the point of the earlier routes was largely to prepare Rin for the real world since Kyousuke believes he and everyone but Riki and her are going to die and he won't be able to take care of her anymore. Given how she has behaved in previous routes, it is easy to see his point.
  • Giver of Lame Names - She doesn't normally name the cats herself, but when she does, she proves that bad taste in names is apparently genetic.
  • Heroic BSOD: The end of Rin 2 breaks her, forcing Riki to help heal her at the beginning of Refrain.
  • Idiot Hair
  • Japanese Sibling Terminology - Aniki. Refuses to use anything like onii-chan. But Anija is okay as well, apparently.
  • Keigo - She has basically no idea of how to speak it.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover
  • Magikarp Power - Same as Riki.
  • Meaningful Name - Rin's name is supposed to mimic the "ring" sound a bell makes, just like the one she wears on her hair.
  • Not Good with People - Well, except with the other Little Busters members. When anyone else tries to interact with her she tends to instantly hide behind Riki. Until the first playthrough of her route. After that she is a lot more sociable, still a little awkward tough. However, when Rin 2 comes around she actually breaks down because she is so bad with unfamiliar people and situations, making fixing her the first part of the final route.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red oni to Saya's blue oni.
  • Talking to Himself - Shares her voice actor with Sasami and Riki.

Leader Who Turns Ordinary Days Into Missions
Kyosuke Natsume

Rin's older brother and the leader of the Little Busters. Because he's the oldest and the most reliable out of the group, he is respected (for the most part) by the other members and looked up to, and as such, also acts as a mediator whenever a fight breaks out between two of the members. He's also the one who comes up with missions and things to do for the others, either to help them out or simply to kill time.

Tropes associated with Kyosuke:

  • The Ace - He's pretty much good at everything.
    • In Rin2, we see him pitching. He's clearly much better than Rin despite the fact the latter has been training for weeks.
  • Adult Child - Easily influenced by manga.
  • Batman Gambit - The plot of the story is Kyousuke's gambit to make Riki and Rin strong enough to face the awful truth in the real world. He is opposed by Kengo and Riki, though the latter doesn't know it. The former goes along with his plan until Rin 2 and the latter sends his script off the rails, causing Rin to break and nearly ruining the plan.
  • Big Brother Mentor
  • Bishounen
  • The Chessmaster - Though he gets Out-Gambitted by Kurugaya once and his main plan to strengthen Riki and Rin ends up backfiring on him for a time.
  • Chick Magnet - Very popular with girls, though not to the extent that Kengo is.
  • Creating Life - During the main story, the cat Lennon is a part of him, created to deliver messages to Rin for him.
  • Expy - He's basically a hyperactive |Yusuke Yoshino. They even have the same voice.
  • Five-Man Band - The Hero until Refrain, where Riki tears apart the group dynamics when reforming the Little Busters.
  • Giver of Lame Names - He names Rin's cats after famous people, resulting in them having names like Lennon and Hitler. He says it's important to have a name, but it doesn't matter what it is.
  • The Hedonist - Normally a positive example of the trope. However, through the course of the story he has broken down and only retains vestiges of the attitude. See Heroic BSOD below.
  • Heroic BSOD: During Refrain, he is half broken and half pretending to be broken. Though he is still struggling to succeed, he is no longer masking his exhaustion and despair and his thinking has also become dark and twisted: He knowingly exploits a brutal memory of Kengo's and is obsessed with obtaining 'success' as he definds it. One of the thoughts he has is the actual true end to the story where Riki and Rin stay calm after the accident and save everyone, and he finds the idea repugnant and without meaning after the struggles he has gone through.
  • Heroic Sacrifice - Blocked a gas leak that would have caused an explosion with his own body, despite sustaining heavy injuries from the crash.
  • Hikaru Midorikawa
  • Ho Yay / If It's You It's Okay - Would forgive Riki for an Indirect Kiss from canned juice.
  • Lolicon - (Played for Laughs) When Rin finds out about this via a Did I Just Say That Out Loud? moment, Hilarity Ensues.

