Kid Icarus: Uprising/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • In Palutena's Revolting Dinner, it seems silly that Pit would actually believe that eating hamburgers would turn him into one, until you remember the Eggplant Wizard and the Tempura Wizard.
    • Only if there was a Hamburger Wizard...
  • In the levels, Palutena can create grind rails for Pit to hop on and grind his way through obstacles he can't pass normally. One wonders why Viridi can't do the same thing. She can, but in Chapter 14, Phosphora mentions that the Forces of Nature don't have the budget. The truth is that, more than likely, Viridi has actually never made grind rails before...which probably explains why the rails randomly cut off during the moments when she's helping Pit.
  • At the final boss against Hades, before he could unleash his final attack, Medusa pops out of nowhere and delivers a sucker punch right to his chin. This appears as a lackluster copout just to reuse Medusa again, that is, until you remember something. Who exactly revived Medusa to begin with? After all, she outright says she wants to die, to the point where she's willing to help Pit catch his breath and ready the final attack, just so Hades will stop reviving her over and over. Kind of cliché? Yes. But it works.
  • During Chapter 9, while Pit is running through Medusa's recreation of Chapter 3, Pit questions if these locations are real, and Medusa responds by saying that they're "as real as she is". Then you find out that she's a fake...
  • It's no secret that practically everyone in Kid Icarus Uprising breaks the fourth wall every once in a while. Except not. Look back on the dialogue, and you'll notice that Magnus never breaks the fourth wall once in any of his segments. That means the only people that break the fourth wall are the gods or anyone associated closely with the gods. It makes sense if you think about it. Gods are, in theory, omniscient, so they would know they're part of another medium if that was the case.
  • The names of the Zodiac items seem random at first, but a lot of them make a lot of sense if you think about it. Like the Gemini Orbitars - Gemini is The Twins, of course they'll have two weapons. Also, the Sagittarius Bow - Sagittarius is The Archer. Cancer is The Crab, so the Cancer Claws are giant crab claws. The Leo Cannon deals fire damage; the relevant Zodiac sign is associated with the Sun. Similarly, the Scorpio Staff deals poison damage, appropriate for a scorpion. The Libra Sponge ability increases your own attack power when you take damage, "balancing the scales" so to speak, and Aries Armor prevents knockback and status effects, allowing you to charge into battle (both ram-like, and showing the impulsiveness associated with Aries).
    • Not to mention: Where do you find the Gemini Orbitars? Chapter Six. The level where Pit fights his Evil Twin.
  • In Chapter 16, in the spinning floor room with the Aether Ring, Pit says "Floor ice cream gives you health!" You'd think he meant "Floor ice cream is good for your health"...until you realize that eating food off the floor literally does "give you health"!
  • The Hot Spring in Arlon's Lunar Sanctum is shaped like a crescent moon.
  • When you think about it, there's a pretty ironic joke in casting Troy Baker as both Arlon and Pyrrhon. Although it isn't explicitly stated, Arlon's location and powers suggest that he may be the God of the Moon, complementing Pyrrhon's role as God of the Sun. Additionally, the two characters are complete opposites: Arlon never loses his composure, while Pyrrhon is always hamming it up.
  • In Chapter 15, when the Aurum first appear, Pyrrhon quotes the Book of Divine Prophecy, and Viridi notes complete unfamiliarity with that chapter. Phosphora notes in a throwaway line near the end of the flight segment of chapter 14 that Viridi is an expert diviner, so a prophecy that she isn't familiar with may not be so trustworty. Sure enough, it turns out that Pyrrhon was trying to gain the power of the Aurum for himself.
  • In Chapter 7, Palutena asks Thanatos why he doesn't outrank Medusa since he's the God of Death, and he tries to dodge the question. Thanatos is later revived by Hades, who mentions that Thanatos gets special treatment as the God of Death. Thanatos was working for Hades all along, and actually does outrank Medusa. He dodged the question to keep it a secret.

Fridge Horror

  • So what would have happened if Magnus didn't pick up the ring that Pit was trapped in?
    • A better horror is the concept of being stuck in a ring. You can't move at all. You can't communicate with the outside world. You can scream and shout for help but no one is going to hear you. Your life depends on if someone will pick up the ring and wear it around their finger. Now what would have happened if the ring got destroyed? The concept of Pit dying as a ring becomes something else entirely.
      • As an angel he can still be revived after death, and if he is it doesn't have to be as a ring, does it?
        • The problem with this statement is Pit confirms that Palutena is the one that revives him whenever he's finished in battle. However, the Chaos Kin is controlling Palutena. That means that Chaos Kin would give Pit a permanent death. If the ring was destroyed during that time period, that would imply that Pit would stay dead.
