Kill Me Baby
Despite the depressing title, Kill Me Baby (or Baby, please kill me depending on the translator, though the anime adaptation uses the former as the main title, and both in the eyecatches), is a Yonkoma gag strip revolving mostly around slapstick humor.
Yasuna Oribe is an airheaded high school girl who tries to greet a new student one day, only to discover that she's brutally efficient at twisting her arm, putting her in a chokehold, and using other painful methods of submission. She later learns that the girl's name is Sonya, and she works for an unnamed organization as an assassin. As the manga continues, Yasuna fluctuates between trying to warm Sonya up to living the life of a normal schoolgirl and occasionally trying to one-up her in various tests of skill. Both methods often end in failure, but it doesn't stop Yasuna from trying.
An anime adaptation was green-lit for the Winter 2012 Anime season. It started airing on January 5, 2012.
Everybody who is a fan of dark slapstick comedy should check this out.
- Amusing Injuries: A LOT. 99% of them fall on Yasuna.
- Instant Bandages: And as a result she usually is found with these by the next panel, or even during a punch. They are also seen falling off as if they are just oversized pieces of paper.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Huge versions of Yasuna and Sonya appear in episode 4 as eyecatches.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Sonya and Yasuna have a few moments like these (like in the last episode of the anime), and their rarity only adds to their sweetness.
- Batman Gambit: In episode 8 Yasuna actually manages to pull one on Sonya when she convinces her to play darts by making hitting the inner circle a failure.
- Beach Episode: Chapter 10, absent fanservice.
- Brain Bleach: Sonya and Yasuna's expressions after opening Agiri's boxes in the wrong order in the last episode. Agiri is shown to have recovered the end of the last segment.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Most of the chapters involving Sonya and Yasuna usually play out like this.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Upon hearing a bear has escaped from the zoo and may be lurking nearby:
Sonya: Ah!! I just had a really bad feeling! Some idiot just activated some really bad flags!
- Butt Monkey: Poor Yasuna gets this treatment from Sonya.
- Catgirl: The second Yasuna puppet in episode 5.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Yasuna (see above). Agiri, oh is she ever.
- Cluster F-Bomb: A somewhat mild form happens when Yasuna gets frustrated.
Yasuna: "Kuso! Kuso!"
- Cranial Eruption: Comes with a majority of Yasuna's Amusing Injuries.
- Dancing Theme: The anime ending theme. It actually comes straight out of the manga!
- Demoted to Extra: At the end of the first volume, the manga's creator mentioned that Yasuna was initially supposed to play the "straight" girl to contrast with Sonya's insanity, and a third unnamed child assassin with braided hair and a Chinese fighting style was going to play The Ditz. However, Yasuna eventually absorbed the third girl's personality and became the crazy girl to Sonya's relatively "straight" role, while the other girl was relegated to the extra material outside of the story.
- Mauve Shirt in the anime, due to being voiced by Rie Kugimiya.
- Dissonant Serenity: Agiri never changes the sleepy, cheerful tone of her voice regardless of whether she's eating, buying a new phone, fighting a rival assassin from an enemy organization or standing inches away from an escaped zoo bear.
- The Ditz: Again, Yasuna. She thinks she's in High School. Maybe.
- Enfant Terrible: Sonya.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Chapter 9 (Episode 2 in the anime).
- Eyes Always Shut: Agiri.
- Festival Episode: Chapter 24.
- Fiery Redhead: The unused character, partially.
- Green Eyed Red Head Unused Character.
- Girlish Pigtails: Sonya. They indicate that while she is an assassin, she is still a child and has a soft side such as her fear for cockroaches, ghosts and dogs which are fears mostly related to kids.
- Gratuitous English: Kill Me Baby and Baby, please kill me, of course. The anime has many other instances too.
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Yasuna, in the anime, particularly in the opening scene as a form of Couch Gag.
Yasuna: Guten morgen!
Yasuna: Danke schön!
Yasuna: ¡Buenos días!
Yasuna: Nihao!
- Hand Puppet: Yasuna makes some for chapter 25.
- Hates Being Touched: Sonya. Yasuna repeatedly fails to remember this.
- Helium Speech: One of the gifts Sonya and Agiri give Sonya at her party. They use it to do tongue twisters. The Unused Character finds it later and does the same.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: To think Iori Minase is a rejected character.
- And to think that Kuroko and that principal from Yamabuki High School would play as extras!
- Idiot Crows: The crows that steal Yasuna's lunch. One says Baka and the other says Aho as they swoop in.