Kyousuke gains the title of "Lolicon Suspect"

  • Loophole Abuse - During Refrain, Kyousuke realises that at the same time he's in the dream world, he can also move himself in the real world. This allows him to move to another position, blocking the gasoline leak so Riki can save everyone.
  • The Mario - Well-rounded in everything.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits - Completely averted. Supports the idea entirely and has been hoping for it.
  • Not So Stoic - During Refrain, when Riki says he doesn't want to lose him, Kyousuke breaks down completely saying he feels even worse about it.
  • Omniscient Morality License - In Refrain, he basically drives Masato insane in order to set things up for Riki's reformation of the Little Busters. Masato never bothers bringing it up with him later.
  • Otaku - Played seriously in Refrain where he refuses to leave his room and spends all day reading manga. See Heroic BSOD.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise - As Mask the Saito and Shun Tokikaze.
  • Reality Warper - The dream world was created by all the Little Busters minus Riki and Rin, but of those either, five (the girls) appear almost completely unaware, two are henchmen who follow the script and then there's Kyousuke, who is basically the god of the dream world. He can change the weather, cause the cafeteria workers to get sick, control animals and more. He doesn't know everything going on inside, though. Outside the dream world, he's completely normal.

Lovable Straight Muscle Idiot
Masato Inohara

The third member of the Little Busters and Riki's roommate. He's obsessed with working out and maintaining his muscles, but falls a bit short when it comes to flexing his mind. He's often found bickering with Kengo over something stupid, and even more often found receiving a high kick from Rin for saying something stupid. Despite his tendency to often say things without thinking, he is considerate toward others and is very fond of Riki.

Tropes associated with Masato:

  • Big Eater
  • Bromantic Foil
  • Butt Monkey
  • Defeat Means Friendship - Recruited into the Little Busters when Kyosuke and Rin beat him in a fight. Recruited back into the Little Busters in the same way by Riki and Rin.
  • Dumb Muscle - And how!
  • Fearless Fool - His reaction when a skeleton pops out at him during a Haunted Mansion-style event? Punch it.
  • Five-Man Band - The Big Guy
  • Heroic BSOD - In Refrain, Kyousuke fiddles with the world to deliberately drive him mad by making every other person in the school look exactly like him, but only from his point of view. Masato loses it and starts beating up students randomly, forcing Riki and Rin to stop him. Of course, this was exactly what Kyousuke intended.
  • Heroic Sacrifice - Shielded Riki with his body during the bus accident.
  • Ho Yay - Often complains about being lonely whenever Riki starts spending less time with him to focus on a route heroine. When Riki and Rin start dating, Masato gets jealous... of Rin, because she'll be taking up even more of Riki's time now.
  • Insult Backfire - Often confuses incredulity at his stupidity for compliments.
  • Made of Iron - Thanks to his muscle training, probably.
  • Mighty Glacier - Has the highest strength and stamina out of all the characters, but has average or below average values for everything else.
  • Mr. Imagination - Often comes up with bizarre guesses as to what negative things the other person is thinking about him. Although sometimes he's spot-on.
  • Running Gag - "Play with Masato."
  • Those Two Guys - With Kengo.
  • Wisdom from the Gutter - Riki even tells him that he says pretty insightful things from time to time.
  • Worf Had the Flu - Played for laughs, ish, when Kurugaya and Masato have a battle. Kurugaya gets a sword, Masato gets a pop up pirate. Everyone around is strongly of the opinion that with a better weapon it would have been awesome battle.
    • In his other two plot-fights with Rin, he also suffers this. In the first, she gets a 3-piece-staff while he gets an eel pie; in the second, she uses her cats while he's left with nail clippers.

Masato's Strongest Rival
Kengo Miyazawa

The fourth member of the Little Busters, and the one with the most sense after Riki. He practices kendo, making him the only member of the group who actually participates in a club activity, and is the only member to refuse to play baseball as a team (at least on the first playthrough.) He has a cynical personality and often gets into a fight with Masato.

Tropes associated with Kengo:

Additional Members of the Little Busters

Peerlessly Cute Fairy Tale Girl
Komari Kamikita

The first girl Riki recruits into Little Busters. Komari is very popular with people in general due to her friendliness and cuteness, but quick thinking isn't her forte and she is clumsy both in action and words (often embarrassing herself by talking too much). Loves sweets. It is revealed in Refrain that the reason she is the only one who does not disappear during the other girl's routes is because she has trouble letting go of her friendship with Rin.