    • Something else could be considered. The fact that Pit and Dark Pit are connected to each other means that whatever state Pit is in, Dark Pit does feel it. Dark Pit didn't explain in detail what happened to him during the time Pit was in the ring, but given that Pit was in an And I Must Scream situation, Dark Pit might have been going through the same thing or something else entirely.
      • Dark Pit stated he was unconscious, or didn't exist. It's likely that whatever he experienced was similar to being asleep, like Pit was for those three years.
        • Except, if he was asleep, then he wouldn't be aware of the state he was in. Pit wasn't aware that he was in the ring for three years while Pittoo implies that he was conscious the entire time, but wasn't himself. It was so bad that Pittoo realized that he couldn't live without Pit.
  • More of Fridge Tearjerker combined with Funny Aneurysm Moment. The tearjerker is, throughout the entire game, Pit has been complaining about wanting to fly longer than five minutes and isn't happy how he has to rely on someone else to give him the power of flight. The fact everyone mocks him for not being able to fly doesn't help. Then comes chapter 21, where Pit flies longer than the given time in order to save Dark Pit from Chaos Kin. Palutena even pictures Pit talking about wanting to fly...yet his wings are burned up as a result of the heroic deed. What makes this Fridge though is the fact that Viridi warned Pit not to save Dark Pit because his wings would burn up. Pit doesn't listen to her and goes through with his rescue attempt at the cost of burning his wings. The game put an actual reference to Icarus by throwing Pit in this situation.
  • A bit of Nausea Fuel/Fridge Horror: Most of the food you get in the Womb Level is meat. It's established that Palutena can't reach you, so she's not the one sending you food. So where is the "meat" coming from, and what exactly are you eating?
    • The Forces of Nature, which have a lot of plant-based troops, drop an awful lot of fruits and vegetables...
  • Another one concerning the ring of chaos. So while Pit was stuck in the ring, that meant his body was a lifeless zombie. Magnus said that Pit and Palutena became the enemy of humanity. All we see before the boss fight is Pit's body attacking something before flying off. If Pit's body was like that for three years and Magnus implied that Pit is literally Palutena's puppet, then how many people has Pit's body killed? How much blood was stained on the innocent angel's body for the past three years to the point that Magnus and Gaol were forced to hunt Pit down and kill him?
  • At the end of the Aurum Saga, Aurum Pyrrhon's raging power upon defeat launches the Aurum mothership back into space. All's well ends well, right? Except the Aurum still exist, still more powerful than ever thanks to Pyrrhon's assimilation. Wherever the Aurum may end up, they'll just go back to tearing worlds apart to make themselves grow. The Aurum weren't defeated. They were merely fended off. By the time they're back at Pit's world, they may have grown and developed so much that not even the Gods and Goddesses can stop them, ensuring the end of the world...
    • But that's only if they managed to contain Pyrrhon's power. This troper is certain as long as no one inserts themselves into the Aurum brain that they'll go back to their original state before Pyrrhon foolishly merged himself with them.
  • After defeating Dark Lord Gaol, if you look carefully, you may notice that her neck and shoulders are uncovered. Her idol states that she was forced to wear her cursed armor. Unless Gaol is wearing a shirt that doesn't cover the neck and shoulders, she may have been nude when she was forced into that armor.
  • That girl from chapter 18 looks an awful lot like the one Hades claimed to have orphaned.
    • Speaking of that girl, she was in the middle of a war between humans and angels...OHH GOD! O.O
      • Better yet, where did the girl go after Pit possesses the dog? Was she already a ghost when Pit possessed her?
  • So did everyone laugh when Pit went through his Sanity Slippage in chapter 23? It's not funny when you realize what happened in the previous chapter. Pit went through a major Break the Cutie phase from chapter 18-21 which included waking up to a destroyed world where Palutena turned her back on humanity, Pit's soulless body killing millions of people and all he has believed in is shattered before him. Viridi and Hades are not helping with their constant insults in chapter 19 and 20 when the topic concerns Palutena. Pit gets quieter in chapter 19 as a result of Palutena for not supporting him like during the Aurun arc and by chapter 20, he snaps at the possessed Palutena. By chapter 21, not catching the Chaos Kin makes his spirit break completely and at the end of the chapter, he sacrifices his wings to save Pittoo. Now given all that trauma, is it appropriate to make fun of Pit in that chapter now?
  • In chapter 18 Pit and Magnus have a discussion about how the centurions are so weak, and when Pit blames it on their ability to be revived over and over Mangus points out that Palutena revives Pit as well. Either they're assuming you died at least once in chapter two or Magnus killed Pit's body at least once during the time skip.
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