< Johnny Test

Johnny Test/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: About the show itself. Are the So Bad It's Good aspects intentional or not?
  • Americans Hate Tingle: This show has quite the vocal Hatedom in the United States, especially since Canadian cartoons in general tend to do poorly in the USA anyway. The fact that it is Adored by the Network(despite getting terrible ratings) has been major fuel for it.
  • Anvilicious - Not often, but when there is a moral, it is dropped HARD! The worst offender is Johnny Applesauce. Kids don't watch an action show to get a last-second moral like "Petitioning is better than violence". Lampshaded, averted and subverted in later seasons.
    • Except in X-Ray Johnny, where the "Books is knowledge, and knowledge is power" message is hammered in once a minute with no irony in sight. Johnny Applesauce pales in comparison.
  • Bile Fascination: Some people watch it because of how awful it is.
  • Cliché Storm: This show is criticized for rehashing a lot of stock cartoon plots, including its own.
  • Creator's Pet: Johnny himself. A rare case in which the main character is one.
  • Critical Research Failure: Let's just say there's a lot of this. Some of it can be excused by Rule of Funny or Rule of Cool, but WOW.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome - Dukey's Johnny Applesauce Song. That is all.
  • Designated Hero: It's nearly impossible to root for Johnny sometimes. This a problem a lot of viewers have with the show.
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: Johnny is the main character, but a lot of viewers find him annoying and unpleasant.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Dukey and Sissy. Even people who hate the show can't help but like Dukey and Sissy is popular with the fans and is seen in a lot of Johnny X Sissy fanfics.
    • Also, Mary and Susan. Many people consider them the genuine main characters.
  • Foe Yay: Bumper does this with Johnny a lot. Whether Johnny is crossdressing or not.
    • One recent example was in an episode where Johnny tries to change his personality in one of his sister's machines. When he's stuck a smooth-talking British personality, Bumper comments that this version of Johnny "makes his knees like jelly", and that he "has to go and think for a bit", likely about his own sexuality.
  • Fridge Horror - Has anyone stopped to think about the consequences of messing with Johnny's DNA? And then consider how many times his DNA has been altered.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight - Not * hindsight* in the strictest sense, but when using the "Superhero Effect" to win Susan's heart an example used is "Mary Jane loves Spiderman". That... doesn't work anymore.
  • Ho Yay - (Gil and Johnny) - Gil is noticeably always excited to see Johnny. Yet when he sees Johnny's sisters, he can't even remember their names.
    • And Mr. Black and Mr. White. Come on, don't tell me you haven't noticed!
    • Done as a joke with Bumper when Johnny's British personality causes him to start to get a crush on Johnny.
  • Idiot Plot: Quite a few.
  • Iron Woobie: Dukey is pretty much this. He still has his cheerful, lovable sense of humor despite being a Butt Monkey.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Susan can be a kind of a bitch, but MAN does she put up with a lot of shit.
  • Love It or Hate It: Has a rabid fanbase and lots of haters, with virtually nothing in-between.
  • Mary Sue - Played with because of Mary and Susan Test, who are flawed characters, but whose freaking names are Mary and an extension of Sue!
  • Most Annoying Sound: The "snap" that happens whenever someone lifts their arm.
  • Narm: LIVES AND BREATHES this trope. Can barely be considered Narm Charm.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The episode Johnny Test: Party Monster. And the ending... At least nothing happens to Dukey that episode.
    • Dr. Wacko...
  • Periphery Demographic - Three words: Dukey and furries.
  • Seasonal Rot: After season 2, it was generally accepted that the only way to enjoy the show was by irony. Season 1 was So Okay It's Average, but at least showed some potential.
    • The show improves slightly in Season 4, though not enough to undo the damage.
  • So Okay It's Average / So Bad It's Good: Debatable, some folks think its a okay series, others think it just repetitive. However considering its been running for six seasons and reach the hundreds in terms of episodes. It must be doing something right.
  • The Scrappy: Even genuine fans of the show tend to hate Johnny for being a bratty Designated Hero who gets away with a lot of shit, being a rather desperate Totally Radical Kid Appeal Character, and for having elements of Marty Stu.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Played with in the first episode with Mr. Mittens. His butler ask why his Doomsday Device needs a timer and instead of just setting it off now. The Genre Savvy Mittens explains it's to get him out of range so he can remain and continue to take care of him.
    • Occurs more frequently with Dukey asking the Brilliant but Lazy Johnny why he doesn't just do his assignments instead of trying anything but.
  • Squick: The fact that Johnny and Sissy look like they could be related.
  • Tear Jerker: Bath Time For Johnny. This episode makes you wanna give Dukey a big, warm hug and tell him everything is gonna be okay. Dukey cried for nearly the entire episode because he thought Johnny forgot his birthday.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: As of season 5, Dukey has a new voice actor (The same actor as Johnny's Dad). And a lot of fans are not happy about it. They also changed Mary's voice actress, too.
    • Season 2. But thats mostly due to some fans being put off by the shift in animation after Season One. Compared to Western Animation/Cyberchase which had did similar but only after four seasons, JT at least had the common sense to switch early.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks: The series is often derided as a blatant Dexter's Laboratory knock-off. It's not obviously just taking some inspirations from it.
    • It says something when the talking dog is the only character who isn't a direct Expy.
  • They Just Didn't Care - The same footage of the memory of Johnny being giant and shooting lasers out of his eyes was used twice.... for two different recollections.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: What people who don't care for the show tend to think of Dukey. Same for Mary and Susan. It's sad when even major characters end up as this.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: A common complaint about the show is that fans would like to see more of the supporting characters get A Day in The Spotlight and a little less Johnny (who is in all fairness kind of a grating character)
    • Some also believe the show would be much better if Susan and Mary were the leads. It would probably be even more of a Dexter's Laboratory knock-off, but at least an interesting one.
  • We're Still Relevant, Dammit!: Everything about this show reeks of desperation to appeal to kids.
  • What an Idiot! - uh, Johnny, Dukey, those guys wearing facehoods ain't there to serve the art museum.
    • Johnny's idea to replace toy cereal prizes with real, lethal laser guns for kids isn't such a good idea.
  • The Woobie - Dukey, who always seems to get frozen in a block of ice or turned to stone. Also, that one episode where Johnny "forgot" his birthday and he sobbed his heart out for nearly the ENTIRE episode.
    • Don't forget how people go out of their way in the show to point out how ugly he is.
      • He's not that ugly!
        • To be fair, if you were a human that looked like a dog, you probably wouldn't meet many people's standard of beauty (yes it's shallow but that's the way it is).
          • In a new episode, Mr.White told Dukey that he (Dukey) wasn't irrestistable.
  • Uncanny Valley: Speed McCool and Monkey. Though that's probably intentional.
    • The stiff, jilted animations and bizzare facial expressions (a lot of characters have blank eyes) are surprisingly unsettling.

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