Tropes associated with Komari:

  • Butt Monkey - Not on the same level as Masato, but she still seems to attract a fair amount of trouble. It's all played for cuteness however.
  • Charm Point - Komari fancies the star in her hair to be this.
  • Dojikko
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness - During her Heroic BSOD.
  • Hair Decorations - Komari's tradmark star and super long ribbons.
  • Generation Xerox - Of her grandmother, who was also called Komari.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Goofy Print Underwear
  • Heroic BSOD - Right after seeing a dead kitten, she remembers everything about her dead brother.
  • Idiot Hair - Although a lot of characters sport this, hers is the most noticeable one.
  • Joke Character - If she wins a fight she's in, one of titles she can give the loser is even 'I actually lost to Komari-chan.'
    • Lampshaded if she manages to place first in the battle ranking, as Riki will utter "Eh?! Seriously?!" in disbelief when Kyousuke mails everyone the results.
  • Lethal Joke Character - see Magikarp Power below.
  • Magikarp Power - Different from Riki and Rin, in that she starts with low stats and gains them 1.5x faster than most other characters. In an aversion to Gameplay and Story Segregation, there's a scene in one of the practice sessions that refers to it too.
    • In most rare cases she tend to end up in the top of the battle ranking.
  • Ms. Fanservice - She gets a lot of pantyshots.
  • Natsumi Yanase
  • Nonuniform Uniform - Wears a cream-colored sweater instead of the usual black blazer. Kanata once calls her out on this.
  • Panty Shot
  • Recurring Dreams - Komari dreams of being with her older brother, an older brother she's never had. Later, we find out that her brother did exist, and she's forgotten about him as a form of Trauma-Induced Amnesia, making this an example of Dreaming the Truth.
  • Replacement Goldfish - During her Heroic BSOD, Komari begins to mistake Riki for her deceased older brother. In one Bad End, Riki accepts that's it's just easier to be a replacement than to fix the problem.
  • Sweet Tooth
  • That Didn't Happen - Komari's preferred response to anything embarrassing. Subverted when Riki agrees to forget the whole thing, but comments on her Goofy Print Underwear in the next sentence.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia - Her brother, knowing he was dying, tried to comfort her by convincing her she wouldn't let his death bother her. This leads to her forgetting he existed. When she remembers, she goes into a Heroic BSOD, tends to make someone she's close to into a Replacement Goldfish and then forgets about her brother again.
  • Wistful Amnesia - As noted above, she can't quite remember her brother. But she feels like she should have an older brother. Occasionally in her normal behavior this can lead her to say some odd things or seem slightly depressed, but Riki and she herself don't seem to notice this.

A Tad Mischievous Anego
Yuiko Kurugaya

Kurugaya (who prefers people to refer to her by her last name) is in the same grade and age as Riki and most of the other characters, but she both acts and talks in a very mature fashion, pretty much cementing her image as an older sister to everyone. She is also extremely smart and agile, and have traumatized Masato, Kengo and Kyousuke by beating them in combat in the past. Likes cute things and teasing people (often sexually).

Tropes associated with Kurugaya:

  • The Ace
    • Broken Ace - She's good at basically everything, but never felt much in the way of emotion before joining the Little Busters. She just faked it.
  • All of the Other Reindeer - Not that she minds, but a lot of people really resent her calm demeanor and casual excellence. A few are even foolish enough to try striking out at her.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking - During Kurugaya's route, Masato, Kengo and Kyousuke all contemplate Riki's interpretation of her as being cool. Kengo and Masato remember things she did during the battles, including pulling out a machine gun, while Kyousuke remember her exploding him, which Riki calls him out on as making up. Later, this is repeated almost entirely word for word[1] only this time Rin chimes in. Kurugaya's crime? Playing with her and treating her like a kitten.

Rin: There's nothing quite so dreadful as having the back of your ears scratched.

