< Kämpfer


Blue Kämpfers

Natsuru Senou

Gender: Male (sometimes Female)
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Weapon Type: Zauber (Fire Magic)
Messenger: Harakiri Tiger
Voice Actor: Marina Inoue

Natsuru was an Ordinary High School Student. Then one night, he was chosen to be a Kämpfer. He found himself to be a girl with a mysterious blue bracelet that can change him into his Kämpfer form. He is chosen as blue side kämpfer by Moderator.

The bracelet changes him into a striking high school girl (complete with gender appropriate school uniform) who uses a magic capable of using fire attacks.

Since his Kämpfer form is a pretty teenaged girl who's tall and has big breasts, who attracts attention from the male and female students of his highschool.

  • Accidental Pervert: Natsuru cops a feel while struggling to get Akane under control, does not get called out for it.
  • Action Girl
  • Attractive Bent Gender
  • Badass Adorable
  • Just a longcoat: He well, more like Harakiri Tora wears one in the Christmas Episode.
  • Bishounen: Both his identities are very easy on the eyes.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Brainwashed: In his male form.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In his female form.
  • Brainless Beauty: A rare protagonist example. It gets more exaggerated with each adaptation; by the anime, you begin to wonder how Natsuru remembers to breathe.
  • Chaste Hero
  • The Chew Toy
  • The Chick: Natsuru holds this role amongst the group for most of the series despite being male half the time. He doesn't even participate in the final battle!
  • Chick Magnet: The irony is that he attracts girls better as a girl. It's not all bad since some of characters know he's a guy despite the gender bending.
  • Crossdresser: Happens only once in the midst of all this genderbending, right when his identity is compromised in front of Mikoto near the end of episode 6. It also happens in the manga, but since he was wearing pants at the time there, it's a bit less obvious.
  • Cross Dressing Voice: Even when he gets married with his own self, has a kid all by his own self, and yet is still voiced by the same seiyuu.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Natsuru in the light novels and manga is pretty wish-washy, but gets much more competent during those those moments when s/he's trying to save someone's life. Natsuru in the anime, however, is just a moron.
    • Faux Action Guy: Only in the anime. Which unfortunately, anyone who just watches the anime will probably hate him being rescued every single time by other Kämpfers.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Well per se, his normal male form in episode 8. This is the only episode (so far) that features him as his own self instead of his Kampfer!Self. No Transformation Sequence, no nothing. Just plain ol' Natsuru.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: He's been one-sidely in love with Kaede Sakura since middle school.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Said quite unconvincingly after Sakura tells Female Natsuru how uninteresting his male self is to her.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Natsuru has major case of this. Even Akane can't resist Natsuru's female self.
  • Gender Bender
  • Gender Vocabulary Slip: Natsuru has to correct herself mid-sentence on serveral occasions, as she routinely forgets that girls are meant to use the gender-neutral/feminine pronoun watashi" when referring to themselves, not the masculine form "ore."
  • Girly Girl to Akane's Tomboy: When both are in Kampfer mode.
  • Harem Hero: Natsuru, even in his/her chick form, he/she still has his force of Kampfers supporting him/her.
  • Hot Amazon
  • How Do I Shot Web?: At first, Natsuru doesn't know how to control his zauber magic or transformations. Later in the light novels and manga, Natsuru does gain the ability to change at will. In fact, he learned to do that faster than Akane.
  • Huge Schoolgirl: Despite changing into a girl, Natsuru keeps much of his height.
  • Idiot Hero: I don't care how much in love with one girl he is it would not kill him to at least try to enjoy himself in the presence of another girl. Dammit!
  • Joshikousei: In his female form
  • Just Friends
  • Kawaiiko: Chaste when it comes to love, so endearingly innocent she gets embarrassed looking at her own naked form in the shower, and that squee of her's... absolutely adorable.
  • Les Yay: With the exception of 3/4ths of his harem who know his real gender, almost everyone loves him in his female form.
  • Love Makes You Dumb
  • Loves My Alter Ego: Oh hell yes!!! To the point that he's competing with his female form for Kaede's affections.
  • Magical Girl Warrior
  • Man, I Feel Like a Woman: Averted; she's so pure that she's gets frightened to death with embarrasment just looking at her new female parts, much less try to find out what they feel like or even go to the restroom with them.
  • Meido: He served tea to Shizuku and Kaede in his Kämpfer form.
  • Mind Control Eyes
  • Morality Chain: To Kampfer!Akane.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A rare bloke who also qualifies for this trope... and usually always against his will.
  • My Girl Is Not a Slut: Natsuru him/herself being the girl in question. No one buys it.
  • New Transfer Student: While Natsuru isn't really this, his Kämpfer side is introduced as this.
  • Nice Guy
  • Oblivious to Love: God damn. So much that Natsuru's stupidity/density is practically a meme.
  • Playing with Fire: Natsuru's Zauber ability lets him shoot fireballs.
  • Pinball Protagonist
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Natsuru is the blue oni to Akane's red oni. The twist is that Natsuru has blue hair and uses fire magic.
  • Sacred First Kiss: In the anime, his original male form gets his first kiss with Shizuku.
  • Shallow Love Interest: Natsuru has no motivation or goal of any sort beyond dating Kaede and he can't even explain why he likes the girl. Then again, recent developments could suggest that this behavior is a result of Kaede secretly influencing Natsuru.
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl
  • Single-Target Sexuality: The driving force behind the now patented Natsuru's Stupidity. Almost certainly justified by Kaede's mind control.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: Some people apparently forget that Natsuru is a guy since he's in his Kämpfer form most of the time. Heck, even some tropers refer to Natsuru as a "she". Can't really blame them since Kämpfer Natsuru is a genuine girl (physically AND emotionally) at that point.
  • Talking To Herself: For some weird reason in the Christmas Episode, both male and female forms of Natsuru are split apart and are like a married couple. Then again, it may not be Natsuru but just some other person. Heck, the supposedly Male Natsuru with a mustache STILL is voiced by Marina Inoue.
  • Took a Level In Dumbass: Very true in the anime, but subverted in the light novels and the manga.
  • Unlucky Everydude: Let's face it. The guy is REALLY unlucky even in his kämpfer form.
  • Unwanted Harem: Let's see, one Meganekko with an Ax Crazy alternate personality, one tease, one Genki Girl, and one Psycho Lesbian. Plus how many men and women out there that are too insignificant to mention. And still he insists that he's not popular with women...
    • To be fair, his female side is Even the Girls Want Her, whereas his male side only has one person that we know of attracted to it. Considering he doesn't like his female side much and would much rather be male 100% of the time, he's sort of justified when he says he's not popular with women.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki: He has this in his Kämpfer form.

