< Johnny Test

Johnny Test/Characters

This is a character sheet for Johnny Test.


The show's protagonist and youngest member of the Test family. Johnny creates many of the show's plots through his willingness to abuse his sister's inventions or cut some corner in life. His best friend is Dukey, his (talking) dog. Ocassionally Johnny fights crime using superpowers gained from his sisters under the name Johnny X.

  • Aesop Amnesia
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: And apparently, he's holding back. He once got his sisters to agree to do something by threatening to somehow be 100 times more annoying...it worked!
  • Balloon Belly
  • Blackmail: A lot. Almost Once an Episode.
  • Blah Blah Blah: What Johnny always say whenever Susan and Mary try to tell him how their invention works or warn him about overusing it.
  • Book Dumb
  • Brilliant but Lazy: He only SEEMS stupid, he's just too dang lazy to apply it to school or much else. However, if its something that has to be done or he really wants to do, he can come up with plans even his sisters find downright amazing.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': If Johnny uses some advantage for personal benefit, it will almost certainly backfire on him by the end of the episode.
  • Catch Phrase:

"Whoa, Didn't See That Coming!"
"Say, wha-?"
"Now where have I seen this before?"


Johnny's talking dog who was genetically enhanced by Susan and Mary some time before the series. Dukey's main job is to act as Johnny's voice of reason even if he's prone to being ignored. That said, he's more than capable of doing the wrong thing himself if properly motivated (such as with steaks). On more than one occasion he acts as a crimefighter alongside Johnny under the monikers Super Pooch, X Pooch or Super Dukey, though after the earliest incidents he expresses a dislike for doing so.

  • Adorkable
  • Ambiguously Gay: He has some effeminate mannerisms...
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Balloon Belly
  • Berserk Button: Harming, trying to kill and/or being responsible for Johnny's mortality in front of Dukey.
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Brought to You by The Letter "S": On his Super Pooch costume, although the letter is D which appears nowhere in his Super Pooch name.
    • The letter in this case is a holdover from when his alter ego was called "Super Dukey". The writers have since flip-flopped on exactly what his superhero handle is between "Super Dukey", "Super Pooch" and "X Pooch".
  • Butt Monkey
  • Camp Straight
  • Catch Phrase: "I'm a kid with a rare hair disorder".
  • Cowardly Lion
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • The Drag Along
  • Funny Animal
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Borderline Beleaguered Assistant
  • Intellectual Animal
  • Large Ham
  • Martial Pacifist: Susan and Mary included the DNA of Kung Fu masters in his genetic code, making him a skilled martial artist...however, he doesn't like using it and more often would just prefer to stay at home and goof off than fight supervillains. He also refuses to teach it to Johnny since he knows Johnny doesn't have enough self control not to use it.
  • Master of Paper-Thin Disguise: Works due to most people in their world being stupid. He normally just says he's a 'kid with a rare hair disorder' and they believe him. He sometimes wears a t-shirt that says Not A Dog.
  • Morality Pet: Played with in the fact that although he tried to convince Johnny something is wrong (or right) to do, he often fails at changing Johnny's mind unless it has to do with his family. Also tries to convince the Sisters that treating Johnny like a guinea pig is wrong. Fails in that as well.
  • Only Sane Man
  • The Other Darrin: In Season Five, Louis Chirillo has been replaced with Trevor Devall. And it is EXTREMELY noticeable, with the entire voice pitch changed and Trevor struggling to keep the same inflections with obvious throat pain (going by the rough, scratchy noises).
    • And for all his effort he just ends up sounding like Hugh Test. So much so that This Troper thought they had just given the voice duties to Ian Corlett.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Johnny's Manly Man.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Dukey would do anything for a steak.
    • Also enjoys coffee.

Susan and Mary Test

Johnny's older twin sisters who attend the Mega Institute of Technology. Both are geniuses capable of devising whatever machine the plot demands and most episodes relate at least partially to one of their experiments. Both Susan and Mary have a crush on local boy Gil that can work against them. Susan is also the object of affection of resident villain Bling-Bling Boy. Both sisters look identical except for their fashion choices (Susan wears squared glasses, a skirt and knee socks and has straight hair; Mary has curved lenses, wears jeans and has curled hair).

Mary: Man I am a lousy shot.


A pleasant local boy who's friends with Johnny. He's the romantic target of both Susan and Mary, though he can never seem to remember their names.

Eugene "Bling-Bling Boy" Hamilton

Hugh Test

Lila Test

Sissy Blakely

  • Action Girl
  • Distaff Counterpart: Her design and attitude is essentially a female Johnny, though she's presented as more mature.
  • Tsundere
  • Ship Tease: With Johnny, with it repeatedly made clear the two do have feelings for each other.

Bumper Randalls

Janet Nelson Jr.

Mr. Black and Mr. White

Brain Freezer

Doc Beebles

Dark Vegan


  • Child-Hater: See below.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's the head of a toy company named after him, but devotes all his time to finding ways to get rid of kids.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Averted, sorta. His board of directors asked him if they'd go out of business if his plan succeeded. Turns out he'd already thought of that and programmed his robots to offer to 'babysit' the kids for free to keep their parents happy. Still, he's a brilliant enough man that his smarts could be better spent elsewhere.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: His company is still afloat despite him being obviously psychotic and his company producing extremely dangerous toys with the intent to maim or 'get rid of' kids. Handwaved in that his legal team is apparently extremely good.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He built an army of extremely powerful robots to imprison kids in their own houses just for annoying him.
  • Genre Blind
  • Legion of Doom: He's the leader and founder of the 'Johnny Stopping Evil Force Five'.
  • Would Hurt a Child: His entire character is this.


Mr. Mittens

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