  • Asskicking Equals Authority
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Berserk Button - She doesn't really care if you mess with her, but as two bullies find out you do not mess with Riki.
  • Boobs of Steel - By far the strongest female in the cast. Possibly the strongest character. Naturally, she also has by far the largest bust.
  • Bullying a Dragon - Believe it or not, there are people stupid enough to actually try bullying her. Kurugaya for her part seems completely indifferent, but retaliates viciously every time regardless. Yet people keep doing it anyway.
  • Celibate Hero - Tries to reject Riki's confession by being vague rather than saying she doesn't like him. She seems to feel she is unworthy for reasons that aren't stated as well as having difficulty grasping the emotion.
  • Cool Big Sis - She prefers to be called "Onee-san" or "Anego" despite being the same age as most of the rest of the cast.
  • Cuteness Proximity - This combined with being a Lovable Sex Maniac leads to some unfortunate situations on the part of Rin, Komari and occasionally Kud.
  • Do Not Call Me Paul - Completely unused to being referred to by her given name, Yuiko. She insists on being referred to by either her last name or with something along the lines of Anego or Onee-san. This is likely something to do with her being raised with the name of 'Elizabeth' though she doesn't seem to like that name either.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Komari: Yui-chan~!
  • Emotionless Girl - Occasionally alludes to not really feeling much in the way of emotion, especially anger or sadness. The first time she ever gets angry, she kicks a door so hard it flies across the hallway and breaks in two, then threatens to do the same to the target of her anger. The first time she gets really embarrassed, it's the biggest blush in the entire game.
  • Evil Laugh - Sometimes during the baseball practice.
  • Fragile Speedster - Her speed reaches near instantaneous teleportation levels, but her strength and stamina are both relatively low.
  • The Gadfly - By her own admission, one of the reasons she likes Riki is because he's fun to tease. You can see a lot of her trolling scenes during baseball practice by choosing to see what the girls are doing rather than taking the opportunity to practice, though in doing so you won't have as high of stats for the baseball game.
  • Groundhog Day Loop - Riki notices in her route that the 20th of June is repeating over and over and despite a few changing events is basically always the same.
  • Hot Amazon - Riki is initially attracted to her because he finds her awesome. Kengo, Masato and Kyousuke, on the other hand, are terrified.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword - And a Machine Gun in the battle minigame.
  • It Amused Me - She does know where to draw the line. Example: Blaming Masato for some damage she caused, but portraying it to the teacher as an accident so he's just very confused rather than actually in trouble.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Initially tries avoiding a romance with Riki because of this, and later more or less says he deserves someone better, but for a different reason this time.
  • Katanas Are Just Better - She usually carries a Katana with her.
  • Kuudere
  • Last-Name Basis - She's not comfortable with anyone using her first name. Haruka notes that she got upset when Haruka called her something besides Anego. In her route she actually says to Riki that the only guy who can call her Yuiko is the man she intends to marry.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac - She likes making playthings(usually in perverted ways) out of anything she considers to be cute, particularly several of the female cast, her usual victims being Rin and Komari, though Kud is a close competitor in any scenes they have together.
  • Love Hurts - Some of the ending dialogue for her route indicates that learning love was nice. The pain that came with it when it became obvious the world wouldn't allow it is not one of the emotions she wanted to learn about. Off the Rails below details why.
  • Luminescent Blush - Upon the second confession by Riki. Her face becomes shadowed as it did when she was angry, but is now entirely pink as well!
  • Multiple Endings - Kurugaya's route has an unlockable second ending after you've completed the rest of the game presumably so she gets a proper happy ending. The first ending is instead used to give information to the reader so they can guess what's going on in the world.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood - Not only does she not like being called Yui-chan, she had no idea that Komari was even referring to her at first.
  • Oblivious to Love - Can not take a hint at all. But not quite as oblivious as she appears. There's a groundhog day loop going on that means she can't remember the previous attempts to impress her nor their first date.
  • Off the Rails - In Kurugaya's route, Riki falls in love with her, of course, and she with him. This causes the world to collapse because it's incompatible with the setup given.
  • Omniglot - Claims to speak seven languages. Probably can considering it's her.
  • Perpetual Smiler - It's noted instory that she has never been seen to get either angry or sad. Instead, she always has her triumphant/mocking smile. This pisses some people off and makes Kengo slightly uneasy.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Stepford Smiler: Before the story begins, mostly. Until she met the Little Busters, she didn't really experience any emotion but knew it bothered her mom, so she learned to fake it.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • The Stoic
  • The Tease
  • Tranquil Fury
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love? - She has a rather poor understanding of emotions in general. When she feels attraction for the first time in her life, she has the most dramatic visual and behavioral cues of just about any heroine since she's not used to it.
  • Younger Than They Look - Although the same age as most of the cast, Yuiko looks like she's in her early twenties or so, and being far taller than the rest of the female cast doesn't really help. It also doesn't tend to help that many of the other girls look younger than their actual age.
  • Zettai Ryouiki - Grade A

