Kid Icarus: Uprising/Funny

Kid Icarus: Uprising

  • From the tutorial video, Pit and Palutena trying to play Brawl at 5:16.
    • Unfortunately, this was cut from the English release, instead with Palutena confusing Super Smash Bros. for "Super Bash Sisters", insisting it's the right title.
  • In one trailer, Pit finds an indoor hot spring. In the Japanese trailer, Palutena then says it's okay if Pit takes his clothes off, she won't look. Made even funnier when Pit doesn't believe her. Sadly, the English version just has Palutena question why he goes in the bath with his clothes on and Pit admits that it helps save on laundry.
    • Made up for in the second chapter of the game when Magnus asks Pit the same question. Pit gives an explanation about how angels should always be ready for action...
  • The game's tutorial video starts out with Pit wondering...on the meaning of the title? Who's this Icarus guy, anyway? Palutena tells him not to worry about it, but he's not quite convinced...
  • Sometimes Palutena will talk about how the monster situation is getting worse through overly complex words, much to Pit's confusion. She eventually puts it in a way that Pit can understand:

Pit: Aaaah, that makes perfect sense. Thank you.

  • In Chapter 2:
    • Pit's Oh Crap face when Palutena asks "Do you remember how long the Power of Flight lasts?"
    • This awesome conversation:

Palutena: I'm sensing treasure somewhere to your left.
Pit: How do you know that?
Palutena: From the heavens, I can see through your laurel crown to divine your surroundings!
Pit: Really? That's amazing!
Palutena: And that's not all I can see, Pit. I can also see what's in your heart.
Pit: Oh... (nervous) Heh heh... That's really... something.
Palutena: So you'd better not be thinking about anything... NAUGHTY.


Palutena: Just kidding! Seriously, reading hearts through laurel crowns?

Pit: I know... I was... also kidding.

Palutena: (teasingly) Sure you were.

    • While on your way to Dark Lord Gaol's room, Palutena compliments Magnus for being a very strong human. Since Magnus can't exactly hear the duo talk to each other, he tells Pit to tell her that she's been sleeping on the job and that she's letting his world go to hell. Then we get this gem:

Palutena: (completely deadpan) I take it back. This guy's a jerk.

  • The Three-Headed Hewdraw might look like a really dangerous monster. But once you meet them very early into the game...the three heads like to talk too much that you don't even get to process a sentence each one of them is shouting out.
    • Also, when Pit flies down to confront the two severed heads and it shows them attacking a town. Sure, it's treated seriously (except for the little comment about how they moved so fast), they're destroying the town, but the two heads happily bouncing in and out of sight in the town just looks so ridiculous.
  • From Chapter 5;

Pit: Why is there a race track in Pandora's lair anyway?
Pandora: I wanted to get my driver's license. So I whipped up a little parking lot to practice in. But then it hit me. HOW am I supposed to steer without HANDS?!
Pit: Well, how did you build a race track without hands?
Pandora: Hard work and determination.

    • "This isn't the Ask Auntie Pandora Hour!"
    • Pretty much anything that comes out of Pandora's mouth that chapter.
  • In Chapter 7:
    • At one point during Thanatos's boss fight, he transforms into a Matryoshka Object. By the time you open all of them up, he's only about the size of Pit's foot, and continues to jump around like the other dolls.
  • At the end of Chapter 8, when you encounter the Space Pirate Captain, Pit can't understand what it's saying. Then, a giant Space Kraken appears and eats it.
  • "Floor ice cream gives you health!"
  • When you encounter Hades:

Pit: Hades!
Hades: Pit!
Pit: Hades!!
Hades: Pit!!
Pit: HADES!!!
Hades: PIT!!!

    • The best thing about the above entry is that it happens twice.
  • At any time during the game, if you linger in an area for a little more, Palutena or Viridi if you're working with her will comment on the weapon Pit is using. One of the examplea has Palutena revealing that Palms use Pit's life force, which just shocks him.
  • Pit wondering if all gods have angels. Viridi teasingly remarks that she'd like to have one since Pit is Palutena's servant. Pit angrily states he is not just a servant and asks Palutena for the truth. We get this:

Palutena: ...
Palutena: I could use some coffee.
Pit: *Happy* Sure. Cream and two sugars, right?

  • Phosphora flirts with Pit. The following exchange is priceless.
  • Pit and Dark Pit coming up with a motto on the spot in chapter 21 to the point that Viridi compliments that they should be twins at this point.
  • Pit suddenly singing in the very intro of Chapter 13.

Pit: Again today I will go soaring through the sky!
My enemies I'll dish 'em up in a stir-fry!
Gracious goddess of light watches from up above
At dinnertime I always show the cook some love!

    • What's more hilarious is that his singing music is part of the whole chapter's music track.
  • Turning random people into Eggplants in online matches can be absolutely hilarious.
  • Many scenes with Viridi. It's as if Laharl became a goddess!
    • The entire game as a whole feels like it asked Disgaea writers for tips.
  • Pit's pure joy whenever you find a hot spring.

Magnus: Somebody sure enjoys his spa time.
Pit: Who has two thumbs and loves hot springs? Everybody with two thumbs!
Pit:: Hey, a hot spring! (platform rises) ...Wait, where you going?
Palutena: Don't worry, there's stairs to your right.

    • The last point is especially aggravating since going straight into the hot spring prevents players from getting a power across the hot spring unless you take the stairs and...fall back down to the hot spring for some reason.
  • Pit's descent to insanity when he's alone without Palutena inside Hades' insides.
    • What's more, if you pay attention to the touch screen, you'll see Pit actually switches sides whenever he impersonates someone.
  • During the final battle, Medusa punches Hades' head off. That's a bit startling, but what makes it funny is that, instead of using one of the usual little pictures for Hades' reaction, you'll see they actually created a headless picture of him like that to use on the bottom, just for that one moment.
  • Letting the game stay at the "The End" screen after the end credits for a while brings in Hades to break what remains of the Fourth Wall.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Thanatos Rising

  • Thanatos's constant referral to the Trojan horse siege engines as "ponies".
  • In part 2, it turns out that Palutena controls Pit's flight path by balancing on one foot.
    • And she uses her scepter like a Wiimote.
  • Also in part 2, Palutena tells Pit where Thanatos is going to strike. Pit asks how she figured this out.
    • She then admits that she was just messing with Pit with that answer. But not because Thanatos doesn't have a blog (that we know of), but because she's too busy to read every blog.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Palutena's Revolting Dinner

  • All of it, but especially Palutena fleeing from the rolling pillar behind her.
  • This exchange:

Pit: Veggies again, Lady Palutena?
Palutena: Oh, Pit. Keep eating hamburgers and you'll turn into one!
Pit: W-what?! You're not serious, are you?

    • "Uh, how about doughnuts or cake, Lady Palutena?"
  • Palutena whimsically going on about preparing carrots even as they're making an escape:

Palutena: ...but you're still on the menu so slicey-dicey and into a nice hot oil bath!

  • When the oven explodes, Palutena gets a perm.
  • Before Palutena uses the Wolf Claws to cut the vegetables, one of the still-rebellious squash chomps on her hand from behind. Cue Silence Is Golden as she turns her back to see three of them.
    • Then the claws end up exploding the palace...with her head inside a squash. Makes you wonder what Pit thought happened.
  • This little line Palutena gives at the end of Part 2:

Palutena: Pit...we are going out for dinner.

  1. "New Myth of Light: The Mirror of Palutena"; the exact same title (other than the "New") as the original Japanese Famicom Disk System game.
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