Akane Mishima

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Weapon Type: Gewehr (Colt M1911)
Messenger: Seppuku Black Rabbit
Voice Actor: Horie Yui

Akane is a high school girl who goes to the same school as Natsuru. She is a member of the school library committee and is a shy girl who wears glasses and has trouble talking to boys. However, she has a nice figure and she acts very cute. She likes anime and books related to it.

She meets Natsuru when he was walking to school while threatening to shoot him. Since she is a blue type Kämpfer, she's Natsuru's ally. She's very anxious about Natsuru's love towards Kaede, but she's afraid of taking action.

When changing into her Kämpfer form she undergoes a personality change. Her Kämpfer personality is much more militant and prone to acts of violence. Akane's hair and her eyes take on a red color.

Red Kämpfers

Shizuku Sangou

Gender: Female
Year: 3rd
Class: 4
Weapon Type: Schwert (chained daggers)
Messenger: Electrocuted Wildcat
Voice Actor: Kaori Nazuka

Shizuku is the student body chairman of the Seitetsu Academy. This entitles her to go to the boys' side of the school as she pleases. She is an honor roll student and enjoys the popular support of the students and the teachers. As one of "Seitetsu Academy's beauties", Shizuku charms the male students of school.

When she changes into her Kämpfer form, the inside of her hair normally black turns white. Her weapons are two daggers connected by a chain. Otherwise she doesn't change.

Shizuku: I'm sure my feelings for you will be the same even if you transform.

Mikoto Kondou

Gender: Female
Year: 1st
Class: 3
Weapon Type: Schwert (katana)
Messenger: Asphyxiated Stray Dog
Voice Actor: Kana Asumi

Natsuru's childhood friend, she's one year younger than him. Mikoto only recently reunited with him due to her father being an archaeologist who lives abroad. She's outgoing and innocent. She has the personality of an adventurer, always displaying physical abilities that no one can match. She doesn't have any problems with catching barehanded a snake or a spider, but, to see a man nude, is her biggest weakness and too hard for her to confront.

She appears to have feelings for Natsuru and is more than a bit bothered by the presence of a girl with the same name as his (who in reality is Natsuru in his Kämpfer form). When she was attending the Miss Seitetsu contest of the school festival, she caught a bouquet that Kaede tossed and Messenger was hidden in it. Due to that, she became a Schwert-type Red Kämpfer armed with a Japanese sword. Since she's a red Kämpfer, Natsuru does his best to stay way from her to avoid revealing the fact that male Natsuru and Blue Kampfer Natsuru are one and the same. The question is: How long can he keep up the charade? Answer in the anime: his identity is compromised right away.