Easygoing Noisy Girl
Haruka Saigusa

Haruka is the only main character (aside from Kyousuke) that's in a different class from most of the other Little Busters, but she pretty much hangs out all the time in Riki's class anyways. She active enjoys causing as much of a ruckus as she can in school (and in other situations too), and thus is the bitter opponent in the eyes of the school's disciplinary committee headed by Kanata Futaki. Left-handed.

  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Bad Liar
  • Bare Your Midriff - Her casual outfit consists of this.
  • Big Screwed-Up Family - And HOW!
  • Butt Monkey: Not so much as Masato, but, she tends to attract an unfair level of mockery from some of the other characters. She tends to invite it openly, however, with her hyperactive personality.
  • Genki Girl - Complete with Cat Smile.
  • Girlish Pigtails - Both on the same side of her head.
  • Idiot Hair - Quite fittingly.
  • Improbable Weapon User - Marbles.
  • Lethal Chef - Almost. Anything she cooks that doesn't involve eggs tastes terrible. It becomes a Plot Point later on her route since it's one of the only ways to tell her from her sister when the later is pulling off the Twin Switch.
  • No Indoor Voice
  • Reality Ensues - Turns out her behavior and personality aren't just because she's a genki girl troublemaker. No, her behavior actually contains several markers that actual victims of child abuse carry. Mood swings, behavioral issues, disrespect for authority, poor grades... about the only one she's really missing is signs of sexual abuse.
  • Stepford Smiler: Her happy-go-lucky personality conceals a bitter past and her perpetual victimhood.
  • Theme Naming - With her twin sister Kanata. Their names both mean "far away" or "distant"
  • The Southpaw
  • Twin Switch - Not that Kanata told her. That kind of defeats the point. If you don't figure it out, you get a bad end.
    • Although the narrative during that phase places extra emphasis on the differences, "Haruka" handing Riki the cake with her right hand, having a different-patterned handkerchief being the more obvious ones.
  • The Unfavorite - Though Kanata didn't have it much better and also had it rubbed in her face that she could have helped Haruka, but was too scared.
  • Zettai Ryouiki - Grade A

Exotic Mascot
Kudryavka Noumi

Kudryavka (whose name is generally shortened to "Kud") is one-quarter Japanese and three-quarter Russian, and is born and raised in the fictional southern island state of Tebwa (formerly part of Soviet Union). She is studying abroad in Riki's school, but she is very knowledgeable in Japanese (both the language and its culture) due to the influence of her grandfather. However, Kud seems to have a much higher interest in learning English instead and tries to speak it whenever she can (usually failing horribly).

