< Kämpfer
- Anticlimax Boss: For as much as they're made a big deal of the White Kampfer tend to go down pretty easily.
- Cargo Ship: Natsuru and Bust in Fur die Liebe
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The last eight minutes of episode 11, there was nothing in those last eight minutes that wasn't hilariously over the top.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Tatakau Riyuu falls into this category out of all the songs.
- Special mention goes to Himitsu no Hanazono!? better known as Kupicu ti dance when you are from the Balkans.
- Fan-Preferred Couple: So far, a lot of people want to pair Natsuru and Shizuku. Even though Natsuru is Shizuku's Chew Toy.
- Fetish Fuel: Episode 5. Kampfer!Natsuru and Akane get cosplayed by their classmates. Let's see, some school swimsuits, Bunny Girl, Hello, Nurse!, bloomers, cowgirls, Naked Apron, and Catgirl in order.
- Freud Was Right: Episode 4. That is all.
- Kick the Dog: Kaede brainwashing Mikoto in episode 13.
- Les Yay: Oh, yes. The ending theme and opening theme crank this Up to Eleven.
- Same with the Karaoke Box scene in Episode 4. All three girls sing what could be construed as lesbian love songs...
- Shizuku's and Akane's could be construed as lesbian love songs. Kaede's WAS a lesbian love song.
- All in all, Natsuru's school seems to have a problem with rampant lesbianism.
- Same with the Karaoke Box scene in Episode 4. All three girls sing what could be construed as lesbian love songs...
- Memetic Mutation: Natsuru, densest material known to man.
- Moral Event Horizon: The Moderators as a whole cross this with the revelation that defeated Kampfers are turned into Unpersons, meaning Kaede had already crossed the MEH just by her affiliation with the Moderators even before said affiliation was revealed at the end of episode 10.
- Ship-to-Ship Combat: Natsuru has a harem. This is obviously the result.
- Snark Bait: Natsuru's stupidity made this series as painful as getting teeth pulled without anesthesia. Even so, that didn't stop many of us from watching it each and every week, did it?
- Also, the fact that the entire plot is one big Clingy Jealous Girl fight (with the occasional Manipulative Bastard Shizuku moment) got about as predictable as the morning sun. Hell, even the minor characters are only interested in getting Natsuru naked.
- Squick: the talking plushies with their "guts" hanging out. Also, the fact Kaede has a room full of them. A girl obsessed with toy animals with their guts hanging out. There is absolutely nothing unusual about that. Nope, nothing at all.
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