Kid Icarus: Uprising/Headscratchers

  • Could someone tell me how Viridi gets a Karma Houdini at the end? She didn't get away with any evil schemes, and she did say she would let Pit and Palutena have their happy ending.
    • Viridi got away with killing millions of humans with the Reset Bomb upon introduction. Even if Pit destroyed her factories and defeated/killed her followers, Pit never got to face her in battle and get her to stop hating/killing the human race. Even if she helped Pit, Pittoo and Palutena out to defeat Hades, that doesn't stop her from the crime of killing millions of humans. The ending implies that after the "happy ending" she and Palutena would be enemies again because Viridi never changed her views on humans and still consider them evil for destroying nature.
      • Millions? Looked more like thousands.
        • Regardless of the number, she killed a lot of people and didn't repent for it.
          • Maybe Palutena put them in the Rewind Spring.
            • Hades probably already got to them given the time frame of the attack.
      • Eh, she'll stop attacking them anyway. Like Palutena said, gods shouldn't interfere with humans, the worst she'll do is just hold a neverending grudge, but she won't do anything about it.
      • Poseidon got away with sinking an entire kingdom in the backstory without being punished, or even reprimanded by Palutena. Apparently, Gods are allowed to kill humans when they feel the situation calls for it (which they probably think of as a slap on the wrist), but aren't allowed to pull extinction-level events like Viridi planned, or mess up the natural order like Hades was doing. As long as they eventually stop, that's enough for Palutena to forgive them.
        • Nowhere in real-world legends did it say that a giant nature bomb hit us. Since Atlantis was known for having been sunk...well...
  • Did Pyrrhon really pull a Face Heel Turn or was he being controlled by the Aurum Brain when he said he needed the Gods and Goddesses to work together so he could try and control them? This troper has a hard time believing that he was The Chessmaster given his personality and the need to sprout justice. I mean, his idol only mentions that he's smarter despite his appearance but other than that, there are no indications that he really betrayed the group for his own selfish needs or tried to be the hero in destroying the Aurum Brain only for it to backfire. Also, did he die at the end of chapter 17 given he doesn't show up after he chucks the Aurum Brain far away from the planet.
    • Maybe he retreated back to the heart of the sun and hibernated.
      • His Aurum Pyrrhon idol states that he wanted to control the Aurum for himself, but ended up being overwhelmed. As for whether he dies or not, this troper thinks that he probably lived and is currently somewhere in space. According to Viridi, she says "He finally does something useful", which probably means he's still alive.
  • Given Palutena's obsession with the natural order, what happens after the ruler of the Underworld is defeated, leaving a gaping power vacuum? There doesn't seem to be much balance there.
    • Hades jokes in the very last portion of the game, that he can bring himself to life but it would take some twenty five years. Chances are that there will be no more attacks on the humans unless Viridi continues to attack them leaving a peaceful era...but the problem is that dead souls won't be guided with no one in charge of the underworld at the moment...meaning that Palutena might have made things worse until Hades comes back...if he comes back at all and that's if he has a change of heart, which this troper doubts he won't, but maybe he won't abuse his power if he revives himself.
      • Didn't Palutena say that Reapers take lost souls to the Underworld?
  • Was Dark Pit only helping Pit for his his own self-preservation, or did he have a change of heart? He is shown to have a conscience at times, but it can be a little vague whether he is genuinely fond of Pit or not. This troper personally thinks the latter, but isn't completely certain.
    • This troper is certain that he did have a Heel Face Turn because before chapter 21 like in chapter 9, he helps Pit despite of the fact there is no need for him to help him at this point of the game, and this is before he finds out that Pit needs to be alive so he can continue living. So this troper is certain of the latter than the former. Besides, outside of story mode like Light vs. Dark, the game implies that the two train together, so this troper is certain that he has grown attached to Pit if only a little.
  • Does the Phoenix know that the Wish Seed is actually a fake? The Phoenix guards the thing like it's real, but it's all just a ruse set by Hades! Did Hades actually make the Wish Seed? Did he also make the Phoenix?
    • This troper thinks The Phoenix doesn't care if the Wish Seed is fake or not. It was already pissed off that people were coming into it's territory and disturbing it. What this troper does know is that Dyntos created the Phoenix but why he created the Phoenix when the Wish Seed doesn't exist is unknown.
    • Or it could be that the "wish seed" at the Phoenix's nesting place was really the Phoenix's egg, which just happened to look like a seed.
    • You can destroy it, and if you do, Hades will complain that you "broke his toy", and Palutena will say that it was only a bomb.
  • So what was the deal with Hades' Heart? Even if it was destroyed, Hades still lives, so what was the point of having one in the first place?
    • This troper personally thought that the heart was symbolic. Check the WMG section on what this troper thought about the heart and it being out of place. Given it's cute appearance seems weird...
      • Also, the idol's description indeed says it doesn't even pump blood.
  • At the beginning of the Dual Boss fight in the lategame, Pit starts asking Magnus questions about his past motivations and what he's been doing lately, only to be rebuffed. Even if he's awesome, shouldn't Pit have a more relevant target? He last saw Gaol immediately after he defeated and revealed her in chapter 2, more than three years have passed since then, and Magnus is teamed up with her. Wouldn't that be the more worthwhile story to hear?
    • That would have turned the game into a major Kudzu Plot then.
  • Why didn't Arlon that the Lunar sanctuary was a prison for the Chaos Kin anyways?'
    • This is actually referenced in chapter 19. Viridi says that Arlon had a sense of pride that prevented him from just telling Pit and Palutena about the Chaos Kin instead of beating around the bushes and making it seem like he was helping Viridi make another Reset Bomb.
  • Who put Pit into the ring? Was it Palutena before or after she was possessed by the Chaos Kin? The idol says it was the Chaos Kin that put Pit in the ring but one of the WMG and Viridi suggested that Palutena turned Pit into a ring before she was possessed by the Chaos Kin to protect him. This troper meant to say was, who is responsible? I mean, the Chaos Kin would have no reason to put Pit in the ring after all given that it could have just possessed Palutena and then used her to kill Pit given he would let his guard down around her. And given that Pit and Pittoo are the ones that ruined its plans and the series implying that the Chaos Kin was smart, this troper finds it hard to believe it was the Chaos Kin that did it.
    • According to the Pit's Body idol description, the Chaos Kin did indeed turn him into a ring, after the Aurum incident.
      • Then why didn't the Chaos Kin just kill him?! It would have plunged the whole world into chaos if he did that.
        • Then the game would end on a terrible Downer Ending. Seriously, why do you guys want a Downer Ending so bad? Besides, the Kin didn't expect a little girl to pick the ring up...
          • Logically speaking, the Chaos Kin plays dirty. In other words, that would have been the smartest thing to do. It's not about wanting a Downer Ending, it's the fact that a villain like the Chaos Kin gets rid of anyone that stands in his way and the ring makes it seem like the Chaos Kin didn't think things through.
            • The Chaos Kin's dead, deal with it.
  • According to the Petrified Palutena idol, Palutena turned herself into stone so the Chaos Kin could only take her soul into the Chaos Vortex. Except that's exactly what it wants. Wouldn't giving the Chaos Kin her soul just make things easier for it?
    • It's probably bad translation, I think that taking her soul is what turned her to stone. Also, notice how she turns to stone AFTER it takes her soul.
      • Also, it seems that the "she turned her to stone" part...I think the "she" part was supposed to be "it" instead. Remember, this is a game made by the Smash Bros. team, which had pretty bad trophy descriptions...
      • She could have been trying to stop it from possessing her again.
        • Or stop the Chaos Kin from taking her, period.
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