Tropes associated with Kudryavka

  • A-Cup Angst - She doesn't much like being the Token Mini-Moe. When Haruka[2] mentions to Kurugaya that she wishes she could be as busty as her, Kud has a comedic meltdown and jealousy of Haruka's already pretty decent figure.
  • Adorkable - Seen as this inseries. However, it's explored a little in that it leads to people treating her sort of like a toy, though they don't appear to really have bad intentions. But it does bother her.
  • All of the Other Reindeer - Gets treated a bit like a toy by a lot of students. They don't really seem to have much ill will for the most part and Kud only minds when it spills over to Riki.
  • Animal Motif - Dogs.
  • Bad Liar
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine - Boke. Though it's not really explicitly pointed out, when Riki realizes that the class is laughing at her when he tsukkomis her gratuitous English he stops doing it.
  • Breakout Character - The story can't really be rewritten to feature her more, but Kud was extremely popular for basically being a fuzzy little ball of cuteness and ended up getting a spinoff of sorts known as Kud Wafter not unlike that of the heroine Tomoyo in Clannad getting Tomoyo After.
  • But Not Too Foreign - Three quarters Russian. In the end, this is actually the main point of her route. She's moved around her entire life and despite being very Japanese in her tastes and habits she is always seen as the funny foreigner girl.
  • Counter Attack - Her special weapons (the dogs) only attack after Kud is hit. However, woe betide whoever actually gets hit by them, since Belka is decently powerful with lots of hits, and Strelka does a LOT of damage.
  • Cute Little Fangs
  • Deus Ex Machina - Her true ending. Had some interesting symbolism, though.
  • Gratuitous English - She loves trying to speak English, but is almost always horrible at it. Heck, Haruka is better at it than she is. The class likes to watch the Boke and Tsukkomi Routine that she and Riki have going on over it.
    • This video show an example.
  • Luminescent Blush - When Riki blurts out a suggestion of himself as a possible roommate. She starts stuttering, mumbling and alternating between blushing enthusiasm and just blushing.
  • Older Than They Look : Even moreso than Rin, Kud looks prepubescent. She is, however, about 16 years old. Needless to say, this is lampshaded repeatedly.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname - Mostly everyone refers to her as Kud.
  • Pet the Dog - Seves as this to Sasami and Kanata in certain scenes both in and outside her route.
  • Rule of Symbolism - Her ending is quite obviously a deus ex machina, but the way it's done is used to tie up some of her earlier character points and how she's not going to let it break her. It is also a slight hint to the true nature of the story: Something impossible happened because it isn't the real world.
  • Smarter Than You Look - Good grades in everything except English. And that's after her not being used to the Japanese test system as well. She actually skipped a grade, making her a year younger than the rest of the class.
  • Token Mini-Moe

Kud received the title "The Official Loli!"

Parasol Holding Calm-Natured Beauty
Mio Nishizono

Mio is a calm, quiet girl who enjoys reading. She tends to not actively interact with others and thus has very little presence in general. She keeps a parasol around whenever outside due to her weak health and never takes part in any sports activities. Nevertheless, Riki was successful in recruiting her at least as the manager of the baseball team.

Tropes associated with Mio:

  • Covert Pervert - Although only because nobody has any idea what she's talking about when she starts talking about how she views the male cast as yaoi pairings. Well, not quite nobody. Kurugaya gets it, but states that while Mio is a theorist, she herself is more of a practitioner.
  • Deadpan Snarker - The absolute queen of snarkers in the game. She really has a venomous mouth sometimes, and she delivers most of her lines while using her normal or bored expression.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me! - Claims that Riki doesn't love her, he pities her and uses this as an excuse to let Midori take her place.
  • The Gadfly - After awhile, it becomes clear that beneath her deadpan facade she's nearly as much a troll as Kurugaya.
  • Ill Girl - The excuse given for why she carries the parasol around everywhere and avoids physical activity. But to be specific, she's not actually sick, she simply has no shadow and without the parasol people will notice.
  • Joke Character - All of her stats except Concentration are very low.
    • Lethal Joke Character - Once you finish her route, she will gain several extremely powerful weapons from the next playthrough onwards, including a computer virus, a beam rifle and a lightsaber.
  • Last-Name Basis - Plot point starting a third or halfway through her route.
  • Longing for Fictionland - She never had friends as a child because she was too busy playing make believe, wishing she lived in the world of stories. Eventually, she got lonely enough to invent an imaginary friend of sorts.
  • Meaningful Name - Subverted. Ish. The name Mio is written as 'beautiful fish' and Midori as 'beautiful bird,' but this didn't actually reflect the sea and sky separation from Mio's poem. Rather, the poem reminded her of the connection. Basically a coincidence.
  • Memento MacGuffin/Tragic Keepsake - Her book. To her, it symbolizes the lost relationship between her and her possibly imaginary friend, Midori.
  • Parasol of Pain - She can use her parasol as a weapon in the battle ranking mini-game. It's not strong, but Mio can potentially hit people a lot of times with it.
    • She also uses her Parasol as a shield, both in the Baseball Practice and on the papersword fight scene.
  • Yaoi Fangirl - Tries to ship Riki/Kyousuke several times, though Riki/one of the Those Two Guys sometimes seem to satisfy her as well. Apparently, Kyousuke as the seme is too boring and predictable, so she switches around the pairings. Riki doesn't get it.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Heroines in Ecstacy

Self-Centered Cat Queen
Sasami Sasasegawa

Captain of the softball club and self-styled rival of Rin. She's very popular with her club and generally has three fangirls following her everywhere, whom she sends in the ring first whenever a fight between her and Rin breaks out. She seems to harbor a crush on Kengo.