- Iron Butt Monkey: Nothing ever stops Yasuna for long. Submission moves, limb fractures, punches to the face, she just keeps doing whatever she was doing.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Ridiculed. During Sonya's not-birthday, Agiri (a genuine ninja) give her a present of very-stereotypical ninja outfit (think Final Fantasy Tactics Ninja class). Yasuna then mock and laugh at Sonya's so-stereotype The Theme Park Version appearance. Things obviously ends painfully for Yasuna.
- Jerkass With A Heart Of Gold: Sonya. Yasuna can be quite a passive-aggressive jerk too.
- Other than the knee-jerk reactions to being touched, most of Sonya's asskickings are warranted.
- Kick the Dog: Yasuna left her stuffed rabbit on Sonya's desk to teach her to be nicer. When she returned, Sonya had it twisted into a ball.
- Klingon Promotion: Yasuna suggests that Sonya kill her superiors in order to escape from her life of being an assassin. Sonya calls her out before she finishes the thought.
- Little Miss Badass: Sonya. Simply trying to touch her will result in losing the use of your arm.
- Magic Skirt: It's actually one of Agiri's ninja techniques. It applies to her hair, too[1].
- Magical Girl: Yasuna (Cute Witch variant) in the Volume 2 Omake (Episode 11 in the anime).
- Masochism Tango: Sonya and Yasuna. They seem to be the only people willing to put up with each other, not counting Agiri.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Agiri. Maybe the greatest ninja ever to walk the Earth... or just a good con artist. Most definitely The Gadfly.
- Fridge Brilliance: Go look at the entry for Ninja, note comparisons with Highly-Visible Ninja. Not knowing whether it's magic or sleight-of-hand IS Ninjutsu!
- Minimalist Cast: Sonya, Yasuna, Agiri and the Unused Character make for a very small cast that never expands. Even the latter two don't appear that much.
- In the anime, any walk-on roles are played by the same old man and woman, and even those are few in number. Two other schoolgirls have been shown onscreen but their appearances are very brief. It probably indicates that Yasuna doesn't have many friends besides Sonya.
- Mood Whiplash: The last third of the Season Finale - What starts out as a regular gag sketch of Yasuna trying to disrupt one of Sonya's assassination assignments ends with her stuck in a pit tearfully begging Sonya not to leave, because she's terrified for the safety of one of her only friends.Cue Sonya helping her out of the pit and claiming her mission was cancelled due to a "change of plans".
- Mundane Utility: Sonya's killer reflexes are great for opening bottles.
- New Year Has Come: Yasuna, Sonya and Agiri use the first school day after New Year to hold a combined New Year, Christmas and Halloween Party.
- Ninja: Agiri Goshiki, the only other named character so far in the story.
- No Name Given: The "unused character". Also known as Botsu Kyara.
- "On the Next Episode of..." Catchphrase: "Now what will you do, Yasuna Oribe?"
- Phenotype Stereotype: Sonya has blonde hair and blue eyes, signaling that she's from... wherever she's from.
- Rapunzel Hair: Agiri. Sonya also has very long hair and so does the unused character. Yasuna is the only one with short hair.
- Shout-Out:
- Single-Malt Vision: How Agiri's "clone jutsu" actually works.
- Slapstick Knows No Gender: The premise of the show is slapstick, and poor Yasuna tends to be the one who receives it.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Agiri averts this in chapter 12, much to her target's distress.
- Tareme Eyes: Yasuna. It shows her innocence and kindness.
- Tempting Fate: Yasuna is constantly doing this.
- Teru Teru Bozu: Yasuna attempts to end a typhoon by stringing a chain of these together. The wind snaps it off the line and the old man mistakes it for a dragon god flying in the sky.
- Three Shorts: Similar to that of Squid Girl.
- Title Theme Tune
- Tsundere: Sonya.
- Lampshaded by Yasuna in vol. 1 (anime episode 4).
- It also counts as Breaking the Fourth Wall.
- Tsurime Eyes: Sonya again. It indicates her violent nature.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Despite being a supposed hardcore assassin, Sonya seems to be afraid of some things, like roaches, stray dogs (she's not good with animals in general) and ghosts.
- With Friends Like These...
- Working Through the Cold: Played for Laughs in chapter 32 (episode 10 in the anime).
- Yandere: Although not in-universe, the ending song has the line "I love you so much so that I want to kill you".
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair: Agiri Goshiki
- ↑ Actually, it's inverted for her hair