Midori Kuzuhara

Gender: Female
Year: unknown
Class: unknown
Weapon Type: Gewehr (Dual Revolvers)
Messenger: unknown

A Gewehr-type Red Kämpfer. Midori is a part of the student council and Shizuku's partner. Midori doesn't like Natsuru for hogging all of Kaede's attention. She was ordered to watch over Shizuku, to keep her from finding out more about the moderators. Shizuku, in turn exploited Natsuru and Akane to have her sidelined because Kämpfers of the same color can't fight each other.

White Kämpfers

Rika Ueda

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 5
Weapon Type: Schwert (kusarigama)
Messenger: unknown
Voice Actor: Kana Ueda

A Schwert user. Her Schwert is a kusarigama.

A younger sister of Makie Ueda of the Seitetsu Gakuin Class 5 of the first grade. Therefore, Rika isn't a student of the Seitetsu academy. Rika got her Messenger animal doll from her older sister accidentally who in turn got the doll from "Evil" Kaede. Her weapon is a sickle and chain.

Sayaka Nakao

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 1
Weapon Type: Schwert (Sabre)
Messenger: Exploding Penguin
Voice Actor: Eri Nakao

Schwert user. Her Schwert is a sabre.

Seitetsu Class 1 of the second grade. Her weapon is a saber. She's a book committee member, but is only eager to do her job after she transforms. She seems as your today's gal-like girl, but she becomes considerably polite when she transforms. (She's type which personality completely changes like Akane.

Ryouka Yamakawa

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 5
Weapon Type: Gewehr (Ingram MAC-10)
Messenger: unknown
Voice Actor: Kotomi Yamakawa

Gewehr user. Her Gewehr is an Ingram MAC-10 machine pistol.

Seitetsu Class 5 of the second grade. She has before transformation a typical young idol face who is suitable for her age, but her appearance is that of a grown-up after she transforms. Ryouka appears for the first time in the municipal library on the second floor.

Hitomi Minagawa

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 5
Weapon Type: Zauber (light magic?)
Messenger: unknown
Voice Actor: Junko Minagawa

A Zauber user. She can shoot light bullets.

A Seitetsu third grader. She bolts of light thanks to magic (she's a zauber type) which can be used perfectly for both offense and defense. She's the ace of the track and field club. Her hair becomes green when she transforms. She battles against Natsuru in an Italian shop of her father. Currently she's the leader of the white side.

Other characters

Kaede Sakura

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 1st
Voice Actor: Megumi Nakajima

Shizuku's childhood friend and one of the Three Beauties of Seitetsu, she has many admirers, Natsuru being one of them. She loves the entrails animal series' Zumotsu Animal and has a large collection of stuffed Zumotsu Animal dolls and likes to present them to her friends; those who receive the dolls, however, tend to end up becoming Kämpfers. She began to develop a crush on Kämpfer Natsuru after being saved from Kämpfer Akane at the beginning of the series. Later, it turns out there's more to her than meets the eye.

Mikihito Higashida

Gender: Male
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Voice Actor: Yoshihisa Kawahara

Natsuru's classmate who is the president of the bishoujo research club. Talks with Natsuru most of the time during break time but only when he has nothing to do.

Masumi Nishino

Gender: Female
Year: 1st
Class: 3
Voice Actor: Shiori Mikami

Masumi is a year younger than Akane. She is also Akane's best friend. A member of the school's News Club, she is always after the scoops and has a habit of exaggerating her findings.

"Committee Chairperson"

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Voice Actor: Yuuki Kobayashi

Nickname given to this classmate by Natsuru. Natsuru just assumes that she's the chairperson but it's really unclear if she's really the chairperson. She leads a trio of girls that makes makes female Natsuru's school life miserable. She generally comes with ways to exploit Natsuru to make money and amusement out of his female side.

"Assistant Committee Chairperson"

Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Voice Actor: Yūko Gotō

Nickname given to this classmate by Natsuru. Natsuru just assumes that she's the assistant chairperson like the chairperson but it's really unclear if she's really the assistant chairperson. She's part of a trio of girls that annoy Natsuru. She's a little too attracted to Natsuru's female form.


Gender: Female
Year: 2nd
Class: 4
Voice Actor: Kazusa Aranami

The "Treasurer" dubbed by Natsuru, carries around a calculator and often tries to sell Natsuru something. Like the "Committee Chairperson" and "Assistant Committee Chairperson", it's really unclear whether she's serving as an accountant.

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