Tropes associated with Sasami:

  • Alpha Bitch - Can be very rude to Rin and appears quite jealous of her popularity
  • Catgirl - Not as much as Rin, but her hair ribbons still rather look like cat ears and in her scenario, she turns into a cat and can only revert in Riki's room when no one other than her or Riki is (conscious) inside that room.
  • Girl Posse / Instant Fanclub - Her trio of softball juniors.
  • Hopeless Suitor - For Kengo.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood - Rin treats her name as a tongue twister that Rin is horrible at, to Sasami's endless chagrin. Other people (and even herself) get it wrong occasionally, too.
  • Ojou - Definitely has the speech patterns, hand gestures and mannerisms down.
  • Pet the Dog - In Rin's first route, Rin and Riki need to introduce an administrator to someone from the sports clubs, but can't use Kengo, so they have to go to Sasami. She has the perfect setup to point out the Little Busters have basically kicked out the softball team to practice, but instead gives a perfect summary of the state of the sports clubs. When asked why later, she says it's because Rin managed to get three strikes on her and basically respects that.
  • Repetitive Name - Guess what part of the name. No, really, guess.
  • The Rival / Unknown Rival
  • Talking to Himself - Shares her voice actor with Rin and Riki.
  • Tsundere - Non romantic, but the Sasami mini route paints her as being one for Rin. She would like to be friends, but is really bad at talking to her. While this interpretation is more or less clear by the normal content of the routes, the mini route confirms it with both Komari and Kurugaya's declarations.
  • Worthy Opponent - Sees Rin as one. See Pet the Dog above.
  • Zettai Ryouiki - Grade A

Kanata Futaki

The leader of the school's disciplinary committee, Kanata is extremely serious about her work and tends to be very cold with people in general, particularly with Haruka whom is a constant source of trouble for her. Kurugaya seems to be the only one who can intimidate her. She's good friends with "A-chan", the head of dormitory and sometimes help her out with paperworks.

Tropes associated with Kanata:

  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished - Averted. She has scars all over her arms from being hit with a belt.
  • Eyes of Gold - One of the few things that sets her apart from her twin sister Haruka.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold - A real stickler for the rules and rather more aggressive about it than she needs to be, but there are several points where it's shown that she's really not that bad and okay with bending the rules occasionally, such as in Kud's route.
  • Pet the Dog - Despite her insistence on protocol and following the rules, she is shown to have a soft spot for Kud. On several occasions when doing her job she simply chooses not to notice that people are doing things they are not supposed to.
  • Tsundere: Straightest example amongst all heroines, although you don't see it much outside her route. In Haruka's it really bites her in the ass because all Haruka ever sees is her cold, harsh attitude, leading to realistic consequences.
    • Taking into account the occasional attraction she shows for Riki in Haruka's route and the fact that she has her own route in Ecstasy, it is not difficult to argue that the scenes where she hostilely interrupts him talking to girls like Kud or Komari are more tsundere attitude.
  • Twin Switch - She does this a few times to Riki in Haruka's route without telling Haruka herself. If you don't catch on to the really obvious hints, you get a bad end.

Saya Tokido

During day times she is simply an extremely popular girl in Riki's class, but at night Saya wanders the school seeking some sort of trouble hidden deep within the labyrinths below the school buildings and fights with shadowy figures whom she refers as "Darkness executives" who prevent her from seeking the treasure, as well as spies from other hostile factions.

Tropes associated with Saya:

  • Badass Adorable
  • But Now I Must Go - During the end of her route, she expresses this to Riki since she knows about the secret behind the world and that they will never truly be together for real.
  • Death Is Cheap - In the Replay segment of her route, the dangers of the Labyrinth is actually fatal and capable of delivering Game Overs, but Saya can "replay" as much as she wants, all with knowledge of what happened in previous replays. In fact, a lot of Game Overs are mandatory for progression.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Guns Akimbo - When she's serious.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Not Good with People: In her past life, She used to travel a lot around different places with her father who is a doctor. Due to this, she wasn't able to make any close friends.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue oni to Rin's red oni.
  • Spanner in the Works - To Kyousuke.
  • The Ditz - Kind of unbecoming considering her job. She tends to go in a long-winded self-deprecating speech ending with an Evil Laugh afterwards.
  • The Stoic: Most of the time. Especially, when she's serious.
  • Tsundere: Type A.

Supporting Characters

Kojiro Kamikita

Kojiro is Komari's grandfather, who was married to a woman named Komari himself, though she is deceased. Kojiro remarks that Komari is remarkably similar to his late wife. He harbors some respect for Riki because of the way he stands up for himself.

Midori Nishizono

Mio's younger sister. She is actually Mio's imaginary friend of sorts invented when she was younger. Mio was eventually drugged into forgetting she'd ever had such a friend before being reminded by a line in a book of poetry.

  • Evil Twin - Subverted. While she might appear as such at first due to her epic acts of trolling and taunting Riki, it's eventually revealed that she actually intended for him to bring Mio back all along - Alternate Character Interpretation suggests that it was all actually a Secret Test of Character of sorts.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Although at first you might hate her for the way she taunts Riki, she still cares deeply about Mio and actually wants Riki to bring her back.
  • Nonuniform Uniform - Wears some kind of vest instead of the blazer.
  • Not-So-Imaginary Friend - In a manner of speaking. It's a little complicated.
  • Satellite Character - Justified. There's no way she can have relationships with anyone apart from Mio, after all.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang
  • Tsurime Eyes - One of the main traits that separates her from Mio.
  • Twin Switch - Sort of. In Mio's route, she disappears and Midori takes her place. Riki is the only one who is aware of this.

Miyuki Koshiki

A beautiful girl who lost her sight in one eye, she now wears an eyepatch. Due to the loss of the eye, she can no longer practice archery and is both lost and depressed.

  • Broken Bird
  • Driven to Suicide - From the second route onward there's a small subplot involving her culminating in a suicide attempt. Kengo stops her and convinces her to live on. Except in the real world, where he failed.
  • Eye Scream - Averted. She wears an eyepatch, but her sight was lost in an illness rather than an accident.
  • Interrupted Suicide - Kengo tackles her off the rooftop and breaks her fall when she makes a suicide attempt.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend - Early on, there's a scene where Masato sees her and Kengo together and assumes she's his girlfriend. When Kengo mentions her name, everyone instantly understands that it's not the case and that he's trying to make her see that there's more to life than archery.
  • Tragic Dream - She had to stop practicing archery after she lost her sight in one eye.

Suginami Mutsumi

A girl in Riki's class who has had a crush on him since her first year, she has been too shy to speak up about it. She apparently does not stand out much. She has two friends that appear to be punks or bullies.

  • Bullying a Dragon - Halfheartedly tries bullying Kurugaya, though her two friends are the ones that do most of it.
  • Cannot Spit It Out
  • Green-Eyed Monster - Envies Kurugaya for being able to be friends with Riki despite her bizarre personality.
  • Hopeless Suitor - Riki only becomes aware of how she feels in Kurugaya and Rin's routes, and both times it's just as he starts either becomes attracted or starts dating them outright.
  • Love Confession - Only in Rin's route.
  • Love Letter Lunacy - Riki gets a love letter from her in Rin's route, though it's actually from her two friends who were either teasing her or acting as matchmakers. This is the impetus for Riki and Rin to start dating.
  • Satellite Character - She exists to have a crush on Riki and not get together with him.

Characters from Kud Wafter

Yuuki Himuro


The girl's dorm manager and a third year, A-chan has a small non voiced role in the original Little Busters. She's one of Rin's few friends and appears to be an acquaintance of Kurugaya's.

Shiina Arizuki

Ui Arizuki

  1. Up until Kyousuke describes a second impossible event
  2. second or third bustiest of the original heroines
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